The Machine (Association) — Wikipedia


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To Machine is a street theater company born in 1999 and managed by François Delarozière.

She was born from the collaboration of artists, technicians and decorators of shows, around the construction of atypical performance objects. The machine is today developing many projects in the field of urban development in Nantes on the island of Nantes with the machines of the island (the large elephant and the carousel of the marine worlds), or the square merry -go -round Sénart in Sénart as that of the street show (learned mechanics, the large repertoire of machines, mechanical symphony, vegetable expedition, dinner of small mechanics, etc.).

In 2013, the machine administration was made up of François Delarozière (artistic director), Bertrand Bidet (technical and commercial director), Frédette Lampre (distribution and partnership manager), Marie Saunier-Luce (show administrator).

To make its constructions, the company La Machine has a workshop in Nantes and another at the factory [ first ] , in Tournefeuille. Multiple professions are represented there, from show to crafts through industry and advanced techniques.

As part of the Toulouse-Montaudran project, the machine has created a new legal entity administratively directed by Betty Toustou assisted by Guillaume Tardieu.


Existing urban developments [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Spectacles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • first is Plot of excavator, created in 2012 as part of support for the Urbaine Development Project in La Roche-sur-Yon.
  • The vegetable expedition, created in 2011 and co-produced by the DGCA, the CNAR of Niort and Angers, the Ensan of Nantes, given at the exit of the workshop in Germany in Dessau-Rosslau, then in the first in Antwerp, this show is on a European tour in 2013.
  • The small mechanical dinner created in 2010 with the support of the Abbey of Fontevraud and the Channel, national scene of Calais
  • Flames: street installation created by Pierre de Mecquenem and born in the Calais Channel in , mixture of fire (Braseros, stoves, candles, pyres) and fireworks.
  • The learned mechanics: show staging, in the streets, two giant spiders presented in 2008 in Liverpool during the appointment of the city as the European capital of culture, then in Yokohama in 2009 for the 150 It is Port anniversary. The music of the show is by Dominique Malan and the effects of Thierry Loridant.
  • Mechanical symphony: spectacle combining classical music and mechanical sounds of music machines such as flute casserole, piano tinked or groovagaz. This philantine piece was co -wrote with Mino Malan.
  • The large repertoire of machines: exhibition-spectacle presented between 2003 and 2006 in Nantes, Calais, Toulouse, Antwerp, Marseille and Paris.
  • Long ma, the spirit of the dragon horse, on the occasion of the jubilee of Franco-Chinese diplomatic ties, the in Beijing
  • The spirit of the dragon horse, the stolen wings, from 27 to in Ottawa, as part of 150 It is Birthday of the Canadian Confederation [ 2 ] .
  • The guardian of the temple, featuring, Asterion the “Minotaur” took place from November 1 to 4, 2018 in the streets of Toulouse.
  • Long Ma, during its visit to Toulouse on April 16 and 17, 2022, the show took place on the giant track (former historic track of the Aéropostale), in the Montaudran district.

Toulouse installation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 2014, the La Machine Company with the support of the Toulouse agglomeration begins the installation, at the edge of the legendary airpostle track in the Montaudran district of Toulouse, a new place of creation and distribution: the Machine hall . A set of the 200 company’s show machines are exhibited there and set in motion. As part of this project, the C ie The machine has created and made a monumental machine, a “minotaur”. This machine is an architecture in a protagonist movement of a new large -scale creation entitled The temple guardian [ 3 ] . At the end of the show, she took up residence at the Halle de la Machine and allows to embark on the audience on board. The Minotaur was funded by Toulouse Métropole at 90%. This project accompanies the urban rehabilitation site of the Montaudran Aerospace zone led by the architect David Mangin. Its mission is to energize this new district of Toulouse but also to strengthen the cultural and tourist attractiveness of the pink city.

This project was led by the municipal team of Pierre Cohen (PS). He was strongly criticized by the opposition and Jean-Luc Moudenc deputy UMP of Haute-Garonne and current mayor, who condemned this funding up to 90%, even though the private company, and not the public community, will remain the owner of the ‘work and will benefit from most of the rights to derivative products [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] . Finally, the project was adopted by Jean-Luc Moudenc and the show The temple guardian , featuring the “minotaur” took place from the 1 is At in the streets of Toulouse. The Halle de la Machine located on the giant track in the Montaudran district, opened a week later, with a large inauguration weekend on 9, 10 and [ 6 ] .

Current projects [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The heron tree: it is a steel tree of 35 m high and 50 m of diameter. The branches will form a hanging garden, with different plant themes. The public will be able to walk there, the branches being linked together by bridges, stairs and platforms. Two metal herons of 15 m Large will be placed at the top of the tree. They will be able to accommodate passengers in nacelles hung on their back and under their wings. The birds, each fixed to the axis of the tree by an articulated crane arm, will fly away and deploy their wings for a circular flight at 45 m of the ground. A prototype branch of this tree can be visited at the island’s machines. The project is at the technical study stage and the tree will be located in the old Miséry career in Bas-Chantenay. The project was canceled by the town hall of Nantes in September 2022 [ 7 ] .
  • As part of an urban development project, the City of Calais asked the machine to develop a bestiary of giant reptiles which will be made up of machines on which the public will be invited to take place. The first machine arrived the In an inaugural show of 3 days. It is the Calais dragon on the seafront, giving birth to the Dragon Company which will ensure its exploitation. He will be joined later by Varans and several iguanas in strategic places in the territory of Calais.

Divers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Mechanical showcase: In order to tell, through a selection of objects, its history and that of its conservatives, the Nantes natural history museum asked François Delarozière to create a window. This, installed in the middle of the Gallery of Earth Sciences, made of glass and metal, opens thanks to a system of winches and cables.
