verdi house – wikipedia


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Green house It is a nursing home for singers and musicians who have turned 65 years old, founded by Giuseppe Verdi on 16 December 1899 and located in Milan in Piazza Buonarroti at number 29. The house is owned by the Nursing home for musicians – Giuseppe Verdi Foundation to which the teacher gave it before death. “The admission of guests is deliberated by the Council, having regard to age, needs and artistic merits”. [first] The structure was erected in a neo -Gothic style by the architect Camillo Boito, brother of the famous musician Arrigo, friend of Maestro Verdi. In the crypt attached to the house, the same Verdi rest and the second wife Giuseppina Strepponi.

Since 1998, the Foundation, to achieve the integration between musicians of different generations, has extended its hospitality, as well as the older musicians, [2] Also to young music students who are deserving and needy and attending music schools recognized in the city of Milan. [first] The house can be visited, with free and free admission, thanks to the collaboration of the volunteers for the cultural heritage of the Italian Touring Club.

In the last of his life, Verdi wrote to the friend sculptor Giulio Monteverde:

The crypt where green and Strepponi rest

«Of my works, what I like most is the house I made in Milan to welcome you the old singing artists not favored by luck, or who do not have the virtue of savings as a young man. Poor and dear companions of my life! [3] »

In 1888 Verdi had already made a hospital equipped for the local population not far from his estate in Villanova. The following year, he began his philanthropic project, a retirement home for singers and musicians who were in disadvantaged conditions. In 1889 he wrote to the Milanese publisher Giulio Ricordi who had purchased a great plot of land glued to Milan, outside Porta Magenta, where he intended to erect the retirement home. He therefore announced his intention from 1891 with an interview with Musical gazetta milan .

The construction did not begin, however, that in 1896 even if Verdi and his wife Giuseppina met the architect several times to review the project together and improve it more and more. In 1895 Verdi made a will and established that the proceeds of his works would serve to pay the erection of the house after his death. The structure was completed in 1899, but Verdi not to appear vanaglorioso did not want any musician to set foot until the day of his death, which then took place in 1901.
The first guests arrived in the structure on October 10, 1902 (date of the 89th genetiachus of the master) and since then Casa Verdi has welcomed about a thousand artists in the last years of their life.

Giuseppe Verdi is buried in the chapel of the house, next to his wife Giuseppina Strepponi.


Some scenes from the film were shot in the house The kiss of Tosca Made in 1984 by the Swiss director Daniel Schmid.

  1. ^ a b Green house, INSTITUTION . are , . URL consulted on April 8, 2015 .
  2. ^ Green house, Giuseppe Verdi Foundation Statute . are , , April 10, 2013. URL consulted on April 8, 2015 .
  3. ^ Lubrani (2001) p. 82.
  4. ^ Soffici, author of “Evergreen” for Mina, Ranieri and the Caselli
  5. ^ Roberta Scorranese, 48 hours in the house of musicians . are , Pressreader, 12 January 2018. URL consulted on 10 July 2018 .
  6. ^ Spot 2017 Interview by Angelo Lo Forese , 2017.
  • Biggi, Maria Ida, “Camillo Boito” , in brown, Gaetana (ed.), Encyclopedia of Italian Literary Studies , Volume 1, CRC Press, 2007. ISBN 1-57958-390-3
  • Cella, franca … erafes, davide (eds.), The social sensitivity of Giuseppe and Giuseppina Verdi: from mutual aid companies to the protection of today’s musicians , EDT srl, 2002. ISBN 88-85065-21-X
  • Conati, Marcello, Verdi: interviews and meetings , EDT Srl, 2000. ISBN 88-7063-490-6
  • Cretella, Chiara, Introduction to Boito, Camillo, Vane stories , Edizioni Pendragon, 2007. ISBN 88-8342-519-7
  • Goodman, Walter, Review: The kiss of Tosca (1984) , New York Times , 24 July 1985
  • Lubrani, Mauro, Verdi in Montecatini , Polistampa, 2001
  • Phillips-Matz, Mary Jane, “Verdi’s life, a thematic biography” in Balthazar, Scott Leslie (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Verdi , Cambridge University Press, 2004, pp. 3–14. ISBN 0-521-63535-7
  • Randel, Don Michael (ed.), “Verdi, Giuseppe” , The Harvard Biographical Dictionary of Music , Harvard University Press, 1996, pp. 944–946. ISBN 0-674-37299-9
  • Verdi, Giuseppe and Boito, Arrigo, The Verdi-Boito Corpsondence (edited by Marcello Conati, Mario Medici and William Weaver, English translation by William Weaver), University of Chicago Press, 1994. ISBN 0-226-85304-7
  • Inzaghi, Luigi, “Giuseppe Verdi and Milan”, wonder editions Milanexpo, 2013, ISBN 978887952950
  • Savorra, Massimiliano, Boito and the house for musicians: a stone testament for the national style , Zucconi, Guido-Serena, Tiziana (edited by), Camillo Boito. A protagonist of the Italian nineteenth century , Veneto Institute of Sciences, Letters and Arts, Venice 2002, pp. 167–191.
