Trocadéro fountain – Wikipedia


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The Trocadéro fountain or Warsaw fountain is a fountain located in the Trocadéro gardens, below the Palais de Chaillot, in the 16 It is district of Paris.

The grip of the Trocadéro fountain (lawns and basins) forms an islet delimited by four public roads: Place de Warsaw (named in 1928), Avenue Albert- I is -De-Monaco (named in 1932), the Hussein-de-Ori-de-Jordan avenue (named in 1999) and Gustave-V-de-Suède avenue (named in 1951).

The original fountain [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Instead of the current Fontaine was another, which was in the form of a waterfall and which had been erected by Gabriel Davioud for the Universal Exhibition of 1878, at the same time as the old palace of Trocadéro.

Auguste Rodin bronze mascarons were integrated there, seven of them were recovered and reinstalled at the Park de Sceaux; others were installed on the retaining wall of the Garden of the Serres d’Auteuil terrace [ first ] and plaster models of two of them are kept at the Paris Decorative Arts Museum.


The fountain was surrounded by four bronze sculptures, Horse horse by Pierre Louis Rouillard, The young elephant trapped by Emmanuel Frémiet, Rhinoceros by Henri-Alfred Jacquemart and Beef By Auguste Cain, who have since been for the first three in Paris in front of the Musée d’Orsay, and in Nîmes for the last.

The fountain was destroyed in 1935 to make way for the next [ 2 ] .

The 1937 fountain [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The 1937 Universal Exhibition in Paris. The Warsaw Fountain.

View of La Fontaine in 2011.

La Fontaine is built for the specialized exhibition of 1937, which saw a complete restructuring of the district, the replacement of the old Trocadéro palace by the Palais de Chaillot and the rearrangement of the Trocadéro gardens. The architects are Roger-Henri Expert, Paul Maître [ 3 ] And Adolphe Thiers, the sculptors Daniel-Joseph Bacqué and Léon-Ernest Drivier. Largest Paris fountain, she includes “An impressive device of twenty oblique cannons, divided into four groups of five, pointed out towards the Eiffel Tower and a range of fifty meters, to which are added, in strictly aquatic terms, fifty-six wreaths of four meters and twelve seven -meter columns. Everything works on a motorization of a thousand horses ” . During the 1937 exhibition, 530 electrical projectors were installed in and around La Fontaine to create a night show [ 4 ] .

In winter, when the fountain is frozen, it is possible to go ice cream and slides on the surface.

Images of the clip of the song Rockollection (1977) by Laurent Voulzy are shot in front of La Fontaine as well as a scene of the film Lol one (2012) by Lisa Azuelos.

In 1989, on the occasion of the centenary of the construction of the Eiffel Tower, Mireille Mathieu Chante La Marseillaise With the French army choir in front of the Warsaw Fountain. The show is broadcast live by French television [ 5 ] .

During the summer of 2021, the Trocadéro gardens were ephemerally redeveloped in order to accommodate a fanzone allowing to follow the Tokyo Olympic Games. On this occasion, the fountain is put out of the way, transformed into a stadium [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] .

This site is served by the lines (M) (6) (9)at the metro station Trocadéro .

Description [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The current Trocadéro fountain comes in the form of a rectangular basin, “Surrounded by a series of small symmetrical basins operating in a closed circuit” . Twenty oblique water cannons with a range of 50 meters, 56 sheaves with a range of 7 meters and 12 columns of water with a range of 7 meters propel 5 700 liters of water per second.

Two sculptures frame the fountain at the level of the Seine, in the round: The joy of living by Léon-Ernest Drivier and The youth by Pierre-Marie Poisson. A sculpture representing horses and a dog, by Georges Guyot, and another, by Paul Jouve, representing a bull and a suede, adorned the basins while two statues of stone crosses ( The man ) and Daniel Bacqué ( Wife ) overlook the building. The fountain includes a night lighting device.

  1. Architecture, weekly newspaper of the Central Society of French Architects , 14th year, n ° 12, March 23, 1901.
  2. “The old Trocadéro fountain in Paris” , .
  3. Paul Master , on
  4. Pascal Ory, Chaillot Palace , p. 83 .
  5. “In Support of Paris: Sing La Marseillaise” , The Guardian , November 17, 2015.
  6. Paris: The Tokyo Olympics broadcast at Trocadéro, which program? » , on Cnews , (consulted the ) .
  7. Simon Louvet, PICTURES. The Trocadéro becomes a stadium for the Tokyo and Paris beaches Olympics » , on , (consulted the ) .

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Jacques Barozzi, Paris of Fontaine en Fontaine , Parigramme Éditions, Parisian book company (Paris), 2010, p. 106.

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