UNTRUCTION Species – Wikipedia


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Protecting the tiger is protecting a whole procession of associated biodiversity: prey, scavengers, comments, decomposers and especially large natural habitats such as forests where marshes. Thus the numerous reserves of tigers in India are among the main and last refuges of wild life in this densely populated and anthropized country.

A umbrella species or Paravent species ( umbrella species , in English) is, in ecology, a species whose extent of the territory or the ecological niche allows the protection of a large number of other species if it is protected.

A “umbrella species” is a species whose vital space is very large, such as the otter for example: to protect the otter, the restoration and the protection of its habitat are essential, which consequently will improve habitat d ‘A large number of other aquatic species [ first ] . Using certain species with highly publicized status, such as the tiger or the giant panda, we can also allow the safeguard of the whole of their ecosystem [ 2 ] .

The size of the territory is not the only criterion, and the definition can be extended to a more general concept: a umbrella species is a species whose needs (the ecological niche) include those of many other species; By protecting it, protection is extended to all species that share its habitat or interact with its ecological niche. Umbrella species are often large “charismatic” mammals, but can also be smaller, like some butterflies for example [ 3 ] .

In France, a famous paraplia species is the picnic, insect typical of ancient afforestation rich in dead or decomposing wood. Easy to detect, protection of its home makes it possible to safeguard these ecosystems which have become rare, and which can also accommodate more charismatic species such as night raptors [ 4 ] .


The efficiency of conservation in terms of the prickness species has been questioned by certain studies [ 5 ] , all those studied are not necessarily functionally keystone species [ 3 ] . However, the use of charismatic species as a standard bearer of conservation has virtues on public opinion which could counterbalance the overestimation of the ecological role of some of them [ 6 ] . In addition, through the review of 18 studies on this concept and its validity in terms of conservation, Roberge & Angelstam conclude that it can be very relevant to create an effective network of protected areas, even if it is not not the panacea and should not be the only one to take into account [ 7 ] .

  1. Nature/La Loutre Site
  2. (in) Barua, M., Mobilizing metaphors: the popular use of keystone, flagship and umbrella species concepts » , Biodiversity and Conservation , vol. 20, n O 7, , p. 1427-1440 (DOI  10.1007/s10531-011-0035-y ) .
  3. a et b (in) Frédéric DUCAR ME Glory M. Luque and Franck Courchamp , What are “charismatic species” for conservation biologists ? » , BioSciences Master Reviews , vol. 1, ( read online ) .
  4. Laurence Caramel, The picnic, a liable for old trees, sows discord in men » , on Lemonde.fr , .
  5. (in) Andelman, S. J. et Fagan, W. F., Umbrellas and flagships: efficient conservation surrogates or expensive mistakes? » , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , vol. 97, n O 11, , p. 5954–9 (DOI  10.1073/pnas.100126797 ) .
  6. (in) Simberloff, D., Flagships, umbrellas, and keystones: is single-species management passé in the landscape era? » , Biological Conservation , vol. 83, n O 3, , p. 247–257 ( read online ) .
  7. (in) Jean-Michel Roberge, Per Angelstame, Usefulness of the Umbrella Species Concept as a Conservation Tool » , Conservation Biology , vol. 18, n O 1, , p. 76-85 (DOI  10.1111/j.1523-1739.2004.00450.x ) .

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