The beautiful and the tramp 2 – Wikipedia


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La Belle and Le Corchard 2: The call of the street – or Beauty and the tramp 2: Scamp’s adventure in Quebec ( Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp’s Adventure ) is the 70 It is Animation feature film from Disney studios. Released directly in video in 2001, it is the continuation of The Lady and the Tramp (1955).

Scamp is the only male of the reach of the beautiful and the tramp. One day, he decides to run away from his home. He meets a bunch of dogs and especially, Angel, a charming dog looking for a family. She teaches him the values ​​and the chance to have a family.

Detailed summary [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1911, just two days before July 4, Lady and Clochard had three daughters, prudence, Constance and Clémence, and a turbulent son named Scamp. After Scamp made a mess in the house, Jim Chéri continues Scamp in the niche outside as a punishment. His parents, Corchard and Lady, are upset by the fact that their son cannot settle and follow the rules of the house. Clochard tries to reason with Scamp, but loses his composure when he learns that his son live like a dog without a master. Later, Scamp sees a pack of stray dogs, named the Sans-Collier, harassing the pound station outside the courtyard and became intrigued. Scamp freaks out from his chain and fled to find this pack. He finds a young member of the pack, angel, and she takes him to the rest of the stray dogs. Meanwhile, Lady notices that Scamp fled and alert clochard.

Scamp tries to join the Sans-Collier, but their chief, Caïd, gives him a test in the aisle, in which Scamp must succeed in catching a tin box of a wild bulldogs named Regie. This means that Reggie continues Scamp, but Reggie ends up being caught by the caretaker. The Sans-Colliers then head to a park, where arrow, another member, tells the story of Corchard who escapes men from the pound. Caïd, who was once a good friend of Corchard, explains angrily that Clochard fell in love with Lady and became a pet. Scamp is impressed by the fact that his father was a wandering dog. After Scamp and Angel just escaped from a train and fell into a river, they start to fall in love.


Meanwhile, Scamp and Angel find Scamp’s parents, as well as Jim Cheri, Jock and Caesar, while they are looking for it. Angel, who was once a pet herself, is disgusted that Scamp chooses to live in the street rather than a loving family. The next day, Caïd gives SCAMP Son to steal food from his family’s picnic as the last test. Scamp succeeds, but is caught by his father. Scamp confronts him and Caïd convinces Scamp to remain a wandering dog. To prove it, Caïd bites the Scamp necklace and a discouraged tramp leaves. Scamp celebrates his new freedom until Ange rumbles him for leaving his family. Bored, Scamp inadvertently reveals that Angel wants to be a domestic dog. What excludes him from the group, and Scamp tries to find it, in vain. Scamp is caught by the caretaker, with a shocked angel who looks. She runs to find tramp; The two left to save Scamp. At the pound, Scamp is placed in the same kennel as Reggie. Clochard arrives and the fight. After recovering his necklace, Scamp leaves Caid trapped under a pile of waste. Clochard then returns home with Scamp, and the family decides to adopt Angel. In the final, all the former members of the Caid gangs left the Sans-Collier for all found magnet houses with new owners, leaving Caïd alone in the dumping ground.

Original voice [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

French voice [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Quebec voice [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • come or Welcome in Quebec (Welcome Home) – Lady, Corchard, the Sisters of Scamp, Choir
  • A world without barriers (World Without Fences) – Scamp
  • The Club des Clébards or The Danse of the Casse in Quebec (Junkyard Society Rag) – Caïd and his band
  • I had never felt that or I never thought I would live this moment in Quebec (I Didn’t Know That I Could Feel This Way) – Scamp and Angel
  • Family (Always There) – Scamp, Ange, Lady and Corchard
  • come or Welcome In Quebec (recovery) – Choir
  • Belle Notte (This Is the Night) – Soloists (Joy Enriquez et Carlos Ponce in Vo)
  • : VHS and DVD (Quebec) with 4/3 cropping
  • Spring 2001: VHS and DVD (France) with French dubbing and 4/3 cropping
  • 2003: DVD (France) with 4/3 format
  • : DVD (Quebec)
  • German : Susi and Strolch 2: Little Strolche – big adventure! (“Susi and Vagabond 2: Small Scamp – Grand Adventure!”)
  • English : Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp’s Adventure
  • Chinese: Miss and Tramp 2: Dogs Fugue (Xiǎojiě Yǔ Li Li Han 2: Gǒuér Apple Jiājì)
  • Korean: Lady and Tramps 2 ( Ledi of Tramp : “Lady and Vagabond 2”)
  • Spanish : Dama and et vagabndo II: The Scamp Adventures (“Lady and Vagabond 2: the adventures of Scamp”)
  • Espéranto: Ledi and the Homeless 2: Skamp’s Adventure
  • Hebrew : Beautiful and the Pin 2 ( EIPEIP IE REIHPAN 2 : “Beauty and the Va-Nu-Pieds 2”)
  • Hungarian: Susi and twisting 2. – chick, the tramp (“Beauty and the 2 – Garnement, Le Corchard”)
  • Italy : Lilli and Vagabondo II – The rebel puppy (“Lilli and the Vagabond 2: the rebellious puppy”)
  • Dutch : Lady and the Vagebond II: Rakkers Adventure (“Lady and the Vagabond 2: Scamp on the adventure”)
  • Norwegian: Lady and the land striker II – found on adventure (“Lady and the Vagabond 2: Scamp on the adventure”)
  • Polish: In love Kundel II: Chaps’s adventures
  • Portuguese: The Lady and the Tramp II – The Adventures of Banzé (“The Lady and the Vagabond 2: the adventures of Scamp”)
  • Russian: Lady and Tramp 2 ( LEDI I Brodiaga 2 )
  • Swedish : Lady and Lufsen II: Ludde on adventure (“Lady and the Vagabond 2: Scamp on the adventure”)
  • Thai: Age and Tap 2 ( The girl and the dog 2 )
