Val tolosa — wikipedia


Val Tolosa (Formerly “Portes de Gascogne”) is a shopping center and leisure center, located in Plaisance-du-Touch, in the western suburbs of Toulouse.

The Val Tolosa shopping center project is located west of Toulouse in the town of Plaisance-du-Touch [ 2 ] .

On 44 ha of agricultural land [ 3 ] , the project provides 90,000 m 2 built surface, including 61,000 m 2 For a hypermarket and 160 surfaces commercial. The project also provides for a restoration space by the lake (to be created) of 1.8 hectare, the development of 9 hectares of green spaces, and the planting of 2,000 trees on the menude tray.

According to the promoter, Val Tolosa is positioned as a center designed to meet the quality criteria of sustainable development, despite the waterproofing of 6 ha agricultural land for shops alone and the destruction of more than 2 ha Of wood.


The architectural firm in charge of the project is the Toulouse firm Taillandier Architects & Associés [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] .

The project meets a high level of environmental requirement and will meet, in the design phase, the environmental certification criteria ” BREEAM Very Good » [ 6 ] .

The project is initiated in 2005, with the creation of a concerted development zone (ZAC) called Gascogne doors Located on the menude tray. The public inquiry conducted in 2008 gives rise to a favorable opinion from the investigating commissioner [ 7 ] And the building permit is granted in 2009. According to the promoter, the start of the site is planned for the second half of 2013 and the opening in 2016 [ 4 ] . This building permit was the subject of appeal before the Toulouse administrative court [ 8 ] .

The , within the framework of the examination of the appeal against the building permit, the public rapporteur makes an opinion which rejects all of the arguments of the opponents, in particular Insufficient impact studies on flora and fauna And uncertainty on road access. THE , the Toulouse administrative court rejects the appeals submitted by opponents of the project against the building permit [ 9 ] , [ ten ] .

This decision of the Toulouse Administrative Court is the subject of an appeal to the administrative court of appeal in Bordeaux.

In the meantime, Pôle Emploi and the Unibail-Rodamco promoter signed the A job partnership aimed at promoting the hiring of job seekers from the Midi-Pyrénées region, particularly on the center construction site. According to Olivier Bossard, the construction of the Val Tolosa site generates 3,000 direct and indirect jobs, and 2,000 other hires are planned to animate the commercial activity of the center [ 11 ] , [ twelfth ] , [ 5 ] .

In early 2016, an agreement on the construction of the Val Tolosa shopping center is reached [ 13 ] .

On June 14, 2016, the Bordeaux Court of Appeal canceled the building permit of September 10, 2009, as well as the modifying permit of June 8, 2010 concerning the Val Tolosa shopping center [ 14 ] .

After the cancellation of the building permit on appeal in June 2016 and the cancellation of the authorization of multiplex cinema, in May 2017, it is the cancellation of the authorization to destroy protected species and their habitat which is confirmed on appeal by the Bordeaux administrative court of appeal on July 13, 2017 (an exemption for destruction of natural species had been issued on August 29, 2013 by the prefect of Haute-Garonne). The Court also confirmed that the economic and social interest of the project was not seriously demonstrated [ 15 ] .

In May 2022, the Toulouse Administrative Court of Appeal in turn rejected the building permit [ 16 ] .

Since these cancellations, the site has never really started, the terrains are abandoned and form a large laid area in which are abandoned significant quantities of waste [ 17 ] . The former section of the departmental road 24 is abandoned and its access was condemned, but was not demolished [ 17 ] .

Val Tolosa is located 25 to 30 minutes west of Toulouse [ 18 ] Via RN 124. Access to the center would be facilitated by the construction of the new RD 924 by the General Council of Haute-Garonne and the establishment of the development of two large roundabouts around the site of Val Tolosa [ 19 ] .

On May 26, 2016, the collective “No in Val Tolosa” organized a rally before the Departmental Council to protest against the transfer of roads [ 20 ] . In addition, barely open, the deviation from Leguevin is already saturated without the mega-center.

An electric shuttle will be made available to connect Val Tolosa and Colomiers station and a new bus line will be effective at the opening [ 21 ] .

According to opponents of this project, Val Tolosa would harm small businesses and employment in the surrounding cities, and aggravate car traffic conditions [ 22 ] .

The collective “No at the gates of Gascogne” is created in 2005 [ 23 ] .
Many actions are organized over the years.

According to the group, the decision to grant the building permit indicates a democratic deficit, the residents of the various municipalities of the plateau have not been consulted [ 24 ] . On November 9, 2013, these opponents demonstrated on the occasion of a walk from the Menude plateau – where must be built Val Tolosa – at the prefecture of Toulouse [ 25 ] , [ 26 ] , [ 27 ] .

The project was selected by the newspaper the world , with 24 others, as being one of the most emblematic files in France of “Flondes against ‘useless’ projects” [ 28 ] .

In April 2016, the Toulouse administrative court canceled the prefectural decree authorizing the destruction of a hundred protected species, which blocks the Val Tolosa project. Associations France Nature Environnement and Nature Midi-Pyrénées, opponents for a decade, denounce a “useless and oversized” project [ 29 ] .

On August 10, 2016, the project was awarded a new building permit [ 30 ] .

After the cancellation of the building permit on appeal in June 2016 and the cancellation of the authorization of multiplex cinema, in May 2017, it is the cancellation of the authorization to destroy protected species and their habitat which has just been confirmed by appeal by the Bordeaux Administrative Court of Appeal on July 13, 2017 (an exemption for destruction of natural species had been issued on August 29, 2013 by the prefect of Haute-Garonne.) The court also confirmed that the economic and social interest of the project was not seriously demonstrated. [2]

It is therefore a third consecutive victory for defenders and defendants of nature, and traders and residents of the villages around and the more than 30,000 people who signed the petition.

The Association of Partisans of the Project, Yes in Val Tolosa , claims more than 800 members [ thirty first ] .

  1. Val Tolosa – Taillandier Architects Associés » , on (consulted the ) .
  2. Economic and urban boom town hall: Val Tolosa » , on Plaisance-du-Touch City
  3. localisation Val Tolosa »
  4. a et b Anthony assemat Val Tolosa, start of work at the end of 2013 in the west of Toulouse » , on Lunchtime ,
  5. a et b Gil Bousquet, ” Plaisance-du-Touch. 5000 jobs for the future Val Tolosa shopping center », La Dépêche du Midi , ( read online )
  6. “New generation” shopping centers: Val Tolosa, Aéroville, Beaugrenelle… », Urban Attitude , ( read online )
  7. J-M. L., «  Gascogne doors: it’s “yes” », La Dépêche du Midi , ( read online )
  8. Séverine Sarrat, ” Val Tolosa project: deadlines will be held », The Toulouse newspaper , ( read online )
  9. Lionel Laparade, « Plaisance-du-Touch. Green light for the Val Tolosa shopping center », La Dépêche du Midi , ( read online )
  10. Laurence Boffet, «  The Administrative Court reveals the opponents of Val Tolosa wrong », France 3 Midi-Pyrénées , ( read online )
  11. Axelle Szczygiel, Portes de Gascogne is focusing on local employment » , on Metro ,
  12. David Saint-Sernin, Val Tolosa: Unibail evokes 5,000 jobs, without certainty … » , on Lunchtime ,
  13. Construction agreement of the Val Tolosa shopping center
  14. Premium writing, ” Val Tolosa shopping center: The Court of Appeal cancels the building permit », The dispatch , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  15. Cyril Doumergue, ” Start to the Val Tolosa shopping center project in Toulouse », La Dépêche du Midi , ( read online Accès libre[html] )
  16. Sylvain Duchampt, «  Toulouse: New legal victory for opponents of the Val Tolosa shopping center project », France 3 Occitanie , ( read online Accès libre[html] )
  17. a et b OC streets, Val Tolosa, the big mess on YouTube , (consulted the )
  18. Road route search engine: Google Maps, Viamichelin, Mappy.
  19. Val Tolosa, future shopping center in Toulouse and a little competition in it , , January 23, 2013
  20. » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?) .
  21. The arguments of opponents of “Val Tolosa” rejected by the public rapporteur , Metronews , October 25, 2013
  22. Opponents of the mega-commercial Val Tolosa remain mobilized » , on La Dépêche du Midi ,
  23. Very precisely, the creation of the 1901 law association “Presence of the terraces of the Garonne” is published at the J.O. on March 11, 2006
  24. Collected by M.-Ange Momméja, ” Tournefeuille. The collective disputes the building permit », The dispatch , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  25. Opponents of a new shopping center demonstrate in Toulouse », The Parisian , ( read online )
  26. [first] (01:46)
  27. E.R., « Val Tolosa shopping center: La Marche des opponents », La Dépêche du Midi , ( read online )
  28. Article by Rémi Barrou, paper edition of Sunday June 30 – Monday first is July 2013 of the newspaper The world , “The Tour de France of” major unnecessary projects ” – dozens of citizens’ collectives dispute the destruction of agricultural land and the environment” “Val Tolosa The” Portes de Gascogne “project is a mega shopping center which could concrete according to its opponents 105,000 m 2 surface on the Menude plateau, near Toulouse. »» The world July 1, 2013
  29. Béatrice Colin, ” Toulouse: a new pitfall in the Val Tolosa shopping center project », 20 Minutes , ( read online )
  30. Val Tolosa, start of work? », La Dépêche du Midi ,
  31. Jean-Noël Gros, ” “Yes to Val Tolosa” claims more than 800 members », La Dépêche du Midi , ( read online )

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