Virginie Seghers – Wikipedia


Virginie Seghers , born , is a specialist in new philanthropy, social entrepreneurship [ first ] , and innovative economic models at the service of the common good [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] . She is president of Prophil, a strategy consulting company and research center, dedicated to the contribution of companies to the common good. She is administrator of several French and international associations and foundations.


In addition, she is a songwriter-interpreter. Three discs of his songs were produced [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] .

She is the daughter of the poet and publisher Pierre Seghers (1906 – 1987) and the novelist Colette Seghers.

Formation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

A graduate of HEC, Virginie Seghers followed the MBA program of the University of Berkeley (California).
She graduated from the Masters of Management of Cultural Institutions in Dauphine.

Strategy Advice [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Virginie Seghers has dedicated herself for over 25 years to bringing closer to private initiatives and the general interest.

Since 2013, she has been President of Prophil, a business and research consulting mission, dedicated to business contribution to the common good [ 8 ] . Created with Geneviève Ferone [ 9 ] , Prophil supports committed companies and entrepreneurs, and forges new economic and governance models, through international studies carried out in partnership with academic chairs. Thus, Prophil is at the origin of the model of shareholder foundations [ ten ] , [ 11 ] , [ twelfth ] , mission companies [ 13 ] , [ 14 ] , and encourages the path of post-growth.


Between 2003 and 2013, Virginie Seghers mainly dedicated to promoting the concept of social entrepreneur in France through consulting, teaching and plea activities [ 15 ] . She also contributed to the creation of many foundations and philanthropic funds in France and internationally. She finally accompanied the structuring of the concept of CSR social and environmental responsibility, within the National Council for Sustainable Development, and major schools (HEC, Sciences Po Paris, ESCP Europe) where she created the first dedicated lessons.

Between 1994 and 2002, Virginie Seghers was general delegate of the Association for the Development of Industrial and Commercial Patronage (admal). As such, it has contributed to the creation of a regulatory framework favorable to the development of foundations and corporate patronage including the Aillagon law of . She has supported many companies for the development of their philanthropic strategy, on a French and international scale.

In parallel, she directed the European committee for bringing the economy and culture from 1998 to 2002.

Research and plea [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Virginie Seghers contributes to the emergence in France new economic models at the service of the common good [ 16 ] . When she directed the admal, she was directly invested in improving the regulatory and tax framework for patronage (national treasures law, Aillagon law of 2003). Then she worked to have the concept of social entrepreneur recognized, with the creation of Movement of social entrepreneurs (become the Impact France movement), and participated in the development of the Hammon law.

As president of Prophil, Virginie Seghers has been developing research and advocacy work since 2013, in particular on shareholder foundations [ 11 ] and companies with mission.

The European study she directed in 2015 on the “shareholders’ foundations” carried out in partnership with the Chair ¨ Philanthropy of ESSEC; That of 2017 on mission companies, in partnership with the Chair Governance Theory from the Mines School. Finally, the recent Prophil study on “Entreprise et Post-Croissance” was carried out in collaboration with HEC and Audencia research centers.

Its action to advocate, with the public authorities and networks of managers, aims to promote new models of ownership, governance, transmission of companies, useful to the common good. Thus, Virginie Seghers signed a cooperation pact between France and Denmark on the shareholder foundations during the state visit of the President of the Republic in Copenhagen in August 2018 [ 17 ] . It was closely consulted with its partner Geneviève Ferone by various ministries and parliamentarians within the framework of the Pact. Prophet’s work has directly inspired the new legal quality of a mission business and the status of the sustainability funds proposed by the Pacte law. This last status is nevertheless considered insufficient by Virginie Seghers to provide France with real shareholder foundations as it exists in northern Europe.

Finally, Virginie Seghers created and coordinates the community In fact [ 17 ] , “European dynamics in favor of shareholder foundations”, which brings together French pioneers entrepreneurs, who have been dispossessed of a part or all of the titles of their business to house it in a foundation or assimilated structure. This community has correspondents in Denmark, Germany and Switzerland.

She regularly intervenes on these subjects as part of conferences with managers and employers’ networks. [ 16 ] .

As part of the 2022 presidential election, Virginie Seghers and the community In fact Offer a white paper “Why develop shareholder foundations in France? »»

Volenteering [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Virginie Seghers is in parallel involved in several French and international associations and foundations.

She is an administrator of the foundation of possibilities, of the association The earth shared , from the Fund of the Memoires Institute of Contemporary Publishing (IMEC), of the Montparnasse Idem Imprimerie d’Art Fund, of the Impact Committee of Live for Good , and vice-president of the Mediterranean club foundation.

Virginie Seghers has long been secretary general of the Chartreuse of Villeneuve-lez-Avignon, administrator of the Movement of Social Entrepreneurs (of which she is co-founder), who has become an impact France movement, administrator of the Ashoka fund, Director of International Agrisud, and member of the laboratory ideas Philanthropic trust from the Pasteur Institute.

Between 2002 and 2005, she sat within the National Council for Sustainable Development.

Education [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Virginie Seghers created the first education on corporate social responsibility at Sciences Po in 2002, and ESCP in 2003. In 2008, she created the first course on Social Entrepreneurship at Sciences Po.

She also taught corporate patronage within the Masters of Management of Cultural Institutions of Dauphine, and within the framework of the Chair Company and poverty HEC on the theme “From Philanthropy to Social Impact Investing”.

She is an expert with the Progress of Management Association and regularly leads seminars of managers.

She is the author of around fifty songs that have been the subject of 3 albums. His first disc was produced in 2006 by The Faubourg wolf . The second in 2009 by Saravah, the record company created by Pierre Barouh. The third, published in 2019, is a book of Art-Disque published by the Montparnasse Idem Paris art printing. This singular project consists of an 80-page art book with a CD, and also an art box with a vinyl record and original lithographs by David Lynch, Jean-Michel Alberola, Titouan Lamazou and Nicolas Vial, each inspired by a song.

As a singer-songwriter, she gave numerous concerts, notably in Paris at the Théâtre du Renard in 2006 [ 18 ] , at Essaïon in 2007, at La Cigale in 2008, at the European in 2009 [ 19 ] . Each of its three discs gave rise to a launch concert at the Théâtre du Jeu de Paume in Aix-en-Provence, in 2006 [ 20 ] , in 2009 [ 21 ] and 2019 [ 5 ] . During the 2009 concert, she invited Pierre Barouh with whom she sang in duet, and in 2019, Henri Demarquette accompanied her to the cello on several songs.

Daughter of the editor and poet Pierre Seghers, she was very early marked by the family poetic universe, where the song had its place. It is part of the tradition of French poetic song with text. Generally accompanied by the piano, the violin, the double bass and the drums, his very written songs are deployed in various registers, mixing humor, love and tenderness [ 7 ] .

She led a discreet career career with a recognized requirement [ 6 ] , allowing him to reconcile his different lives.

  • Guide to the Social Entrepreneur , Avise-Caisse des Dépots, 2003
  • The audacity of social entrepreneurs , co -written with German Sylvain, Éditions Autrement, 2007
  • Which motivates patrons companies , Éditions Autrement, 2007
  • Does new philanthropy: does it reinvent solidarity capitalism? Éditions Autrement, 2009
  • Shareholders’ foundations , Prophil editions, 2015
  • Mission companies , Prophil editions, 2015
  • Travel to the country of shareholders’ foundations , Prophil 2020
  • Shareholders and investors, a common interest? , Prophil 2021
  • To insanity , editions The Faubourg wolf , 2006
  • Le yin et le yan , Saravah editions by Pierre Barouh, 2009
  • Workshop echoes , Book of Art-Disque, with original lithographs by David Lynch, Titouan Lamazou, Jean-Michel Alberola, and Nicolas Vial, Idem Paris, 2019
  1. Biographical notice of Who’s Who in France
  2. Are business and general interest compatible? », The world , .
  3. The new economist , n ° 1490, Thursday September 24, 2009
  4. Interdependencies , [first]
  5. a et b Sophie Delassein, «  Virginie Seghers », The New Obs , .
  6. a et b Virginie Seghers’ intimate workshop », L’Alsace , .
  7. a et b François Delétraz, ” Virginie Seghers polymorphic workshops », Le Figaro Magazine , .
  8. Forbes , December 21, 2020, French philanthropy , desired of Lamarzelle
  9. L’Express Outside Business and Sens , first is November 2013, by Isabelle Hennebelle
  10. Futuribles , January 2020, Towards capitalism of collective interest
  11. a et b Why need shareholder foundations in Europe », The Tribune , .
  12. The echoes , July 19, 2021, Shareholder foundations, the future of mission companies
  13. Novethic , February 5, 2019, Welcome to the AG of the future
  14. The echoes , June 24, 2019, Reason for being and mission , Muriel Jasor
  15. BFM radio 5 mars 2011 [2] sound
  16. a et b Sophie Sachnine, «  Business and philanthropy: the big interview », The Revue du Medef-Paris , .
  17. a et b The Danish example of shareholders’ foundations: a collective of entrepreneurs defends the registration in the pact law of a new type of foundation », The world , .
  18. She , May 21, 2006, Girl to Dad or Girl in Lala? , Alix Girod de l’Ain
  19. Figaroscope, November 4, 2009
  20. La Marseillaise , April 21, 2006, Folie poetry , Maxime Romain
  21. Provence , September 21, 2009, Poetry and music , Jean-Rary of the barrel
  • [3] Prophil company with strategy and research consulting mission;
  • [4] Admal (association for the development of industrial and commercial patronage);
  • [5] Impact France movement;
  • [6] Association Ashoka;
  • [7] Charterhouse of Villeneuve-lès-Avignon (National Center for Show Scriptures)
  • [8] IMEC (Memory Institute of Contemporary Editing)
  • Video: Foundation of Political Sciences Virginie Seghers intervention on new philanthropy
