Thebôzu (city hunter) — Wikipedia


Umiby ( Sea boss , Umibōzu ? ) , renamed Mammoth In the French version of the cartoon, is a fictional character created by Tsukasa Hōjō in the manga City Hunter In 1985.


In episode 28 of the series, it is revealed that his real name is Hayato Ijuin ( John Arteau in the French version).

In City Hunter [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It is a colossus, nothing seems to be able to shake it, his physique is enough to scare away the bandits. Like Ryô Saeba, Umibôzu is a professional cleaner. Ryô says of him that he may be the only one who can stand up to him on an equal footing, moreover their duel actually ends with a draw. After this duel, he became blind because of the worsening of an old war wound inflicted by Ryô at the time when he was a mercenary in a faction opposed to that of the latter. However, this does not bother him in his work, because his sight was already very low because of this same injury (he is therefore already used to this difficult condition); In addition, by developing his other senses and intuition, he becomes, according to his own saying, even more skillful than before.

He is a character of very great importance, but who generally intervenes in the shadows; It is only rarely in the foreground.

Although he appears as someone cold, he gives in to Miki’s insistent requests. He made him his partner and then ended up marrying him during the last story of the manga.

He has an incredible phobia of cats, and especially kittens, and loses all his means when he sees one. He loves them but is allergic and is afraid to hurt them: indeed, under his drunk outside, his Olympian build and his machismo, Umibôzu is someone extremely sensitive and shy, who does not consider himself a relationship Recommendable for normal people.


Note that he holds a coffee called Cat’s Eye With Miki, who is the owner of it, a nod to the homonymous series of the same author: Tsukasa Hōjō. In Nicky Larson Private Eyes , this coffee is the property of the sisters Alex, Tam and Sylia Chamade, the famous thief Cat’s Eyes .

In Angel Heart [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the series Angel Heart , which takes place in a universe parallel to that of City Hunter , Umibôzu is single but still holds the café Cat’s Eye and has definitely stopped its cleaner activities because of its blindness-which does not prevent it from being semi-active and preserving some unexpected equipment (bullet-bound window , a pair of rocket launcher under the counter …). His coffee is initially little frequented, but things improve slightly when Xin-Hong elects home, forcing Umibôzu to open up to others a little, but especially when he adopts little Miki and turns into a real papa hen . He then often appears in the foreground, and regularly in the company of Saeko Nogami, in whom Miki aroused maternal feelings.

Umibôzu seduced Shindou-Sensei, the teacher responsible for Miki, by her moral rectitude, her courage and her dedication to her adoptive daughter. He himself is not insensitive to the kindness, courage or the well-tempered temperament of the young teacher, but nothing has yet happened. The appearance of Hazuki, the daughter of the young nurse who had treated her on her last battlefield, reveals that Umibôzu was growing flowers to decompress between two assaults. If her feelings towards the young woman are paternal, she is more romantically tilted.

A constant between the two versions of the character, whether in City Hunter or Angel Heart , is that Ryô is jealous of Umibôzu’s (well involuntary) success with young and pretty young women – a success, which the latter, would be fine.

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The Umibôzu/Miki duo in Angel Heart is reminiscent of two very similar characters in the collections of new graphics Under a ray of sunshine , of the same author: Nishikujo Sarah and Hayato, respectively schoolgirl in the powers on the plants, and baraked and bald florist still hidden behind his sunglasses being unintentionally afraid of most customers.

About the name [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

His real Japanese name is Hayato Ijuin (Hayato Ijuin) et EST PARFOIS SURNOMME Falcon . Indeed, the fourth kanji used to write Hayato Ijuin , 隼, means Falcon , in English Falcon.

He was nicknamed Umibozu by Ryo Saeba, in reference to the mythical Japanese folklore monster: the wet , allusion both to the bald skull and to the tendency to be ashamed of the person concerned. The author also makes fun of him on various occasions by giving him nicknames such as Big cloud or Octopus snake man . Finally, note that in the first edition at I read, the publisher had preferred the nickname Elephant de Mer, more understandable for the French public.

In the French version of the anime, it is nicknamed Mammoth and his civil name is John Arteau ; in his first appearances he was also known as Sargoss .

Armament [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Umibôzu’s favorite weapon.

Although it is very often seen handling heavy weapons such as machine guns, bazookas or other rocket launchers and sometimes several of them at the same time, the Umibôzu favorite weapon is a .44 Magnum Smith & Wesson Model 29. He is also a master of traps and explosives.

Manga [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Animation series [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Movie theater [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

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