The pyramid (building) – Wikipedia


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Roof: 61.95 m





Number of elevators



Ivorian State

Location on the Côte d’Ivoire map

voir sur la carte de Côte d'Ivoire

Red pog.svg

Location on the Abidjan map

voir sur la carte d’Abidjan

Red pog.svg

The pyramid is a high-rise building located in the commune of the Plateau in Abidjan and designed by the Italian architect Rinaldo Olivieri (Verona 1931-1998) in the brutalist style [ first ] . Its construction began in 1968 to end in 1973.

Building access staircases.

The pyramid is one of the best known buildings of the Abidjan agglomeration, because it is one of the first high -rise buildings built on the board, at the time of the “Ivorian miracle”, and its architecture is innovative.

This great concrete pyramid attached to a pair of lift towers is a daring attempt to reinvent the covered market for the African city in the minds of the architect Olivieri. This had designed a large central hall for commercial activities, above which offices, studios and restaurants would build up, with a huge basement below a supermarket, a nightclub and a parking lot for 1,800 cars [ 2 ] .

The structures were carried out by Riccado Morandi and the Directorate of Works by Francesco de Santis [ 3 ] .

La SociSAPE SA, a real estate company, built the building on behalf of the State between 1970 and 1973. Funding was provided by the State through SONAFI (National Financing Company) [ 4 ] .

The project has proven to be a total failure given the lack of space and the cost of maintaining too high of the building [ 2 ] .

The pyramid became an administrative building in 1980, the state of which was completely usufruct [ 5 ] . He emptied of all his occupants in the mid -1980s with the economic crisis [ 2 ] , deteriorated considerably from the 1990s, and became unhealthy and dangerous in the 2000s [ 6 ] . The building ended up receiving a time, the Directorate of National Archives and Official Newspapers in the second and third subsoil [ 4 ] .

At the same time, a doubtful assembly made it possible to resell in 2005 in the name of the Socialpect the building for five hundred million CFA francs, which were also ever paid by the buyer [ 5 ] .

A complete renovation program for the pyramid was announced by the Ivorian government in 2011, via a public-private partnership. The cost of renovation was estimated at 18 billion CFA francs, and aimed to make the pyramid a tourist attraction [ 7 ] . The dispute around the property of the building prevented this renovation.

On Wednesday June 24, 2015, a fire broke out on the 14th floor of the building abandoned to squatters for years [ 8 ] .

The renovation project could be relaunched with the conclusion of an agreement on August 5, 2021 which returned the property of the building to the State [ 7 ] .

  1. Plateau: The architectural gem The “pyramid” is no longer in the Ivorian state | » , (consulted the )
  2. A B and C (in) The forgotten masterpieces of African modernism » , on the Guardian , (consulted the )
  3. (it) Francesco De santis , Architettura» , on John the Holy John (consulted the )
  4. a et b The Writing , Ivory Coast Fire of the Pyramid – Ben Soumahoro accuses … and makes the history » , on , (consulted the )
  5. a et b “The pyramid” building on the board: SOGEPIE recovers its heritage – News » , on (consulted the )
  6. Ruin public edifies: real dangers for populations – Time on
  7. a et b Côte d’Ivoire under construction: works, buildings, equipment … – The 27 projects that will change everything! – North-South on
  8. Abidjan-Plateau: part of the “Pyramid” building goes on fire | Fratmat » , on , (consulted the )
