The Iron Council – Wikipedia


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The Iron Council (original title: Iron Council ) is a novel by the British writer China Miéville published in 2004, and the third after Perdido Street Station And The scarified From a series located in the fictitious world of Bas-Lag, a world where magic (called “Thaumaturgy”) and Steampunk technology coexist.

Faucheur leaves the city of New-Crobuzon in particular in the company of Purgis, Élise and Fejhechruiçel in order to find the legendary Iron Council, a train once in the hands of the government but which was diverted then transformed into a socialist dwelling in perpetual movement, its inhabitants Building its railway as you go while destroying it after its passage.

At the same time, in New-Crobuzon, seditious groups try to reverse the power in place.

  • Reaper ( Cutter In the original version), a member of the committee, he left New-Crobuzon to find the legendary Iron Council in order to warn him of the threat of the militia which directs the city of New Crobuzon.
  • Élise ( Elsie In the original version), member of the committee, she supports Faucheur.
  • Frugis ( Pomeroy In the original version), member of the committee, he supports Faucheur.
  • Fejhechruic ( Fejhechrillen In the original version), member of the Committee, this Vodyanoi, man-Batracien, also accompanies Faucheur.
  • Drug ( Drug In the original version), a nomadic rider “blower”, he is able to speak and impose his will by telepathy. He joined the group of reaper in his search for the Council of Iron.
  • Or curly ( Or chiraz In the original version), a young sympathizer of the committee in New Crobuzon, tired of speeches without follow-up, he aspires to a direct fight against the militia and the mayor of New Crobuzon.
  • Jacques L’Exceur ( Jack Half-a-Prayer In the original version), says the commander, is a freezed, having fought against the militia and having been executed twenty years earlier.
  • Spiral Jacobs ( Spiral Jacobs In the original version), a former exauceur wrestling companion, he puts in contact or or with the group of Toro.
  • Visit ( Visit In the original version), formidable gang leader carrying out actions against the city government.
  • Judas Bezalle ( Judah Low In the original version), a very powerful golemist, according to the construction site of the railroad, he actively participates in the creation of the Iron Council.
  • Anne-day ( Ann-day In the original version), a young peasant, fascinated by the train, she followed Judas Bezalle, becoming her lover, then head of prostitutes and member of the Iron Council.
  • Gross Kwiss ( Thick Shanks In the original version), Cactacea, it is part of the Iron Council.
  • Expert ( Expert In the original version), recreated, it is part of the Iron Council.
  • Qurabin ( Qurabin In the original version), Moine Renégat de Tesh, met by Faucheur and Judas during their search for the Iron Council, he joined them to help them.

In Great Britain, the novel receives a fairly mixed criticism from journalist Steven Poole in the review The Guardian . He claims that “in comparison with the novel The scarified , The Iron Council seems too serious, more increased by the volume of political baggage. […] However, fantasy is generally fabulously conservative and The Iron Council , with his implicit unionism, as well as the fact that many characters are negligently bisexual, resonates as a reproach to medieval policies of the genre. ” He nevertheless concluded that “it was a good reading” [ first ] . Criticism by Michael Dirda, in The Washington Post , is more positive, the journalist saying that “in multiple ways, the city of New Crobuzon of China Miéville is a garden not weeded with supernatural delights and The Iron Council A work mixing a passionate conviction and a very great artistic talent ” [ 2 ] .

In France, the cosmic cockroach describes the novel as “a winning blow for Miéville who managed to keep all the qualities of his previous novels by adding this little something extra” [ 3 ] While Actusf considers that “China Miéville loses us in an overly luxuriant jungle, where rapture at the sight of an orchid found at the bend of a track, is not worth, in the end, the quiet feeling of familiarity of a good Bousson that marks the North ” [ 4 ] .


Awards [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Iron Council was offered for the Hugo Prize for the Best Roman 2005 [ 5 ] and the World Fantasy Prize for the Best Roman 2005 [ 5 ] . He won the Locus Prize for the Best Fantasy Roman 2005 [ 5 ] and the 2005 Arthur-C.-Clarke Prize [ 5 ] .

  • Iron Council , Macmillan, , 471 p. (ISBN  978-0333989722 )
  • The Iron Council , Black river, coll. “Rendezvous elsewhere”, , trad. Nathalie Mège , 564 p. (ISBN  978-2265083097 )
  • The Iron Council , Pocket, coll.  « Fantasy » n O 5997, , trad. Nathalie Mège , 731 p. (ISBN  978-2266186353 )
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