Varieties Club de France – Wikipedia


The Varieties Club de France (VCF) is a French football club bringing together media personalities as well as former famous football players.


It was founded in 1971. The VCF celebrated its its 50 It is anniversary.

The VCF team competes on average around forty games per year: charitable matches, jubilees, multiple tours through the globe or simple matches on land in France. At , the club chaired by Karl Olive [ first ] And managed by Jacques Vendroux displays 2,428 games on the clock.

The club counted in its ranks a President of the Republic: Emmanuel Macron [ 2 ] , October 14, 2021 for the Hospitals of Paris and Hospitals in France [ 3 ] .

The Varieties Club de France was founded in June 1971 on the initiative of René Fano, Lucien Felli, Georges Chelon, Michel Drhey, Jean-Pierre Yzerman, Eddy Biernat and Jacques Vendroux. His first match took place on September 11, 1971 in Suresnes, in the Paris suburbs. From the start of the adventure, the club brings together enthusiasts who find themselves every week on the stadium which borders the peripheral boulevard, the door of the plain in the 15 It is district of Paris. These are all -round matches with a “nice” team that seeks to satisfy its need to exist by crisscrossing not only France but also the whole world. Its primary goal is to play seriously without taking yourself seriously.

René Fano is the club’s first scorer during the Suresnes match, and the first tour took place in Corsica in 1972 at the initiative of the team insulating, the Felli brothers. This tour calls for others, especially abroad. On June 24, 1981, the VCF team crowded the lawn of the Maracanã stadium in Rio de Janeiro to compete in the curtain raising of the famous Derby Carioca FLA-France opposing Flamengo and Fluminense Football Club. It is the third French team, after Olympique de Marseille and the French team, to play on this field. The Varieties Club de France is beaten 3-1 by the 1970 world champions led by Félix, Paulo Cesar, Tostao and Rivelino in particular.

Let us not forget the first mixed match in history played on March 20, 2019 between the VCF and the Stade de Reims, in the presence of Brigitte Macron and Muriel Robin, for the benefit of the Women’s Foundation.


And finally one of the largest events in the VCF occurred on June 10, 2009. This day, the VCF is received in the Vatican by Pope Benedict XVI. Following this blessing, the club played a match against the Pontifical Guard team in Rome, at the AS Roma training center.

Records [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1983, the club produced a world tour which saw the VCF playing a match on each continent in the space of a month.

Two years later, the team broke the world’s longest football match (enrolled in the Guinness Records book) in 35 hours and 2 minutes, in Angoulême.

In 1986 in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, the club won the title of world champion of veterans, thanks in particular to the three goals of Michel Paolini in the final. It was in Rio de Janeiro for the second stay in the country of football par excellence.

In 1993, the VCF produced a very symbolic tour in Israel and Palestine, punctuated by the two historic meetings of Jericho and Tel Aviv.

In notable facts, let us not omit the victory obtained in Saint-Prix on November 20, 2005 on the scoring of … 26 to 0, which constitutes, to date, the record, as well as the 10 goals, another record, registered by Chérif Oudjani on this occasion.

The VCF which played 149 matches outside the metropolis, is also very proud of its “historic” collection of pennants. Since 1971, the whole has been kept and will soon be visible by everyone.

Voyages [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The VCF whose taste for travel remains intact over the years, has already visited distant countries and countries and in particular our following overseas departments and territories: Monaco, Djibouti, Morocco, Tunisia, Haiti, Colombia, USA, Polynesia, Côte-d’Ivoire, Thailand, Sudan, Germany, Brazil, Cameroon, Sri Lanka, Belgium, Gambia, Switzerland, Hawaii, Australia, New Caledonia, Singapore, Great Britain, Madagascar, Gabon, Cuba, Guadeloupe, Saintes (Guadeloupe), Senegal, Saint-Barthélemy, Martinique, La Réunion, Algeria, Luxembourg, Saint Martin, Russia, Bahamas, Italy, Mauritius, Egypt, Palestine, Israel, Netherlands, Kuwait, Guyana, Indonesia, Tobago, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, Spain, Malaysia, Sainte-Lucie, Mayotte, Antigua, Wallis and Futuna, Mexico, Tanzania, Antilles, Cap-Vert, Greenland, Panama, Mongolia, Australia.

In total, 117 games have been disputed to date abroad and 32 matches have taken place in the overseas departments and territories.

Cups and jubiles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the 1980s, the VCF was authorized to participate in the Coupe de France, at the invitation of the French Football Federation.

Jubilees are moments that punctuate the life of the club. The VCF regularly organizes it in honor and for the benefit of his friends. Everyone still keeps in memory of Marius Treor’s “retirement” on July 14, 1985 in Bordeaux and also, with the whole of France as a witness, the Jubilee of Michel Platini in Nancy on May 23, 1988. Let us also quote among all these festivals, those reserved for Jean-Michel Larqué, Serge Mesones, Nestor Combin, Dominique Vesir, Alain Giresse, Dominique Rocheteau, Jean-François Domergue, Éric Pecout, Max Bossis, René Girard, Daniel Leopoldes, Dominique Bathenay, Bernard Lacombe, Victor Zvunka, Philippe Mahut, Claude Leroy, Gérard Bernardet, Olivier Rouyer, Patrick Rabathaly, etc.

In the world of hexagonal football, VCF members have a reputation for happy revelers. If good humor is never denied in its ranks, the VCF also knows how to be available for good causes and many favorites mark out its itinerary. Since 1971, the club has paid its obole to numerous charitable associations and was able to help people in difficulty also. His motto was launched in 1990 in Moscow by Jean-François Domergue: “Franchise, Honesty, Integrity, Courage (Foh)”. As part of his 30 It is And 35 It is Birthday, the club is received at the Élysée by the President of the Republic Jacques Chirac on December 11, 2001 and April 12, 2007. The VCF celebrates its ten It is birthday first is October 1981 in Bry-sur-Marne in the Parisian suburbs, he played his 1,000 It is Match at Le Havre (match organized by Jean-Pierre Hureau). The VCF celebrated its 20 It is Birthday at the Parc des Princes against a global selection set up by Michel Platini.

The VCF has played its 1,500 It is Meeting in Saint-Aubin-lès-Elbeuf (Seine-Maritime) on January 26, 1997.

The club celebrates sound 25 It is And 30 It is Birthday in Marrakech on June 2, 1996 and June 13, 2001 on the initiative of the kings of Morocco Hassan II and Mohamed VI.

Less glorious but just as memorable and highly unifying, was the sinking lived on December 31, 1978 off Cartagena in Colombia. On an unleashed West Indies sea, the boat on which the players derives for hours. After stranding, unknown and adorable hosts improvise a memorable Christmas Eve.

As part of his 30 It is Anniversary, the ORS of the Republic saw the VCF pass in its ceremonial outfit during a dinner given to the Élysée on December 11, 2001 by the Head of State. Mr. and Mrs. Chirac, who had already received it on January 13, 1997, have just marked their esteem again by inviting him one last time in this place, April 12, 2007.

The VCF played its 2,000 It is Match on April 15, 2010 at the Jean-Bouin stadium in Paris against a republican selection.

The varieties has a floral emblem: the Marguerite, a favorite flower of Nestor Combin.
His motto was launched in 1990 in Moscow by Jean-François Domergue: “Integrity, honesty, franchise, courage”.

Former sportsmen [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Dominique Rustichelli, Philippe Lemenan, of former professionals were the first “big” club transfers. They joined at the time, Alain Gottvals, Romuald, the Brothers Felli, Jean-Paul Guichard, Pierre Bruhin, Fabrice Baledent, Pierre Delorme, Jacques Belmas, Théo Colagrossi, Serge Martinazzo, Eddy Biernat, Alain de Martignac among others.

1971: The pioneers still present Jacques Belmas, René Fano, Jacques Vendroux and Charlie Thétard.

1972: Tennis player Eric Deblicker.

1974: former internationals Nestor Combin and Jean-Michel Larqué.

1975: journalist Dominique Grimault.

1978: Tennis player Yannick Noah.

1980: journalists José Coves and Alain Leiblang.

1981: The rugby player Richard Astre, the footballers Ian Mulder, Victor Zvunka, Dominique Rocheteau, Michel Platini, coach Arsène Wenger, the pole coach Jean-Claude Perrin.

1982: Former footballer Claude Le Roy.

1983: The former internationals Alain Giresse and Bernard Lacombe.

1984: Rugby player Serge Blanco, the former internationals Marius Trésor, Olivier Rouyer, René Girard and Léonard Specht.

1985: Abdel Djaadaoui, René Charrier and Thierry Olekziak.

1986 : l’ancien international Mustapha Dahleb.

1987: Vahid Halilhodzic.

1988: Former international Jean-François Domergue.

1989: Former coach Henry Emile, journalist Michel Denisot and former footballer Éric Pécout.

1990: Former goalkeeper Jean-Michel Moutier and singer and actor Patrick Bruel.

1992: The former Dutch international Johan Neeskens and Gérard Bernardet.

1993: Jean-Pierre Orts.

1994: journalist Frédéric Jaillant.

1995: Former international referee Joël Quiniou and Paco Rubio.

1996: The former Senegalese international Saar Boubacar.

1997: Former goalkeeper Jean-Pierre Lauricella.

1999: Antoine Kombouaré.

2000 : Patrick Rabathaly.

2001: His Sérénissime Albert Albert II of Monaco, Jean-Michel GUEDE and Jean-Michel Bridier.

2002: Former footballers Jean-Guy Wallemme, Baptiste Gentili and Marc Keller.

2004: Chérif Oudjani, Roger Hitoto and the journalist who became mayor of Poissy Karl Olive.

2007: The former footballer now coach Claude Puel.

2008: The world champions Laurent Blanc and Didier Deschamps.

2009: The tennis player Richard Gasquet and the world champion Christian Karembeu.

2010: Steve Savidan and Romarin Billon.

2011: the former Lenso Eric Sikora.

2012: Rudi Garcia, Bernard Diomède, Pierre-Yves André the journalist Frédéric Plisson and the world champion Robert Pirès.

2013: Patrick Colleter, the rugby player of Olympic Biarritz Dimitri Yachvili, former international referee Patrick Lhermitte and singer Matt Pokora.

2014: the world champion Bixente Lizarazu, Grégory Paisley, Sony Anderson and Christophe Pignol.

2015: Frédéric Piquionne.

2016 : Robert Malm.

2017: humorist Ary Abittan, journalist Smaïl Bouabdellah, footballer Jean-Michel Lesage and director Fabien Onteniente.

2019: Jérémie Brechet, Laure Boulleau, Benoit Cheyrou, Bruno Cheyrou, Julien Féret, Sidney Govou, Gaëtan Huard, Benjamin Nivet, Clément Chantome, Laurent Batlles, Jérémy Clément and Ludovic Obraniak and rapper Jok’Air joined the varieties club .

2020: Sylvain Armand and journalist Thibaud Vézirian

2022: Mathieu Duhamel.

So many sportsmen and not just footballers who put an end to their brilliant career, who have taken or always take for many, a certain pleasure in performing regularly under the colors of the club, and this, in all latitudes and by all time.

Former international footballers, renowned journalists and sportsmen also worn the colors of the VCF to complete the workforce: Patrick Proisy, Thierry Gilardi… which precedes the Henri Biancheri (died in 2019), Georges Carnus, Serge Mesonès (died in 2001) , Bernard Graeff, Philippe Mahut (died in 2014), Léonard Specht.

In addition, Zinedine Zidane, Pascal Olmeta, Fabien Barthez, Christophe Dugarry, Jean-Pierre Papin and Hatem Ben Arfa reinforced the VCF during his big meetings.

Players [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Varieties Club de France competes more than forty games per year. To compete in them, alongside the previously mentioned renowned athletes, the club had to have a solid base of players present: René Hamard, Daniel Léopoldès, Martial Schmedt, Xavier Perez, Didier Piquet, Bruno Degat, Albert Couriol, Jean- Pierre and Patrick Valente, Patrick Fiorelli, Alain Charvet, Éric Faire, Jean-Paul Guemise, Alexandre Malossi, Richard Laine, Cédric Schille, Réginald Becque, Éric Adamczak, Mathieu Fontaine, Yann Ollivier, Sébastien Barniaud, William Naigeon, Rachid Aklalouchi, Hervé Maximin, Thierry Detave, Xavier and Nicolas Bénichou, Stéphane San Pedro, Stéphane Le Floch, Pascal Cantrel, Maxime Sevenet, without forgetting Tom Rocheteau, Hervé Sabourin, Regis Bridier, Walter Oyono, Martin Quiniou, Baptiste Vendroux, Bruno Skropeta, Yoann Lemaire, Vincent Magniez, Samir Amirèche, Sofiane Amami, Arnaud Brégère, Philippe Auroy, Jérémie Dickenson, Franck Pérée, Souiga Medjebeur, Otman Djellilahine, Nathanaël Gavant, Jérémy Brahmi, Julien Laquitaine, Kaled Ait Ramdane, Nadir Birem, Mouhamadou Kébé, Abdelkrim rahima Traoré, Nofel Djaraouane, Kanza Massaki, Eric Akoun, Daniel Leguay, Karim Sankhon, Guiseppe del Bove and Fabien Raddas.

Leaders [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The VCF can count on the Rudy Lales, Pascal Pouillot, Alain de Martignac, Jean-Louis Legrand, Gérard Cohen, Robert Nataf, Pierre Ville, Bernard Graeff, Jean-François Falcou, Michel Enneser, Jean-Jacques Bertrand, Alain Cayzac, Philippe Piat, Léo Crozzoli, Jean-Claude Colas, Serge Piovan, Max Favreau, Max Duzant, Yves Quiniou, Franck Deussen, Dominique Rogue, Philippe Lagueyte, Pascal Picquot, Bruno Ribourdouille, Pascal Morin, Omar Altundag as well as the Kinés Patrick Iriart, Gilles Watelle, Alain Petit, André Lansade, Michel Brohan, Fabien Dinville, Patrice Quémener, Gérard Éraud, Philippe Boyet, the doctors Jean-Pierre and François Fraioli, Éric Rolland, Jacques Parier without forgetting our photographers Frédéric Braz and Philippe Lagueyte.

For prestigious meetings, the VCF is fortunate to have two former international referees Joël Quiniou and Patrick Lhermite in its ranks.

The varieties knew six presidents: Jean-Pierre Yzerman (from 1971 to 1973), Serge Martinazzo (from 1973 to 1980), Patrick Proisy (1980), Thierry Roland (from March 1980 to his death in June 2012), Serge Piovan (from 2012 to 2022) and Karl Olive since November 3, 2022.

Journalist Jacques Vendroux, who began his career in 1966 at ORTF, then held the position of sports director of the Radio France group from 2002 to March 2019 and now a journalist at Europe 1, is the general manager of the club since 1971 . His treasurer has been Pierre Ville since 1997, he succeeds René Fano, Gérard Durlack, Patrick Proisy, Fabrice Baledent, Jean-Louis Leboucher, Thierry Roland (interim), Thierry Gilardi and Christelle Platini.

Best scorers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Jean-Pierre Orts, with 756 achievements is the top scorer in the VCF.

Yann Ollivier (402), Sébastien Barniaud (364), Michel Platini (347) and Alain Giresse (313) complete the winning quinté.

They too have marked history by marking the 1,000 It is Goal of VCF on April 14, 1980 against the goblins in Paris (Jean-Michel Larque), the 2,000 It is On November 3, 1984 against the Minguettes in Vénissieux (69) (Albert Couriol), the 3,000 It is On 04/09/1989 against Villeneuve-Saint-Georges (94) (Jean-Jacques Amorfini), 4,000 It is Against the ancients of Saint Quentin (02) (Eric Fais), the 5,000 It is Against Eden Park in Castanet-Tolozan (31) (Michel Platini), 6,000 It is Against a selection of the DTN in Poigny-la-Forêt (78) (José Toure), the 7,000 It is against Lamorlaye (60) (Sébastien Barniaud), on 8,000 It is Against Thiers sur Theès (60) and 9,000 It is against Orry-la-Ville (60) (Yann Ollivier) and finally on 10,000 It is Against Hermes Berthecourt (60) (Jean-Michel Lesage).

Current steering committee [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • President: Karl Olive
  • Vice-presidents: Jean-Claude Colas and Jean-Pierre Fraioli
  • Treasurer: Pierre Ville,
  • General manager: Jacques Vendroux
  • Members: Jean-Michel Larqué and Patrick Valente

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
