Titanic symphony — Wikipedia


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Titanic Symphony is the third symphony made up by Richard Kastle (in) . The emerging theme and the musical canvas which constitute its rectrious frame are implicitly linked to the sinking of the Titanic [ first ] .

Ida’s Love Theme [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Richard Kastle first records a preliminary draft of 3 It is movement – Ida’s Love Theme
in the form of a musical reduction for piano alone, of which he annexed the version to his album Royce Concerto (in) Released in 1992 and which he performed during a national tour in the United States, alongside actor Jay Leno [ 2 ] .

This first thematic sketch made specifically reference to Ida Straus, born Rosalie Ida Blun, wife of Isidor Straus, who would have refused to get into the lifelines during the sinking of the sinking Titanic , preferring to stay alongside her husband on the ship in distress, even if it means dying there. The couple, inseparable, was known for the unwavering love that he devoted to each other. So, when embarking on the boat n O 8, Ida Straus would have suddenly renounced this privilege, giving way to other women, while resolutely declaring to her husband: “We have lived for many years together … where you will go, I will go [ 3 ] » .

Thematic structuring [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The work is then finalized and is available in four movements for symphonic orchestra.


The first movement was initiated with the inaugural journey of the ship. The sinking itself only intervenes in the last part. The ocean flow and reflux punctuate and permeate the structure and rhythm of this work initially composed at Venice Beach, where Richard Kastle lived until the late 1980s [ first ] .

Cutting the work [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Drawing by Paul Thiat, published in the French daily newspaper the Excelsior of , representing the last moments experienced by the couple Ida & Isidor Straus during the sinking of Titanic .
  1. Her Maiden Voyage : “The inaugural journey”
  2. And the band played on… : “And the orchestra improvised on the theme of …”
  3. Ida’s Love Theme : “Tribute to Ida”
  4. The Sinking : ” The shipwreck ”

World premiere [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , « Titanic » Symphony is interpreted worldwide in New York in the Alice Tully Hall concert hall of the Lincoln Center , under the orchestral direction of the composer [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] .

  1. a et b (in) David Wharton , « A Little Longhair Music, With Spikes and Stripes » , on Los Angeles Times , (consulted the ) : Richard Kastle’s third symphony is based on the sinking of the « Titanic ».
  2. (in) Rhapsody in Purple », The Miami Herald , Miami,‎
  3. In its issue published on April 20, 1912, the French daily newspaper Excelsior publishes a whole series of drawings illustrating the testimonies of survivors. Paul Thiat, author of the image representing Isidor and Ida Straus, entwined on the Titanic In perdition, comments on the content in these terms: “Madame Ida Straus could never have even been able to envisage for a moment to leave without her husband or to leave him alone on the boat”. See oral testimony of Mr. Thornton relating the last moments of the Isidore and Ida Straus couple on the Titanic : (in) Paul Thiriat « Mrs Straus would not leave her husband », L’highest , encyclopedia titanica « Coll. Olivier Mendez »,‎ ( read online ) .
  4. (in) Clippings File » , New York Public Library for the Performing Arts (consulted the )
  5. (in) « Titanic » Symphony » , Richard Kastle (consulted the )

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