Tours Métropole Basket – Wikipedia


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The Tours Métropole Basket is a French basketball club based in Tours, formerly known as the Union Tours Basket Métropole (UTBM). The club evolves in National 1, the third division, during the 2022-2023 season.

Tourangeaux clubs [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Tours Métropole Basket becomes the basketball pennant team in Tours. Small list of former main basketball clubs in Tours between name change and fusion.

1938 : CNDU ONLGO STPL STLT STTP [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The secular patronage The rich Lamartine’Voit the light of day in 1912 and the basketball section was created in 1938 by the initiative of Gérard Guertin.
The first steps of the club take place at the Dabilly gymnasium.

1997- 1998: NPO Tours [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

See the history of the Tourangeau club on the NPO Tours page.


1999: Foundation of Touraine Basket Club (TBC) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1999, the NPO Tours was placed in compulsory liquidation and a new club was created: Le Touraine Basket Club (Touraine BC). The senior team evolves in the national male 3 (NM3).

In 2004, the Touraine BC and its neighbor of AS Jocondien, located in Joué-lès-Tours, created the Tours-play Basket (TJB). The senior team is evolving in the Male National 2 (NM2).

In 2009, the TJB was placed in compulsory liquidation while the Touraine BC continues its activity, first in pre-national male and then in NM3.

2014: Foundation of the Union Tours Basket Métropole (UTBM) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Union Tours Basket Métropole founded in 2014 results from a union following the merger of the Touraine Basket Club (TBC) and the PLLL Tours Basket to give a second breath to the Tourangeau basketball and hope to find the professional league that it did not better known since the disappearance of NPO Tours in 1998.

In 2014, the Touraine BC created, with the PLLL Tours (Laïqueage Laïque la Rich Lamartine Tours, whose team was playing in NM2), the Union Tours Basket Métropole (UTBM) whose team evolves in NM2.

For the 2018-2019 season, the UTBM obtained its access in Male National 1 (NM1) following the evolution of the formula of the NM1 championship. Its displayed ambition is the rise in pro B to medium term [ first ] .

At the end of the 2020-2021 season, the team is promoted in Pro B and finds the second step of the Professional League (Pro B) for the first time in 23 years [ 2 ] .

Former logo of the Union Tours Basket Métropole (UTBM)

2021: The beginnings of the Tours Métropole Basket [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

During the Pro B 2021-2022 season, while four teams finished with the same assessment, the results of the TMB in the face of its direct competitors are not to their advantage and the team is relegated to National 1.

2022-2023 season
Players Coaches
Valérie Garnier
Gaëtan Douet


  • P .: After
  • # : Jersey number
  • Nat. : Nationality
  • Capitaine: Captain
  • Injury icon 2.svg: Currently injured
  • Pi. : Medical freelance


  • first : Leader
  • 2 : Back
  • 3 : Winger
  • 4 : Winger
  • 5  : Pivot
  • Dylan AFFO MAMA winner of the Dunk LNB 2021 competition.

Players [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Coaches [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
