Thomas lacoste — Wikipedia



Thomas Lacoste , born in Bordeaux, January 19, 1972 was a French filmmaker, screenwriter, producer, publisher and essayist. He lives and works in Paris.

In 1994, Thomas Lacoste founded the review of international critical thinking The ordinary passer -by and the Passenger editions in 1997 [ first ] .

Between 1999 and 2005, he created in Bordeaux and directed the Transdisciplinary Festival of Contemporary Creations Ordinary International Meetings (RIO) [ 2 ] .

In 2006, upstream of the 2007 presidential campaign, he launched and animated The other campaign [ 3 ] , which will give rise to a book of the same name, co-directed with the physicist Georges Debrégeas [ 4 ] .

From 2007, he produced documentaries Refutations , In danger universities [ 5 ] And University, the big evening [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] On the presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy [ 8 ] and anime a video blog for Release .


In 2008, he released a new part with the film Security retention – an infinite sentence , co-produced with the magistracy union, which opposes the law of the same name adopted on February 25, 2008 [ 9 ] , [ ten ] , [ 11 ] .

In 2009, he launched the bandwidth, an international network of critical thoughts, contemporary creations and alternative practices [ twelfth ] .

In 2012, a DVD box Thinking critical, ethical and political survival kit for crisis situations (s) Published by Montparnasse editions brings together 47 of its cinema-entretians [ 13 ] .

In 2013, he directed the film Our world [ 14 ] .

Since 2017, his work has been developing around the exit of the armed conflict in the Basque Country [ 15 ] . In this context, he makes three films, including a feature film, The democratic hypothesis – a Basque history [ 16 ] .

At the same time, he organized in the National Assembly, May 25 and 26, 2021, with the sociologist Michel Wieviorka and the deputy Sébastien Nadot, an international conference on peace, Dialogue between enemies – necessities and obstacles to the resolution of armed conflicts in the world , which will bring together diplomats and negotiators around Basque, Colombian, Congolese, Irish and Israeli-Palestinian conflicts. It gives several conferences on the process of transflicting the conflict, including, among others, two at the Sorbonne, on March 17, 2022, Peace process in the Basque Country: 10 after March 17, 2022 [ 17 ] And Invisibilization. Sign up the non-VU, speak the unsaid. Back on a tetralogy on the process of transflicting the conflict in the Basque Country [ 18 ] . On June 14, 2022, between the two towers of the French legislative elections, he gave a press conference in the National Assembly [ 19 ] , alongside the deputy member of the Foreign Affairs Committee Sébastien Nadot, where he is addressed to future deputies, the new government and the Head of State for “that they undertake to resolve the consequences of the consequences of the consequences of the consequences of conflict ” [ 20 ] especially on the question of prisoners and to guarantee “the unwavering protection of peace negotiators” [ 21 ] .

  • 2007: Refutations (68’, LBP) [ 22 ]
  • 2007: Universities, the big evening (68’, LBP) [ 23 ]
  • 2008: Security retention – an infinite sentence (68’, LBP) [ 24 ]
  • 2009: The bad days will end – 40 years of justice in France (126’, LBP) [ 24 ]
  • 2010: Ulysse clandestin or identity drifts (93’, LBP) [ 24 ]
  • two thousand and thirteen : Our world (120’, Agat films, LBP, Sister productions) [ 25 ]
  • 2018: Repair injustice – the rehabilitation of strike minors from 1948 (78 ‘, Varenne & LBP University Institute) [ 26 ]
  • 2020: Basque Country & Liberty – a long way to peace (52 ’, Sister Productions, Prima Luce, LBP, Gastibeltza Filmak, Public Senate & France Télévisions) [ 27 ]
  • 2022: The democratic hypothesis – a Basque history (140 ‘, Sister Productions, LBP, Gastiberty Movies & Prima Luce) [ 28 ] , [ 29 ] , [ 30 ]

Our world opened the documentary cycle of international meetings Paris/Berlin/Madrid at the Palais de Tokyo (Paris) on December 1, 2012 [ thirty first ] . The 100th public debate around the film took place during the 67th Avignon Festival on July 15, 2013 [ 32 ] and was screened during the exhibition The Happy Show at the Gaîté Lyrique (Paris) as part of the cycle Happiness is a Warm Gun January 14, 2014 [ 33 ] .

In 2020, Basque Country & Liberty – a long way to peace (52 ’, Sister Productions, Prima Luce, LBP, Gastibeltza Filmak, Public Senate & France Télévisions) is presented, in preview, in the official selection at the International Documentary Program Festival in Biarritz [ 34 ] , broadcast on France 3 Aquitaine in April of the same year [ 35 ] .

In 2021, Basque Country & Liberty – a long way to peace Wins the first international prize for best documentary feature at the Noida International Film Festival in India in India [ 36 ] . In 2022, the film was selected at the International Festival Beyond Borders in Scotland [ 37 ] .

The democratic hypothesis – a Basque history is presented in preview at the Estates General of the Lussas Documentary Film [ 38 ] August 24, 2021 and in special closing session of the International Cinema Document Festival of the Real at the Beaubourg Center on March 20, 2022 [ 39 ] . The film is also presented in preview at festivals Doc screens in Décines-Charpieu on April 1 [ 40 ] and Meetings on docks in Bayonne on April 7, 2022 [ 41 ] .

  1. Biography and News of Thomas Lacoste France Inter » , on (consulted the )
  2. , Thomas Lacoste » , on (consulted the )
  3. Georges Debrégeas and Thomas Lacoste, Editorial guests: Georges Debrégeas and Thomas Lacoste for another campaign » , on (consulted the )
  4. The world of books, ” The other campaign: 80 proposals to debate emergency, a work coordinated by Georges Debrégeas and Thomas Lacoste. », The , ( read online , consulted the )
  5. Luc Vinogradoff, ” “The other campaign” offers his own analysis of universities reform », The , ( read online , consulted the )
  6. “Universities, the big evening”, the film that goes to the bottom of things » , on , (consulted the )
  7. Thomas has, L’Obs – News of the live day » , on L’Obs , (consulted the )
  8. Emmanuel Valette, ” The film “Refutations”, an antisarkozy demolition company », The , ( read online , consulted the )
  9. Specialists denounce the law of February 25, 2008 on security retention », The , ( read online , consulted the )
  10. The other campaign or sarko taken in words » , on Telerama , (consulted the )
  11. L’Obs – News of the live day » , on L’Obs , (consulted the )
  12. The shooting of “our world” by Thomas Lacoste in images »
  13. Thomas Lacoste’s “survival kit”, very political filmmaker », The , ( read online , consulted the )
  14. Thomas Lacoste films “our world” », The , ( read online , consulted the )
  15. Disarmament of ETA: a documentary to better understand the issues projected in Bayonne »
  16. The democratic hypothesis: a Basque history » , on Alca Nouvelle-Aquitaine (consulted the )
  17. Mediabask , The Basque peace process analyzed at the Sorbonne » , on , (consulted the )
  18. The Basque conflict. Literary, cinematographic and feminist looks » , on Gender institute (consulted the ) .
  19. Projector on the peace process in the National Assembly » , on , (consulted the ) .
  20. Idoia attack, The documentary ‘L’Hypothese democratique’ with the Peace Process, at the National Assembly » , on , (consulted the ) .
  21. Basque conflict in the National Assembly of “Democratic Hypothesis” » , on , We are the newspaper in the Basque Country , (consulted the ) .
  22. Thomas Lacoste » , on (consulted the )
  23. “Universities, the big evening”, the film that goes to the bottom of things » , on , (consulted the )
  24. A B and C Thomas Lacoste » , on IMDb (consulted the )
  25. Thomas Lacoste: “There is a vital necessity to find the other, to relearn to weave links” » , on Inrocks (consulted the )
  26. Repair injustice » (consulted the )
  27. [Video] A documentary immerses us in the peace process in the Basque Country » , on Inrocks (consulted the )
  28. Documentary – Documentary film portal » , on (consulted the )
  29. (eu) New , The documentary ‘Democratic Hypothesis’ seasoned the Thomas Lacoste filmmakers » , on New (consulted the )
  30. (is) TAI GABE DIGITALA SL , Prestreno of ‘democratic hyphote-a Basque history’ in Baiona » , on I am: , (consulted the )
  32. OUR WORLD » , on (consulted the ) .
  33. Our world » , on Lyrique gaiety (consulted the ) .
  34. “Basque Country and Freedom”, in competition at the Fipadoc » , on (consulted the )
  35. Emmanuelle Hardy-Robert, Basque Country and Freedom: Back to the process towards peace » , on , France 3 Nouvelle-Aquitaine , (consulted the ) .
  36. ::: Noida International Film Festival ::: » , on (consulted the )
  38. Ardeche images – The democratic hypothesis – a Basque story » , on (consulted the )
  39. Announcement: Special sessions • Real cinema » , on Real cinema , (consulted the )
  41. (in) Meetings on docks » , on Alca Nouvelle-Aquitaine (consulted the )
  42. Thomas Lacoste’s “survival kit”, very political filmmaker », The , ( read online , consulted the )

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