Union for democracy and social progress – Wikipedia



L’ Union for democracy and social progress ( Udps ) is a political party in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is founded on by Étienne Tshisekedi, Marcel Lihau and others [ first ] . He is a member of the Progressive Alliance and the Socialist International [ 2 ] .

In , 13 parliamentarians of the single party, the popular movement of the Revolution, published an open letter addressed to President Mobutu [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] .

This letter has been, since the military coup of the By which the Mobutu regime has settled in power, the very first non-violent contestation of the Marshal Mobutu’s political system. The letter ends with ten proposals inviting Mobutu to democratize the political system in accordance with the manifesto of the Nsele, founding document of the MPR which, in its conception, made the MPR a democratic political party alongside a second political party whose creation was provided for in article 4 of the constitution of .

The 13 parliamentarians are quickly arrested and amnestied by Mobutu shortly after. However, Mobutu decides their exile in their respective provinces and the forfeiture of their mandate as a commissioner of the people [ 3 ] .

Upon their return to Kinshasa in 1981, the signatories were joined by other Zairians and the UDPS was founded the , under the 1967 Constitution. In March 1982, the main members of the new party were arrested and sentenced to 15 years in prison [ 3 ] .


After the 1991 national sovereign conference, Étienne Tshisekedi was appointed Prime Minister.

The UDPS, having chosen to boycott in 2006, the presidential and legislative elections, was from 2006 to 2011 excluded from all Congolese institutions, both at the provincial and national level.

The UDPS organizes its first ordinary congress from 10 to during which Etienne Tshisekedi was elected president. The Congress Chad the Statutes of the Party, proceeds to the creation of the Young League and the League of Women and puts an end to the old party structures such as the college of the founders.

In , the party’s headquarters in Kinshasa is the victim of a criminal fire, killing five people. The incendiaries would have admitted to being a member of a military group close to the President of the Republic Joseph Kabila [ 5 ] .

After the death of Etienne Tshisekedi in , the party is led by its secretary general Jean-Marc Kabund, interiming the president of the deceased party. The opposition rally, an organization which brings together several opposition parties is restructured and is led by two people, Félix Tshisekedi, son of Étienne Tshisekedi and Pierre Lumbi, respectively president and president of the Council of Sages. Bruno Tshibala has dissociated himself from the rally to rally to Joseph OLENGHANKOY. It is excluded by the UDPS a few weeks later [ 6 ] . However, he created another wing of the rally [ 7 ] . In April, he was appointed Prime Minister of Opening by Joseph Kabila, which causes divisions to opposition to the opposition [ 8 ] .

The party is then divided into four factions: UDPS/Tshisekedi, UDPS/The People, UDPS/Kibassa and UDPS/Tshibala [ 9 ] . This last faction is directed by Tharcisse Loseke until [ ten ] .

The 30 and , during an extraordinary congress gathered in Kinshasa, Félix Tshisekedi is elected president of the UDPS/Tshisekedi. He is also chosen party candidate for the next presidential election, planned for [ 11 ] . Elected for a 5-year presidential mandate, Félix Tshisekedi appoints Jean-Marc Kabund as president of the UDPS/Tshisekedi. Augustin Kabuya becomes interim secretary general [ twelfth ] .

END , Jean-Marc Kabund, who would have opposed Félix Tshisekedi, is struck off from the UDPS and loses his post as interim president of the party. A directory collegially provides the presidency [ 13 ] .

The UDPS Youth Organization intervened shortly after the democratic opening in 1990 under the leadership of young people like Godé Mwamba, Jacques Mbila, Aimée Boende, Georges Matungulu, Allen Mukendi Luaba Muana Katshi, Vianney Kabukanyi, Raymond Kahungu and Raoul NSOLWA-MUYE.

The UDPS Young League is created at the 2010 Congress. It was managed in 2011 by Freddy Pinzi, in 2014 by Bernard Baruti and then in 2018 by Yves Bunkulu Zola until his appointment to the government.

After the appointment of Yves Bunkulu to the government, the youth league has been led by Emmany Dioko since October 2019.

The Youth League has been a observer member of the International Union of Socialist Youth (Iusy) since 2018, then a full member [ 14 ] .

The Limete district, a popular and suburban district of Kinshasa, is its stronghold in the capital.

  1. The free Belgium: the descent into the UDPS underworld
  2. Socialist international, Member parties of the IS
  3. A B and C Etienne Tshisekedi, the birth of the opposition to Mobutu » , Radio Okapi,
  4. Open letter to the citizen president-founder of the popular revolution movement, President of the Republic by a group of parliamentarians » ,
  5. François de Labarre, “DRC: photos that accuse” , ParisMatch.com, September 24, 2016.
  6. DRC: former Sudps Bruno Tshibala becomes Prime Minister – RFI », RFI Africa , ( read online )
  7. RD Congo: Dissensions around the appointment of Bruno Tshibala as Prime Minister – France 24 » , on France 24 (consulted the )
  8. Tanguy Berthemet, “Kinshasa sick with her politicians” , Le Figaro , April 14, 2017, page 8.
  9. Opinions: Call for a dialogue within the large UDPS family – Free Africa » , on Free Africa (consulted the )
  10. DRC: the president of the UDPS-TTHIBALA resigns-youngafrique.com » , on Jeuneafrique.com (consulted the )
  11. DRC: Félix Tshisekedi elected at the head of the UDPS, on the move for the presidential election » , RFI,
  12. DRC: UDPS Young Organizations Mingle in the Party – RFI crisis » , on RFI Africa (consulted the )
  13. DRC: Jean-Marc Kabund radiated from the UDPS » , RFI,
  14. http://iusy.org/category/home/memberorganization

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