Thibaut de Solages – Wikipedia


Marquis Thibaut de Solages (born the In Paris and died on in Paris) is a French businessman.


Alexis-Gabriel-Marie-Thibault de Solages is the son of the Marquis Jérôme Ludovic de Solages and the grandson of Baron René Reille. After his schooling at the Lycée Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague, of which he became president of the former students, he entered the École des Mines de Paris in 1912 and left it a civil engineer of the mines. He served as an artillery captain during the Great War, which he finished with the Legion of Honor and the War Cross.

The day after the war, in 1919, he married M lle Marie de Garempel de Bressieux, daughter of Count Henri of Garempel de Bressieux and Hélène de Boigne.

The family mining industry [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1927, Solages succeeded his father in different advice. President of the Société des Mines de Carmaux and the Company General Industrial (CGI), Holding of Carmaux of which he is also managing director, director of the Mines de Charbons de Blaye, he also chairs the Mining and Electric Society of Landes and Sotrasol.

He sits on the board of directors of various mining companies, including the Union of Mines, the Company of Mines, foundries and forges of Alais, the Pyrenean Electrical Energy Society, the Bazacle Toulouse, the electro-metallurgical company From Saint-Béron, the Platinum Industrial Company, the Mines of Boudoukha, the Société d’Et study and mining operations of Indochina, colonial omnium, the company of Cammon Pins, etc., developing in particular investments in colonies and electricity.

He is managing director of the Savonnerie des Deux Mers and administrator of the Paris Commercial and Industrial Caisse, chaired by his uncle Amédée Reille.


Thibaut de Solages becomes a member of the Schneider and Cie supervisory board, of which he is the group’s “second man” behind Charles Schneider [ first ] . He also joined the Board of Directors of the Batignolles Construction Company (his brother Alain had married one of the daughters of Gaston Goüin) from 1931 and that of Ford France [ 2 ] .

He became a member of the management committee of the Central Committee of Houillères de France in 1937 and the board of directors of the Autonomous Caisse for Minor workers.

During the Second World War, he hosts and employs in his factories many foreign refugees [ 3 ] . He will leave France for a time during the war. He became a member of the Consultative Commission of the Directors of the Houillères of the Organizing Committee of the solid mineral fuels industry, but is very hostile to the STO and protects from required.

Aeronautics [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Thibaut de Solages is also involved in developing aeronautics.

President of Lioré and Olivier and the French Aeronautical Company (DEWOITINE aircraft) (SAF), he became a director of several airlines, including Air Union, Air Orient, the Aéropostale General Company, the airline France-Algeria, Air Asia, Air France Indochine and the Society for Studies and Air Companies in Indochina and Far East.

He chairs the “class 34: aeronautical industries” of the 1931 international colonial exhibition [ 4 ] .

He is a member of the Aero-Club de France.

Financial conversion after war and nationalization [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

At Liberation, Carmaux mines are nationalized [ 5 ] In order to accentuate economic recovery. Responsible for the liquidation of the Société des Mines de Carmaux (SMC), he lives this test, despite substantial nationalization compensation.

In 1949, he founded the General Industrial Bank (BGI), of which he became president and CEO. He names Jack Francès to perform the functions of general management. He subsequently merged the BGI with the Hénin bank to train the general industrial bank Hénin [ 6 ] , whose presidency he retains. After the merger in 1966 of the Bank of the Union of Mines-La Hénin with the Bank of Suez, he became honorary president of the new structure named Banque de Suez and the Union of Mines (BSUM). He is also appointed honorary president of Sutrasol and the Financial and Mining Union (Holding of the Francès Group).

He died the , at the Laennec hospital in Paris.

  1. Gérard de Sède, “Small encyclopedia of large families”, 1962
  2. Jean-Louis Loubet, “The automotive industry: 1905-1971”, 1999
  3. André Fontaine, “Le Camp d’Etrangers des miles: 1939-1943, Aix-en-Provence”, 1989
  4. “General report: the metropolitan section”, Imprimerie Nationale, 1933
  5. See Carmaux Minière Company, the nationalization of Houillères
  6. “General industrial bank La Hénin -1949-1959”, 1959
  • Jean Claude-Daumas, Alain Chatriot, Danièle Fraboulet, Patrick Fridénson, Hervé Joly, (dir.), Historical dictionary of French bosses , Paris, Flammarion, 2010, Notice “Family solages” by Alain Boscus, p. 660–662 .
  • Anne Burnel, “The Batignolles Construction Company of 1914-1939”, 1995
  • Rolande soaked, “Les Mineurs de Carmaux: 1848-1914”, 1971
  • Augustin Frédéric Adolphe Hamon, “The masters of France”
  • Gabriel Milési, “The Dynasties of the Power of Money”, 2011
  • “Economy and politics, numbers 1 to 8”, 1954
  • Hubert Bonin, “Suez: from the finance canal (1858-1987)”, 1987
  • Jacques Georges-Picot, “Souvenirs of a long career: from rue de Rivoli to the company of Suez, 1920-1971”, 1993
  • Yann Moncomble, “When the press is under the orders of finance”, 1986
  • Gérard de Sède, “Small encyclopedia of large families”, 1962
  • Emmanuel Chadeau, “French aeronautical companies: 1909-1945”, Crédit Lyonnais Foundation, 1996

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
