Vermandois regiment – Wikipedia


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Vermandois regiment
Image illustrative de l’article Régiment de Vermandois
Vermandois regiment’s prescription flag

Creation 1669
Dissolution 1795
Pays France
Allegiance Drapeau du royaume de France Kingdom of France
Type regiment
Role line infantry

The Vermandois regiment is an infantry regiment of the Kingdom of France created in 1669 which became sixty one It is line infantry regiment during the reorganization of French infantry bodies of 1791.

Colonels et masters of field [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • : Charles de Goyon-Matignon, count of Gacé, brigadier the , †
  • : Charles Auguste de Goyon de Matignon, knight of Thorigny then count of Gacé, brigadier the , camp marshal , lieutenant general on , marshal of France , †
  • : N. De Seiglières-Belleforière, Marquis de SoyeCourt
  • : Armand de Béthune, Marquis de Charost, brigadier the , camp marshal , lieutenant general on , †
  • : Antoine de la Vove, Marquis de Tourouvre, declared Brigadier in by patent dispatched the , †
  • : N. de la Vove, knight of Tourouvre
  • : François-Lazare Thomassin, Marquis de Saint-Paul, Brigadier le , †
  • : Louis Antoine, count of Esparre then de Gramont, brigadier the , camp marshal , lieutenant general on , †
  • : Louis Marie Bretagne Dominique de Rohan-Chabot, Duke of Rohan, brigadier the , † 1791
  • : Armand Henri, Marquis de Clermont-Gallerande
  • : N. de Froulay, knight of Tessé
  • : Pierre François, Marquis de Rougé, declared brigadier in by patent dispatched the first is May, declared camp marshal in by patent of , lieutenant general on , †
  • : César Jean-Baptiste de Valence-Cambes, Marquis de Thimbrune
  • : Anne-Joseph-Hippolyte de Maurès de Malartic, count of Malartic
  • : Pons Simon de Pierre, viscount of Bernis
  • : Jean François Béranger, viscount of Thézan

Campaigns and battles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

During the reorganization of the French infantry bodies of 1762, the regiment retains its two battalions and was assigned to the service of the navy and the colonies and the custody of the ports in the kingdom.
The prescription also stops the clothing and equipment of the regiment as follows [ first ]
Habit, facings, reverse, white jacket and panties, green collar, double long pockets with a green passage pass, each garnished with six buttons of two, three on the sleeve, four on the reverse and four below: buttons yellow and dishes, with the n O 45. Hat bordered with gold.

The order of first is January 1791 made the regiments of the provinces disappear, and the infantry bodies are now only designated by the number of the rank they occupied between them. Thus, 101 regiments are renowned and the Vermandois regiment becomes the sixty one It is line infantry regiment .

Neighborhoods [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Flags [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

3 flags including a white colonel and 2 prescription, “yellow, red, green & purple as opposed, & white cross” [ 2 ]


Clothing [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Historical chronology-military , by M. Pinard, volumes 3, 4, 5 and 8, Paris 1761, 1761, 1762 and 1778
  • Louis Susha, History of the old French infantry , t. 4, 1876, p. 295 to 303 [first]

Related article [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
