Virgin at the Chardonneret – Wikipedia


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The Virgin at the Chardonneret is a recurring theme of Christian iconography, which appeared in French Gothic statuary XIII It is century [ first ] , and which has experienced an immense fortune in the Italian painting of Trecento and the Renaissance.

Its most frequent representation constitutes in a variation of the traditional motif of the Virgin and Child: Jesus, seated on the lap of Mary, holds in one of his hands an elegant throat ( Carduelis carduelis ), recognizable by his cheeks and at the top of his scarlet red skull.

The Chardonneret generally announces symbolically the future sacrifice of Christ during the passion [ 2 ] : the thorny thistle which he feeds, and which reads transparently in his name – at least in Latin, in Italian ( goldfinch ) and in French – indeed evokes the crown of thorns, while the red spots of his head refer to the shed blood.

No less than 486 devotion works, 254 different artists, including 214 Italians [ 3 ] , are known for having taken up this pattern. The most famous of them is probably The Virgin with the goldfinch From Raphaël (Florence, Offices Museum), whose catering was completed in 2008.

In French statuary [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The theme of Virgin at the Chardonneret would come from French Gothic sculpture.

In Italian painting of Trecento [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The theme is then established in the Italian painting of Trecento.

And Europe Central [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It spreads in the territory of Central Europe.

Title Year Dimensions (cm) Technique Conservation place Would Pays Illus.
Madone de Vivan ( de Veveří ) [ twelfth ] before 1350 Sainte-Agnès convent, national gallery Prague Czech Republic
Madone de fears [ 13 ] , [ 14 ] Around 1340 94 × 84 Tempera and gilding on maple panel Pinacotèque du Monastery de Strahov Prague Czech Republic
Madone de Zbraslav Around 1350 89 × 60 Sainte-Agnès convent, national gallery Prague Czech Republic Zbraslavskamadona.jpg
Madone you must ( Madonna ) [ 15 ] before 1350 Saint-Agnès convent, national gallery Prague Czech Republic
Virgin and child , said Madone at Chardonneret [ 16 ] around 1450 67 × 57.5 Wood, gilding and semi-precious stretch Parish church of the very holy Virgin Dębe (because of kalisz) Pologs
Madone said from Rome Around 1450-1460 Saint-Agnès convent, national gallery Prague Czech Republic Agneskloster - Madonna aus Rom.jpg

In Germanic painting, international Gothic at the Renaissance [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Bird representations accompany Virgins in the garden enclosed in Germanic painting. The goldfinch is then accompanied by other species.

In Italian painting of late Gothic and the Renaissance [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Artist Title Year Dimensions (cm) Technique Museum Would Pays Illus.
Biagio by Antonio Tucci Virgin and child with angels and saints [ 18 ] first re half of XV It is century Hermitage Museum Saint PETERSBOURG Russia
Pseudo Pier Francesco Fiorentino Virgin and child with a goldfinch [ 19 ] 2 It is half of XV It is century 68 × 50 Tempera on wooden panel private collection Pseudo Pier Francesco Fiorentino - Madonna and Child with a Goldfinch - WGA18464.jpg
Francesco D’Antonio da Viterbo Our Lady of the Carnellino [ 20 ] civic Museum Viterbe Italy
Anonymous Virgin and child with a goldfinch around 1450 77 × 51 Tempera on wooden panel private collection 15th-century unknown painters - Madonna and Child with a Goldfinch - WGA23927.jpg
Between Filippo Lippi Adoration with Saint John the Baptist Child and Saint Bernard [ 21 ] Around 1459 129.5 × 118.5 Painting gallery Berlin Germany
Master of the Nativity of Castello The Virgin and the Children with the goldfinch [ 22 ] Around 1455-1460 79.5 × 50.7 oil paint, or templera on poplar panel Louvre Museum Paris France
Master of the Nativity of Castello The Virgin and the Child [ 23 ] around 1460 58.5 × 37 Starter and gold on wooden panel Museum of Fine Arts Montreal Canada
Master of the Nativity of Castello (allocated to) The Virgin and the Children with the goldfinch second half of XV It is century 61 × 44,7 Starter and gold on wooden panel Tessing Museum Le Mans France Maestro di San Miniato - Vierge à l'Enfant au chardonneret.jpg
Liberal from Verona Our Lady of the Carnellino [ 24 ] 2 It is half of XV It is century sign Musée de Castelvecchio Verona Italy Liberale da Verona - Madonna del Cardellino - WGA12966.jpg
Piero della Francesca The Nativity [ 25 ] Around 1460-1475 124 × 123 Tempera and gold on wood National Gallery London United Kingdom
Pérugin or Painting (attribute to) Our Lady of the Carnellino [ 26 ] Fine you XV It is century round oil on canvas Saint John parish Cantiano Italy
Ercole de ‘Roberti The Virgin and the Child surrounded by saints and the Blessed Peter Damien [ 27 ] 1481 323 × 240 Pinacotèque de Brera Milan Italy Ercole de' Roberti 007.jpg
Carlo Crivelli Virgin and child [ 28 ] around 1480 36.5 × 23.5 Tempera and gold on wood Metropolitan Museum of Art New York UNITED STATES Carlo Crivelli 068.jpg
Crynni antonio brenfaffio [ 29 ] Madone Litta Around 1490 42 × 33 Transposed wood stretch on canvas Hermitage Museum Saint PETERSBOURG Russia Leonardo da Vinci attributed - Madonna Litta.jpg
Raphael La Madone Solly Between 1500 and 1504 52 × 38 oil on wood Painting gallery Berlin Germany Raffael - Madonna Solly.jpg
Raphael Saint John the Baptist, the Blessed Virgin and Jesus Child it The Virgin with the goldfinch [ 30 ] Between 1505 and 1506 107 × 77 oil on wood Office Gallery Florence Italy Madonna del cardellino dopo il restauro.jpg
Alvise Vivarini Virgin adored the sleeping Jesus Jesus in the throat around 1500 first Redeemer church Venice Italy
Michelangelo Tondo Taddei Between 1504 and 1507 106.8 (diameter) marble bas-relief Royal Academy of Arts London United Kingdom Taddei Tondo.JPG
Lorenzo Costa Virgin and child holding a throat [ thirty first ] Fine you XV It is century-beginning of XVI It is century 39 × 30.5 Wooden panel oil private collection
Ludovico Brea Polyptych [ 32 ]
Ludovico Brea Polyptych [ 33 ] Between 1520 and 1523 248 × 210 Saint-Pierre collegiate Six-Fours France
Michele Cavaro Our Lady of the Carnellino [ 34 ] Between 1549 and 1567 173 × 120 Bonaria Notre-Dame Basilica [ 35 ] Cagliari Italy

After the Renaissance [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

See as well [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The Église de la Madonna del Cardellino (Madone au Chardonneret), Borgo San Lorenzo, Italie.
  • Bust of the child Jesus playing with a bird, XIV It is century.
  1. (pl) Michał Walicki, «On the issues of the Painting of the Wielkopolska Painting of the mid-15th century (1440-1475)», Dans Id. , Gold , Warsaw, 1965, p. 73, quoted by Anna Maria Migdal, Regina celi images of the Virgin and the worship of relics , Doctoral thesis, Lyon-II University, 2010, p. 173
  2. Cartel of the Master of the Nativity of Castello, The Virgin and the Children with the goldfinch . Notice n O 1202 , Atlas base, Louvre museum
  3. (in) Herbert Friedmann, The symbolic goldfinch , 1946
  4. Around the exhibition “Virgins à l’Enfant”
  5. Cartel on the website of the Ministry of Culture
  6. Dampierre-Saint-Nicolas Source : [first]
  7. Cartel on the website of the Ministry of Culture
  8. Cartel of the work on joconde base
  9. The work on joconde base
  10. The work on joconde base
  11. The work on the Museum official website
  12. Reproduction on
  13. Reproduction on the Strahov cloister site
  14. (in) Barbara Drake Boehm, Jiri Fajt, Prague : The Crown of Bohemia, 1347-1437 , 2005, Yale University Press, p.170-171 (cat. 37) read online . Page consulted on February 25, 2013
  15. Reproduction on
  16. Madone at Chardonneret
  17. Cartel and Reproduction on the site of the RMN photographic agency
  18. The work visible on
  19. Pseudo Pier Francesco Fiorentino
  20. Brochure du civic museum , p. 27
  22. Notice n O 1202 , Atlas base, Louvre museum
  23. “Tables recently acquired by the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts” , The Tribune of Art , April 17, 2008
  24. The work on
  25. The table on the National Gallery National website
  26. The table on the Saint Jean de Cantiano parish site
  27. This vast composition, intended for the Santa-Maria-In-Porto church in Ravenna, is a Sacred conversation . The Virgin and the Child appear on a throne between Saint Anne, mother of Mary, and Saint Elisabeth, mother of Saint John the Baptist. The characters are placed in front of a Small temple In Baldaquin, adorned with panels representing various evangelical scenes relating to the childhood of Christ. On the left, entirely dressed in red, Saint Anne offers the child Jesus a goldfinch (symbol of passion) while at the right, Saint Elisabeth is kneeling. Below, we can see the Bishop Saint Augustine on the left, the greatest theologian in the Catholic Church, and on the right, Blessed Peter Damien.
  28. The table on the Metropolitan Museum of Art
  29. According to a preparatory drawing by Leonardo da Vinci
  30. The parish church Sainte-Foy de Sainte-Foy-Saint-Sulpice has a copy of the table of Raphaël, carried out in 1893. See the cartel on the Palissy base
  31. Cartel of the work on
  32. [2]
  33. We find Saint John the Baptist, dressed in Beast Skin, Saint-Pierre, the Virgin and the Child playing with a Chardonneret, Saint Honorat, Saint Benoît, then Christ between Saint Martin, Saint Victor, Saint Sébastien and Saint Marguerite
  34. The work on the Sardegnadigallibrary site
  35. Painting located in the third chapel to the right of the basilica
  36. Statuette visible on
  37. The table on the National Gallery National website
  38. Tajan catalog , sale of October 25, 2002, n O 113
  39. The Virgin and Child in Throbbed on a Cherry
  40. Formerly in the J.S. Johnson collection, after being presented at the Heim gallery in London during the summer of 1974
  41. [3]
  42. Complete notice on the joconde base
  43. Cartel of the work on the Site Officiel de la Nga

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Anna Maria Almond , Regina celi images of the Virgin and the cult of relics: Polish reliquary paintings in medieval times , Lumière Lyon 2 University, coll. “Doctoral thesis of languages, history and civilization of ancient worlds”, ( read online ) , F. The Virgin in the goldfinch
  • (in) Herbert Friedmann , The symbolic goldfinch : Its history and significance in European devotional art , New York, Pantheon Books, coll.  « The Bollingen Series, VII », , 254 p. (ISBN  978-0-691-09830-2-2 )

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