Territorial administration of Gaspésie-îles-de-la-Madeleine-Wikipedia


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The supra-local level of the Territorial administration of the Gaspésie-îles-de-la-Madeleine brings together 5 regional county municipalities and an equivalent territory.

The local landing is made up of 44 local municipalities, 8 non -organized territories and 2 Indian reserves for a total 54 of municipalities.


MARK of the MRC and TE of the region
County regional municipalities (* equivalent terrir)
Name Chief town Population
2021 [ first ]
Superficie terrestre
km 2
(hab./km 2 )
Avignon Carleton-sur-Mer 13 415 3 487,51 3.85
Bonaventure New Carlisle 17 557 4 379.4 4.01
Islands-de-la-Madeleine * The Islands-de-la-Madeleine 12 475 187.33 66.59
The Côte-de-Gaspé Gaspé 17 547 4 130 4.25
Haute-Gaspésie Sainte-Anne-des-Monts 10 950 5 139.5 2.13
The Rocher-Percé Chandler 17 219 3 249.2 5.3
Region 89 342 20 572.94 4.34

Local municipalities [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Name Designation Surface
2021 [ first ]
MRC Code
Murdochville Would 63.8 643 The Côte-de-Gaspé 03025
Petite Municipality 40.8 157 The Côte-de-Gaspé 03015
Saint-Alphonse Municipality 112 711 Bonaventure 05065
Saint-Alexis-de-Matapédia Municipality 85.4 519 Avignon 06050
Pointe-à-Croix Municipality 416.9 1 344 Avignon 06030
Saint-André-de-Restigouche Municipality 143.9 154 Avignon 06040
Escuminac Municipality 107.5 575 Avignon 06025
New Municipality 234.6 1 782 Avignon 06020
Paspébiac Would 95.2 3 033 Bonaventure 05032
Gaspé Would 1 121 15 063 The Côte-de-Gaspé 03005
Saint-Godefroi Municipality of Canton 63.6 350 Bonaventure 0140015
New Carlisle Municipality 67.9 1 336 Bonaventure 05040
Cacapedia-Saint-Jules Municipality 161.4 764 Bonaventure 05077
Ristigouche-Sud-Est Municipality of Canton 53.3 170 Avignon 06035
Saint-Elzéar Municipality 206.5 464 Bonaventure 05050
Carleton-sur-Mer Would 244.3 4 081 Avignon 06013
Grande-Vallée Municipality 142.1 1 077 The Côte-de-Gaspé 03020
Hope Town Municipality 51.1 334 Bonaventure 05020
Matapedia Municipality 70.36 566 Avignon 06045
Saint-François-d’Assise Municipality 178.8 679 Avignon 06055
New Richmond Would 197.8 3 683 Bonaventure 05070
Caplan Municipality 85.1 1 966 Bonaventure 05060
Cloridorme Municipality of Canton 160.6 607 The Côte-de-Gaspé 03010
The Ascension-de-Patapédia Municipality 96.9 148 Avignon 06060
Engula Municipality 75.4 333 Bonaventure 010010
Maria Municipality 94.6 2 760 Avignon 06005
Saint-Siméon Parish municipality 56.3 1 207 Bonaventure 05055
Hope Municipality of Canton 70.5 584 Bonaventure 05025
Bonaventure Would 106.9 2 733 Bonaventure 05045
Large-island Municipality 96.6 464 Maritime Community of Islands-de-la-Madeleine 01042
Saint-Maxime-du-Mont-Louis Municipality 229.5 1 047 Haute-Gaspésie 0410
Chandler Would 435.5 7 490 The Rocher-Percé 02028
Port-Daniel-Gas Municipality 332 2 271 The Rocher-Percé 02047
Grande-Rivière Would 105 3 384 The Rocher-Percé 02015
Sainte-Anne-des-Monts Would 336.4 6 121 Haute-Gaspésie 04037
Rivière-à-Claude Municipality 156.17 141 Haute-Gaspésie 04020
Cap-cat Would 207.4 2 516 Haute-Gaspésie 04047
Sainte-Thérèse-de-Gaspé Municipality 34.6 979 The Rocher-Percé 02010
Perforated Would 550.3 3 095 The Rocher-Percé 02005
Marsoui Village municipality 177.1 289 Haute-Gaspésie 04025
Mont-Saint-Pierre Village municipality 51.5 186 Haute-Gaspésie 04015
The Islands-de-la-Madeleine Municipality 33 704 12 190 Maritime Community of Islands-de-la-Madeleine 01023
The Marte Municipality 177.6 194 Haute-Gaspésie 04030
Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine Municipality 262.3 289 Haute-Gaspésie 04005
Total 41 460.53 88 751

Unorganized territories [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Indian reserves [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. a et b Statistics Canada

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