Turkey Embassy in France – Wikipedia


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L’ Turkey Embassy in France (Turkish: Turkey’s Embassy in Paris ) is the diplomatic representation of the Republic of Turkey to the French Republic. It is located at 16 avenue de Lamballe, in the 16 It is Paris arrondissement, the country’s capital. His ambassador has been, since 2021, Ali Onaner (Tr) .

The Turkish capital, Ankara, gave its name to rue d’Ankara nearby.

The main entrance is located at 16 avenue de Lamballe, masked by a contemporary building. Secondary access is 17 rue d’Ankara.

The site is served by the RER C station Avenue du President-Kennedy and by metro stations Passion (line 6) and The mute (line 9).

Of ( 25 Messidor of the year IN ) [ first ] Until 1808 [ 2 ] , the Monaco hotel is the residence of the ambassadors of the sublime Ottoman door.


The Monaco hotel built on order by Marie-Catherine Brignole, newly divorced prince Honoré III monaco , by Alexandre-Théodore Brongniart, is located 57 rue Saint-Dominique in the Faubourg Saint-Germain. The advent of the revolution leads to the flight of the princess. Its well -confiscated property becomes national that the board has. Thus he makes it available to ambassadors. The place is the witness of many events linked to the history of France.

At the beginning of XIX It is century, it sits at the Hôtel du Châtelet, in the 7 It is arrondissement.

In the 1900s, the mansion of 33 rue de Villejust (16 It is arrondissement) housed the embassy [ 3 ] .

Under the Vichy regime, the Turkey Embassy moves to this city in the center of France where the government of Marshal Pétain sits. She closed in 1943, while Ali şevki Berker (Tr) is the reigning ambassador [ 4 ] .

In 1944, after the Liberation of Paris, the new Numan Menemencioğlu ambassador moved to the Bristol hotel. His niece, Nevin Menemencioğlu (who has become a cultural attaché of the Embassy), discovers by chance the Hôtel de Lamballe in the 16 It is Arrondissement and encourages it to rent it on behalf of the Turkish legation, something done at the end of 1945. The building was finally bought by the Republic of Turkey in 1951. In 1972, a new building was built on the plot to welcome the Chancellery of The Embassy [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] .

Turkey ambassadors in France were successively [ 8 ] :

France also welcomes six Turkish Consulates General [ 17 ] :

The Cultural Center of Turkey.

The Yunus Emre Institute – Cultural Center of Turkey is installed 102 avenue des Champs -Élysées ( 8 It is district of Paris).

At the end of the month of , several reports addressed to the President of the French Republic by the Directorate General for Internal Security (DGSI), the Directorate General for External Security (DGSE) and the Intelligence Directorate of the Paris police prefecture (DRPP) show the amplers, the forms and objectives of a real infiltration strategy driven from Ankara through networks led by the Turkey Embassy and put it, the Intelligence Service of Turkey. These “Vectors of influence” would act mainly with the Turkish immigrant population, but also through Muslim organizations and even in local political life, “By the support given to subservient elected officials” [ 18 ] .

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Herbette 1902, chap. IV (“Essèyid Al Effendi Voyage from Marseille to Paris”, p. 90 [ read online ] .
  2. Jean Deny, “Turkish: (1795)” , in National School of Living Eastern Languages, A hundred and attic of the school of oriental languages: history, organization and teachings of the National School of Living Oriental Languages , Paris, s.n. (Imp. National of France), , first re ed. ( first re ed. 1948), 469 p. , p. 28 n. first .
  3. Diplomatic and consular directory of the French Republic , Berger-Levrault, 1907, p. 487.
  4. a et b Patricia Dount, « From Lunacy to Diplomacy : The Hôtel de Lamballe », Cornucopia  (en), vol. 5, n O 30, 2003-2004 ( read online ) .
  5. Hâmit Batu (dir.) And Jean-Louis Bacqué-Grammont (dir.), The Ottoman Empire, the Republic of Türkiye and France , Paris, Association for the development of Turkish studies, and Istanbul, French Institute for Anatolian Studies, coll. “Varia Turkish» ( n O 3), 1986, 700 p. (ISBN  2-906053-00-7 ) , p. 687: Publ. on the occasion of 450 It is Anniversary of the first permanent relations between France and Turkey.
  6. Camille Lonépé, The fascinating history of the Hôtel de Lamballe, the Turkey’s residence in France » , on aujourdhuilaturquie.com , .
  7. Gérard de Josnière, ” The Hotel de Lamballe: from Jean de Paci to the Turkey Embassy », The Passy’s newspaper of the Notre-Dame de Grâce , n O 512, , p. 16-17 .
  8. Jean-Louis Bacqué-Grammont, Sinan Kuneralp, and Frédéric Hitzel, for the French Institute of Anatolian Studies, the Turkish-France cultural association of Istanbul, and the France-Turkey committee of Paris, Permanent representatives of France in Turkey (1536-1991) and Turkey in France (1797-1991) , Istanbul, Isis (ISBN  975-428-025-8 ) and French Institute for Anatolian Studies (ISBN  2-906053-22-8 ) , and Paris, bookstore of America and East, coll. “Vari Turcica” (22, 1), 1991, 166 p. : Publ. on the occasion of 455 It is Anniversary of the establishment of permanent diplomatic relations between France and Turkey.
  9. Herbette 1902, chap. V (“Esséid Ali Effendi in Paris. Its reception by the Management Board”), p. 124, 130-131, 305-309 [ read online ] .
  10. Herbette 1902, chap. VIII (“The Egyptian expedition and its consequences on the mission of Esséid Al Effendi”), p. 245 [ read online ] .
  11. Herbette 1902, “Epilogue. Departure from Paris from Esséid Ali Effendi and return to Constantinople ”, p. 284 [ read online ] .
  12. Jean Savant, ” Tests and notices: Bonaparte and Halet Effendi », Revue des Deux Mondes , Paris, vol. seventy three, n O 1, , p. 101-106 (JSTOR  44848287, read online ) .
  13. Paris », Mercury of France , Paris, s.n. (Imp. Le Normand), vol. 24, n O CCLV, , p. 470-472 ( read online ) .
  14. Anatoli Filippovich Miller, Mustapha Pacha Baĭraktar , Bucharest, Association of South-East European Studies, coll. “Studies and documents concerning the South East European” ( n O 7), , 466 p. (BNF  34788079) , part 3, chap. 10 (“The Turkish question in Tilsit”), p. 192 .
  15. New policies: (interior) », Mercury of France , Paris, s.n. (imp. Arthus-Bertrand), vol. 30, n O  CCCIII,‎ , p. 336 ( read online ) .
  16. Charles Rousseau, «  Chronicle of international facts – France and Turkey: reminder by the Turkish government of its ambassador to Paris following the inauguration of a monument to the Armenians in Marseille ( ) », General Review of Public International Law , vol. 78, n O 2, , p. 507–508 .
  17. Foreign embassies and consulates in France: Türkiye », On the site of the Maison des Français abroad.
  18. Mohamed Sifaoui, Survey: How Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan infiltrates France » , Le Journal du Dimanche , .

In the Official newspaper (Jo), on legifrance or gallica:

  1. Delivery of receivables , Because, n O 194, , p. 5201.
  2. Delivery of receivables , Because, n O 302, , p. 5353.
  3. Delivery of receivables , Because, n O first, , p. first.
  4. Delivery of receivables , Because, n O 252, , p. 6429.
  5. Delivery of receivables , Because, n O 245, , p. 7385.
  6. Delivery of receivables , Because, n O 32, , p. 1458.
  7. Delivery of receivables , Because, n O 104, , p. 4278.
  8. Delivery of receivables , Because, n O 18, , p. 707.
  9. Delivery of receivables , Because, n O 159, , p. 7362.
  10. Delivery of receivables , Because, n O 205, , p. 10894.
  11. Delivery of receivables , Because, n O 237, , p. 2582.
  12. Delivery of receivables , Because, n O 3, , p. 34.
  13. Delivery of receivable letters, OJ, n O 109, , p. 4723.
  14. Delivery of receivable letters, OJ, n O 125, , p. 4863.
  15. Delivery of receivable letters, OJ, n O 173, , p. 7283.
  16. Delivery of receivable letters, OJ, n O 154, , p. 5707.
  17. Delivery of receivable letters, OJ, n O 293, , p. 11207.
  18. Delivery of receivable letters, OJ, n O 275, , p. 11772.
  19. Delivery of receivable letters, OJ, n O 225, , p. 5707.
  20. Delivery of receivable letters, OJ, n O 211, , p. 3230.
  21. Delivery of receivable letters, OJ, n O 26, , p. 386.
  22. Delivery of receivable letters, OJ, n O 213, , p. 11076.
  23. Delivery of receivable letters, OJ, n O 218, , p. 11871.
  24. Delivery of receivables , Because, n O 128, , p.  7374, NOR MAEP9150034E.
  25. Delivery of receivables , Because, n O 83, , p.  5462, NOR MAEP9850015G.
  26. Delivery of receivables , Because, n O 219, , p. 15407, text n O  1, NOR MAEP0250028G.
  27. Delivery of receivables , Because, n O 287, , p. 19064, text n O  1, NOR MAEP0550123E.
  28. Delivery of receivables , Because, n O 156, , p. 12417, text n O  1, NOR MAEP1050049G.
  29. Delivery of receivables , Because, n O 160, , p. 11649, text n O  1, NOR MAEP1450122G.
  30. Delivery of receivables , Because, n O 52, , text n O  3, NOR MAEP1705190X.
  31. Delivery of receivables , Because, n O 88, , text n O  1, NOR EAEP2111564X.

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