University Faculty of Protestant Theology – Wikipedia


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The University Faculty of Protestant Theology From Brussels, is a Belgian private university which issues diplomas in Protestant theology, conducts research activities and provides permanent training. She is bilingual and also has a section providing teaching in Dutch ( University Faculty for Protestant Theology ). She trains pastors and religion teachers.

The University Faculty of Protestant Theology of Brussels is part of the spiritual heritage of the Reformed Academy of Ghent. This university was founded in 1577, during the period of the Calvinist Republic of Ghent. It was removed, in 1584, during the conquest of the city by General Alexandre Farnèse [ first ] .

In 1950, by the Union of Protestant Evangelical Churches in Belgium, which then became the Protestant Evangelical Church in Belgium, and by the Belgian Conference of the Metal Church. In 1955 the Belgian Missionary Missionary Church, which has later become the Reformed Church of Belgium, there [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] .

On March 4, 1963, it was recognized by royal decree as an institution of higher university education, authorized to grant the securities of licensee and doctor, under the Belgian law of September 11, 1933 on the protection of higher education titles. It is therefore the only institution in Belgium recognized by the public authorities to provide university education with a view to the snack of bachelor’s degrees, master and doctor of Protestant theology.

In 1965, the Faculty headquartered on rue des Bollandistes in the town of Etterbeek, in Brussels-Capital.


In 1979, the three founding churches gathered in the United Protestant Church in Belgium [ 4 ] . It registers in its Constitution the obligation for pastors to hold the master’s degree with pastoral purpose of the University Faculty of Protestant Theology of Brussels [ 5 ] .

The Faculty of Theology of Butare in Rwanda, from the Presbyterian Church to Rwanda is affiliated to the Faculty of Protestant Theology of Brussels by a convention of [ 6 ] .

In June 2007, she signed a partnership agreement with the Free University of Brussels for the teaching of history, philosophy, religious and human sciences, the research and organization of interdisciplinary symposia. In September 2016, an agreement was signed with the Faculty of Protestant Theology of Strasbourg for online training courses. In 2018, a partnership with the Faculty of Protestant Theology of Montpellier is signed for an exchange of teachers.

The faculty teaches Protestant theology, the history of Protestant reform and Protestantism in Belgium, the historical-critical exegesis of the Bible, the Biblical Hebrew, the Aramaic and the ancient Greek. The faculty also participates in permanent training programs, or in courses or conferences open to the public.

  1. Léon E. Halquin, “L’Academie Reforme de Gand (1577-1584)» Giving Analecla theology Faculty of Brussels, 2, Protestantisme and Universite, Bruxelles, 1974-1985
  2. Who are we ? | FUTP » (consulted the )
  3. Marian , Constitution & Discipline » , on United Protestant Church of Belgium , (consulted the )
  4. Protestantism in Belgium » , on , Protestant museum (consulted the )
  5. Marian , University Faculty of Protestant Theology » , on United Protestant Church of Belgium , (consulted the )
  6. In Rwanda, the Protestant Arts and Social Sciences Institute promoted to the rank of Protestant University in Rwanda » , on United Protestant Church of Belgium (consulted the )

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Léon E. Halquin, “The Reformed Academy of Ghent (1577-1584)” in Sweeper Theology Faculty of Brussels , II, Protestantism and University, Brussels, 1974-1985

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