The escapes – Wikipedia


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The escapes is a French publishing house created in September 2008 by the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo and directed by the designer Riss. It extends the activity of the authors of Charlie Hebdo Beyond the weekly in various fields: comics, reports, chronicles, drawing books, children’s books.

2008 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Jean-LuC Heses (Textes), Riss (Dessins), Obama, what else ? (ISBN  978-2-35766-008-3 )
  • Philippe Val (texts), Catherine (drawings), If it continues, it will not last: chronicles (ISBN  978-2-35766-004-5 ) : collection of chronicles in France Inter
  • Light, Sarkozy manages France (ISBN  978-2-35766-010-6 )
  • Antonio Fischetti (texts), Charb (drawings), Sneeze in cauliflower and other sexual metaphors around the world (ISBN  978-2-35766-009-0 )
  • Catherine, Charb, Luz, Riss, Charlie Hebdo’s vacation book (ISBN  978-2-35766-012-0 )
  • Charb, Charb’s fatwas: a small inolerance treaty (ISBN  978-2-35766-015-1 )
  • Collective, Charlie Hebdo’s brief news (ISBN  978-2-35766-017-5 )
  • Uncle Bernard, More beautiful the crisis! (ISBN  978-2-35766-016-8 )
  • Riss (id.), Hitler in my living room: private photos of Germany, 1933 to 1945 (ISBN  978-2-35766-014-4 )

2010 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Charb, This is not where we poop! , series Maurice et Patapon , coll. « Charlie Hebdo Junior » (ISBN  978-2-35766-018-2 )
  • Light, Burqalembours (ISBN  978-2-35766-020-5 )
  • Light, Robokozy (ISBN  978-2-35766-023-6 )
  • Cabu, Catherine, Charb, Luz, Riss, Charlie Hebdo’s vacation notebook, 2010 (ISBN  978-2-35766-024-3 )
  • Patrick Pelloux, Emergency story , t. 2, with the seeking noon (ISBN  978-2-7491-1681-5 )
  • Charb, Charb day sayings (ISBN  978-2-35766-025-0 )
  • Collective, Still briefs from Charlie Hebdo! (ISBN  978-2-35766-027-4 )
  • Bernard Maris, Marx, O Marx, why did you abandon me? (ISBN  978-2-35766-022-9 )
  • Light, King of Club (ISBN  978-2-35766-028-1 )
  • Catherine Meurisse, Good manner or die (ISBN  978-2-35766-030-4 )
  • Collective, Let’s raise the debate (ISBN  978-2-35766-031-1 )

2011 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Charb, Marcel Keuf, the cop (ISBN  978-2-35766-032-8 )
  • Cabu, Johnny is France (ISBN  978-2-35766-035-9 )
  • Antonio Fischetti, Riss, Charb and Luz drawings, The Empire of Sciences: 200 discoveries that concern you (+ or -) (ISBN  978-2-35766-034-2 )
  • Riss, Laurent Léger, Everyone loves Liliane: the adventures of Liliane Bettencourt (ISBN  978-2-35766-036-6 )
  • RESF, préface Lilian Thuram, Sarkozy expelled me: 140 stories of foreigners whose France did not want (ISBN  978-2-35766-038-0 )
  • Charlie Hebdo Les 1000 UNES, 1992/2011 , collective (ISBN  978-2-35766-041-0 )
  • Good riddance , collective (ISBN  978-2-35766-042-7 )
  • Alexandre, the discreet charm of Gauloiserie , Kokery hand (ISBN  978-2-35766-043-4 )
  • Tar and feathers, centenary of the LPO , collective, preface Allain Bougrain Dubourg (ISBN  978-2-35766-044-1 )
  • Collabos , Laurent Joly (ISBN  978-2-35766-045-8 )
  • I hate the little sentences , Honoré (ISBN  978-2-35766-046-5 )

2012 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Collective, with François Hollande, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Eva Joly, Nathalie Arthaud, Philippe Poutou, Pierre Laurent, Cécile Duflot, Clémentine Autain, Arnaud Montebourg, Aurélie Filippetti, 10 reasons not to vote Sarkozy (ISBN  978-2-35766-049-6 )
  • New France of Beaufs , Cabu (ISBN  978-2357660502 )
  • Maurice et Patapon . Tome 5: Neither God nor master ! carb (ISBN  978-2357660519 )
  • Death , by Xavier Emmanueli and Sylvie Coma (ISBN  978-2357660489 )
  • Generation clears , from Sylvie Coma (ISBN  978-2357660472 )
  • Baby , Take 1, by Carlos Giménez (ISBN  978-2357660571 )
  • What happiness! , Collective (ISBN  978-2357660540 )
  • Charlie Hebdo: 20 years old, 1992/2012 , Collective (ISBN  978-2357660557 )
  • Cavanna tells Cavanna (ISBN  978-2357660403 )
  • Death to bowlchos: a century of anti -communist posters from Nicolas Lebourg (ISBN  978-2357660526 )

two thousand and thirteen [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Disgusting , the Willem (ISBN  978-2357660588 )
  • Farmers by Fabrice Nicolino (ISBN  978-2357660595 )
  • The illustrated Torah , from Charb (ISBN  978-2357660601 )
  • Trainet Méconnu , from Vincent Lisita (ISBN  978-2357660625 )
  • Diary of an economist in crisis Bernard Maris (ISBN  978-2357660618 )
  • Maurice et Patapon . Tome 6: Marriage for all ! , from Charb (ISBN  978-2357660632 )
  • Baby , Take 2, by Carlos Giménez (ISBN  978-2357660656 )
  • I really don’t like French song , of light (ISBN  978-2357660663 )
  • Muhammad’s life , from Charb (ISBN  978-2357660649 )
  • Cabu Swing , Cabu (ISBN  978-2357660670 )
  • Women’s struggles: 100 years of feminist posters , from Bibia Pavard and Michelle Zancarini-Fournel (ISBN  978-2357660694 )
  • Charlie Hebdo: slump for all , Collective (ISBN  978-2357660687 )

2014 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

2015 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. postponed data from the site June 22, 2019
