Tony Andruzzi — Wikipedia


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Antonio C. « Tony » Andruzzi (his real name Timothy McGuire [ first ] ), alias Tom Palmer, alias Masklyn yehm, alias Daemon Ecks, is an American illusionist born the and dead the , especially known as one of the main actors in the bizarre magic movement.

Antonio C. “Tony” Andruzzi was born in 1925 in Cheyenne in Wyoming. He started illusionism at the age of eight with a box of magic.

Tom Palmer Advertising Postcard

From the 1950s to the early 1970s, he presented comic magic shows under the name of Tom Palmer (he had legally changed his name for that of Thomas Stewart Palmer).

He was married to Gloria Jacobsen from 1947 to 1963 and created with and for her the number A vampire (1960) [ 2 ] . The inventing EN 1959 The Satan’s Seat (“The siege of Satan”), where an assistant appears on a chair in a flash. He won seven Taom awards (The current record) from 1959 to 1963.


In 1970, he recovered Antonio C. Andruzzi as a legal name. He then headed for a style of illusionism that has just been born: bizarre magic. He will then use three different names of scenes: Tony Andruzzi, Masklyn Ye Mage and Daemon Ecks. He becomes one of the founders and one of the main contributors to the movement both from a theoretical point of view (he develops a philosophy of bizarre magic) and practical (he creates towers).

From 1981 to his death in 1991, he published The New Invocation , a periodical devoted to bizarre magic that contributes to establishing the movement. He also founded the Invocational , an annual conclave for the bizarry. The first conclave stands from 12 to , the last from 11 to . It is partly thanks to him that bizarre magic was able to take an international scope.

Andruzzi has met many personalities including: Isaac Bonewits, Jayne Mansfield, Anton Lavey as well as members of the Church of Satan, Lady Sybil, Jack Ruby, Elvis, Pat Boone, Sammy Davis Jr., etc.

He was particularly close to two other bizarry: Charles W. Cameron and Carl Herron (Brother Shadow).

His second wife, Gloria, died in a fire in , Tony died after him the , winter solstice day [ first ] .

Assassination of John F. Kennedy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1963, Andruzzi, as Thomas Palmer, was questioned by the FBI following the assassination of JFK [ 3 ] Because he knew Jack Ruby, the man who murdered Lee Harvey Oswald it .

Current errors on his biography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • His birth name is Timothy McGuire and not Antonio Andruzzi, even if Andruzzi himself said that his original name was “Antonio Andruzzi” [ first ]
  • Andruzzi died well in the evening of , and not on the 22nd as Docc Hilford could say who tried to call him that day [ first ] .
  • Sept Taom awards (the current record) from 1959 to 1963

Like Tom Palmer:

  • 1960: The vampira act
  • 1962: The Famous Flea Act

Tony Andruzzi lors du Psychic Entertainers Associations’ Meeting of the Minds

Works, magazines and videos are all in English.

Books [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Signed Tom Palmer:

  • 1959: Modern Illusions , Magic Inc, Chicago, 40 p.
  • 1960: The Tie Pitch , Magic Inc, Chicago
  • 1962: Cagey Doves , The Elders, 32 p. [Second edition in 1968 by Magic Inc.]
  • 1968: Cagey Doves (2nd ed. Review and re-illustrated), Magic Inc, 31 p.
  • 1969: The Comedy Act of and by Tom Palmer , Magic Inc, Chicago, 48 p.
  • 1975: The Famous Flea Act , Magic, 20 p. [Le spectacle The Famous Flea Act was created long before. See shows]

The books created by Tony Andruzzi (Masklyn Ye Mage) are not simple books, but works of art. He illustrates them and gives them a very special aesthetic of false parchments, so that they can be used directly on stage.

Séné Maslly :

  • 1977: The Negromicon of Masklyn ye Mage , self-publishing, 90 p. 350 copies. See .
  • 1980: Grimoire of the Mages . 250 copies. See .
  • 1983: The Legendary Scroll of Masklyn ye Mage , self-publishing, scroll of parchment: equivalent of around thirty pages. With contributions from Stephen Minch, Dr. Mazarian Arathorn, T. A. Waters, Anthony Raven and Eugene Burger. See .
  • 1984: Daemon’s Diary , Ltd. illusions, 81 p. (several editions)

Journals [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Editor [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Collaborater [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Under his two names.

Video [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 1988: Bizarre , Flora and Company, VHS, 60 min.

Collaboration [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Eugene Burger, 1990, Eugene goes bizarre , VHS 90 min. Tony Andruzzi is interviewed there guest star .
  • Michael Caplan, 2008, A Magical Vision , 58 min. Documentary on magicians. Andruzzi participates in it [ 4 ] .
  • Christian Chelman, 2006, (in) Hauntiques , Mpmagic (Marco Pusterla), 170 p. Routine The Hand (pp. 143–145) is dedicated to Tony Andruzzi.
  • Jim Magus, Terry Nosek & Neil Tobin, 2011, Unspeakable Acts. The story of Tom Palmer, Tony Andruzzi and Masklyn ye Mage , Magus Enterprises, 534 p. (ISBN  978-1-4507-5927-4 ) . Reference biography
  • Genii , . Volume 25, n ° 7: TOM PALMER, coverage + items.
  • Genii , . Volume 63, n ° 10: Tony Andruzzi, cover + articles.
