The century of Rubens in French public collections – Wikipedia


Illustration N O Title Artist Technique/Materials Dimensions Origin Inventory number Mode d’acquisition Ref. first Still life with fish Alexander Adriaenssen drink H. 45 cm ; l. 64 cm Château-Musée de Dieppe MD 4246 Acquired in the Parisian art trade in 1969. [ the 3 ] 2 View of the surroundings of Brussels Denys van Alsloot drink H. 54 cm ; l. 79 cm Nantes Museum of Fine Arts INV 369 Purchase of the museum’s supervisory commission in 1849. [ the 4th ] 3 Hunter landscape Jacques d’Arthois cloth H. 137 cm ; l. 243 cm Museum of Fine Arts in Valenciennes INV 46.1.73 Purchase by the museum in 1828. [ the 4th ] 4 Saphire’s mortal Jacques de Backer cloth H. 212 cm ; l. 255 cm Saint-Jean de Besançon cathedral [ the 5 ] 5 Joseph and Putiphar’s wife Hendrick van Balen copper H. 14 cm ; l. 18 cm Vosges Departmental Museum INV 1829-15 Collection of Krautz, acquisition by the Duke of Choiseul in 1825, deposit then don to the museum in 1829. [ the 6 ] 6 Still life with flower vases Osias Beert drink H. 52 cm ; l. 73 cm Grenoble Museum of Fine Arts INV 433 Donation to the museum in 1798. [ the 7 ] 7 Still life with artichokes Osias Beert drink H. 52 cm ; l. 73 cm Grenoble Museum of Fine Arts INV 434 Donation to the museum in 1798. [ the 7 ] Pieter Boel 001.jpg 8 Allegory of the vanities of the world Pieter Boel cloth H. 207 cm ; l. 260 cm Lille Museum of Fine Arts INV 78 Was one of the collections of Wit, Troyon, Fould then acquired by the museum in 1878. [ the 8th ] 9 The fruit merchant Pieter van Boucle cloth H. 198 cm ; l. 237 cm Paris Decorative Arts Museum RF 3060 Left at the Louvre in 1928, deposited at the Museum of Decorative Arts in 1930. [ the 9th ] Lille PdBA Bril Jonas.JPG ten The sinking of Jonas Paul Bril cloth H. 125 cm ; l. 169 cm Lille Museum of Fine Arts P 1904 Acquired in the Parisian art trade. [ the 10 ] 11 Landscape with Saint Jérôme in prayer Paul Bril cloth H. 87 cm ; l. 115 cm Museée Zauces INV 1112 Louis XIV collection. [ the 11th ] twelfth Peasants listening to a « violoneux » Adriaen Brouwer drink H. 26 cm ; l. 34 cm Museée Zauces 524 Donation EN 1860. [ the 12th ] 13 Wedding dance Jan I Brueghel, this ” velvet ” copper H. 40 cm ; l. 50 cm Bordeaux Museum of Fine Arts 7085 Collection of the Marquis de la Caze, sold at the museum in 1830. [ the 13th ] Fire-Brueghel the Elder-MBA Lyon A75-IMG 0409.jpg 14 Fire allegory Jan I Brueghel, this ” velvet ” drink H. 46 cm ; l. 83 cm Museum of Fine Arts in Lyon A75 Collection of Léopold-Guillaume then Léopold I is , taken by French troops in 1809, sent to the museum in 1811. [ the 14 ] Water-Brueghel the Elder-MBA Lyon A76-IMG 0406.jpg 15 Allegory of water Jan I Brueghel, this ” velvet ” drink H. 46 cm ; l. 83 cm Museum of Fine Arts in Lyon A76 Collection of Léopold-Guillaume then Léopold I is , taken by French troops in 1809, sent to the museum in 1811. [ the 15 ] Jan I Brueghel-Caste of Mariemont mg 1707.jpg 16 View of the castle of Mariemont at the start of XVII It is century Jan I Brueghel, this ” velvet ” cloth H. 184 cm ; l. 292 cm Dijon Museum of Fine Arts Louis XIV collection. [ the 15 ] 17 Christ gardener Jan I Brueghel, this ” velvet ” drink H. 54 cm ; l. 93 cm Paris Decorative Arts Museum GR 837 Legs of M lle Grandjean in 1910. [ the 16 ] 18 Three brocade studies Jan I Brueghel, this ” velvet ” drink H. 20 cm ; l. 23 cm Narbonne art and history museum Bought by the city during the Peyre estate in 1855. [ the 17th ] 19 Virgin and child in a garland of flowers Jan I Brueghel, this ” velvet ” drink H. 114 cm ; l. 74 cm Aulteribe castle Collection of the Marquis Henri de Pierre bequeathed at the National Caisse des Monuments Historique. [ the 17th ] 20 Christ put in the tomb Hendrick de Clerck drink H. 170 cm ; l. 80 cm Cambrai Museum 24 [ the 18th ] 21 The martyrdom of Saint Sébastien Wenceslas Coebergher cloth H. 290 cm ; l. 207 cm Nancy Museum of Fine Arts 92 Taken in the cathedral of Antwerp by French troops in 1794. sent to the Nancy museum in 1803. [ the 19th ] 22 Artist meal Gonzalas cakes copper H. 59 cm ; l. 75 cm Petit Palais Museum I have 943 Legacies to the city of Paris in 1902 [ the 20th ] La Diseuse de bonne aventure.JPG 23 The Bonnes Adventure Tayer Jan Cossiers cloth H. 112 cm ; l. 169 cm Museum of Fine Arts in Valenciennes 46.1.45 Revolutionary seizures [ the 21 ] 24 Young boy Jan Cossiers cloth H. 48 cm ; l. 39 cm Museée Zauces Donation EN 1860. [ Not 22 ] 25 A drinker Joos van Craesbeeck drink H. 25 cm ; l. 19 cm Nantes Museum of Fine Arts INV 381 Donation to the museum in 1854 [ Not 22 ] 26 The dangers of an orgy or Cabaret brawl Joos van Craesbeeck drink H. 72 cm ; l. 104 cm Dijon Museum of Fine Arts J 44 Donation to the museum in 1925 [ the 23 ] 27 The martyrdom of Saint Catherine (1622) Gaspard de Crayer cloth H. 242 cm ; l. 188 cm Grenoble Museum of Fine Arts sixty seven Transfer to Paris in 1793, then to the Grenoble museum in 1803 [ the 24 ] 28 Christ on the cross adored by Saint François and Saint Marie-Madeleine Gaspard de Crayer drink H. 63 cm ; l. 48 cm Antoine-Lécuyer museum from Saint-Quentin INV 708 Unknown [ the 25 ] 29 Hercules between vice and virtue Gaspard de Crayer cloth H. 249 cm ; l. 245 cm Marseille Museum of Fine Arts INV BA 87 Confiscked by French troops in 1794, sent to Marseille in 1802 [ the 25 ] 30 Saint Charles Borromée giving holy communion to the plagueres of Milan Gaspard de Crayer drink H. 55 cm ; l. 42 cm Nancy Museum of Fine Arts INV BA 87 Bought in the London art trade in 1977 [ the 26th ] thirty first The consecration of Blessed Waltmann by Saint Norbert Abraham Van Diepenbeeck drink H. 53 cm ; l. 49 cm Strasbourg Museum of Fine Arts INV 447 Bought in the London art trade in 1901 [ the 27 ] 32 Man’s head turned to the left Antoine van Dyck wood canvas H. 46 cm ; l. 36 cm Picardy Museum Inv Lav. 1894,88 Bequeathed to the museum in 1890. [ the 27 ] 33 Bearded man Antoine van Dyck wood canvas H. 63 cm ; l. 48 cm Besançon Museum of Fine Arts 896-1-212 Bequeathed to the museum in 1894. [ the 28 ] 34 Saint Judas Thaddée Antoine van Dyck drink H. 63 cm ; l. 47 cm Metz Museum M I 917 Left at the Louvre in 1869, deposited at the Metz Museum in 1926. [ the 28 ] 35 Portrait of a woman of distinction Antoine van Dyck cloth H. 112 cm ; l. 79 cm Bergues Museum 128 Unknown provenance. [ the 29 ] 36 Portrait of an old man Antoine van Dyck cloth H. 116 cm ; l. 98 cm Jacquemart-André Museum I 832, D 431 Bequeathed in 1912. [ the 30 ] Luigia Cattaneo-Gentile mg 0061.jpg 37 Portrait of a Genoese lady from the Durazzo family or Portrait De Luigia Cattaneo-Gentile [ first ] Antoine van Dyck cloth H. 147 cm ; l. 112 cm Strasbourg Museum of Fine Arts 200 Acquired in 1890 from the Durazzo collection. [ the 31 ] 38 Portrait of Count Enrico de Pena Antoine van Dyck cloth H. 101 cm ; l. 123 cm Jacquemart-André Museum I 837, D 425 Bequeathed in 1912. [ the 31 ] 39 Time cutting the wings of love Antoine van Dyck cloth H. 175 cm ; l. 101 cm Jacquemart-André Museum I 855, D 419 Bequeathed in 1912. [ the 32 ] 40 The martyrdom of Saint Jacques Antoine van Dyck cloth H. 188 cm ; l. 141 cm Museum of Fine Arts in Valenciennes 46-1-14 Entrance to the museum in 1837. [ the 32 ] 41 Amaryllis and blueberry Antoine van Dyck drink H. 23 cm ; l. 35 cm National School of Fine Arts 11704 Bequeathed in 1908. [ the 33 ] Lille PdBA van Dick christ croix.jpg 42 Christ on the cross Antoine van Dyck cloth H. 400 cm ; l. 251 cm Lille Museum of Fine Arts P 89 Seized at the Revolution at the Convent of Récollets. [ the 34 ] Maria de' Medici by Anthony van Dyck.jpg 43 Portrait of Marie de Médicis Antoine van Dyck cloth H. 225 cm ; l. 140 cm Bordeaux Museum of Fine Arts 8513 Mazarin collection. Transferred to the museum in 1803 [ the 34 ] 44 The aldermen of Brussels around the statue of justice Antoine van Dyck drink H. 26 cm ; l. 58 cm National School of Fine Arts Don and 1908 [ the 35 ] 45 Self -portrait Antoine van Dyck? cloth H. 47 cm ; l. 36 cm Strasbourg Museum of Fine Arts 545 [ the 36 ] Jacob Foppens van Es - Floral still life of three roses in a glass vase surrounded by three butterflies, a beetle and a caterpillar.JPG forty six Bouquet of roses with butterflies and insects Jacob van Es drink H. 25 cm ; l. 19 cm Strasbourg Museum of Fine Arts Mr 397 Posed at the Louvre in 1950, then at the Strasbourg Museum of Fine Arts in 1952 [ 37 ] 47 Circumcision Louis Finson cloth H. 399 cm ; l. 282 cm Saint-Nicolas-des-Champs church In the church from the outset. [ the 38 ] 48 Mountainous landscape Jacques Fouquières cloth H. 118 cm ; l. 199 cm Nantes Museum of Fine Arts 404 Collection of the Palace of Versailles. Transferred to the museum in 1804 [ 39 ] 49 The worship of the mages Frans II Francken drink H. 54 cm ; l. 77 cm Soissons Museum 2701 Unknown provenance. [ the 40 ] 50 Allegory of fortune Frans II Francken drink H. 67 cm ; l. 105 cm Compiègne Castle National Museum We 195 Louis XIV collection. Deposited at the museum at XIX It is century [ the 40 ] 51 Passion scenes Frans II Francken drink H. 56 cm ; l. 86 cm Tourcoing Museum of Fine Arts D 335 Recovered by the French Office of Private goods in 1944. Posed at the museum in 1962 [ Not 41 ] Francken-simon-Rennes.jpg 52 The meal at Simon Frans II Francken drink H. 55 cm ; l. 83 cm Rennes Museum of Fine Arts 794-1-6 Christophe-Paul de Robien collection. Installed at the museum in 1794 [ the 42 ] Frans Francken (II) - Entrée de Noé dans l'Arche.jpg 53 Noah and her family going to the ark Atelier de Francken? copper H. 64 cm ; l. 86 cm Tessing Museum 10-52 Acquired in 1846. [ the 43 ] 54 Dance scene Jerome 2 Francken drink H. 54 cm ; l. 80 cm Cambrai Museum 383 Bequeathed in 1939. [ the 44 ] 55 Dead rabbit Jan fyt drink H. 87 cm ; l. 60 cm Oise Departmental Museum Mr 504 Recovered by the French Office for Private goods. Placed at the museum in 1954. [ the 45 ] 56 Vase of flowers Jerome Galle drink H. 57 cm ; l. 42 cm Tourcoing Museum of Fine Arts 91 Don and 1898. [ the 45 ] 57 The Visitation Willem van Herp copper H. 81 cm ; l. 116 cm Poitiers Museum of Fine Arts Bought in 1976. [ the 46 ] 58 Atalante and Méléagre Willem van Herp copper H. 61 cm ; l. 82 cm Hyacinthe-Rigaud museum 840-2-4 Bought in 1840 by the city of Perpignan. [ The 47 ] 59 Still nature with the plum basket Jacob van Hulsdonck drink H. 41 cm ; l. 62 cm Orleans Museum of Fine Arts 1308 Acquired in 1842. [ the 48 ] 60 Countryside Cornelis Huysmans cloth H. 130 cm ; l. 116 cm Museum of Fine Arts in Valenciennes 46-1-206 Bequeathed in 1879. [ the 48 ] sixty one Lazarus resurrection Abraham Janssens cloth H. 260 cm ; l. 180 cm Saint-Pierre de Douai collegiate Unknown provenance. [ the 49 ] 62 The calvary Abraham Janssens cloth H. 365 cm ; l. 262 cm Museum of Fine Arts in Valenciennes 46-1-13 Seized at the Dominican church in Valenciennes during the Revolution, placed at the museum in 1909. [ the 50 ] 63 Gallery of paintings visited by amateurs Hieronymus Janssens cloth H. 120 cm ; l. 172 cm Girodet Museum 874-62 Acquired in 1861. [ the 50 ] sixty four Worship of shepherds Jacques Jordaens cloth H. 255 cm ; l. 175 cm Grenoble Museum of Fine Arts Caught in Belgium during the Revolution, sent to the museum in 1804. [ the 51 ] 65 Triple study by old man Jacques Jordaens Papped paper on canvas H. 49 cm ; l. 65 cm Museum of Fine Arts in Libourne M I 1313 Légé at the Louvre in 1869, deposited at the museum in 1872. [ the 52 ] 66 Head of study Jacques Jordaens drink H. 41 cm ; l. 29 cm Douai Chartreuse Museum 198 Unknown provenance. [ the 52 ] sixty seven The martyrdom of Saint Apolline Jacques Jordaens Oil, feather and ink on paper, camaïeu H. 64 cm ; l. 42 cm Petit Palais Museum 947 Acquired in 1902 by the City of Paris. [ 53 ] Jordaens-mercure.jpg 68 Mercury and Argus Jacques Jordaens cloth H. 202 cm ; l. 240 cm Museum of Fine Arts in Lyon H 679 Bought in 1843 by the city of Lyon. [ the 54 ] 69 Pricker and dogs Jacques Jordaens cloth H. 79 cm ; l. 120 cm Lille Museum of Fine Arts P 60 Bought in 1891. [ the 55 ] 70 Telemachus leading Theoclymene in front of her mother Penelope Jacques Jordaens cloth H. 117 cm ; l. 225 cm Museée Zauces P 60 Bequeathed to XIX It is century. [ the 56 ] Jordaens La pêche miraculeuse.jpg 71 Miraculous fishing Jacques Jordaens cloth H. 120 cm ; l. 198 cm Marseille Museum of Fine Arts Not 95 Revolutionary seizure, deposited at the museum in 1802. [ the 57 ] Jakob Jordaens 014.jpg 72 “Young people are singing the old people” Jacques Jordaens cloth H. 154 cm ; l. 208 cm Museum of Fine Arts in Valenciennes 1407 Collection of Louis XVI, deposited at the museum in 1957. [ the 58 ] Lille PdBA jordaens enlevement europe.JPG seventy three European removal Jacques Jordaens cloth H. 172 cm ; l. 190 cm Lille Museum of Fine Arts p. 76 Acquired by the museum in 1908. [ the 59 ] 74 Self -portrait Jacques Jordaens cloth H. 100 cm ; l. 68 cm Angers Museum of Fine Arts Confiscated under the Revolution, deposited at the museum in 1801. [ the 60 ] 75 Antiope sleep Jacques Jordaens cloth H. 130 cm ; l. 93 cm Grenoble Museum of Fine Arts 85 Acquired by the city of Grenoble in 1852. [ the 60 ] 76 Appearance of Christ to his mother Jacques Jordaens cloth H. 150 cm ; l. 100 cm Church of Saint-Pierre-Azif Don de Jean-Pierre the singer in 1805. [ the 61 ] 77 Christ in the olive garden Jacques Jordaens cloth H. 365 cm ; l. 355 cm Sainte-Catherine Church of Honfleur Don de Jean-Pierre the singer in 1800. [ the 61 ] 78 The calvary Jacques Jordaens cloth H. 479 cm ; l. 280 cm Saint-André de Bordeaux cathedral 13 to Removed by the French troops of the Saint-Gommire church in Lierre in 1794. Deposit in 1819. [ The 61 ] Spiders and insects mg 0150.jpg 79 Insects Jan van Kessel copper H. 17 cm ; l. 23 cm Strasbourg Museum of Fine Arts 1777 Acquired in 1949. [ The 62 ] 80 Allegory of Madrid Jan van Kessel copper H. 18 cm ; l. 24 cm Dijon Museum of Fine Arts J 100 Entrance to the museum in 1927. [ The 62 ] 81 Allegory of air and water Jan van Kessel drink H. 20 cm ; l. 32 cm Quimper Museum of Fine Arts 873-1-731 Bequeathed to the museum in 1864. [ the 63 ] 82 Snake enemies Jan van Kessel copper H. 13 cm ; l. 19 cm Museum Baron-Martin 293 Gr 59 Fund of the Baron Martin Museum. [ The 62 ] 83 Tomb Pieter van Lint cloth H. 167 cm ; l. 217 cm Public Assistance Museum – Paris Hospitals Donation to Necker Hospital in 1825, transfer to the Salpêtrière church in 1929. [ the 64 ] 84 Wise virgins and crazy virgins Pieter van Lint copper H. 18 cm ; l. 25 cm Museum Fabre 825-1-45 Don and 1825. [ the 65 ] 85 Winter landscape Gysbrecht lytens drink H. 80 cm ; l. 23 cm Nantes Museum of Fine Arts 502 Bequeathed in 1810. [ the 65 ] eighty six Cross carrying Adam Frans van der Meulen drink H. 23 cm ; l. 30 cm Besançon Museum of Fine Arts 861-7-1 Bequeathed in 1861. [ the 66 ] eighty seven Countryside Jan Baptist Van Kutenexhoven cloth H. 54 cm ; l. 222 cm Bergues Museum INV 78 Comes from the Saint-Winoc abbey. [ the 66 ] 88 Aeneas and Didon hunting Jan honey cloth H. 162 cm ; l. 220 cm Cambrai Museum 508 Unknown provenance, [ the 67 ] 89 View of a wearing of the Levant Hendrick van Minderhout cloth H. 150 cm ; l. 240 cm Sandelin Hotel Museum 177 CM Don of Louis Deschamps de Pas in 1874 .. [ the 68 ] VanMol-DescenteCroix-Reims.jpg 90 Christ descended from the Cross Pieter van Mol cloth H. 213 cm ; l. 151 cm Reims Museum of Fine Arts 795-1-77 Probably belonged to the Saint-Rémi abbey. [ the 68 ] Allégorie de l'Air.JPG 91 The bird Pieter van Mol cloth H. 118 cm ; l. 95 cm Valence Museum of Fine Arts We 1280 Légé at the Louvre at 1869, deposit in Valence in 1872. [ the 69 ] 92 Deploration of Christ Pieter van Mol cloth H. 163 cm ; l. 102 cm Museum of Ursulines of Mâcon A 1021 Bought in 1973. [ the 69 ] 93 Saint Jacques de Compostela Pieter van Mol cloth H. 190 cm ; l. 140 cm Saint-Joseph-des-Carmes church Painted for the altar of the Saint-Jacques chapel, Saint-Louis and Saint-Dominique, removed during the Revolution and placed at the Saint-Joseph des Carmes church in 1968. [ the 70 ] Lille PdBA momper Alpes.JPG ninety four View of the Alps Joos de Momper II, says the young cloth H. 127 cm ; l. 249 cm Lille Museum of Fine Arts P 163 Revolutionary seizure. [ the 71 ] 95 Winter Joos de Momper II, says the young cloth H. 170 cm ; l. 267 cm Museum of Fine Arts and Archeology of Châlons-en-Champagne 866-12-1 Belonged to Cazotte. [ the 71 ] 96 View of Rome with Château Saint-Ange Joos de Momper II, says the young drink H. 50 cm ; l. 94 cm Museum of Fine Arts and Archeology of Châlons-en-Champagne 879-36-1 Don and 1879. [ The 72 ] 97 Italian landscape Joos de Momper II, says the young drink H. 50 cm ; l. 94 cm Museum of Fine Arts and Archeology of Châlons-en-Champagne 879-36-2 Don and 1879. [ the 73 ] 98 Roman countryside landscape Joos de Momper II, says the young drink H. 50 cm ; l. 93 cm Museum of Fine Arts and Archeology of Châlons-en-Champagne 879-36-3 Don and 1879. [ the 73 ] 99 Storm near the Scandinavian coast BONAVENTURA PEETERS cloth H. 56 cm ; l. 75 cm Château-Musée de Dieppe 966-8-1 and MD 4105 Acquired in 1966. [ the 74 ] 100 Portrait of a woman in a display costume (Élisabeth de France?) Frans Pourbus le Jeune cloth H. 176 cm ; l. 104 cm Museum of Fine Arts in Valenciennes 46-1-48 Revolutionary seizure. [ the 75 ] La Madone de Vic.jpg 101 The Virgin of the Vic’s family Frans Pourbus le Jeune cloth H. 363 cm ; l. 270 cm Saint-Nicolas-des-Champs church In the church since XVII It is century. [ the 76 ] 102 Allegorical portrait of Queen Christine of Sweden Erasmus II WEFTELIN drink H. 24 cm ; l. 19 cm Douai Chartreuse Museum Acquired in 1976. [ 77 ] 103 Jesus in Marthe and Mary Erasmus II WEFTELIN cloth H. 172 cm ; l. 243 cm Museum of Fine Arts in Valenciennes 46.I-216 Bought in 1882. [ 77 ] 104 Cross carrying Erasmus II WEFTELIN cloth H. 365 cm ; l. 355 cm Sainte-Catherine Church of Honfleur Shipped by Jean-Pierre the singer in 1805. [ 98 ] 105 Mercury strikes Aglaure of its caduceus Jean-Résme quenlin cloth H. 122 cm ; l. 102 cm Marseille Museum of Fine Arts [ 79 ] 106 The sacrifice of Solomon during the dedication of the temple Jean-Résme quenlin cloth H. 65 cm ; l. 62 cm Aulteribe castle Bequeathed in 1954. [ the 80 ] 107 The martyrdom of the four crowned Jean De Reyn cloth H. 280 cm ; l. 220 cm Saint-Éloi church of Dunkirk Placed in the church at XVII It is century. [ the 81 ] 108 Corneille’s eldest son Jean De Reyn cloth H. 127 cm ; l. 94 cm Museum Lambinet 41 Given to the city of Versailles in 1883, transferred to the museum in 1932. [ the 81 ] 109 Holy Hélène triumphant Pierre Paul Rubens cloth H. 252 cm ; l. 89 cm Cathedral Notre-Dame-du-Puy de Grasse [ not 82 ] 110 The Aenean Leak after the Trojan Fire Pierre Paul Rubens cloth H. 146 cm ; l. 227 cm National Museum of the Château de Fontainebleau INV 2007 [ the 83 ] 111 Portrait of a dignitary Pierre Paul Rubens drink H. 114 cm ; l. 85 cm Museée Zauces 860-1-170 Donation to the city of Aix-en-Provence by Bourguignon de Fabregoules [ The 84 ] 112 Portrait of his wife Pierre Paul Rubens drink H. 114 cm ; l. 85 cm Museée Zauces 860-1-171 Donation to the city of Aix-en-Provence by Bourguignon de Fabregoules [ The 84 ] Rubens, La Visitation.jpg 113 The Visitation Pierre Paul Rubens drink H. 30 cm ; l. 26 cm Strasbourg Museum of Fine Arts 198 Acquired in London in 1890. [ the 85 ] 114 Alexandre Goubau and his wife Anne Anthony in front of the Virgin Pierre Paul Rubens drink H. 124 cm ; l. 84 cm Museum of Fine Arts in Tours 198 Removed by the revolutionary armies in 1794 of the Antwerp cathedral, deposited at the museum in 1803. [ the 86 ] Christ triumphing over Death and Sin mg 0050.jpg 115 Christ triumphant of death and sin Pierre Paul Rubens drink H. 175 cm ; l. 153 cm Strasbourg Museum of Fine Arts 235 [ the 87 ] 116 Saint Francis of Assisi receiving the stigmata Pierre Paul Rubens cloth H. 193 cm ; l. 146 cm Arras Museum of Fine Arts Entered the museum in unknown conditions. [ the 88 ] 117 The martyrdom of Saint Georges Pierre Paul Rubens drink H. 195 cm ; l. 159 cm Bordeaux Museum of Fine Arts 7078 Removed by the French troops of the Saint-Gommire church in Lierre in 1794, deposited at the museum in 1802. [ the 88 ] Pierre-Paul Rubens- La mise au tombeau - Cambrai église Saint-Gery -Gallica.jpeg 118 Christ put in the tomb Pierre Paul Rubens cloth H. 398 cm ; l. 280 cm Saint-Géry de Cambrai church [ The 89 ] Rubens-Chasse au tigre-1617-18-Rennes, musée beaux-arts.jpg 119 Tiger hunt Pierre Paul Rubens cloth H. 256 cm ; l. 324 cm Rennes Museum of Fine Arts 811.1.10 Decorative set of Schleissheim, sent by the citizen nephew in 1800 to the Louvre, then deposited at the museum in 1811. [ the 90 ] 120 Abraham and Melchizedek Pierre Paul Rubens cloth H. 204 cm ; l. 250 cm Caen Museum of Fine Arts 172 War of 1806, sent to Caen in 1811. [ the 91 ] Lille Pdba rubens catherine.JPG 121 The martyrdom of Saint Catherine Pierre Paul Rubens cloth H. 390 cm ; l. 249 cm Lille Museum of Fine Arts D65-8 Revolutionary capture in the Sainte-Catherine Church in Lille. [ the 92 ] J. Jordaens-Pêche miraculeuse-Musée des Bx-Arts Strasbourg (2).jpg 122 Miraculous fishing Pierre Paul Rubens. The work is now attributed to Jacob Jordaens [ 2 ] . drink H. 75 cm ; l. 104 cm Strasbourg Museum of Fine Arts 618 Acquired in 1911. [ the 92 ] Peter Paul Rubens - The Abduction of Proserpina (Petit Palais).jpg 123 Proserpine kidnapping Pierre Paul Rubens drink H. 38 cm ; l. 67 cm Petit Palais Museum I have. 954 Bequeathed to the city of Paris in 1902. [ the 93 ] Rubens-adoration-bergers-rouen.jpg 124 Worship of shepherds Pierre Paul Rubens cloth H. 340 cm ; l. 248 cm Rouen Museum of Fine Arts D.803.6 Removed by the French troops of the church of the Capuchins of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1794, sent to the museum in 1802. [ the 93 ] Jonas jeté à la mer P-P Rubens 0684.JPG 125 Jonas thrown into the sea Pierre Paul Rubens drink H. 77 cm ; l. 77 cm Nancy Museum of Fine Arts 106 Removed by the French troops of the Notre-Dame-au de-la-Dyle church in Malines in 1794, sent to the museum in 1803. [ the 94 ] Jesus marchand sur les eaux P-P Rubens.jpg 126 Christ walking on the waters Pierre Paul Rubens drink H. 77 cm ; l. 77 cm Nancy Museum of Fine Arts 107 Removed by the French troops of the Notre Dame Church beyond the Dyle in Mechelen in 1794, sent to the museum in 1803. [ the 94 ] Rubens résurrection du Christ.jpg 127 The resurrection of Christ Pierre Paul Rubens drink H. 67 cm ; l. 102 cm Marseille Museum of Fine Arts Not 103 Removed by the French troops of the church of Saint John in Mechelen in 1794 together with the worship of the shepherds, sent to the museum in 1803. [ the 95 ] Peter Paul Rubens - Adoration of the Magi - WGA20231.jpg 128 The worship of the mages Pierre Paul Rubens cloth H. 251 cm ; l. 328 cm Museum of Fine Arts in Lyon A 118 Taken in 1800 by the nephew citizen, sent to the museum in 1805. [ the 96 ] 129 The resurrection of Christ Pierre Paul Rubens drink H. 24 cm ; l. 19 cm Dijon Museum of Fine Arts 1736 Don de Jules Maciet and 1904. [ the 97 ] 130 Martyrdom of Saint Lucie Pierre Paul Rubens drink H. 30 cm ; l. 46 cm Quimper Museum of Fine Arts 873-1-123 Bequeathed in 1862. [ the 98 ] Brueghel and Rubens, Diana and her Nymphs on the Point of Leaving - Musee de la Chasse et Nature.jpg 131 Diane and her nymphs preparing to go hunting Pierre Paul Rubens and Jan Brueghel the old drink H. 57 cm ; l. 98 cm Museum of Hunting and Nature 68-3-1 Acquired in 1967. [ The 99 ] Brueghel and Rubens, Diana and Her Nymphs Asleep, Musee Chasse et Nature.JPG 132 Diane and her nymphs observed by satyrs Pierre Paul Rubens and Jan Brueghel the old drink H. 61 cm ; l. 98 cm Museum of Hunting and Nature 68-3-2 Acquired in 1967. [ the 100 ] Rubens-Allégorie de l'Autriche.JPG 133 Allegorical religious scene Pierre Paul Rubens drink H. 50 cm ; l. 67 cm Museum Fabre Bequeathed in 1836. [ the 100 ] Peter Paul Rubens - The Prophet Elijah Receiving Bread and Water from an Angel - WGA20436.jpg 134 The Prophet Elijah and the Angel in the desert Pierre Paul Rubens drink H. 72 cm ; l. 62 cm Bonnat-Helleu Museum 1062 [ the 101 ] Peter Paul Rubens, Saint Sébastien et Saint Georges 15092012375.jpg 135 Saint Sébastien and Saint Georges Pierre Paul Rubens drink H. 41 cm ; l. 30 cm Caen Museum of Fine Arts Mancel collection [ the 102 ] Rubens-Marcelliano.jpg 136 Portrait of F. Marcelliano de Barea, Capucain Pierre Paul Rubens drink H. 36 cm ; l. 47 cm Nîmes Museum of Fine Arts Entrance to the museum after 1895. [ the 103 ] 137 The entrance to Christ in Jerusalem Pierre Paul Rubens drink H. 82 cm ; l. 79 cm Dijon Museum of Fine Arts Removed from the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament of the Saint-Rombaut de Malines church. Entered the museum in 1803. [ the 103 ] 138 The enema of the feet Pierre Paul Rubens drink H. 82 cm ; l. 79 cm Dijon Museum of Fine Arts Removed from the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament of the Saint-Rombaut de Malines church. Entered the museum in 1803. [ the 103 ] 139 Thétis receiving Vulcan weapons for Achille Pierre Paul Rubens drink H. 108 cm ; l. 126 cm Museum of Fine Arts of Pau 887-5-1 Don and 1887. [ the 104 ] 140 Hector winner Achille Pierre Paul Rubens drink H. 108 cm ; l. 125 cm Museum of Fine Arts of Pau 887-5-2-2 Don and 1887. [ the 105 ] Peter Paul Rubens and workshop 002.jpg 141 The triumph of Judas MacChabée Pierre Paul Rubens cloth H. 310 cm ; l. 228 cm Nantes Museum of Fine Arts Removed in 1794 by the French troops of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Tournai, transferred to the museum in 1802. [ the 106 ] Pierre Paul RUBENS, 142 The miracle of Saint Just Pierre Paul Rubens cloth H. 191 cm ; l. 134 cm Bordeaux Museum of Fine Arts 6067 Given in 1853 by Napoleon III at the museum. [ the 107 ] Lille Pdba rubens marie madeleine.JPG 143 Saint Marie-Madeleine in ecstasy Pierre Paul Rubens cloth H. 295 cm ; l. 220 cm Lille Museum of Fine Arts P.64 Revolutionary seizure. Provenance: church of recollets in Ghent [ the 108 ] Peter Paul Rubens - Apollon et Daphné.JPG 144 Apollo and Daphne Pierre Paul Rubens Wood sketch H. 28 cm ; l. 27 cm Bonnat-Helleu Museum 1065 Don de M me DERECAGEIX to the city of Bayonne of part of the sketches of the Duke of Infantado’s Duke. [ The 109 ] Peter Paul Rubens - Psyché et l’Amour endormi.JPG 145 Psyche and sleeping love Pierre Paul Rubens Wood sketch H. 26 cm ; l. 25 cm Bonnat-Helleu Museum 1063 Don de M me DERECAGEIX to the city of Bayonne of part of the sketches of the Duke of Infantado’s Duke. [ 110 ] Peter Paul Rubens - Diane et Endymion.JPG 146 Diane it’s endympion Pierre Paul Rubens Wood sketch H. 26 cm ; l. 28 cm Bonnat-Helleu Museum 1064 Don de M me DERECAGEIX to the city of Bayonne of part of the sketches of the Duke of Infantado’s Duke. [ 110 ] Peter Paul Rubens - Scylla et Glaucus.JPG 147 Scylla and gray Pierre Paul Rubens Wood sketch H. 26 cm ; l. 32 cm Bonnat-Helleu Museum 1067 Don de M me DERECAGEIX to the city of Bayonne of part of the sketches of the Duke of Infantado’s Duke. [ the 111 ] Peter Paul Rubens - La découverte de la pourpre.JPG 148 Discovery of purple Pierre Paul Rubens Wood sketch H. 28 cm ; l. 34 cm Bonnat-Helleu Museum 1068 Don de M me DERECAGEIX to the city of Bayonne of part of the sketches of the Duke of Infantado’s Duke. [ the 111 ] 149 Jupiter and Lycaon Pierre Paul Rubens Wood sketch H. 22 cm ; l. 17 cm Museum the Rochofort Donation of M. Fiocchi to the city of Rochefort in 1859. [ the 111 ] Peter Paul Rubens - Pan et Syrinx.JPG 150 Pan and syrinx Pierre Paul Rubens Wood sketch H. 27 cm ; l. 27 cm Bonnat-Helleu Museum 1066 Don de M me DERECAGEIX to the city of Bayonne of part of the sketches of the Duke of Infantado’s Duke. [ the 112 ] 151 Christ on the cross between the two thieves Pierre Paul Rubens drink H. 295 cm ; l. 90 cm Musée des Augustins de Toulouse 458 Revolutionary seizures in the Capuchin church in Antwerp in 1794 and sent to the museum in 1805. [ the 112 ] 152 Rainbow landscape or Pastoral idyll Pierre Paul Rubens and his workshop cloth H. 122 cm ; l. 172 cm Museum of Fine Arts in Valenciennes 1801 Collection of Louis XIV, deposited at the Valenciennes museum in 1957. [ the 113 ] La descente de croix Rubens.jpg 153 Cross descent Pierre Paul Rubens ? Wood sketch H. 54 cm ; l. 40 cm Lille Museum of Fine Arts P. 66 Purchase in 1893. [ the 114 ] 0 La Libéralité du roi - Jan van den Hoecke (2).JPG 154 King’s liberality Jan van den Hoecke d’Aperrès Rubens cloth H. 284 cm ; l. 145 cm Lille Museum of Fine Arts P. 86 Purchase in 1860 in Brussels. [ the 115 ] 155 The worship of the mages Jan Boeckhorst? d’après copper H. 22 cm ; l. 31 cm National Museum of thermes and the Hôtel de Cluny 15449 Legs massed a 1903. [ the 116 ] 156 The miracles of Saint Francis de Paule Dienpenbeck? According to Rubens copper H. 71 cm ; l. 56 cm Le Havre Museum Legacies of Benoît-Benjamin Bonvoisin in 1862. [ the 117 ] 157 Job mocked by his wife Anonymous, inspired by Rubens cloth H. 180 cm ; l. 220 cm Notre-Dame de Saint-Omer cathedral Placed in the chapel of the brotherhood of Saint-Job in Saint-Omer in 1635, sold during the Revolution, then handed over to the town of Saint-Omer. [ the 117 ] 158 Rustic utensils in a barn David III Rycklert drink H. 290 cm ; l. 52 cm Tessing Museum MI 1334 Bequeathed to the Louvre

by Louis la Caze in 1869, deposited at the Museum of Le Mans in 1872. || [ the 118 ] 
159 The toilet Anthonie Sallaert Wood -glued paper H. 10 cm ; l. 14 cm Museum Brogoin 2608 ; 894-404-I Bequeathed in 1894. [ the 118 ] 160 Cerf hunting in a forest Roelandt Savery cloth H. 90 cm ; l. 79 cm Grenoble Museum of Fine Arts 780 Donation by Léonce Mesnard in 1885. [ The 119 ] 161 The innocent massacre Cornelis Schut cloth H. 310 cm ; l. 217 cm Church of the Holy Trinity of Caen Collection de Vincenzo Giustiniani. [ the 120 ] 162 The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne, protector of shipwrecked boatmen Cornelis Schut wood canvas H. 39 cm ; l. 29 cm Douai Chartreuse Museum 2911 Acquired in 1974. [ the 121 ] 163 The Virgin with Angels or The Assumption Cornelis Schut cloth H. 157 cm ; l. 114 cm Bordeaux Museum of Fine Arts Légé by Jean-René Tauzin in 1971. [ the 121 ] 164 Roses in a jar Daniel Seghers drink H. 25 cm ; l. 45 cm Museée Zauces 880-1-15 Collection of Charles I of England, bequeathed in 1880. [ the 122 ] Seghers-Diepenbeeck.JPG 165 The Virgin and the Child Jesus with Saint Leopold, Emperor of Austria, by orange in a garland of flowers Daniel Seghers (Fleurs) et Abraham van Diepenbeeck (Médaillon) copper H. 116 cm ; l. 94 cm Museum Fabre MR 1023, INV 1838, D 892.3.1 Napoleonic warlings in 1809. [ the 123 ] Artus Wolffort - Saint Jerome in the Desert.jpg 166 Saint Jerome in prayer Gerard Seghers cloth H. 136 cm ; l. 192 cm Lille Museum of Fine Arts P. 116 Revolutionary seizure. [ the 124 ] Segyers-Adieux-du-Christ-à-sa-mère.jpg 167 The farewell of Christ to his mother Gerard Seghers copper H. 101 cm ; l. 78 cm Nîmes Museum of Fine Arts IP-425 Unknown provenance. [ the 124 ] 168 The Nativity or Worship of angels Gerard Seghers cloth H. 174 cm ; l. 133 cm Bordeaux Museum of Fine Arts Sent to the museum in 1805 by the Louvre. [ the 125 ] 169 Christ after flogging Attributed to Gerard Seghers cloth H. 113 cm ; l. 173 cm Nancy Museum of Fine Arts Museum old funds [ the 126 ] 170 Landscape with figures or The two girls Jan Siberies cloth H. 79 cm ; l. 112 cm Bordeaux Museum of Fine Arts 7075 Purchase in 1860. [ the 126 ] 171 Wooded landscape at La Mare Pieter Snayers cloth H. 68 cm ; l. 18 cm Museum of Fine Arts in Valenciennes 46.I-42 Revolutionary seizure. [ the 127 ] 172 Fish shop Frans Snyders cloth H. 225 cm ; l. 336 cm Carpentras Museum of Fine Arts We 977 Legacy of the Caze at the Louvre in 1870, present in the Vaucluse at the beginning of XX It is century. [ the 128 ] 173 The eagles and the dead wolf Frans Snyders cloth H. 164 cm ; l. 238 cm Chambord Castle 71-I-I Acquired by the Museum of Hunting and Nature in 1970 and deposited in Chambord. [ the 129 ] 174 Still life of fruit and flowers Isaak Soreau drink H. 60 cm ; l. 102 cm Petit Palais Museum I have. 1167 Acquired in 1969. [ the 130 ] 175 Church interior Hendrik II van Steenwyck drink H. 91 cm ; l. 122 cm Cambrai Museum forty six Acquired in 1881. [ the 131 ] 176 “Prompt obedience” David II Teniers, said the young drink H. 17 cm ; l. 30 cm Museum Fabre Bequeathed in 1889. [ the 132 ] 177 The smoker or The smell David II Teniers, said the young drink H. 17 cm ; l. 13 cm Dijon Museum of Fine Arts Revolutionary seizure in 1793, entrance to the museum in 1799. [ the 133 ] 178 Tabagic David II Teniers, said the young drink H. 27 cm ; l. 34 cm Petit Palais Museum I have. 959 Legs dutut en 1902. [ the 133 ] 179 Vanity David II Teniers, said the young drink H. 50 cm ; l. 62 cm Rouen Museum of Fine Arts 907.1.125 Legs Jules Hédou in 1907. [ the 133 ] 180 Saint Jerome in the desert David II Teniers, said the young drink H. 33 cm ; l. 28 cm Picardy Museum 3037 Legs of Canon Dumont in 1921. [ the 134 ] 181 The torrent David II Teniers, said the young cloth H. 67 cm ; l. 87 cm Nancy Museum of Fine Arts 900 Unknown provenance. [ the 134 ] Partie de carte dans une hôtellerie by David Teniers - global.jpg 182 Interior of an estaminet , NOW The card game in a hotel industry David II Teniers, said the young drink H. 62 cm ; l. 87 cm Grenoble Museum of Fine Arts MR 1059, 1885 Revolutionary seized in 1795, deposited in Grenoble in 1937. [ the 135 ] 183 Portraits in a landscape David II Teniers, said the young cloth H. 82 cm ; l. 53 cm Museum Fabre 864-2-3 Legs Bonnet-Mel EN 1864. [ the 135 ] 184 Holy Marguerite Triumphant of sin David II Teniers, said the young person after Domenico Fetti drink H. 22 cm ; l. 16 cm Caen Museum of Fine Arts 73.3.1 Purchase in 1977. [ the 136 ] 185 Portrait of a canon of Saint-Augustin David II Teniers, says the young person according to Leandro Bassano drink H. 16 cm ; l. 12 cm Museée Rolin Purchase in 1977. [ the 137 ] 186 Woman portrait David II Teniers, says the young person from a Venetian master of 1530 drink H. 23 cm ; l. 16 cm Dunkirk Museum Purchase in 1977. [ the 137 ] Teniers-Paysage au château.JPG 187 Flemish landscape David II Teniers, said the young cloth H. 77 cm ; l. 110 cm Museum Fabre 836-4-61 Don Valedeau and 1836. [ the 137 ] 188 Flower garland Jan-Filip Thielen cloth H. 32 cm ; l. 109 cm Bordeaux Museum of Fine Arts 6959 Legacy Auguste Poirson at the museum in 1900. [ the 138 ] 189 Peasant dance Jan Thomas van Yperen drink H. 53 cm ; l. 94 cm Caen Museum of Fine Arts 720 Legs and 1892. [ the 139 ] 190 The martyrdom of Saint Barbe Theodoor van Thulden cloth H. 183 cm ; l. 130 cm Dijon Museum of Fine Arts Revolutionary seizure, sent to the museum in 1805. [ the 140 ] 191 Two religious on his knees before a sovereign Theodoor van Thulden cloth H. 73 cm ; l. 59 cm Quimper Museum of Fine Arts 873.1.238 Bequeathed in 1864. [ the 141 ] 192 Pentecost Theodoor van Thulden cloth H. 295 cm ; l. 195 cm Notre-Dame de la sewing church Revolutionary seizure in the church of the Mathurins in Paris, sent to the Museum of Fine Arts of Le Mans then deposited in the Notre-Dame de la Couture church. [ the 142 ] 193 Pastoral scene ( Granida et daifilo ?) Theodoor van Thulden cloth H. 170 cm ; l. 236 cm Museum of Fine Arts in Valenciennes 1211 Placed at the museum in 1957. [ the 143 ] 194 Concert Theodoor van Thulden cloth H. 200 cm ; l. 225 cm Paris Decorative Arts Museum 998 Don Jules Maciet and 1883. [ the 144 ] 195 Virgin and childhood of children Pieter Thys cloth H. 134 cm ; l. 193 cm Arc-et-Senans church Donation to the church around 1852 by M. de Grimaldi. [ the 145 ] 196 The smell Gillis van Tilborch drink H. 21 cm ; l. 18 cm Dijon Museum of Fine Arts ninety four Jehannin Collection de Chamblanc. [ the 146 ] 197 Village meeting Gillis van Tilborch cloth H. 132 cm ; l. 205 cm Lille Museum of Fine Arts P. 130 Acquired in 1842. [ the 146 ] 198 Bird studies Adriaen van Utrecht cloth H. 62 cm ; l. 74 cm Lille Museum of Fine Arts P. 1027 Purchase in 1866. [ the 147 ] 199 Jesus giving the keys to Saint Peter , on the reverse Figure of Saint Peter Otto Venius drink H. 240 cm ; l. 89 cm Bordeaux Museum of Fine Arts 6038 [ the 148 ] 200 Christ in front of Ponce Pilate Otto Venius paper oil H. 15,3 cm ; l. 20,5 cm Douai Chartreuse Museum 2870 Purchase in a public sale. [ the 149 ] 201 Christ on the road to Emmaus Otto Venius paper oil H. 16,5 cm ; l. 23 cm Douai Chartreuse Museum 2867 Purchase in a public sale. [ the 150 ] 202 Christ descending to the limbo Otto Venius paper oil H. 16,8 cm ; l. 23 cm Douai Chartreuse Museum 2868 Purchase in a public sale. [ the 151 ] 203 Procession of Saintes: religious allegory Otto Venius paper oil H. 14,8 cm ; l. 19,9 cm Lille Museum of Fine Arts P .1935 Purchase in a public sale. [ the 151 ] 204 Saint Marguerite and Saint Ursule Otto Venius paper oil H. 14,2 cm ; l. 17 cm Lille Museum of Fine Arts P. 1936 Purchase in a public sale. [ the 152 ] 205 Niobé’s punishment Tobias Verhaecht drink H. 74 cm ; l. 95 cm Museum of Fine Arts in Valenciennes 46-1-59 Revolutionary seizure. [ the 152 ] 206 Moses saved from waters David Vinckboons drink H. 34 cm ; l. 45 cm Strasbourg Museum of Fine Arts 1654 Acquired in 1941. [ the 153 ] 207 Miracle of Saint Theodule Van der Vinnen cloth H. 160 cm ; l. 80 cm Saint-Jean de Besançon cathedral [ the 154 ] 208 Galante scene or Passions Cornelis On You cloth H. 137 cm ; l. 183 cm Picardy Museum Acquired by the museum in 1843. [ the 155 ] 209 Portraits of the Van der Aa family Cornelis On You drink H. 172 cm ; l. 72 cm Nantes Museum of Fine Arts Taken at the Cathedral of Antwerp during the Revolution in 1794, sent to the museum in 1804. [ the 156 ] Paul de Vos Cheval dévoré par des loups DSCF2658.JPG 210 Horse devoured by wolves Paul de vos cloth H. 168 cm ; l. 253 cm National furniture GMTB Acquired in 1974. [ the 157 ] Zwei junge Seehunde am Strand.jpg 211 Seals Paul de vos cloth H. 80 cm ; l. 146 cm Besançon Museum of Fine Arts 896-1-107 Collection of Jean Gigoux. [ the 158 ] 212 Fox hunt Attributed to Paul of your paper oil H. 21 cm ; l. 29 cm Museum of Hunting and Nature F6-232 and 233 Deposit of the Sèvres manufacture in 1967. [ the 158 ] 213 Tribute to Venus Simon of your copper H. 36 cm ; l. 61,5 cm Jeanne-d’Aboville Museum 235 Legacies of the Countess Gabrielle d’Héricourt de Valincourt. [ the 159 ] 214 Christ appearing before Caïphhe Simon of your copper H. 55 cm ; l. 72 cm Lille Museum of Fine Arts P. 1056 Legs and 1887. [ the 160 ] 215 Banquet scene in a rich interior Paulus Vredeman de Vries drink H. 57 cm ; l. 80 cm Paris Decorative Arts Museum 17479 Don Jules Maciet and 1910. [ the 161 ] Augustins - Le Martyre de Saint Jacques - Thomas Bosschaert 2004 1 67.jpg 216 The martyrdom of Saint Jacques Thomas Willeboirts Bosschaert cloth H. 393 cm ; l. 305 cm Musée des Augustins de Toulouse 445 Revolutionary seizure, sent to the museum in 1812. [ the 162 ] 217 Perseus and Andromeda Frans Wouters drink H. 38 cm ; l. 27 cm Nancy Museum of Fine Arts 118 Confiscated in 1793. [ the 163 ] 218 Floral supervision with thorns crown Frans Ykens copper H. 85 cm ; l. 118 cm Mandet museum Acquired in 1885. [ the 163 ] 219 Man Flemish school (around 1615-1620) cloth H. 113 cm ; l. 85 cm Troyes Museum of Fine Arts 892-5-1 Don and 1892. [ the 164 ] 220 Portrait of a dead woman Flemish school (1621) cloth H. 82 cm ; l. 100 cm Rouen Museum of Fine Arts 36-6 Acquired in 1936. [ the 164 ] 221 God-Fleuve Flemish school (middle of XVII It is century) cloth H. 130 cm ; l. 110 cm Château-Musée de Dieppe MD4861, 974.2.1 Purchase in 1974. [ the 165 ] 222 LACTATION OF SAINT BERNARD Flemish school (middle of XVII It is century) drink H. 83 cm ; l. 72 cm Museum of Garninet Collection Jules Garinet. [ the 166 ] 223 The delivery of Saint-Pierre Flemish school (middle of XVII It is century) cloth H. 280 cm ; l. 206 cm Notre-Dame de Bonne-Nouvelle church Unknown provenance. [ the 167 ] 224 Deer entering a dining room Flemish school (middle of 17 It is century) cloth H. 218 cm ; l. 389 cm Museum of Hunting and Nature 63.160.1 Acquired in 1963. [ the 167 ] 225 Hunting rest Flemish school (middle of XVII It is century) drink H. 47 cm ; l. 70 cm Nîmes Museum of Fine Arts [ the 168 ]