Unterseeboot 109 (1940) — Wikipedia


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L’ Unterseeboot 109 (or U-109 ) is a German IX.B submarine of the Kriegsmarine of the Second World War.

He leaves Kiel for his first patrol under the orders of Earspha Hans-Georg Fischer the . After 24 days at sea and a result of 5,173 barrels , he joins the Lorient underwater base.

Le captain’s lieutenant Heinrich Bleichrodt takes command of the U-109 which leaves the of the port of Lorient for its second patrol. After 51 days at sea, without result, he joined Lorient the .

His third patrol is made At ( 45 days at sea) with the same result of its previous patrol.

The following three patrols are carried out respectively At ( 59 days ), of At ( 71 days ) a you At (81 days: its longest patrol) with the following results: 27,651, 18,092 and 35,601 tons (its best result) of flowed enemy ships.


His seventh patrol, starting the , brings him back to the underwater base of Saint-Nazaire the After 57 days at sea without result

L’Olutnant to the sea Joachim Schramm takes command of the ship and leave Saint-Nazaire for the eighth patrol of the U-109 the To reach Lorient the After 30 days at sea without result.

When he left Lorient the For its ninth patrol, the U-109 is sunk , after seven days at sea, south of Ireland by depth loads launched by a British heavy bomber Consolidated B-24 Liberator ( Squadron 86/P ), in the geographical position of 47 ° 22 ′ n, 22 ° 40 ′ O.

THE 52 members of crew die during this attack.

Commandant Departure Arrival Days Hit
first Krvkpt. Hans-Georg Fischer As Lorient 24 days 5 173
2 Kptlt. Heinrich Bleichrodt Lorient Lorient 51 days
Kptlt. Heinrich Bleichrodt Lorient Lorient 2 days
3 Kptlt. Heinrich Bleichrodt Lorient Lorient 45 days
4 Kptlt. Heinrich Bleichrodt Lorient Lorient 59 days 27 651
5 Kptlt. Heinrich Bleichrodt Lorient Lorient 71 days 18 092
6 Kptlt. Heinrich Bleichrodt Lorient Lorient 81 days 35 601
7 Kptlt. Heinrich Bleichrodt Lorient Saint Nazaire 57 days
8 Oblt. Joachim Schramm Saint Nazaire Lorient 30 days
9 Oblt. Joachim Schramm Lorient Cast 7 days
Total 425 days 86 517 t

Note: Oblt. = Lieutenant to the lake – Kptlt. = Captain lieutenant – Krvkpt. = Corvette captain

Wolfpack operations [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

U-109 operated with Wolfpacks (wolf packs) during his operational career:

  1. West ( )
  2. Milk ( )
  3. Murderbrenner ( )
  4. Mind ( )
  • The UnterseeeBoot 109 sank twelve ships for a total of 79,969 barrels and damaged another 6,548 tons during its nine patrols.

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

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