Toau — Wikipedia


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Wit , also called At Aria or Side-a-nail [ 2 ] is an atoll of the Pallisel Islands sub-group located in the Tuamotu archipelago in French Polynesia. It is administratively attached to the municipality of Fakarava. Since 1977, Toau has been one of the seven atolls of the commune of Fakarava classified biosphere reserve by UNESCO [ 3 ] .

Situation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Toau is located at 14 km To the northwest of Fakarava, the nearest atoll to which he is administratively attached, and about 375 km northeast of Tahiti. It’s an atoll of 35 km length and 18 km maximum width for an area of ​​approximately 12 km 2 of emerged lands. It consists of a coral barrier which surrounds a very large lagoon of an area of ​​561 km 2 Accessible by three communication passes with the ocean.

Demography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 2017, the total toau population is 14 people [ first ] , [ 4 ] Mainly grouped in the village of Maragai on the fine strip of land which forms along the coral barrier; Its evolution is as follows:

The first mention made of the atoll by a European is that of James Cook who approaches him and associates it with the group of the Palliser Islands [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] . Then it is the Russian navigator Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen which accosts the atoll and gives him the name of Elizabeth Island [ 2 ] . In , Jules Dumont d’Urville also visits Atoll [ 6 ] .

At XIX It is A century, TOAU became a French territory, of around 90 inhabitants, which develops the production of coconut oil (about 10 tons per year around 1860) [ 8 ] .


In 1977, the Atoll – with six others from the commune of Fakarava such as Aratika, Fakarava, Kauehi, Niau, Raraka and Taiaro – was classified “Biosphere Reserve” by UNESCO, classification renewed in 2006 and 2017 [ 3 ] , [ 9 ] .

Toau lives from fishing resources-practiced thanks to fish parks installed in hoas north-west of Atoll [ 4 ] -, harvesting holothuries – only in the eastern part of the lagoon – for export to Asia [ 4 ] , a small activity of breeding oysters and the production of Coprah.

Tourism is an activity that develops on a few motus, including those near the Amyot Anse which are renowned for their scuba diving sites [ ten ] . It is during a solo dive into the lagoon of the Atoll that the navigator Laurent Bourgnon disappears at sea the [ 11 ] .

  1. a et b 2017 census – Distribution of the population of French Polynesia by islands , Institute of Statistics of French Polynesia (ISPF), accessed February 27, 2019.
  2. a et b (in) J.L. Young, « Names of the Paumotu Islands, with the Old Names So Far As They Are Known » , The Journal of the Polynesian Society , vol. 8, n O 4, December 1899, pp. 264-8 .
  3. a et b Biosphere reserve of the town of Fakarava , Mab France, accessed March 3, 2019.
  4. A B and C Polynesia Atlas: Toau , Marine Resources Department of the Government of French Polynesia, accessed April 11, 2019.
  5. Population, births and deaths between two censuses (RP) , Institute of Statistics of French Polynesia (ISPF), accessed February 27, 2019.
  6. a et b Jacques Bonvallot, Tuamotu atolls , IRD editions, 1994, (ISBN  9782709911757 ) , pp. 275-282 .
  7. Pierre-Yves Toullelan, Tahiti and his archipelagos , Éditions Karthala, 1991, (ISBN  2-86537-291-X ) , p. sixty one .
  8. Étienne Avalle, Notes on the French colonies , Challamel elder editions, Paris, 1866, p. 635 .
  9. Commune de Ugriva , Docucu, févorf in 2015.
  10. 2013-2014 diving guide , collective work, Petit Futé editions, 2012, (ISBN  9782746967304 ) , p. 322 .
  11. “Laurent Bourgnon who has disappeared at the Tuamotu” , Polynesia first re , June 25, 2015.
