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Grace actions after the plague (In Fond, the Baie de Naples) by Micco Spadaro.

The Music of San Martino is a museum space devoted to the history of Naples from the Quattrocento to Risorgimento.

Installed in the Chartreuse Saint-Martin de Naples, it was created, in 1866, under the impulse of the archaeologist Giuseppe Fiorelli, in the aftermath of the unit of Italy, after the Chartreuse included among the ecclesiastical goods deleted, was declared national monument.

It represents one of the most remarkable private collections and a precious documentation of a flourishing period of the European Vedota style.
Begun, around 1925, by Maurizio Alisio and his wife Isabella, she includes a hundred paintings, watercolors and gouaches of local and foreign artists, made between the XVII It is And XIX It is centuries. In 2001, the collection was bequeathed, by the Hoirs Alisio, in the state.

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The collection includes objects in majolica, porcelain, glass, ivory and coral, XVI It is At XIX It is century. Particularly interesting is the monumental group of Char d’Apollo (1812) as well as high -quality parts in coronasy porcelain like a Tabacchiara with sea shells , from 1743-1759, (Tabatière in the shape of a shell). Numerous porcelain of French origin decorated in Naples by Raffaele Giovine, followed by a collection of Murano glass pieces.

Reopened in , the new development of this section revolves, among other things, around three major boats: a Lancione At twenty-four oars that Naples offered King Charles de Bourbon, a Turkish schooner and the Lancia of King Humbert I is and Queen Marguerite

This section tells through paintings and objects the history of the southern kingdoms (kingdom of Naples and the kingdom of Sicily before, and then of the Kingdom of Deux-Siciles). Urban development is illustrated with many documents such as the famous Strozzi table . Pictorial works mainly retrace dramatic events: the Killing of Giuseppe Carafa in 1647 of Carlo Coppola; Largo del Mercatello In 1656 of Spade micro ; The vicar court at the time of Masaniello And Piazza del Carmine Ascanio Lucini and Thanksgiving from Micco Spadaro in 1657. An entire room was dedicated to Charles III, who was king of Naples from 1734 to 1759 and to his wife Marie-Amélie de Saxe. Another room, presents scenes from the Parthenopean Republic; Admiral Nelson by Leonardo Guzzardo; l ’ Entrance to Cardinal Ruffo in Naples by Giovanni Ponticelli. The two successive rooms were part of the prior apartment: in the first, on the vault; Baptism of Micco Spadaro, and in the second of the same artist Naples panorama . One of the rooms contains a collection of white and fire weapons. Another, mouths of firearms including a Chinese cannon of the XVII It is century called the Marshal with miraculous results .

The Quarto del Prore is the name of the prior apartment, spiritual leader of the Chartreux community. This section brings together material evidence of monastic life where the portraits of priors and chartreux, stained glass, mirrors, watermark glasses, watermark, watermark are preserved. Spanish glass And Neapolitan glass painted. In the courtyard which was once open is now exposed one of the masterpieces of the statuary of the beginning of XVII It is century: the Virgin and child with Saint John by Pietro Bernini. There is also a Triptych of the Virgin with the two saints John Attributed to Jean Bourdichon.

Designed in 1901, this section mainly illustrates the history of the great tradition of Neapolitan theater: theatrical scenographies of the architect-decorator Antonio Niccolini to Pulcinella , sketches of the facade of San Carlo Theater to the sculpted busts of the various protagonists of the Neapolitan scene.

This section was formed, in 1879, following the donation of the collection of Michele Cuciniello made up of spectacular crèches and hundreds of santons of XVIII It is And XIX It is centuries. Other nurseries of smaller dimensions, relating to the scenes of the Nativity, (holy family, the worship of the mages) are also presented in windows.

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