Torpille Mu90 Impact – Wikipedia


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Torpille Mu90
Torpille MU90 Impact
A torpedo MU90.
Type of missile Aerial torpedo
Manufacturer Eurotorp
Motors Electric battery silver oxide-aluminum (Ago-Al) [ first ]
Mass at launch Surface ship version: 304 kg
Helicopter version: 314.1 kg
Maritime patrol plane version: 315.5 kg
With launch accessories: 317 kg
Length Surface ship version: 2,850 mm
Hélicopter version: 2,858 mm
Maritime patrol plane version: 2,881 mm
Diameter 323,7 mm
Speed Variable between 29 and> 50 knots
Scope Over 12 km at maximum speed
Over 23 km at minimum speed
Cruise altitude Depth of 3 to> 1000 m
Payload Crew load of 32.7 kg of polymerized powder explosives equivalent to 123 kg of TNT
Guidance Sonar
Launch platform Surface ship
MU90 torpedo 02.jpg

The MU90 Impact is the most recent third generation light torpedo developed by the Franco-Italian consortium Eurotorp and used by surface buildings and aircraft. This machine is intended to compete with the Mark 46 and Mark 54 model in the field of anti-submarine control.

The MU90 is developed by the European Group of Economic Interest Eurotorp formed by the two French companies DCNS (26%) and Thales (24%) and the Italian company Whitehead Alenia Sistemi SUBACQUEI (WASS – Leonardo group, 50%). It is assembled on the DCNS site of Gassin and Wass in Livorno.

This weapon results from the merger, on May 16, 1991, of the French Murène and Italian programs at 290. Built in collaboration between DCN Saint-Tropez and the Italian company Wass, the first test took place successfully on October 25, 1994 at the center of the Mediterranean test. The torpedo has been operational since 1999.

The MU90 torpedo has an electric propulsion mode with a single battery. It can be used in small funds (less than 25 m ), but also by great funds [ 2 ] . It has a hollow load intended to unravel the thick shell of the submarines, unlike the heavy torpedo F21 which is designed to cause a powerful explosion, creating a bubble intended to break the targeted boat [ 3 ] .

It can be dropped by a maritime patrol plane up to a speed of 400 Begat 44—741 ) and an altitude of 900 m with a speed of the wind greater than 50 Togroats (933 km/h) , by a helicopter at an altitude of 600 m up to a speed of 180 Begression (3333 km) , by a ship to a speed of 35 Togression (650k /5 ) h)) . Its range at maximum speed is more than 12 km Whatever the depth of the submarine up to more than 1,000 m [ 4 ] .


The minimum launch temperature is −26 °C [ 5 ] .

This machine is intended to be launched by the majority of combat ships, maritime patrol and aeronavale helicopters. A anti-sous-marine gore/missile missile, Milas in service in Italy takes this torpedo. In 2013, a thousand MU90 torpedoes were sold in 10 years to the following nations which used them on 70 vectors [ 6 ] . The Directorate General of Armament received 25 MU90 torpedoes in 2013, bringing 275 the number of light torpedoes delivered to the French Navy [ 7 ] . The 2014 finance law finalized the delivery of the last 25 MU90 torpedoes Impact of 300 copies intended for the national navy, the last delivery takes place in December 2016 [ 8 ] :

On other Wikimedia projects:

  1. [PDF] (in) The MU90 ALWT system » [ Archive du ] , on Eurotorp (consulted the )
  2. MU90 light torpedo » , Directorate General of Armament
  3. The new heavy torpedo F21 in tests », Sea and navy , ( read online , consulted the )
  4. Helicopters on board combat ships », SUB-MARINE , n O 9, , p. 25
  5. Torpille Mu90 » , Dcns
  6. The new heavy torpedo F21 in tests » , on Sea and navy , (consulted the )
  7. 250 MU90 torpedoes already delivered to the French Navy » , Mer & marine,
  8. Finance bill for 2018: Defense: Forces equipment » , on Senate (consulted the ) .
  9. (in) MU90 Light Weight Torpedo deliveries continue at cruising speed » , on Eurotorp , (consulted the )
  10. J.M. Roche, François-Olivier Corman, Torpedo » [ Archive du ] , on Net-Marine , (consulted the )
  11. Atlantic 2 (ATL 2) – Ministry of the Armed Forces » , on (consulted the )
  12. Thales: Torpille MU90 in active service in Australia » , on Scholarship holder , (consulted the )
  13. Torpedo » , on Black vessels , (consulted the )
