The Madeleine at the night light – Wikipedia


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The Madeleine at the night light is an oil painting on canvas from the French painter Georges de la Tour made around 1642-1644 [ first ] . Two versions of this painting exist, one preserved at the Louvre museum in Paris, and the other, previous, at the Museum of Art of the County of Los Angeles ( « Magdalene with the Smoking Flame » ) [ 2 ] .

The Madeleine at the night light represents Saint Marie Madeleine, like several other paintings by the artist. The disciple of Christ is represented in austere way, in meditation in the darkness of his cell, barefoot, humbly dressed in a shirt and a bure, the right hand placed on the skull that she holds on her knees : Now completely turned towards contemplative life, the converted sinner has given up the vanity of the world. It is lit by the oil lamp of which it fixes the flame. This night light constitutes a dead nature, with the two pious books, the crucifix and the discipline arranged by his side [ 3 ] .

The canvas preserved in Paris takes up the composition of that of the County Museum of Los Angeles County [ 3 ] .

The table measures, with its frame, 156 centimeters in height and 122 centimeters wide [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] , 128 centimeters out of 94 without the framework [ 6 ] .

The table was bought in 1949 by the Louvre museum and bears the inventory number RF 1949-11 [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] . It is kept at the Louvre-Paris in the Sully wing, room 912.


He spent part of the Second World War hidden in a German salt mine away from bombing.

The painting, serious and stripped, with dark colors, to extreme stylization and the remarkable economy of means, has the power and depth of the late works of the tower [ 3 ] .

Pierre Rosenberg qualified in 1973 this still life as “cubist”, not evoking neither worldly life nor the renunciation of Madeleine but his mortifications and the rigors of his life as a hermit hermit [ 3 ] .

The Madeleine at the night light is exposed to the Louvre-Lens [ 6 ] In The Time Gallery .

It is exhibited as part of the exhibition Things. A Story of Still Nature At the Louvre museum from October 12, 2022 to January 23, 2023, among the works of the space called “what remains” [ first ]

In Disney The little Mermaid , theherin has this painting in her lair.

“Madeleine at the night light”, in the “La Fontaine Narrative” section of the collection Fury and mystery , by René Char.

  1. a et b Laurence Bertrrand Dollara (SOUSA LA YOU. THE), P. 37
  2. Japan Times Weekly, Volume 08, Issue 06 – 1941-02-06 » , on Manchuria Daily News Online (consulted the )
  3. A B C and D Dimitri Salmon, Things. A Story of Still Nature , p. 37
  4. a et b Louvre-Lens, the 2013 guide, p. 238
  5. a et b Louvre-Lens, the 2013 guide, p. 239
  6. a et b The Madeleine at the night light » , notice n O 000PE001636, Base Joconde, French Ministry of Culture

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article: document used as a source for writing this article.

  • Lucie Stuff-rivail (Coordination and editorial follow -up), Isabelle Pelletier (Coordination and editorial monitoring (assistant)), Charles-Hilaire Valentin (iconography), Nicolas Neumann (editorial director), Lydia On both (Coordination and editorial monitoring), Astrid Bargeton (Coordination and editorial monitoring (assistant)), Loïc Leviceque (graphic design and realization), Sarah Zhiri (editorial contribution), Michel Brousset (Manufacturing), Béatrice Bourgerie (manufacturing), Mélanie The big (fabrication), Jean-Luc Martinez (Author), Vincent Pomarède (author) et al. ( pref. Daniel Percheron), Louvre-Lens, the 2013 guide , Lens and Paris, Musée du Louvre-Lens & Somogy Éditions d’Art, , 296 p. , 16,2 cm × 23 cm (ISBN  978-2-36838-002-4 And 978-2-7572-0605-8 ) , p. 238-239 . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article
  • Laurence Bertrrand Dollaréa (SOUSA LA YOU. THE), Things. A Story of Still Nature , Paris, Lienart Éditions, , 447 p. (ISBN  978-2-35906-383-7 ) . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article.

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