Vincenzo Albrici — Wikipedia


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Vincenzo Albrici (born in Rome in , died in Prague the ) is an Italian composer and organist of XVII It is century.

Vincenzo Albrici was born into a family of musicians from Senigallia, in the current province of Ancône, in the steps, then in pontifical states; His uncles Fabio and Alessandro Costantini were themselves composers and his father Domenico, singer.

He studied singing as a student of the Germanic college under the direction of the famous master of chapel Giacomo Carissimi. He began an organist career around 1646, we assume at Santa Maria in Vallicella church.

His musical career leads him to travel throughout Europe: Stockholm, Stuttgart, Dresden, London, Leipzig and Prague. Albrici seems to have left Italy in late 1652 and would have traveled with his father and brother Bartolomeo to Stockholm with a troop of musicians hired by Queen Christine. In 1654, he actively participated in the ceremony on the occasion of his abdication and composed the first Cantata in Swedish language Father Wår ( Our father or Our father in Latin), thanks to which Vincenzo Albrici still enjoys a certain reputation in Sweden. Its earliest compositions that have come down to us date from that time. After the queen’s abdication in June 1654, he spent some time at the Wittelsbach court in the Duchy of Palatinat-Neubourg.

In Dresden, at the court of Prince Jean-Georges II of Saxony, he became co-master of Chapelle with Giovanni Andrea Angelini Bontempi, under the direction of Heinrich Schütz. He contributes to introducing Italian influence into the princely chapel, for which he composed many sacred music (in the year 1662 alone, he composed 50). His brother Bartolomeo follows him in Dresden and obtains the post of organist.


Around 1664, he stayed in London with his sister Leonora, also a singer, and he served the court of Charles II. He became a member of the “King’s Italian Musick”. His brother Bartolomeo joined them in 1666 and will remain in England, while Vincenzo returns to Dresden.

In 1681, in Leipzig, he was an organist at the Saint-Thomas church (where Johann Sebastian Bach later works). This supposes his conversion to Protestantism.

A few months later, he was stationed at the Saint-Thomas church in Prague, where he stayed until the end of his life.

Albrici’s style is that of the Italian motet of the second half of the XVII It is century. The sacred compositions are composed for one, two or three voices accompanied by trombone and strings and highlight the talents of virtuoso singers.

Many of his partitions remain in Dresden were destroyed during the siege of Dresden in 1760. In addition thirty five of his partitions were kept in the library of the University of Uppsala.


  • Sacred concerts at 1, 2, 3 items with tools , Augustana chapel, Matteo Messori. Label: revived music.
  • Theodore Baker and Nicolas Slonimsky ( trad. of English by Marie-Stella Pâris, pref. Nicolas Slonimsky), Biographical dictionary of musicians Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians »], t. first : A-G , Paris, Robert Laffont, coll. “Bouquins”, ( rompr. 1905, 1919, 1940, 1958, 1978), 8 It is ed. ( first re ed. 1900), 4 728 p. (ISBN  2-222-06510-7 ) , p. 47
  • Matteo Messori, Anna Katarzyna Zaręba, New documents about Vincenzo Albrici (1631-1687) and his family , in Italian musical sources , 22 (2017)
