Tiaseone sangare — Wikipedia


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Tiémoko Sangaré is a Malian politician born in 1957 in Sanankourouni in the Bougouni circle [ first ] . He was Minister of the Environment during the years of the presidency of Amadou Toumani Touré and then Minister of Mines and Petroleum, then Defense during those of Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta. He is also president of Adéma-Pasj.

Holder of a doctorate in geodesy at the Institute of Engineers of Geodesy, Air photos and Moscow Cartography, Tiémoko Sangaré taught at the National School of Engineers in Bamako (ENI). He was Deputy Managing Director of ENI from 1991 to 1992 [ first ] .

Years of political clandestine, in the fight against dictatorship until the advent of Tiemoko Sangaré democracy has been all struggles for the restoration of power to the people.

Tiémoko is a founding and militant member of the Alliance for Democracy in African Mali-Party for Solidarity and Justice (ADEMA-PASJ).

He was elected deputy in Bougouni from 1992 to 1997.

While his party is in power and he is the first president of the parliamentary group of this group in the National Assembly, Tiémoko no longer recognizing himself in this party that he finds changed by the power will resign in 1994 to create with Mohamed Lamine Traoré The movement for independence, renaissance and African integration (Miria), a party in which he held the functions of first administrative secretary, before returning to Adema-Pasj where he became deputy secretary general in January 2004 After the party has lost power [ first ] .

In 2003, he became technical advisor to the Ministry of State and Land Affairs and, in 2006, coordinator of the cell responsible for making the Bamako cadastre and surroundings [ first ] .

The , he is appointed Minister of Agriculture in the first government of Modibo Sidibé [ 2 ] . The , he became Minister of the Environment and Sanitation in the second government of Modibo Sidibé Cissé [ 3 ] . The , he retains his post in the government of Cissé Mariam Kaïdama Sidibé. [ Ref. desired]

Tiemoko becomes after the 5 It is ordinary congress of 24 and , the president of Adema Pasj. [ Ref. desired]

He is appointed Minister of Mines on In the abdoulaye I. Maïga government. [ Ref. desired]

The Abdoulaye government Idrissa Maïga resigns the But Tiemoko is renewed in his ministerial post in the new Soumeylou Boubeye Maïga I government. [ Ref. desired]

After working to win the support of his party to the president candidate Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta for his re-election, Tiémoko becomes vice-president of the latter’s campaign. [ Ref. desired]

Of the organization of a giant meeting for the inauguration of candidate IBK at the stadium of At the mobilization of the entire Sikasso region with other actors like Yaya Sangaré, he will spare no effort to testify his constant and unshakable support to the president candidate IBK. [Ref. necessary]

The , in the first government of President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta re -elected 67% of the votes cast, Tiémoko is appointed Minister of Defense and Veterans Affairs [ 4 ] . He leaves his ministry on during the formation of the Boubou Cissé government [ 5 ] .
