Tourps castle – Wikipedia


The Tourps castle is a home, XVIII It is century, which replaced an old feudal castle, which stands, in North Cotentin, on the territory of the French commune of Anneville-en-Saire, in the department of Manche, in the Normandy region.


The castle is partially registered in historic monuments.

The Château du Tourps is located, about 1.5 kilometers northeast of the Saint-Léger church, on the territory of Anneville-en-Saire, in the French department of the Manche.

The seigneury of the Tourps would have been created in 1050 [ first ] by the Duke of Normandie Guillaume dit le bastard in favor of Samson d’Anneville [ 2 ] , [ note 1 ] . In 1106, Guillaume d’Anneville gave the Saint-Léger church in Anneville to the Abbey of Lessay in order to buy his son, Michel, taken prisoner in Palestine during the first crusade.

Guillaume d’Anneville, son of Michel, confirmed in 1118 the donation, and his own son, Geoffroy d’Anneville, in 1139 [ first ] , added the gift of a chapel to the detriment of Renaud de la Hague who claimed to be a possessor.

This family kept the fief until XII It is century [ note 2 ] . The lordship which had great importance covered the current municipalities of: Réville, Montfarville, Barfleur, Sainte-Geneviève, Valcanville, Saint-Floxel and Vicel.

The castle and the village were burned by the English, in 1346, during the ride of Édouard III . In 1399 [ first ] , the lordship is in the hands of Jean Sauvage de Villiers and, in 1420 [ first ] , it is the possession of an Englishman named Jean Cherwin.


In 1450 [ first ] , the seigneury returns to Jean de la Court.

At XVI It is century, the castle is the possession of François de la Court ( 1592) [ note 3 ] , Lord of Anneville, Sire du Tourps, chief of the Liguers of Val de Saire [ 3 ] . After his escape from Saint-Lô prison, he took refuge in his castle in which he was besieged in 1590 by the royalist captains, who must lift the camp where the . A second attempt would have failed in the month of . The castle is besieged with artillery, from Cherbourg, by the troops of Henri IV Directed by the Count of Thorigny ( Jacques II by Goyon de Matignon ) and took it [ first ] . It is then that a heap of ruins, but from the Tourps had been able to escape [ 3 ] . In , François de la Court was to be killed at a stroke of arquebuse at the Battle of Gonneville. For the example, his body was “Salt and wheel” , before being brought back to Cherbourg where his head and those of his main lieutenants were exhibited in front of the Notre-Dame Porte [ 3 ] .

Bon-Christophe de la Court, bodyguard of Louis XIV , father of Claude François de la Court and Marie-Marthe de la Court [ note 4 ] , ruined being seized in The castle and the Tourp stronghold. We find this family then in the Crouttes Orne.

At XVIII It is century [ 5 ] , the feudal castle founded under Guillaume the Conqueror, and rebuilt after 1346 [ first ] , being ruined [ note 5 ] , we erect a new castle by his side.

It was at the castle that Jean-François de Vauquelin, survivor in 1794 of the “Bottise de Valognes”, and his wife Catherine de la Houssaye, will learn the death of their two sons, François de Vauquelin ( 20 years ) and Jacques de Vauquelin ( 21 years old ) During the landing of Quiberon in 1795 [ 6 ] . In 1824, the castle passed, through marriage, from the Vauquelin family to that of Mesnildot.

The Château du Tourps, erected at XVIII It is century next to the vestiges of the old castle whose motte is still visible [ 2 ] , comes in the form of a high-stage building on a raised ground floor with a central precedent, preceded by a porch and a double revolution staircase, and surmounted by a pediment triangular, pierced with two sorks arranged symmetrically on both sides of a window. With its classic facade related to that of Carneville but one of the wings of which was only built at XIX It is century [ 7 ] .

The private chapel, dedicated to Saint Gilles, was raised in 1669 on an old oratory.

The facades and roofs of the castle, as well as the living room and the adjoining bedroom with their sets, and the staircase; The facades and the roofs of all the buildings (old man’s house, common, press, chapel, garden pavilion) and the vegetable garden and its closing walls are registered as historic monuments by decree of the [ 8 ] .

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Samson of Anneville fought against pirates in Guernsey. His two sons accompanied Guillaume in England, and received concessions there.
  2. Salch indicates the XVII It is century [ first ] .
  3. His son, also named François ( 1595), will regain the fight at his death.
  4. Raised at the Château de Noisy, it was the first re General mistress of the School of Saint-Cyr founded by Madame de Maintenon before being excluded at the request of the King for Quietism [ 4 ] .
  5. There are only a few vestiges left. Charles de Gerville, in the description he makes of the castle in Memoirs of the Société des Antiquaires de Normandie – 1824 , p. 351 , said he was near the saire, in a meadow that bears or bore the name of “pre de la Motte”, but it is the house of Anneville which is indeed located near this small river. The exact situation of the old castle of this family remains to be confirmed. It was in the form of a graying rectangular enclosure of 75 × 100 meters, with a square tower.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. a b c d e f g and h Salch, 1987, p. 45.
  2. a et b Guy Le Hallé ( pref. Hervé Morin, photogr.  Yves Buffetaut), Basse-Normandie forts , t. II, Louviers, Ysec Éditions, , 160 p. (ISBN  978-284673-215-4 ) , p. 78 (Anneville-en-Saire) .
  3. A B and C Maurice Lecœur ( photogr.  Christine Duteurtre), Val de Saire , Isoete, , 173 p. (ISBN  978-2-9139-2076-7-7 ) , p. sixty seven .
  4. Théophile Sébastien Lavallée, Letters on girls’ education , Paris .
  5. Norbert Girard et Maurice Lecœur, Cotentin treasures: Civil architecture & religious art , Mayenne, ISOET editions, , 296 p. (ISBN  978-2-913920-38-5 ) , p. 241 .
  6. Girard and Lecœur 2005, p. 28.
  7. Edmond Thin, The Val de Saire: treasures of a Cotentin garden on the sea , Editions OREP, , 165 p. (ISBN  978-2-915762-82-2-2 ) , p. 89 .
  8. Tourps castle » , on the open heritage platform, Merimée Base, French Ministry of Culture .

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Charles-Laurent Salch, Dictionary of castles and fortifications of the Middle Ages in France , Strasbourg, Publitotal editions, , 28 It is ed. ( first re ed. 1979), 1304 p. (ISBN  2-86535-070-3 , OCLC  1078727877 ) .

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