The Granges-le-Roi-Wikipedia


The Granges-le-Roi (pronounced [ l ɛ ɡ ʁ ɑ ʒ l ǝ ʁ In a ] Listen ) is a French commune located at 46 km In the southwest of Paris in the department of Essonne in the Île-de-France region.


Its inhabitants are called the Grangeois [ first ] .

Description [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Position of the barns-le-Roi in Essonne.

Small town located south of Dourdan and on the edge of the Louye forest, and the Plaine de Beauce, the Granges-le-Roi are essentially agricultural. We cultivate cereals, beets and cider apples.

The Granges-le-Roi is located at 46 km In the southwest of Paris-Notre-Dame, point zero of the roads of France, 34 km southwest of Évry, 13 km northwest of Étampes, 3 km South of Dourdan, 19 km Southwest of Arpajon, 24 km southwest of Montlhéry, 24 km west of La Ferté-Alais, 28 km Southwest of Palaiseau, 35 km northwest of Milly-la-Forêt, and 36 km Southwest of Corbeil-Essonnes.

The city is renowned for its famous luminous reindeer house.


Neighboring municipalities [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Climate [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Granges-le-Roi is located in Île-de-France and benefits from a degraded oceanic climate, characterized by fresh winters, gentle summers and precipitation also distributed over the year. The average temperatures recorded at the departmental station of Brétigny-sur-Orge rise to 10.8 °C with maximum and minimum averages of 15.2 °C And 6.4 °C . Maximum and minimum real temperatures noted are 24.5 °C in July and 0.7 °C in January, with records established in 38.2 °C the And −19.6 °C the . The situation in the big suburbs of the commune leads to a lesser urban density and a negative difference from one to two degrees Celsius with Paris. Similarly, the presence of rivers and fields causes the formation of mists and fogs which are giving the sunshine, established at 1,798 hours annually, is fifty less than the capital. With 598.3 millimeters of precipitation accumulated over the year and an approximate distribution of fifty millimeters per month, the municipality is watered in the same proportions as the other regions of the North of the Loire.

Climatic data at Granges-le-Roi.
Month jan. feb. mars april May June jui. august sep. oct. nov. dec. year
Average minimum temperature (° C) 0.7 first 2.8 4.8 8.3 11.1 13 12.8 10.4 7.2 3.5 1.7 6.4
Average temperature (° C) 3.4 4.3 7.1 9.7 13.4 16.4 18.8 18.5 15.6 11.5 6.7 4.3 10.8
Average maximum temperature (° C) 6.1 7.6 11.4 14.6 18.6 21.8 24.5 24.2 20.8 15.8 9.9 6.8 15.2
Sunifying (H) 59 89 134 176 203 221 240 228 183 133 79 53 1 798
Precipitation (mm) 47.6 42.5 44.4 45.6 53.7 51 52.2 48.5 55.6 51.6 54.1 51.5 598.3

Typology [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Granges-le-Roi is a rural commune, because it is one of the communes that are not very little dense, in the sense of the municipal gate of density of the INSEE [ Note 1 ] , [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] .

In addition, the town is part of the Paris attraction area, of which it is a town in the crown [ Note 2 ] . This area brings together 1,929 municipalities [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] .

Land use in 2008.
Type d’occupation Percentage Surface
(in hectares)
Urban space built 3.4% 43.54
Urban area not built 1.2% 15.32
Rural space 95.4% 1 221.73
Source : Iaurif-MOS 2008 [ 9 ]

Grang In 1220, Gurry At XIII It is century, REGIS CLOCHIES , La Grange-Bévelou , La Grange-le-Roi [ ten ] .

The origin of the name of the place is little known.

The commune was established by the French Revolution in 1793 under the name of The barns , the current name was introduced in 1801 into the Bulletin of laws [ 11 ] .

The Granges-le-Roi in the Middle Ages [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The village depended on the lordship of Dourdan which was ville royale .

It is Philippe-Auguste who links the village to the provost of Dourdan and to the bailiwick of Étampes.

In 1150, the village belonged to the regular canons of Saint-Augustin (Saint-Chéron) by the bishop of Chartres Goslin de Lèves. We have a donation charter confirmed on this subject by Papal Bulle of Innocent III [ twelfth ]

In 1216, the Léproserie de Dourdan, dependent on the order of Saint-Lazare, located in the Faubourg Saint-Laurent, owned titles in Granges-le-Roi.

The population of the barns in 1220

In 1220, the population of Granges-le-Roi amounted to 90 tax fires, that is to say around 360 people, if you count, as is the use, four people per fire. This information is indicated in the ” Bishop of Chartres in Mayor diaconate », Extracted from a pouillé from the diocese of Chartres written in the second half of XIII It is century [ 13 ] . The list allows the comparison between the populations of the neighboring parishes and the income that the various decimators could draw parishes.

Parishes Parishioners Estimations Tightgers
Foresta Regis / La Forêt-le-Roy 72 30 pounds The great archdeacon
REGIS CLOCHIES 90 40 pounds The abbot of Saint-Chéron
Ruppis-Fortis / Rochefort 224 60 pounds The Lord of the place
Roinvilletta / Roinville 57 35 pounds The great archdeacon
S.Karaunus / St-Chéron-Montcouronne 78 30 pounds The great archdeacon
S.Arnulfus in aquilina / St-Arnould en Yvelines 290 30 pounds The Archbishop of Paris
S.Cyriacus / St-Cyr 104 30 pounds The great archdeacon
VALLIS S-GERMANI / LE VAL-SAINT-GERMAIN 186 30 pounds The great archdeacon
Danesi with Capella / Denisy 56 20 pounds The Abbot of Josaphat
Suus Campus / Sonchamp 360 60 pounds The abbot of St-Benoît-sur-Loire
Chaloton S.-Medard 290 30 pounds The Abbot of Josaphat
Abluyez / Ablis 240 50 pounds The Abbot of Josaphat

The Saint Louis, wanting to reward his Chambellan Jean de Bourguinel] buy at Berthault Cocalogon, lord of Femerez at Perche, near Châteauneuf-en-Thymerais, a lordship, dependent on that of Dourdan. He offers it to Jean de Bourguinel and his wife Marguerite, after having attached the village to the bailiwick of Orleans. He sold him in 1266 to the religious of the Royal Abbey of Longchamp. This lordship, according to letters of admission of Messire Berthault, passed in 1190 under the authority of the provost of Dourdan, was none other than the property of all the seigneurial rights of the city of Dourdan, cens, rentes, Vassals, sales and residents, referrals and fines, Champart and Champarting, with measurements, good and chores that belong to this Champart. Other income, not specified, in the city and property located in the barns were added to this lordship. In 1266, Bourguinel separated from this lordship for the benefit of the nuns of Longchamp [ 14 ] .

The main lords who owned the Granges-le-Roi in prerogative-portion of the royal domain given to the cadets of the Maison de France to compensate for their exclusion from the crown-are:

  • The Counts of Évreux and the Duke Berry between 1400 and 1478,
  • The Dukes of Guise from 1559 to 1588
  • The Dukes of Sully from 1611 to 1672
  • The Dukes of Orleans of 1672 during the French Revolution.

The village had two hamlets:

  • The Villeneuve farm which belonged to XVII It is century to the Knight of Passart.
  • The hamlet of Ouÿe where an abbey was founded in 1163

Administrative and electoral attaches [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Administrative attachments

Prior to the law of July 10, 1964 [ 15 ] , the town was part of the department of Seine-et-Oise. The reorganization of the Paris region in 1964 informed that the municipality now belongs to the Department of Essonne and its arrondissement of Étampes after an effective administrative transfer to the .

She has been a part of the Canton of Dourdan-Sud de Seine-et-Oise since 1801. When setting up the Hauts-de-Seine, she joined the canton of Dourdan [ 11 ] . As part of the 2014 cantonal redistribution in France, this territorial administrative district has disappeared, and the canton is only an electoral district.

Electoral attachments

For the departmental elections, the municipality has been a new canton of Dourdan since 2014 since 2014

For the election of deputies, it is part of the third district of Essonne.

Intercommunality [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The_Granges-le-Roi is a member of the community of communes Le Dourdannais en Hurepoix, a public establishment for inter-municipal cooperation (EPCI) with own taxation created in 2005 and to which the municipality transferred a certain number of its skills, under the conditions determined by the general code of local authorities.

Political trends and results [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Presidential elections

Results of second rounds:

  • Presidential election of 2002: 85.14% for Jacques Chirac (RPR), 14.86% for Jean-Marie Le Pen (FN), 84.86% of participation [ 16 ] .
  • Presidential election of 2007: 56.97% for Nicolas Sarkozy (UMP), 43.03% for Ségolène Royal (PS), 85.82% of participation [ 17 ] .
  • Presidential election of 2012: 51.62% for Nicolas Sarkozy (UMP), 48.38% for François Hollande (PS), 89.55% of participation [ 18 ] .
Legislative elections

Results of second rounds:

  • Legislative elections of 2002: 57.38% for Geneviève Colot (UMP), 42.62% for Yves Tavernier (PS), 68.01% of participation [ 19 ] .
  • Legislative elections of 2007: 56.63% for Geneviève Colot (UMP), 43.37% for Brigitte Zins (PS), 62.44% of participation [ 20 ] .
  • 2012 legislative elections: 51.32% for Michel Pouzol (PS), 48.68% for Geneviève Colot (UMP), 68.01% of participation [ 21 ] .
European elections

Results of the two best scores:

  • European elections of 2004: 22.56% for Harlem Désir (PS), 17.38% for Patrick Gaubert (UMP), 46.71% of participation [ 22 ] .
  • European elections of 2009: 27.25% for Michel Barnier (UMP), 14.44% for Daniel Cohn-Bendit (Les Verts), 47.36% of [ 23 ] .
Regional elections

Results of the two best scores:

  • Regional elections of 2004: 43.49% for Jean-François Copé (UMP), 43.28% for Jean-Paul Huchon (PS), 67.68% of [ 24 ] .
  • Regional elections of 2010: 56.35% for Jean-Paul Huchon (PS), 43.65% for Valérie Pécresse (UMP), 55.50% of participation [ 25 ] .
Cantonal and departmental elections

Results of second rounds:

  • Cantonal elections of 2004: 57.20% for Dominique Dégrex (UMP), 42.80% for Brigitte Zins (PS), 67.68% of participation [ 26 ] .
  • Cantonal elections of 2011: 60.36% for Dominique Dégrex (UMP), 39.64% for Maryvonne Boquet (PS), 52.83% of participation [ 27 ] .
Municipal elections

Results of second rounds:

  • Referendum of 2000 relating to presidential five -year term: 72.33% for the yes, 27.67% for the no, 33.24% of participation [ 29 ] .
  • 2005 referendum relating to the treaty establishing a constitution for Europe: 56.89% for NO, 43.11% for the yes, 70.45% of participation [ 30 ] .

List of mayors [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

List of successive mayors [ thirty first ] .
Period Identify Label Quality
1791 1794 Lubin Lecoy
1794 1795 Jean Picard
1795 1802 Claude Chenu
1802 1818 Louis Gidoin
1818 1821 Paul Hardy
1821 1852 Jean-Pierre Fontaine
1852 1861 Jean-Louis Alexandre Regnier
1861 1861 Jean-Pierre Venat
1861 1876 Louis Prudent Thomas
1876 1884 Louis Frédéric Beauvillier
1884 1886 Émile Venat
1886 1888 Prudent stone Asselin
1888 1895 François Narcisse Plé
1895 1899 Charles Marchand
1899 1908 Henri Roulleau
1908 1925 Amédée Petit
1925 1929 Alfred Petit
1929 1945 Eugène ASSELIN
1945 1977 Pierre Miger
1977 1989 Serge Grimoux
1989 2001 André Guibon
2001 May 2020 [ 32 ] Jeannick Mounoury DVD Construction Economist
May 2020 [ 33 ] mars 2021 [ 34 ] Stéphane Poussin Vice-president of CC Le Dourdannais in Hurepoix (2020 → mars 2021)
Mandate shortened by the resignation of more than half of the municipal councilors
July 2020 [ 35 ] In progress
(to October 14, 2020)
Pierre Valley Community advisor delegated to digital and the Territory Food Project

Sustainable Development Policy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The municipality has initiated a sustainable development policy by launching an Agenda 21 approach in 2013 [ 36 ] .

Demography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Demographic evolution [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The evolution of the number of inhabitants is known through the population censuses made in the municipality since 1793. From 2006, the legal populations of the municipalities are published annually by INSEE. The census is now based on an annual information collection, successively concerning all the municipal territories during a period of five years. For municipalities with less than 10,000 inhabitants, a census survey relating to the entire population is carried out every five years, the legal populations of the intermediate years being estimated by interpolation or extrapolation [ 37 ] . For the municipality, the first exhaustive census falling within the framework of the new system was carried out in 2004 [ 38 ] .

In 2020, the town had 1,184 inhabitants [ Note 3 ] , decreased by 0.42%compared to 2014 (Essonne: +2.99%, France excluding Mayotte: +1.9%).

Evolution of the population [ modifier ]
1793 1800 1806 1821 1831 1836 1841 1846 1851
400 451 419 418 413 416 407 421 428
1856 1861 1866 1872 1876 1881 1886 1891 1896
418 392 426 409 400 367 400 411 398
1901 1906 1911 1921 1926 1931 1936 1946 1954
384 408 358 320 362 378 368 403 354
1962 1968 1975 1982 1990 1999 2004 2006 2009
366 374 575 762 846 873 944 949 1 026
2014 2019 2020
1 189 1 177 1 184
Histogram of demographic evolution

Age structure [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 2018, the rate of people of an age lower than 30 years amounts to 37.7%, below the departmental average (39.9%). Conversely, the rate of age higher than 60 years is 22.1% the same year, while it was 20.1% at the departmental level.

In 2018, the town had 597 men For 590 women , or a rate of 50.29% of men, slightly higher than the departmental rate (48.98%).

The pyramids of the ages of the town and the department are established as follows.

Age pyramid of the town in 2018 in percentage [ 40 ]
Men Age class Women


90 or +



75-89 years



60-74 years



45-59 years



30-44 years old



15-29 years



0-14 years old


Age pyramid of the Department of Essonne in 2018 as a percentage [ 41 ]
Men Age class Women


90 or +



75-89 years



60-74 years



45-59 years



30-44 years old



15-29 years



0-14 years old


Education [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The students of the Granges-le-Roi are attached to the Academy of Versailles.

The municipality has in 2010 on its territory of the Vergers elementary school [ 42 ] .

Sports [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

For hikers, the town is crossed by the Gr of Hurepoix countries , which connects the Bièvre valley, to that of Essonne, via Yvette, Barley, and Juine [ 43 ] .

Places of worship [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Catholic parish of Granges-le-Roi is attached to the pastoral sector of Dourdan and to the diocese of Évry-Corbeil-Essonnes. It has the Saint-Léonard church. The Notre-Dame de l’O Ouÿe abbey is installed away from the town [ 44 ] .

Media [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The weekly The Republican reports local information. The municipality is also in the program of TV channels France 3 Paris Île-de-France Center, IDF1 and Télif Télif.

Jobs, income and standard of living [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 2006, median tax income per household was 22,103 € € , which placed the town at 1,348 It is rank among the 30,687 municipalities of more than fifty households in the country and a hundred departmental row [ 45 ] .

Distribution of jobs by socio -professional categories in 2006.
Farmers Craftsmen, traders,
Managers and professions
higher intellectuals
Employees Workers
The Granges-le-Roi
Dourdan employment area 0.7% 6.0% 18.9% 28.5% 26.3% 19.6%
National 2.2% 6.0% 15.4% 24.6% 28.7% 23.2%
Distribution of jobs by activity sectors in 2006.
Agriculture Industry Construction Commerce Services at
Services at
The Granges-le-Roi
Dourdan employment area 1.7% 10.4% 7.5% 11.8% 21.6% 6.9%
National 3.5% 15.2% 6.4% 13.3% 13.3% 7.6%
Sources : Insee [ forty six ] , [ 47 ] , [ 48 ]

Places and monuments [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The municipal portion of the Dourdan forest to the north and the woods to the south were identified as natural spaces sensitive by the General Council of Essonne [ 49 ] .
  • Notre-Dame de l’O Ouÿe abbey
  • The Saint-Léonard church, which already existed before 1150, was conceded on that date, by Goslin de Lèves, to the Augustinian canons of the abbey of Saint-Chéron-lès-Chartres. In 1170 there is a transaction between the prior and its inhabitants, for “the luminaire of Saint-Barthélemy” [ 50 ] .
    From the XIII It is century The priors had difficulties in perceiving the tithe of vintages of the barns, part of the territory was cultivated in vineyards. The Saint-Léonard church shared with that of Dourdan the offerings and the pious legacies of the owners of the country, and its income rose to XII It is century to around 4000 F. (from 1900, approx. 40,000 F of 2000). In 1217, in front of two canons of Paris, judges delegated by the pope, was signed, at the request of the parties, a transaction between the abbot of Saint-Chéron and the parish priest of the barns “concerning the tithes of the vineyards and the low-knife possessed in Dourdan by the latter ”. The prosecutor of Saint-Chéron claims for the convent these tithes in the name of parish law, and the parish priest of the barns, Barthélemy Jorri, after proof and deliberation, decides to recognize that he will return to good faith in the convent of the Title vines. As for the dining men, as long as he lives, he will collect them on behalf of the monastery and, in recognition, he will have, on the day of the collection of tithes, 2 deniers. After his death, the tithes will return to the monastery.
    His boss, Saint Léonard, was the object of the pilgrimage of the mothers of the region who bore their late children to speak. We see, in the choir and in the middle of the nave, tombstones of XIV It is century and XV It is century, which bear the names of the laborers of the parish, especially of the lands of the Abbey of Louye.
    The church has been repeatedly altered: in the 13th, 15th and 17th. There are from the primitive church of the 12th to the western portal. The nave dates from the 13th century, the utmost altar of the 17th century. Its main characteristic is its high square tower which is seen from far away. It was registered in the Historic Monuments the [ 51 ] .
  • The lime and tile oven, dating from 1851, which was used to make bricks and tiles. This activity stopped around 1920.

Personalities linked to the municipality [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Some inhabitants of the barns identified in 1340

The role of the cens due to the abbey for the year 1340 makes it possible to find some inhabitants of the Granges-le-Roi at that time. Here is an extract from this role [ 52 ] :

  1. “The Fame Feu Gilet Mahi, Pour Sa Terre de l’ennc, 3 Deniers;
  2. “Item, Pour SA Meson descends, 5 SOLts.
  3. “Godine Torniment, Will The New Yorm Broadcasing, 9 Delieers.
  4. “Guillaumin Cornille, for his vingen on the Estanc, 5 deniers.
  5. “Perrot Le Roy, for the meson that fu at La Cronillele, 1 denier.
  6. “Item, for the meson that fu sirou, 3 deniers.
  7. “Colin Gautier, for the earth that fu tirboilleau, 2 deniers, obole.
  8. “The Fame Fu Thomas the Prince, for his borders meson, 6 floors.
  9. “Houdon la Girard, for his land of Vau Roullet, 12 deniers.
  10. “Robin from the point, for his haires de la Saucoye, 22 deniers, ob.
  11. “Gautier Renier, for his land of Long Raye, 9 deniers, Ob.
  12. “Item, for its land of Saint-Ladre, 6 deniers.
  13. “Micheau Guillart, Charon, for Sayre de la Sauçoye, 1 denier.
  14. “L’Oustel-Dieu, for Sayre de la Sauçoye and for his knot, 14 deniers.
  15. “Item, Pour said Vingne des Baleiz, 5 Deniers, Ob.
  16. “Guiot le Chandelier, to sary from the saçoye, 1 denier.
  17. “Nollet Capterone, Pour SA MESN desks, 20 deniers.
  18. “Jehan Taudin, for his saçoye Ayres, 2 deniers.
  19. “Jehan Le Texier, for his Courtiz de l’Estunci, 4 floors 8 deniers, etc, etc.
  20. “These are the Cens Ad Dames of Lonc Champ, Receus Ad Granges Le Roy, the day of Sainct Remi, which were once Ad James de Breban, the year of Grace Mil CCC XLIIII”.

Heraldry and logotype [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Blason de Les Granges-le-Roi

The town of Les Granges-le-Roi does not have a coat of arms. However, it has a logotype.

Logo commune des Granges-le-Roi.svg

On other Wikimedia projects:

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The heritage of the municipalities of Essonne – volume 1 , Paris, Editions Flohic, , 1053 p. (ISBN  2-84234-126-0 ) , “Les Granges-le-Roi”, p. 228–231
  • Bulletin of the Historical Society of Dourdan n O 18 (1989): Monograph of the Granges-le-Roi teacher (1899), 20 pages; Two murders in the Granges-le-Roi in XVIII It is century, 2 pages; The parish of the Granges-le-Roi under the Old Regime (14 pages).
  • Bulletin of the Historical Society of Dourdan n O 19 (1989): the Saint-Léonard church of Granges-le-Roi, its architectural evolution (6 pages); History of Granges-le-Roi from the revolutionary era in 1989 (90 pages); The Ouye Abbey (19 pages).

Related articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. According to the zoning of rural and urban municipalities published in November 2020, in application of the new definition of validated rurality in the interministerial rurality committee.
  2. The concept of cities attraction areas replaced the old concept of urban area in October 2020 to allow comparisons consistent with other countries of the European Union.
  3. Legal municipal population in force at 1 is January 2023, vintage 2020, defined within the territorial limits in force at 1 is January 2022, Statistical reference date: 1 is January 2020.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Kind on the site Accessed 05/04/2009.
  2. Monthly climatology in Brétigny-sur-Orge » , on The site (consulted the ) .
  3. Monthly climatology in Brétigny-sur-Orge » , on (consulted the ) .
  4. Urban / rural typology » , on www.observatoire-des (consulted the ) .
  5. Rural commune – Definition » , on INSEE website (consulted the ) .
  6. Understand the density grid » , on www.observatoire-des (consulted the ) .
  7. List of municipalities making up the area of ​​attraction of betting » , on INSEE.FR (consulted the ) .
  8. Marie-Pierre de Bellefon, Pascal Eusebio, Jocelyn Forest, Olivier Pégaz-Blanc and Raymond Warnod (INSEE), In France, nine out of ten people live in the attraction of a city » , on INSEE.FR , (consulted the ) .
  9. Municipal land use sheet in 2008 on the IAURIF website. Accessed 11/11/2010.
  10. Hippolyte Cocheris, Former names of the municipalities of Seine-et-Oise , 1874, a work posted by the Body etampois .
  11. A B and C From the villages of Cassini to today’s municipalities On the site of the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences.
  12. Donation of the parish of Saint-Germain de Dourdan and the Granges chapel at the canons of Saint-Chéron de Chartres “I Golenus Grace of Chartres the Church of the Church of Charity Prerogativa diligent to the secular Dominin Pope Eugenii Conserts converted to the Motorable Bishop of Imprtirer the help of the Church of Dordan with Capella of Granchiis Of course, the canon regular continually abandoned and parochialia entirely in all the right and the archidiaconi right and to our donation no change in our seal, and the names of the Golenus, Bishop of Pat Archdeacon, whose consent This was fixed to Robert Succentor Renerius archdeacon John Archdeacon William Chamberlain Milo Milo Presby Odo Priest Mile Presbiter ODO canonical and deacon. ” (Archives of the parish of Dourdan)
  13. Cited in the cartulary of Saint-Père de Chartres, published by M. Guérard, in- 4 It is , 1840, volume 1, taken from a manuscript from the National Library and a manuscript from the Library of Chartres, known as the White Paper
  14. The act of transfer, now disappeared, was kept in the Loiret departmental archives. J. Guyot published a copy in his work published in 1869:
    Act of transfer of the rights of Jean Bourguinel sur Dourdan and the Granges-le-Roi to the ladies of Lonchamp, 1266
    “To all this which these letters will see Estienne Boiliaue Garde de la Prévoste de Paris, hi. We make sure that Pardevant come to live Jehan Bourgueigl Chambellenc Le Roy de France and Marguerite his Fasse and reconnaisson in law that they had sold and leaves Touzjourz and perpetually to the abbess and the convent of the umility our lady of the Mouste Mouste Mouste serers JOUSTE Saint cloust; It is to be careful when the li roys de france had given the front of Jehan if as he said, aus granches the roy of the Dourdan if as he said: it is to be careful the champart and the champarting of the city on it and sales and residents and the Bonnages and the Corvees which belong to that Champart. And the cens of the lands which have been elevated which must champart if as they say and all other things that they are that are belonging to the gift that li roys gave in front of Jehan in the city above said if as they say that ‘They had and received and which they stood in Poiez in front of us. And pre -penetrate we and by their Loiaus Creanz chascun for all li in front of Diz Jehan and Marguerite his Fassey that had this for sale and this quit on it in the way that is quoted over the guaranting will deliver and will deffer the said abbeesse and the convent above appoint and to their successors in judgment and out of judgment all the faith that mestier will be to their own couz aus us and to the custody of France against touz if as they say and as to hold it and firmly to fill the front diz Jehan and marguerie his Fâme have forced and souz put chascun for the whole thing and touz their movable and non -furniture goods prez and to come or whether they are in Joustîciers to us and our successors. In testimony of this we put the scel of the prevoste of Paris ez these letters the year of the incarnation nostre breast mil cc soissant and located in the month of Ottovre “. Vidimus in the following February by Saint Louis and Tuesday after the mid by Guillaume Thibout, guard of the provost of Paris. »»
    This signed act: J. de Nanterre, on a parchment, without tail or seal was kept at the Ad Loiret, county of Dourdan, invent. de Vassal, A, 1384. It was destroyed during the Second World War
  15. Loop n O 64-707 of July 10, 1964 reorganizing the Paris region , Jorf n O 162 of July 12, 1964, p. 6204–6209, facsimile on legifrance.
  16. Results of the 2002 presidential election on the website of the Ministry of the Interior. Accessed 08/03/2009.
  17. Results of the 2007 presidential election on the website of the Ministry of the Interior. Accessed 08/03/2009.
  18. Results of the 2012 presidential election on the website of the Ministry of the Interior. Accessed 08/05/2012.
  19. Results of the 2002 legislative election on the website of the Ministry of the Interior. Accessed 08/03/2009.
  20. Results of the 2007 legislative election on the website of the Ministry of the Interior. Accessed 08/03/2009.
  21. Results of the 2012 legislative election on the website of the Ministry of the Interior. Accessed 06/21/2012.
  22. Results of the 2004 European election on the website of the Ministry of the Interior. Accessed 08/03/2009.
  23. Results of the 2009 European election on the website of the Ministry of the Interior. Accessed 08/03/2009.
  24. Results of the 2004 regional election on the website of the Ministry of the Interior. Accessed 08/03/2009.
  25. Results of the 2010 regional election on the website of the Ministry of the Interior. Accessed 03/31/2010.
  26. Results of the 2004 cantonal election on the website of the Ministry of the Interior. Accessed 08/03/2009.
  27. Results of the 2011 cantonal election on the website of the Ministry of the Interior. Accessed on 04/01/2011.
  28. Results of the 2008 municipal election on the website of the Ministry of the Interior. Accessed 01/24/2013.
  29. Results of the 2000 referendum on the site Accessed 08/03/2009.
  30. Results of the 2005 referendum on the website of the Ministry of the Interior. Accessed 08/03/2009.
  31. List of mayors on the database Accessed 04/06/2009.
  32. Teddy Vaury, «  Essonne: Future and former mayors hand in hand in Granges-le-Roi: during the municipal election on March 15, only one list led by Stéphane Poussin was in the running while the outgoing mayor, Jeannick Mounoury did not appear », The Republican of Essonne , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  33. Municipal 2020 in Essonne. Stéphane Poussin, the announced mayor of the Granges-le-Roi: the candidate will lead the single list of the village of 1200 inhabitants located on the heights of Dourdan », Essonne Actu , ( read online , consulted the ) “Municipal councilor since 2014, he will succeed Jeannick Mounoury next March who chose not to renew his candidacy after three successive terms” .
  34. Teddy Vaury, «  Essonne: 7 resignations to the municipal council of Les Granges-le-Roi: the resignation of 7 municipal councilors will cause municipal municipal elections », The Republican of Essonne , ( read online , consulted the ) “On March 15, only one list presented itself by the votes of the Grangeois for the municipal elections. Stéphane Poussin led this list with 14 other Grangeois of all sensitivities. Seven months later, on December 18, the resignation of almost half of elected officials will cause new municipal elections ” .
  35. A new mayor for the Granges-le-Roi: the voters of the village of Dourdannais were called to the polls last Sunday », Evasion FM , ( read online , consulted the ) “It is the other list led by Pierre Vallée who won with almost 100 more votes” .
  36. Sheet | Agenda 21 of territories-Les Grandes-le-Roi , accessed October 30, 2017
  37. The organization of the census , on
  38. Departmental censuses calendar , on
  39. INSEE – Legal populations of the town for years 2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 , two thousand and thirteen , 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018 , 2019 And 2020 .
  40. INSEE, Evolution and structure of the population in 2018-Commune des Granges-le-Roi (91284) » , (consulted the ) .
  41. INSEE, Evolution and structure of the population in 2018 – Department of Essonne (91) » , (consulted the ) .
  42. List of schools in the department on the official diocese website. Accessed on 09/15/2010.
  43. Gr of Hurepoix countries
  44. Parish sheet on the official diocese website. Accessed on 15/11/2009.
  45. National statistical summary on the INSEE website. » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?) Accessed 10/26/2009.
  46. %5CCOM%5CDL_COM91284.PDF Municipal statistical report on the INSEE website. » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?) Accessed on 06/10/2010.
  47. %5CDL_ZE19901145.pdf Statistical report of the Dourdan employment area on the INSEE website. » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?) Accessed on 05/20/2010.
  48. National statistical report on the INSEE website. Accessed 05/07/2009.
  49. Map of the ENS des Granges-le-Roi on the site of the General Council of Essonne. Accessed 03/2019.
  50. Ad Eure-et-Loir, Saint-Chéron funds
  51. Notice n O PA00087920 , Base Mérimée, French Ministry of Culture . Accessed on 03/15/2010.
  52. Role of the cens due to the abbey for the year 1340, formerly kept in Orleans and destroyed during the fire of the departmental archives during the Second World War, but quoted by J. Guyot, Dourdan, chronicles of a former royal city , 1869, page 38-39
