tt Greets — Wikipedia


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Matthew Grevers , born the In Lake Forest in Illinois, is an American swimmer who specializes in the free and backs of the Crawlé. Selected in the American team at the 2008 summer Olympic Games, he won three medals, including two in gold within the relays. Individual, he won the silver medal in the 100 m back behind his compatriot Aaron Peirsol.

He participated for the first time in the national championships in 2002 by aligning himself on free and back swimming events. In 2003, during the summer championships, he reached three individual finals but did not get on a podium ( 6 It is 100 m freestyle, 4 It is 100 m back, 6 It is 200 m back). He failed to qualify for the 2004 Olympic Games during the long Beach selections.

In 2005, he knew his first selection of the national team for an international championship on the occasion of the Universiade organized in Izmir where he won three medals. The following year, he honored a new selection during the world championships in small pools played in Shanghai in China. Aligned on 100 m back, he reaches the final in which he took seventh place as on 100 m four swimming. It is also eliminated at the semi-finals stadium on the 50 m back and the 50 m butterfly. On the other hand, he won two relay medals: bronze with the 4 × 100 m free swimming and silver with the 4 × 100 m Four swimming. On the national level, he conquered a first victory at the NCAA championships in 2005 on 100 Yards Dos, an event he won again in 2006 before winning the 200 M DOS in 2007. That same year 2007, he won two medals in Relay including one in gold during the Universiade held in Bangkok in Thailand.

The 2008 Summer Olympic Games constitute the main international meeting in 2008. In July, Matt Grévers obtained his qualification for this event during Trials By obtaining a fifth place over 100 m freestyle and a second on 100 m back. A few months earlier, he had significantly improved his best personal times by swimming for example a 100 m freestyle in 48 seconds and 53 hundredths.

At the 2008 summer Olympic Games, he obtained three medals, including two in gold. Aligned individually on 100 m back, he improves the Olympic record in 53 s 41 from the series before achieving the second time of the semi-finals in 52 s 99, a new personal record. The final is dominated by the American Aaron Peirsol which improves the planetary record. Behind, despite a lower time than that of the semi-finals, Matt Grevers takes second place and obtains the silver medal. He also becomes a double Olympic champion by participating in the 4 × 100 relay playoffs m free swimming and 4 × 100 m Four swimming, sacred subsequently in the final. During the series of the 4 × 100 relay m Libre, it is part of the quartet which improves the world record, a record broke again the next day by the holders of the winning relay in the final.


At the 2012 summer Olympic Games, he won the gold medal on 100 m back.

At the 2013 world championships in Barcelona, ​​he won the title on 100 backstroke, in front of his compatriot Plummer and the French Jérémy Stravius.

Olympic Games [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

World’s Championships [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Big pool [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Small pool [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Personal records [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

This table details the personal records of Matt Group in large pool.

World record broken [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Matt Groups broke a world record in his career. THE , during the 2008 summer Olympic Games, it is indeed part of the American quartet which broke the world record for 4 × 100 relay m Free swimming in large pool in 3 min 12 s 23, an improved time the next day without him this time. During the planetary record, he was accompanied by Nathan Adrian, Cullen Jones and Ben Wildman-Tobriner.

The , he broke the world record for the 100-meter back in small pool now establishing him at 48 seconds and 92 hundredths during the “Duel in the Pool” competition between the United States.

  1. a b c d e and f Only participates in the playoffs and not in the final
