Therapeutic adhesive bandage – Wikipedia


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The Therapeutic adhesive bandage , in English : tape or taping , is a physiotherapy treatment offered to relieve functional discomfort and pain in acute or chronic benign musculo-articular damage. Self -adhesive tapes also allow flexible restraint, or strapping . It is a support technique and not of care.

The physiotherapeutic treatment of benign musculo-articular pain by adhesive bandages has been developed in Japan simultaneously by the Kenzo Kase chiropractor and kases with elastic and colorful strips [ first ] and by the physiotherapist Jenny McConnell in Australia by non -particularly elastic or colored ribbons [ 2 ] In the 1980’s.

A revival of popularity takes place in the United States in the face of the Olympic successes of the American athletes thus prepared for the 2008 summer Olympic Games in Beijing and then for the London competitions in 2012 [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] .


Different schools and continuing education organizations have developed neighboring techniques and denominations [ 6 ] :

  • K taping [ 7 ] ;
  • taping Nm, for taping neuromuscular [ 8 ] ;
  • Kinematic taping [ 9 ] ;
  • etc.

Flexible restraint [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The reasoned and methodical implementation of self -adhesive ribbons allows flexible and light physical compression authorizing work and mobilization guided by a physiotherapist or a practitioner in manual therapy (osteopath, chiropractor).

Elastic bandages [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Adhesive bandages, by exercising tractions oriented on the skin, would favorably influence circulatory, lymphatic and nociceptive systems dermohypodermic, and thereby muscle and joint systems [ ten ] .

It is through these oriented pull-ups that the bands would act on the underlying aponeuritic tissues (the fascias) by accompanying or inhibiting them in their motility, and therefore would also act on the nociceptors (pain receptors) located in these same tissues [ 11 ] . Pain results are felt by subjects almost instantly.

McConnell method [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The installation of a band of muscle tape must be ideally carried out by a health professional trained in these techniques. The band acts immediately and remains in place up to a week, the subject that can lead a normal life during this period (shower, sport, etc.) [ 11 ]

The taping is offered in [Ref. necessary] :

Systematic studies conclude that the quality of previous publications and the workforce participating in clinical trials do not objectively conclude that these non -drug analgesic methods are effective [ 16 ] , [ 17 ] .

  1. (and) Kase Construction [Kenzo Kase], Symptoms and disease Kinesio / Taping method [Volume 1 de Sh sjō Shikkanbetsu Kineshio Tēpinguhō] , , 272 p. (ISBN  978-4-7529-3016-7-7 , OCLC  28675564)
  2. (in) Jenny McConnell, The management of chondromalacia patellae: a long term solution » , Aust J Physiother. , vol. 32, n O 4, , p. 215-223 ( read online )
  3. (in) Chris Woolston, The Healthy Skeptic: The sticky issue of kinesiology tapes : Kerri Walsh flashed black stripes at the 2008 Olympics, and now sales of rolls are rising. So far there’s no clear evidence of anything other than a placebo effect » , Los Angeles Times ,
  4. (in) writing, Olympics-Scientists sceptical as athletes get all taped up » , Reuters , ( read online )
  5. (in) writing, Taping America’s athletes » , Abq Journal , ( read online )
  6. The real situation of taping in France » , on (consulted the )
  7. Kinesio Taping Association since 1984 » (consulted the )
  8. Develop your knowledge-Continuing education-Neuro-Muscular Taping » , on (consulted the )
  9. (in) Kinematic Taping » (consulted the )
  10. Kerkour k, moneys jl., « Colored elastic adhesive bandages: Description and practical application [Elastic Adhesive Colored Bands: Description of A New Approach] », Rev with suisse. , vol. 5, n O 212, , p. 1560-3. (PMID  19728451, read online )
  11. a et b Psychomotricity | TXIN cabinet | Ciboure » , on Cabinet-China (consulted the )
  12. (in) Lan Ty, Lin WP, Jiang CC, Chiang H., Immediate effect and predictors of effectiveness of taping for patellofemoral pain syndrome: a prospective cohort study » , Am J sports with. , vol. 38, n O 8, , p. 1626-30. (PMID  20505056, DOI  10.1177/0363546510364840)
  13. (in) Campolo M, Baba J, Dmochowska K, Scariah S, Varughese J., A comparison of two taping techniques (kinesio and mcconnell) and their effect on anterior knee pain during functional activities » , Int J Sports Phys Ther. , vol. 8, n O 2, , p. 105-10. (PMID  23593548, PMCID  PMC3625789, read online )
  14. Dr Khaled Benokba , Taping technique for Achilles tendonitis » , on Orthopedic health , (consulted the )
  15. Arnaud kitten , Taping and cervicalgia » , on Kinesport: Continuous training in sport physiotherapy and manual therapy. (consulted the )
  16. (in) Morris D, Jones D, Ryan H, Ryan CG., The clinical effects of Kinesio® Tex taping: A systematic review » , Physiother Theory Pract. , vol. 29, n O 4, , p. 259-70. (PMID  23088702, DOI  10.3109/09593985.2012.731675)
  17. (in) Kalron a, Bar-sela S., A systematic review of the effectiveness of Kinesio Taping® – Fact or fashion? » , EUR J Phys rehabil with. , (PMID  23558699, résumé )

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