Thierry Marens — Wikipedia



Thierry Martens (Pseudonym: Yves sailing ), born the in Louvain (province of Flemish Brabant) and died the , is a Belgian comic book screenwriter and former editor -in -chief of the newspaper Spirou .

Youth [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The memory of Thierry Martens presented at the Catholic University of Louvain in 1966

Thierry Martens is born on In Louvain in a family of the upper bourgeoisie, with a big age difference between the parents and his brothers and his sister [ first ] . He is registered in the civil status with the first name Thierri so that it is not translated into dirk [ 2 ] . Child, he plays the small soldiers, then he devoted himself assiduously to reading [ first ] . During his schooling, he must change his linguistic regime following a decree prohibiting French -speaking teaching in Louvain [ first ] . He has difficulties in learning the Dutchman, he must double his sixth Latin and begins the writing of a novel which he abandons on the twelfth page [ first ] . This school year he will double this school year. Between his 12 and 17 years , he writes the equivalent of 80 notebooks draft 200 pages trying to try all genres [ 3 ] . Thierry Martens dedicates a passion to literature as well as in popular cinema [ 2 ] . Since his thirteen years, he has read two pounds a day. At the age of fifteen, he began the inventory of the family library which has more than 10,000 works , he carries out archivist work by this fact. Then, he begins what he describes as a literary period, he wrote of the first autobiographical and romantic novels for which he wiped a very high number of refusals on the part of the publishers. He published his first writings in the mid -1950s in Little Belgians And Junior free [ 2 ] . A large teenager of 1.90 meters and high stiffness, he abandons the cigarette to smoke the pipe and makes a lot of beer consumption. AT 19 years old , he hits his novels on a typewriter. In 1961, he published Glaucous , nine short texts in Elsewhere n O 33 [ 2 ] . Martens enters the university of his hometown and is guilty of the hacking of courses and writes the end of studies memories of his Condediples [ 2 ] . He devotes his last two academics to a gigantic research on comics [ 4 ] . He is dismissed in political and social science of the Catholic University of Louvain “Techniques of dissemination and public relations [ 2 ] »In 1966. 26 years , he finished his military service in Düren [ 2 ] and sends a spontaneous application letter to Dupuis for the vacant position following Delporte dismissal [ 4 ] . Martens wants to strengthen his candidacy by meeting designers, such as Mazel and Sirius but meets a pitfall with Macherot who alerts his friends Peyo, Roba, Franquin and Bloc against Martens [ 4 ] . During his job interview with Charles Dupuis, Martens offered to engage him under the title of editorial counselor at Spirou , this is how he entered the Dupuis editions the .

Editor of chief Spirou (1969-1978) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Thierry Martens knows nothing about the profession of editor -in -chief but learns it directly by practice [ 5 ] : “I was going to zero. My knowledge of the internal universe of a newspaper (printing, planning, editorial problems) was purely bookish or imaginative. But that is learned quickly enough as we have method and that we do not hesitate at the start to spend some evenings and weekends to deepen the subject and regularize the situation. The first opponent was the chronic “delay” of all the equipment Spirou . At the time, we had a very bad reputation for printing because the deadlines were almost observed […] ” .
Thierry Martens thinks that Spirou is a relaxation journal as a certain form of cinema could be, addressing a fairly conservative audience and thus abandoned the pop wave, in the late 1960s [ 6 ] . With the writing of Martens, productivity becomes the major asset of success [ 7 ] . Martens targets the mass and not the minorities [ 7 ] . To do this, he favors perseverance to the gift, the banalities on the originality [ 7 ] . The readership loyal to the regular presence of their favorite heroes follows the approach [ 7 ] . Raoul Cauvin multiplies the series that fill the Dupuis catalog [ 7 ] . The ambition is not [ 7 ] . Among the new authors, many are employees who make comics outside their working hours, such as an extra to a regular salary [ 7 ] . Beginner authors allow you to fill the pages of the newspaper at low cost [ 8 ] . For Jean-Marie Brouyère [ 9 ] “The editorial staff of Spirou was not really in the buildings of Spirou But she was in a small bistro, the Manderley. There, there was an incredible excitement because it was really the waiting room for young people waiting to try their chances, the place where the veterans came to argue and get drunk […] ” , what Bernard Hislaire specifies [ 9 ] “” The designers, paraded at the bistro to meet the editor who invariably offered them a beer, or two, or three or four, with a frantic pace which makes most of the designers come out on all fours while he was standing . »» . The , Spirou famous sound 33 It is birthday with a special giant vacation issue whose pagination is brought to 132 pages and which contains the complete history of the newspaper. In , Thierry Martens contextualizes the comic book periodicals in the third issue of Frag [ ten ] “There is a negative competition between press for teen-agers and weekly comics. A new class of consumers has been created. Devoted to the worship of idols, rejecting for a time his little mickeys who seem so childish to these used adults rocked by the advertising trumpets. »» . As early as 1972, he was interested in comic strip fanzines and created the section What about fanzines? , illustrated by Franquin [ 11 ] which details the content of the different publications with sometimes hard syntheses, providing these small prints with visibility without equal [ twelfth ] .
In 1975, he launched the competition Who wants to play blabladoigt? , first illustrated by Roba then by Carlos Roque [ 11 ] .
However, Thierry Martens faces opposition, his editorial choices are criticized many times to such a point that a sling is led by Franquin and Delporte who was born in 1977 with the creation of the newspaper The illustrated trombone and this in reaction to the comics deemed too muscular which he publishes in Spirou . His “bad reputation” earned him to become a character of Ric Hochet : The executioner [ 13 ]
By his own admission, the Discoveries Dupuis are condemned by the close appearance of Illustrated trombone In sole supplement of the newspaper [ 14 ] .


Monsieur Album (1978-2004) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Thierry Martens is appointed head of the Album department at Dupuis in 1978, he established editorial policy by publishing the new series and values ​​the heritage fund by reissuing the classics as Jerry Spring In a dedicated homonymous collection large format in black and white, Jean Valhardi , Les Timour , Marc Dacier And Felix , succeeding Michel Deligne or Tarawa: Bloody Atoll . He still launches the collections “youth sins”, “carte blanche”, “the best stories of the Journal de Spirou”, “History in comics” bringing together by theme The beautiful stories of Uncle Paul , “Dupuis-Adventure”, “together” another name for an integral of Stany Derval And The blue hawk , “Large format” which highlights Jacques Le Gall And “Tout Buck Danny” [ 2 ] . He is responsible for the “planning albums” creating the integrals of the great Dupuis authors – which he prefaces most often – at the end of the 1980s [ 2 ] as All Gil Jourdan , Every judge , All mitacq , All Roba , All sammy , Blue tunics [ 15 ] And Gaston Lagaffe , work not credited because carried out during office hours, Peyo at Rombaldi. And finally the integrals Spirou and Fantasio [ 16 ] And YOKO TSUNO [ 17 ] .
Known for his lapidary formulas, he retired in 2004 [ 18 ] . It is common to meet Thierry Martens in the company of his mythical and Franz van Cauwenbergh friends in the streets of Brussels where they frequent booksellers [ 19 ] .

Yves sailing [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Under the name of Yves Varende pen, he signs in the supplement Magazine 2000 of Tintin Editorial articles in 1971 [ 20 ] , [ 21 ] .

Then, he published scholarly studies devoted to the detective novel at the beginning of XX It is century in the introduction of various reissues including the adventures of Lord Lister (Claude Lefrancq Publisher, Brussels, 1995) and Sherlock Holmes ( Sherlock Holmes returns ), reissue of six anonymous German news published between 1907 and 1911 (River Noir, 1996). He is also the author of “Holmesiens” pastiches ( The Thames Shark , The killer in the Fog , The secret of dog island , Titanic’s murders , The otage de fruulein doktor ) Located on the eve of the First World War in which the famous detective pursues spies of the Kaiser allies to the criminals of the London shallows, even tracking a corsair u-boot hidden in the sewers!

Thierry Martens is also the author, still under the pseudonym of Yves Varende, of science fiction novels: The apocalypse gadget (1978), The killers of the order (1980), Kill them all (1980), The ghost of the moon bird , Argo flight , these last two titles being written in collaboration with Mythic published posthuently at the Editions de l’Agre d’Or in 2013 and 2015.

Yves Varende is also interested in American detective Harry Dickson and written:

  • Harry Dickson’s unknown surveys; Secret of the skull; Machiavellian trap ,. Volume 1 : Devil worshipers (Illustration René Follet), the golden age, Charleroi, 2009 (ISBN  2-8001-0912-2 ) [ 22 ]
  • Harry Dickson Unknown Adventures Tome 2 (René Follet illustration), the golden age, Charleroi, 2011 (ISBN  9782930556055 )

M. Archive [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Thierry Martens under the pseudonyms of M. Archive or Mr Archive has signed many sections in Spirou Relative to the history of the newspaper, he was the craftsman of the heritage reissues of Dupuis editions. In addition, he is the preface of numerous albums of Dupuis, of Michel Deligne editions and Point Image which contextualizes a work or an author. He is the first comic book historiographer [ 23 ] . In addition, one can report his articles published in the journals Ran Tan Plan (1967-1975), Phoenix (1969-1970) [ 24 ] , Hop ! (1973-2006) [ 25 ] , The comic book collector (1989-1990) and in 9 It is Art (1999). It is he who suggests the subtitle of BDM Treasures of comics For its first edition in 1981 [ 26 ] . For the Belgian comic book center in the “Philabédé” collection, he brings his collaboration to the album Tribute – 9 timbres for the 9 It is Art in 1999 [ 27 ] on the occasion of ten It is Center anniversary.

Preface [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Postfaces [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Scriptwriter [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Under various pseudonyms (Terence, Yves Varende), Thierry Martens also wrote the scenarios of several comics [ Note 1 ] :

Boards on comics [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Henri Filippini, Jacques Glénat, Numa Sadoul and Yves Varende, History of comics in France and Belgium, from origins to the present day , Glénat, Grenoble, 1980 (ISBN  978-2723401371 )
  • Danny De Laet [ 19 ] , The Dupuis affair: Dallas sur Marcinelle [ 45 ] , Bruxelles, NCM , 110 p. ( Online presentation ) ,

    Written by Thierry Martens, thanks to the kind complicity of Danny de Laet

  • Thierry Martens, The journal of Spirou 1938-1988, fifty years of history (s) , Dupuis, Marcinelle, 1988, (ISBN  978-2800115917 )
  • Spirou Memories , collected by Thierry Martens and Jean-Paul Tibéri, Dupuis, Marcinelle, 1989, 159 p. (ISBN  2-8001-1702-8 ) [ forty six ]
  • Thierry Martens, Buck Danny’s genesis , Belgian chamber of comics experts, Brussels, 1997, 80 p. (Reissue increased in 2004 [ 47 ] )
  • Thierry Martens, All comics of good evenings, Martial, Albert Uderzo, Jijé, Bielsa, Forton, Sirius , Pressibus notebooks n O 8, Pressibus, June 2002
  • Thierry Martens, The adventure of heroic-albums , The golden age, Charleroi, 2011 (ISBN  978-2-930556-08-6 )

Cartoon works [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Thierry Martens, in cooperation with Danny de Laet, participates in the writing of three works devoted to the cartoon published by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Cooperation to the Development of Belgium. The works are published in the three Belgian national languages.

  • Beyond the seventh art – History of the cartoon in Belgium under the pseudonym of Yves Varende, Brussels, 1979 [ 48 ] , [ 49 ]
  • Beyond the seventh art – the cartoon in Belgium , Brussels, 1979 [ 50 ] , [ 51 ]

Translator [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

For Spirou , Thierry Martens assumes the translation of the series of Beetle Bailey of the American dead Walker in 1974 [ 52 ] .

He is also the translator of two albums from the Flemish comic book series by Kiekeboes (Merho):

  1. Le to Blanc (1992) (ISBN  90-02-01976-9 ) , translation of the album 36, The white blood
  2. The Luc as (1992) (ISBN  90-02-01975-0 ) , translation of the album 34, The Luc Raak case

The albums mentioned were edited by the Standaard editions under the name of Fanny and C ie .

Berlin Scenario and drawing: Marvano

  1. The Seven Dwarfs (Reissue, Dargaud, Brussels, 2007, Translation: Brigitte Hendrickx and Thierry Martens, (ISBN  978-2-505-00003-7 ) ) (BNF  41062349 )

Thierry Martens dies the at the age of 69 years old [ 55 ] , [ 56 ] , [ 57 ] In the chair of his house, it is his friend Mythic who discovers him [ 55 ] . The burial takes place in Brussels [ 58 ] .

Comic character [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Many authors like André Geerts with the Commissioner Martin , Mittéï, Maurice Tillieux with the major Martenne , Lambil know how to put this imposing physique forward [ 19 ] , [ 18 ] .
With the short story in 4 plates entitled Interesting the Peyo , François Walthéry Croque Thierry Martens in his job as editor -in -chief questioning Peyo in Spirou n O 1732 in 1971 [ 59 ] .
For the eighth story of the Natacha series, A throne for Natacha , François Wulthery was inspired by Thierry Martens, then editor -in -chief of Spirou , to create the character of major Martenne , the head of national security responsible for the king’s security [ 60 ] .

The designer Tibet also uses Thierry Martens’ physical, for the character of the executioner in the album RIC Hochet against the executioner , the 14 It is Episode of the series [ 13 ] .

In The adventures of a newspaper In Spirou , Simon Léturgie and Yann devote a strip entitled to him Thierry Martens counter-attack [ sixty one ] .

Posterity [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

For the writer Patrick Gaumer [ 19 ] :

“Let him sign Thierry Martens, T. Martens, M. Archive, Yves Varende, Terence (or Térence), Jo Taverne or Jean Grace (sic), the polygraph shows a nice sense of the formula in which mingle, According to the subject, rhythm, humor and scholarship. »»

For Didier Pasamonik [ 13 ] BD agency

“Man played a central role in Franco-Belgian comics in the early 1970s, for almost 20 years . Editor -in -chief, publisher, screenwriter, writer, he was an entire personality who left no one indifferent. »»

Testimonials [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • For Raoul Cauvin [ 62 ] : “No doubt the best. I love him, and I could almost write a book on him so much I appreciate him. He left a trace. We loved him or hated him, but he did not leave it indifferent. He had an incredible memory. Even today, we regret it at the editorial staff. It is thanks to Thierri that Funerary stone And PAVRE LAMPIL were published in Spirou . He accepted what others have prohibited me. I can really thank him. »»
  • Bernard Hislaire [ 9 ] , the author of Sambre: “When Thierry spoke to you, he looked at your chin. It took me some time before I understand that behind the imposing editor -in -chief of Spirou , there was a big shy, a little disillusioned and very misunderstood, faithful in friendship. He had a certain taste for provocation, and lapidary formulas which had to hurt more than one, when he wanted to defend popular literature in the face of snobbery of the 1970s. Me, he helped me a lot and always supported . And then it’s true, he had generous alcohol. The first time I met him at Jean-Marie Brouyère, I had 14 years old And he brought me back, drunk, to my parents, to give me an alibi … ” .
  • Patrick Pinchart [ 13 ] , ex-chief copywriter Spirou “In 1987, when I was committed as editor -in -chief of” Spirou “, when a new direction arrived, he said to me:” Above all, intervene so that Dupuis did not turn Martens! ” I did not have to do it, we knew too well the value of the historian he was. But, over time, its role in the house gradually decreased. From “M. Albums”, he became “Mr. Archives” again, practically taking care of Dupuis heritage. He was relegated to a tiny office too small to fit all his precious archives, Marcinelloise version of the “closet”. »» .
  • Thierry Tinlot [ 13 ] , another editor -in -chief of Spirou “I had the opportunity to rub shoulders with Thierry Martens during all my years at Spirou . […]. He was the famous “M. Archive” and the living memory of Dupuis. Even if I was not frankly in tune with him on his political opinions, uh, very very very clear and muscular, I recognize that I have always had a weakness for the guy. Under fairly rustic outside, he hid great shyness. It goes without saying that he knew everything about everything. But the reason why I especially respected it is because he did the excellent job when he was at the head of the newspaper from 1968 to 1978. A real talent as a host and discoverer Talents: Most of the authors today classic in the catalog have been brought by Martens. Hardy, Hislary, Frank and all this generation of authors. But he was also someone who, from his time at the head of the newspaper, was keen to enhance the old alumni […]. “Mr. Martens”, as everyone called him in the offices, was really a colorful character, and I’m happy to have met him. »»
  • Marvano describes him as: “A hard worker, very intelligent and direct. »» . With the former editor -in -chief also deceased from Spirou Philippe Vandooren, Martens leads Marvano to Dupuis [ 58 ] .

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. A B C and D At cash sources, p. 2.
  2. a b c d e f g h and 1 Mondial comic book dictionary (2010 edition), p. 567.
  3. At cash sources, p. 3.
  4. A B and C At cash sources, p. 14.
  5. Journal and comics or the history of a merger between support and media (1970/1990), p. 60.
  6. At cash sources, p. 16.
  7. a b c d e f and g At cash sources, p. 15.
  8. Half a century of adventures t. 2 : 1970 – 1996 , p. 48.
  9. A B and C At cash sources, p. 20.
  10. Journal and comics or the history of a merger between support and media (1970/1990), p. 231.
  11. a et b Bernard Coulange , Mansion Thierry (Térence, Archive, Al-Bomb) » , on (consulted the ) .
  12. Birth and development of the comic strip fanzinat in France (1962-1975), p. 59.
  13. A B C D and E Didir Pasamonik, Thierry Martens, death of a comic book » , on ACUBD , (consulted the ) .
  14. Thierry Martens and Jean-Claude Servais, “Preface” , In Ronny Jackson , Brussels, point image, coll. ” Cruel world “, (ISBN  2-930110-27-9 , read online ) .
  15. Blue tunics (Rombs) » , on Bd Gest ‘ (consulted the ) .
  16. Spirou and Fantasio » , on Royal Library of Belgium (consulted the ) .
  17. YOKO TSUNO: Intégralee » , on Royal Library of Belgium (consulted the ) .
  18. a et b Mr. Archives is no longer: death of Thierry Martens » , on (consulted the ) .
  19. a b c d e f and g Mondial comic book dictionary (2010 edition), p. 568.
  20. Bernard Coulange , Varende in Tintin » , on (consulted the ) .
  21. Half a century of adventures t. 2 : 1970 – 1996 , p. 15.
  22. Harry Dickson’s unknown surveys; Secret of the skull; Machiavellian trap » , on Royal Library of Belgium (consulted the ) .
  23. Sylvain Lesage, “References (32): Franco-Belgian publishers and the album, 1950-1990” , In Publish the comic strip , Pressures of L’Essib, (ISBN  9782375460825 , Online presentation ) .
  24. Bernard Coulange , Martens Thierry (Térence) in Phenix » , on (consulted the ) .
  25. Bernard Coulange , Martens Thierry (Archive, Térence) in Hop! » , on (consulted the ) .
  26. Charles-Louis Detournay, «  The new BDM is posted! », ACUBD , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  27. 9 stamps for the 9th art: Hommage » , on Royal Library of Belgium (consulted the ) .
  28. Comic strip dictionary, p. 25.
  29. Hubert Leclercq, ” Archie Cash, paper bronson », DH SPORTS+ , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  30. BDM 2021-2022, p. sixty seven.
  31. Comic strip dictionary, p. 32.
  32. BDM 2021-2022, p. 75.
  33. Thierry de Gyns, ” Liégeois on all fronts », Free , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  34. BDM 2021-2022, p. 155.
  35. Bernard Coulange , The Companions of the Tour de France in Spirou » , on (consulted the ) .
  36. (in) Bas Schuddeboom , Jean Mahaux – Mao (1934 – 27 March 2013, Belgium) » , on Lambic , (consulted the ) .
  37. BDM 2021-2022, p. 601.
  38. Jean-Philippe Beaujean , Planches 19 and 21 of a single holder of the erotic adventures of Merline, character created by Renaud (who signed Sylvain for the occasion) » , on les-dessous-du-dbe (consulted the ) .
  39. Biography of the author Renaud DauNauw » , on (consulted the ) .
  40. Renaud » , on (consulted the ) .
  41. Francis Matthys, ” Natacha in the country of Nefertiti », LIBER Belgium , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  42. Benoit Cassel, «  Natacha T21 – The look of the past », BD planet , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  43. BDM 2021-2022, p. 979.
  44. BDM 2021-2022, p. 273.
  45. The Dupuis affair: Dallas sur Marcinelleo » , on Royal Library of Belgium (consulted the ) .
  46. Bibliographic note The Memoirs of Spirou » , on BNF (consulted the ) .
  47. The genesis of Buck Danny » , on Royal Library of Belgium (consulted the ) .
  48. (nl) History of the cartoon in Belgium » , on (consulted the ) .
  49. The seventh art passed: History of the cartoon in Belgium » , on Royal Library of Belgium (consulted the ) .
  50. The seventh art is over: the cartoon in Belgium » , on Royal Library of Belgium (consulted the ) .
  51. (nl) History of the cartoon in Belgium » , on (consulted the ) .
  52. Half a century of adventures t. 2 : 1970 – 1996 , p. 39.
  53. The last Burgundian » , on Bd Gest ‘ (consulted the ) .
  54. HEC Leemans and Recommandé » , on Bd Gest ‘ (consulted the ) .
  55. a et b Didir Pasamonik, « Death of Thierry Martens », ACUBD , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  56. Death of Thierry Martens, ex-chief of Spirou » , on The evening , .
  57. Death of Thierry Martens, former boss of Spirou and BD historian », Point , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  58. a et b (nl) Thierry Martens passed away » , on (consulted the ) .
  59. Bernard Coulange , Walthéry François » , on (consulted the ) .
  60. Gilles Ratier, Natacha » , on Bdzoom , (consulted the ) .
  61. Alain hunbey , Thierry Martens counter-attack » , on (consulted the ) .
  62. Raoul Cauvin (interviewed by Nicolas Anspach), ” Raoul Cauvin (“The Blue Tunics”, “Cédric”) 2/3: “Like an actor, I embody each of my characters by writing my stories” », ACUBD , ( read online , consulted the ) .

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Studies [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Alexandra Rolland, Journal and comics or the story of a merger between support and media (1970/1990) – Doctoral thesis in contemporary art history, under the direction of Philippe Dagen , University of Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne, , 545 p. ( Online presentation ) , p. 59, 60, 231, 254, 392, 401 . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article
  • Maël Rannou, ” Crisis ” , In Birth and development of the comic strip fanzinat in France (1962-1975) – Master 2 memory , University of Maine – Faculty of Letters, Languages ​​and Human Sciences – Department of History, ( Online presentation ) , p. 59 . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article

Books [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article: document used as a source for writing this article.

  • Henri The Philippines , Dictionary of comics , Paris, Bordas, , 731 p. , ill. (ISBN  2-04-018455-4 , OCLC  1244909550 , BNF  35065653 , Online presentation ) , p. 25, 32 . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article
  • Jean Louis Lechery , Half a century of adventures t. 2 : 1970 – 1996 , Brussels, Lombard, , 224 p. , ill. (ISBN  280361233x , OCLC  37995939 , BNF  37539082 , Online presentation ) , p. 15, 19, 39, 48, 107 . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article.
  • Patrick Gaumer , « Martens, Thierry » , In Global comic book dictionary , Paris, Larousse, , 953 p. , ill. ; 27  cm (ISBN  978-2-0358-4331-9 And 2-0358-4331-6 , OCLC  920924930 , Online presentation ) , p. 567-568 . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article.
  • Philippe Mellot , Michel Denni , Laurent Turpin And Isabelle Morzadec , Comic strip treasures: BDM 2021-2022 – Encyclopedic & Argus catalog , Paris, Les Arènes, , 1700 p. , ill. ; 23  cm (ISBN  9791037502582 , OCLC  1240308146 ) , p. 67, 75, 155, 273, 601, 783, 979, 1383 . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article.

Periodical [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Thierry Martens (interviewed by Numa Sadoul), ” Open keyboard interview », Frag , n O 3, , p. 3
  • Thierry Martens (interviewed by Louis Cance), ” The executioner confess: interview with Thierry Martens », Hop ! , AEMEGBD, n O 1, (ISSN  0768-9357 ) .
  • Louis Cance, «  Special 20 years later: Guest: Thierry Martens », Hop ! , AEMEGBD, n O 62, (ISSN  0768-9357 ) .
  • Louis Cance, «  Remember Thierry Martens », Hop ! , AEMEGBD, n O 130, (ISSN  0768-9357 ) .
  • Hugues Dayez, ” The adventures of a newspaper: the unforgettable M. Archive of BD (Tribute to Thierry Martens) », Spirou , Dupuis, n O 3827, , p. 22-23
  • Philippe Capart, ” Flower power and ultra violence: in cash sources », The tonic crypt , n O 2, , p. 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16 ( Online presentation ) .

Articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
