Theater of people and trades – Wikipedia


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The Theater of people and trades is a theatrical approach created by Oscar Castro addressed to a non -professional audience.

Christopher Columbus Superstar – Wednesday October 14, 1992

In the form of a 4 to 10 days, it’s creation, with people from the same company, or the same job or status, (such as retirees, young people, people in a situation exclusion) of a musical play, on the theme of their lives, or their profession [ first ] . Then play this piece in front of an audience one or more times as the case may be.

Experience carried out with teachers, educators, animators, unemployed, young people from a city, drug addicts, retirees, railway workers, s.d.f., young local missions, with the Sage de Paris, the CTC of Chile, the EDF; and the SNCF.

The result of the internship: all on stage to carry the debate on the boards …


An opening by culture: allow the involvement of each and the group in the success of a project: a musical created from stories, experience, each, then given in public representation.

Help each participant in his life and in society. Evacuate fears, mistrust, complexes. Develop listening, self -confidence, the will to believe in oneself and in the project, and to finish it.

An insertion tool: valuation and mobilization. Thanks to the theater which produces in each of the participants a liberating force, people will flourish, recover their dignity, their confidence in them. And they will find a meaning in life, and the strength to want to be part of society and the world of work.

  • 1990: Blackboard With 15 teachers from the Massy high school
  • 1991: The lost newspaper of a social worker With 18 social workers from Dordogne (General Council)
  • 1991: No key in locks With 14 RMISTS DE DORDOGNE (General Council)
  • 1992: Please put away the chairs after the show with 18 animators from the Touristra holiday villages
  • 1992: All the life With 21 retirees from the city of Nîmes
  • 1992: First festival of the Théâtre des Pens et des Métiers in Paris in Bataclan, sponsored by France Libertés and the Ministry of Culture
  • 1994: The city of bad guys With 14 young people from a city in Amiens (Yves Lefèbvre Association)
  • 1994: Dreaming of an A.S night Second creation with the same social workers in Dordogne
  • 1995: Wind in lockers Second creation with 15 Massy teachers
  • 1996: Station to stations With 11 railroad workers from the SNCF
  • 1997: Dream Energy by the CCAS with 12 EDF/GDF agents
  • 1999 : The most important thing is me With 14 CTC employees (Cie De telephone du Chile)
  • 1999 : Our dreams will be reality With 100 CTC employees
  • 2001: Reserved diagnosis With 13 Medicans from Arica (Chile)
  • 2001: Chronic mirage With 7 Iquic doctors (Chile)
  • 2001: And I made a teacher With 13 Iquic teachers
  • 2002: Contingency plan With 12 ENAP employees (Chile’s oil company)
  • 2002: The holidays, we are entitled! With 27 people RMISTS from the Bourse Solidarité Vacances association and the State Secretariat for Tourism. Final representation at the Marigny theater in Paris the
  • 2004: It never rains two days in a row on Pablo Neruda with the 24 Directors of Villages-Vacances Touristra
  • 2006: Seven days on seven With a group of 16 RMISTS in integration paths at Atout Major. (CG 94, IDF region, P.L.I.)
  • 2007: We will all be queens With a group of 14 women in integration paths at Atout Major, on the theme of men/women. (Poliville., CG 94, Vitry-sur-Seine)
  • 2007: Eat and shut up With a group of 12 illiterate women in integration paths at Atout Major on the theme of food (Health Service of the City of Ivry, IDF region)
  • 2008: If you want to love me, respect me With a group of 18 women in integration paths at Atout Major on the theme of women. (IDF region – City of Ivry – Poliville)
  • 2008: Fatia exile With public women from major assets. (Poliville – City of Ivry – CG 94)
  • 2009: Solidarity must be saved With Public Atout Major (Poliville – City of Vitry – IDF region)
  • 2009: Radio New World With women socially accompanied by the center avara to Fresnes. (CG 94)
  • 2009: Radio Sky-Ado With 8 Ivry teenagers, accompanied by the association of the Hope club. Creation and editing of a musical play, genre: comedy, on the theme of the fight against discrimination. (Poliville – Departmental Directorate Jewish and Sports 94)
  • 2010: Water carriers [ 2 ] With 4 adolescents and 5 actors from Aleph. Creation on the theme of water. (Poliville – Festival OH 94 – Departmental Direction Jeunesse Sports 94 – City of Ivry)
  • 2011: Theater action and fight against discrimination with an audience of 26 women in integration paths at Atout Major. This action gave birth to a play created with these women on the theme of solidarity and fight against exclusion, which was given in performances in the Aleph theater as part of the Solidarity Day on Saturday to 16 h.
