

Vitrolles-en-Lubéron [ Note 1 ] (unofficially Vitrolles-en-Luberon ) is a French commune located in the department of Vaucluse, in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region.


The town was called Vitroles-d’Aigues in 1793, then became Vitroles in 1801, then Vitrolles, to finally be named Vitrolles-en-Lubéron from the [ first ] .

Located on the D 33 , at 18 km northeast of Pertuis and 21 km From Manosque, the village occupies a strategic point since it is the crossing point between the southern slope and the northern slope of the Luberon, just before the Vitrolles pass at 697 m .

Its inhabitants are called the Vitrollains .

Vitrolles 1 by JM Rosier.jpg

Table of Contents

Localisation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The village is built on the southern buttresses of the Grand Luberon and huddles in the heart of a mountainous circus.
The GR 5, GR 9 and GR 97 meet there.


Neighboring municipalities [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Communication and transport routes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Roads [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

We have accessed there since D 216 From the Bastide-des-Jourdans (5 km ) or Cérest ( D 33 , twelfth km ) or Grambois (6 km ).

Distance from major French cities

The orientation and location of Vitrolles-en-Lubéron compared to a few large French cities are given in the following table. Bird flight distance [ 2 ] :

Autocars Services [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Departmental lines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The village is served by 1 departmental line [ 3 ] :

Rail transport [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

SNCF stations in Pertuis at 16 km Towards Aix-en-Provence and Marseille and in Manosque-Gréoux-les-Bains at 16 km .

TGV stations in Aix-TGV Arbois (55 min) or Avignon-TGV (1 h 10).

Relief [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Vitrolles is in the Luberon massif at almost 600 meters above sea level. This is the starting point of GR 9 97 heading towards Mourre Negre (1,225 m ) and the big collar.

The highlight of the town is at an altitude of 974 meters and the lowest at 372 meters.

Geology [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Luberon massif makes up the essential part of the town. This chain began to train in the lower Cretaceous, that is to say between -135 and -95 million years, to finish to fold from -15 million years first in a northern axis -Sud, then from N.Ne -S.SO between -7 and -3 million years. These successive compressions have found their terms in Pliocene [ 4 ] .

Climate [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The town is located in the Mediterranean climate influence area. The summers are hot and dry, linked to the rise in latitude of subtropical anticyclones, interspersed with sometimes violent storm episodes. The winters are soft. Precipitation is uncommon and the snow rare. Protected by the Luberon massif, the town is partially sheltered from the Mistral.

Vitrolles-en-Lubéron having no weather station, the closest is that of Pierrevert [ 5 ] .

Meteorological survey of Pierrevert
Month jan. feb. mars april May June jui. august sep. oct. nov. dec. year
Average minimum temperature (° C) 0 0.6 2.8 5.3 9 13.1 15 15.1 11.6 7.9 3.3 0.5 6.9
Average temperature (° C) 4.5 5.8 8.7 11.2 15.4 19.5 22.3 22.2 18.2 13.5 8.2 5.1 12.5
Average maximum temperature (° C) 9 11.1 14.8 17.1 21.8 26.1 29.7 29.5 24.8 19.2 13.3 9.7 18.1
Precipitation (mm) 47 34 34 44 40 28 21 33 forty six 54 seventy three sixty one 515
including rain (mm) 27 24 24 44 40 28 21 33 forty six 54 53 thirty first 425
including snow (cm) 2 first first 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 9
Climate diagram
Average: • Temp. maxi And mini °C • Precipitation mm

Natural disasters [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The municipality experienced two events from 1982 to 1993 which were recognized as natural disasters with the publication of a decree of Natural disaster recognition published at Official newspaper [ 6 ] .

Transports [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Vitrolles-en-Lubéron is served by a stop of the Trans Vaucluse line n O 17-2: Pertuis-Peypin-d’Aigues.

In addition, there are school transport from the General Council to bring primary students to Bastide-des-Jourdans, college students at La Tour-d’Aigues and high school students in Pertuis.

Urban morphology [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Floor distribution [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The distribution of the soils of the municipality is as follows [ 7 ] (given for a total of):

Type d’occupation Percentage Area (hectares)
Urban areas 1.00% 16.26
Agricultural areas 12.34% 201.21
Natural areas 86.66% 1 412.76
Total 100% 1 630.29

The natural areas (almost 9/10 of the territory) are mainly formed by the Mediterranean forests covering the Luberon. Agricultural areas are formed of fruit orchards (olive trees, almonds, etc.), Lavandin and vineyards (AOC Luberon).

Accommodation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Vitrolles-en-Luberon had 134 housing units in 2007 (115 in 1999 [ 8 ] ). Ancient constructions, but also new, are much more present than the French average: in 2007, 25.0% of the main residences dated 1990 and more against 16.5% in France and 27.8% were built between 1975 and 1989 , however little were completed between 1949 and 1974 (13.9%).

The main residences represent 82 housing units, or 61.2% of the park, spread to 92.5% in individual houses (99.1% in 1999) and 7.5% in apartments (0.0% in 1999) (respectively 56.1% and 42.4% in mainland France) [ 9 ] . The owners of their homes constitute 69.5% of the inhabitants, against 24.4% who are tenants (respectively 57.4% and 39.8% in mainland France) [ ten ] .

The village was called Vitroles-d’Aigues in 1793, then became Vitroles in 1801 to finally rename Vitrolles-en-Luberon from the (Decree 96,706 of published in the Official Journal number 0186 of ) [ 11 ] , [ twelfth ] .

antiquity [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The name of this town originates from Latin “Vitrolea” (glassware). If this site has not yet been identified, on the other hand, at the foot of Castellas , the presence of many remains of tegulæ (Roman flat tiles) suggests that a villa had to be there. Mount Piégros was to be dedicated to Minerve. We discovered a beautiful head of the goddess of wisdom which is now deposited at the Borely Museum in Marseille.

Middle Ages [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The medieval village was then at the foot of the Castellas and the Romanesque church dedicated to Saint-Etienne was built at that time. Nowadays, it is no longer oriented as a result of enlargements made during the XVII It is century.

At XII It is century, this fief depended on the county of Forcalquier [ 13 ] [not clear] . When this county lost his independence in 1209, on the death of Guillaume II, one of his nephews, Guillaume de Sabran tried to raise him. After a ten -year struggle, he made an agreement in Meyrargues the With Raimond Bérenger IV, count of Provence and also heir to the county of Forcalquier. By this agreement, the southern half of the county, of which Mirabeau, is given to him. Guillaume de Sabran retains his half county until his death, around 1250 [ 14 ] .

Vitrolles, which came under the Viguerie d’Apt, was completely abandoned by its inhabitants between the middle of XIV It is century and the end of the XV It is , undoubtedly because of the epidemics of plague and the passage of the troops of Raymond de Turenne.

Modern times [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The deserted lordship, fief of Jacques de Forcalquier, passed through her in her Gaucher brother, bishop of Gap. In 1483, the latter inherited the son of his sister, Georges de Castellane, with a testamentary clause specifying that on the death of her nephew she will return to her godchilder left of Brancas, lord of Maubec.

La Bastide des Ferrayes or Grand-Pré castle.

To increase income, the , he passes a housing act with nine heads of family, exceptionally they are not Vaudois but from the diocese of Gap. The current village and the Saint -Siméon church – transformed into a farm today – are built by these new arrivals.

His son, left -handed from Brancas, abandons the Castellas to settle in the new village in the “large house”. She will not be to the taste of Françoise de Brancas, née Cambis, who will resell it in 1676 to develop in her new Bastide des Ferrayes or “Château du Grand Pré”.

Then the fief was sold, in 1753, by Louis II de Brancas to Jean d’Ailhaud, the rich doctor of Lourmarin. The contract provided that it would pay 200,000 pounds over 6,000 pounds of pins [ 15 ] (!). It is he who will redevelop the “Château des Ferrayes”. He was the last lord of Vitrolles.

Contemporary period [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The membership of the municipality to the Luberon Regional Natural Park gave it significant tourist and economic assets. The unemployment rate in 2007 was 19%, while it reached 19.3% in 1999. This implies an activity rate of 62.2% still in 2007, against 58.8% in 1999. For the Same period, retirees and pre -retirements increased to 31.8% instead of 28.3%.

Political trends and results [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Vitrollains electorate is rather anchored on the left. During each election we can note the civic meaning of citizens with higher participation rates from 10 to 20% to the rates of the constituency, the department or the nation.

Local elections [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Cantonal [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Vitrolles-en-Luberon is a commune in the canton of Pertuis which is part of the second series of cantons and was renewed during the cantonal elections of 2008. The election took place 9 and At the same time the municipal elections. Six candidates presented Maurice Lovisolo (PS), outgoing general councilor and outgoing mayor of the Tower of Aigues, Marie-Ange Conté (UMP), Stéphane Fabresse (Modem), Pierre Goubert (FN), Remy Grangeon (PCF) and Thierry Liotard (DVD).

The During the first round there were 134 voters for 175 registered or a participation of 76.57% (64.20% for the canton [ 16 ] ). Maurice Lovisolo (PS) came very largely in the lead with 59.70% of the vote (43.66% in the canton), ahead of Marie-Ange Conté (UMP) with 16.42% (21.74% for the canton ) and Remy Grangeon (PCF) with 11.94% (15.49%).

The second round took place on . There are 108 voters for 175 registered or a participation of 61.71% (58.99% for the canton). Maurice Lovisolo (PS) is largely re-elected with 86.41% of the votes (62.31% in the canton) to the detriment of Marie-Ange Conté (UMP) which obtained 13.49% of the votes (38.69% at the level cantonal) [ 17 ] .

Legislative [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the 2007 legislative elections for the second constituency of Vaucluse, the first round saw Jean-Louis Joseph (PS) is getting a little lead with 40.83% ahead of Jean-Claude Bouchet (UMP) with 39.17%, then come Nicole Bouisse (UDF) with 5.00% and Maurice Giro (various right) with 4.17%, no other candidate exceeding the 3.5% threshold (note that four candidates had no votes and four other only one). The second round saw the lead in a voice (59 against 58) with 50.43% Jean-Louis Joseph (Resistance Corner [ 18 ] : 44.72%) against 49.57%for Jean-Claude BOUCHET (Resistance result: 55.28%). Clearly lower abstention in Vitrolles-en-Lubéron with respectively 27.22% and 28.99% on both laps than in the constituency (37.93% and 38.68%) [ 19 ] .

National elections [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the presidential election of 2007, the first round has seen little in the lead Ségolène Royal (PS) with 33.56%, followed by Nicolas Sarkozy (UMP) with 32.21%, François Bayrou (UDF) with 20.13 %, Jean-Marie Le Pen (FN) with 6.04%and Olivier Besancenot with 3.36%, no other candidate exceeding the 3%threshold. The second round saw Nicolas Sarkozy leading in the lead with 51.02% (national result [ 20 ] : 53.06%) compared to 48.98% for Ségolène Royal (national result: 46.94%) with a very high participation rate on both towers of 91.72% and 92.90% (against 83.77% and 83.97% at the national level) [ 21 ] .

Referendum [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the referendum on the European Constitution (ballot of ), out of 158 registered, 138 voted, which represents a participation of 87.34% of the total (against 69.37% at the national level [ 22 ] ), an abstention of 32.06%. There was a victory for non With 74 votes (54.81%), 61 votes (45.15%) having spoken For and 3 (2.17%) being white or zero votes [ 23 ] .

Europeans [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the 2004 European election, Michel Rocard (PS) came out on top with 27.49%, followed by Jean-Marie Le Pen (FN) with 18.16%, Françoise Grossetête (UMP) with 15.37%, Thierry Cornillet (UDF) with 9.63%, Jean-Luc Bennahmias (ecology) with 6.89%, Patrick Louis (MPF) with 5.91% and Manuella Gomez (PCF) 4.60% and; None of the other 15 candidates exceeding the 2.5% threshold [ 24 ] .

In the 2009 European election, Françoise Grossetête (UMP) came first with 22.22%, followed by Michele Rivasi (Europe Ecology) with 20.00%, Vincent Peillon (PS) with 18.89%, Jean- Luc Bennahmias (Modem) with 13.33%, Marie-Christine Vergiat (Left Front) 7.78%, Raoul-Marc Jennar (NPA) with 6.67%and Jean-Marie Le Pen (FN) with 4.44 %; No other candidate exceeding the 3.5%threshold. The participation rate was 49.19% [ 25 ] against 39.64% for the southeast district ( 5 It is constituency) [ 26 ] .

European elections [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the European referendum on the Maastricht Treaty ( ), out of 123 registered, 92 voted, which represents a participation of 74.80% (against 69.70% at the national level [ 27 ] ), an abstention of 25.20%. There was a large victory of Yes With 53 votes (60.92%) compared to 34 votes (39.08%) which spoke for the non , 5 votes (5.43%) being white or zero [ 28 ] .

Municipal administration [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Due to its size, the municipality has a municipal council of 11 members (article L2121-2 of the general code of local authorities [ 29 ] ). During the 2008 ballot, the outgoing mayor Henri Allègre was elected municipal councilor with 123 votes the sixth total of the single list [not clear] or 88.49% of the votes cast for a participation of 77.22%, he was then appointed mayor by the municipal council [ 30 ] .

Mayors’ lists [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

List of successive mayors
Period Identify Label Quality
May 2020 in progress Alain de Villebonne farmer
The missing data is to be completed.

Administrative and legal bodies [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Vitrolles-en-Lubéron is one of the fourteen municipalities in the canton of Pertuis which totals 32,492 inhabitants in 2006. The canton has been part of the district of Apt since 1801 (except from 1926 to 1933 where it was Cavaillon) and the fifth Vaucluse district since 2010 (before the order n O 2009-935 of It belonged to the second district of Vaucluse). Vitrolles-en-Luberon has been part of the canton of Pertuis since 1801 after being part of the canton of the Bastide-des-Jourdans from 1793 to 1801 [ thirty first ] .

Vitrolles-en-Luberon is part of the Apt district court, but the transplant detached from Pertuis, and high school, prud’hommale, trade and social security affairs of Avignon [ 32 ] .

Environment [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Household collection and treatment policies from household and assimilated waste as well as those of protection and development of the environment are the skills of the community of Luberon-Durance communes.

The municipality, by the community of communes, is part of the Intercommunity joint union for the study, construction and operation of household waste treatment units in the Cavaillon region (Sieceutom).

The municipality is part of the Multiple Vocations Intercommunal Syndicate (SIVOM) DURANCE-LUBERON which is a public inter-municipal cooperation establishment (EPCI) which brings together 21 municipalities in the 23 municipalities (Lourmarin and Vaugines are not part) of the two cantons of Pertuis And DE CADENET has the competence of the distribution of water and sanitation. It was created in 1989 by transformation of the intercommunal union created in 1946 but which had only competence the distribution of water. It includes 42 members (two per municipality). Its president is Maurice Lovisolo (vice-president of the Vaucluse General Council) [ 33 ] . The price of sanitation is variable in each municipality (because of the municipal surcharge) while that of the water is identical [ 34 ] .

Taxation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The imposition of households and businesses in Vitrolles-en-Lubéron in 2009 [ 35 ]
Tax Communal part Inter -municipal share Departmental share Regional share
Housing tax (TH) 6.00% 0.19% 7.55% 0.00%
Property tax on built properties (TFPB) 6.00% 0.25% 10.20% 2.36%
Property tax on non -built properties (TFPNB) 18.00% 0.65% 28.96% 8.85%
Professional tax (TP) 00.00% 20.36% 13.00% 3.84%

The regional share of the housing tax is not applicable.

The professional tax is replaced in 2010 by the property contribution of companies (CFE) relating to the rental value of real estate and by the contribution on the added value of companies (CVAE) (the two forming the territorial economic contribution (CE) which is a local tax established by the finance law for 2010 [ 36 ] ).

Demography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The village was repopulated in 1504 by housing contract between Gaucher de Brancas and nine settlers. It develops around the medieval church at the foot of the Castellas hill which bears the ruins of the previous village Vitrolles d’Aigues.
Low and continuous development until the end of XVII It is century (around 160 inhabitants in 1540, 180 in 1582, 315 in 1698), stagnation at XVIII It is century (329 inhabitants in 1765) and XIX It is century ; important rural exodus; 50 inhabitants in 1968; Seasonal habitat in the process of developing.

The evolution of the number of inhabitants is known through the population censuses made in the municipality since 1793. From 2006, the legal populations of the municipalities are published annually by INSEE. The census is now based on an annual information collection, successively concerning all the municipal territories during a period of five years. For municipalities with less than 10,000 inhabitants, a census survey relating to the entire population is carried out every five years, the legal populations of the intermediate years being estimated by interpolation or extrapolation [ 37 ] . For the municipality, the first exhaustive census falling within the framework of the new system was carried out in 2007 [ 38 ] .

In 2020, the town had 162 inhabitants [ Note 2 ] , in decrease of 25.69%compared to 2014 (Vaucluse: +1.36%, France excluding Mayotte: +1.9%).

Evolution of the population [ modifier ]
1793 1800 1806 1821 1831 1836 1841 1846 1851
333 350 365 319 319 302 292 289 306
1856 1861 1866 1872 1876 1881 1886 1891 1896
313 292 266 221 201 204 231 194 146
1901 1906 1911 1921 1926 1931 1936 1946 1954
124 114 96 sixty seven 85 88 65 69 59
1962 1968 1975 1982 1990 1999 2006 2007 2012
sixty one 50 59 72 137 145 175 179 207
2017 2020
164 162
Histogram of demographic evolution

Education [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Administrative: primary school Edouard Arniaud in La Bastide-des-Jourdans [ 40 ] , College Albert Camus At the Tour d’Aigues [ 41 ] , then high school Val de Durance [ 42 ] in Pertuis (general education) or high school Alexandre Dumas [ 43 ] in Cavaillon is high school Alphonse Benoit [ 44 ] in Isle-sur-la-Sorgue (technical lessons).

Sports [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Many possibilities of hiking or in V.T.T. near the Vitrolles pass (697 m ) Easy hiking loops (1 hour 30 am each) have been arranged. Passage of large hikes 5 (GR 5) and 9 (GR 9), the place is also one of the starting points of the GR 97.

Riding stable.

Health [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Pertuis, the city of the sector, has ambulance services as well as a hospital establishment.

Cult [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Catholic (church).

Population active [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The population aged 15 to 64 amounted in 2007 to 127 people (95 in 1999), including 62% of assets, 50.4% of which have a job and 11.8% of unemployed (against 11, 6% in 1999) [ 45 ] . In 2007, 15.4% of assets with a job and residing in the town worked in Vitrolles-en-Lubéron, 52.3% in another municipality in the department of Vaucluse, 32.3% in another department [ forty six ] .

Job [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 2007, there were 54 jobs in the town, compared to 28 in 1999. The number of assets having a job residing in the municipality being 65, the indicator of employment concentration [ Note 3 ] is 83.0% (against 60.9% in 1999), which means that the municipality does not offer enough job for all active vitrollains [ 45 ] .

Industry [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

By name, the municipality had an important activity linked to the manufacture of glass until the Middle Ages. The massive use of wood to fuel the ovens of glassmakers deforested the terroir, forcing this semi-industrial craft to go and settle elsewhere, and only the name remains today. Following him, only one industry located in XIX It is A century that used up to 100 workers, that intended to make the famous healing powder of Jean d’Ailhaud.

Tourism [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Like all the municipalities close to Luberon, tourism plays a role, directly or indirectly, in the local economy. We can consider three main kinds of tourism in Luberon. First of all, historical and cultural tourism which is based on a rich heritage of perched villages or on festivals. Then, a recreation tourism which results in an important development of guest rooms, hotel and seasonal rental, a large concentration of swimming pools and entertainment such as Provencal markets. Finally, green tourism that benefits from the many hiking trails and the protected framework offered by the Luberon and its surroundings [ 47 ] .

The town has a cottage since August 2021, but no guest rooms.

Agriculture [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The municipality of Vitrolles-en-Lubéron has five labels of controlled origin (AOC) (Luberon AOC white, red and rosé, Provence olive oil and Haute-Provence olive oil) and eleven labels Geographic Iindication (IGP) (Honey from Provence, Sisteron lamb, Wines of Vaucluse VDP white, red and rosé and VDP of white, red and rosé mediterranean) [ 48 ] .

Vineyard [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Vine on hillsides for essentially table grapes (Muscat). The municipality produces wines having four appellations recognized by Inao [ 49 ] , an AOC Les Côtes-du-Luberon. Wines which are not in controlled designation of origin can claim, after approval, the Label Indication Geographic Protected (IGP) Pays d’Aigues wine [ Note 4 ] that can be white [ 50 ] , rosé [ 51 ] , rouge [ 52 ] . Winegrowers also produce another IGP label Vaucluse country wines [ 53 ] that can be white [ 54 ] , rosé [ 55 ] , rouge [ 56 ] . But also another IGP label Mediterranean country wine that can be white [ 57 ] , rosé [ 58 ] , rouge [ 59 ] .

Olive oil from Provence AOC [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Huile de Provence AOC

Provence olive oil is protected by a controlled designation of origin (AOC) following an investigation diligent by INAO, the conclusions of which were filed with the Commission , gathered in Arles, and the signing of the decree published in the Official Journal Le [ 60 ] .

To be able to apply at the AOC, Provence olive oil must be developed from the Aglandau, Bouteillan, Cayon, Salonenque varieties as well as those called locally brown, Cayet, Petit Ribier and Belgentiéroise. There are at least two of these main varieties present within the olive grove [ 60 ] , [ sixty one ] .

In the town of Vitrolles-en-Luberon, some olive groves meet its criteria.

Cherries [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In Vitrolles-en-Lubéron are cultivated cherries with the protected geographical indication: Cherries du Ventoux, namely that the cherry of the Coteaux du Ventoux is characterized by its production in the Coteaux du Ventoux area, by its optimal maturity picking and by its minimum average caliber guaranteed at 24 mm [ 62 ] .

Sisteron lamb [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Sisteron lamb raised under his mother.

Sisteron’s lamb is a lamb raised under the mother and from the Provencal Alps and the Drôme Provençale for minimum 60 days, having an age between 70 and 150 days and weighing nearly 13 to 19 kg . Coming from traditional farms, with mothers of Merinos from Arles, Mourous or Southern Pre -Alps which breastfeed them for at least two months, in a pastoral space with less than 10 sheep per hectare and comprising at least 10 hectares of journey [ 63 ] , these lambs are entitled, under the control, in the Red Label Sisteron lamb granted by a government decree dated [ sixty four ] , [ 65 ] .

This quality requirement has put an end to the practice of hobs raised under the same conditions but coming from other regions including the entire Provence, the Massif Central and the Piedmont. Each year, nearly 400,000 animals passed through the slaughterhouses of Sisteron taking advantage of a certain lax to usurp a sought -after origin [ 66 ] .

Provence honey [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Provence honey is protected by a red label associated with a protected geographical indication, both for honey all flowers and for lavender and lavandin honey [ sixty seven ] . Beekeeping mobilizes a number of producers. They are estimated at 4,500, 700 of which have between 70 and 150 hives. Regional production is 2,000 t/year, or 8% of national production [ 68 ] . Many of them practice transhumance according to a journey from the coast to the Haute-Provence. Summer is the privileged season for lavender honey and hives are installed in an area limited to the north by a Montélimar / Digne line, with the south of Mont Ventoux, the Albion plateau, the mountain of Lure, the mountains de Vaucluse and the Luberon massif. Honey all flowers is developed in a large area limited by Nîmes, Montélimar, Gap, Digne, Nice, Toulon, Marseille and Avignon [ 69 ] .

Others [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Orchards, wheat, potato, rapeseed fields, almonds (XIX It is ).

Civil heritage [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The pillars at the entrance to the Château du Grand Pré.
  • Grand Pré Château : Large quadrangular bastide of XVII It is And XVIII It is centuries of Louis XV style which was built shortly before 1678 for Françoise de Cambis, widow of Honoré de Brancas Forcalquier. The castle was sold in 1753 to the illustrious surgeon Jean-Gaspard d’Ailhaud. He made a fortune and became famous by finding a miracle purgative powder [ 70 ] which earned him his fame and made him acquire a charge from the king. He then became an advisor and secretary of the king and also built a mansion in Aix-en-Provence (Ailhaud hotel in the current rue Mignet).

The large pre -main entrance.

The whole of the property is vast and consists of a main building, a chapel, agricultural exploitation buildings, a factory built by the son and grandson of Jean d’Ailhaud, d ‘A second body of building (ruined), a dovecote and a garden.
The main entrance facing the village as well as the southern property entrance is bordered by two stone pillars of XVII It is And XVIII It is centuries [ 71 ] .
Today the castle is private and cannot be visited.

  • Oil mill . Located on the floor of the base under the current town hall of the village. This triangular building comes from the partial destruction of three houses represented in the cadastre of 1838. The original equipment made up of an animal traction wheel and a dual -dated 1898 press by inscription painted on its amounts, have been preserved [ 72 ] .

Religious heritage [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Saint-Etienne parish church of Romanesque origin and its bell tower-world.
    Mentioned from 1274, it is made up of a two-span nave and a rectangular apse vaulted in a full cradle. She is abandoned at XV It is century and was in ruins in 1620. It was restored before 1632 and has a side chapel (current first re Travée de nave) in 1661. In 1683 the primitive nave was partially destroyed to be replaced by the current nave with the choir and the sacristy (masons: Jean Brunet, Barthélemy, Étienne Ricard and André Eyriès) [ 72 ] .
  • Sainte-Philomene oratory .
    At a place called Le Chemin Neuf, the oratory is hidden in the vegetation at the southern entrance to the Château du Grand Pré. Dating from XVIII It is A century, in molasses and size stone, it is a cubic base with a niche framed by pilasters and covered with a roof in a building surmounted by a cross.
  • Calvary Saint-Siméon .
    At the main entrance to the Grand Pré castle on the road to Céreste. Probably mission cross of the XIX It is century.

Personalities linked to the municipality [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Coat of arms of Jean d’Ailhaud.

Jean d’Ailhaud (born in Lourmarin in 1674, died in 1756 in Aix-en-Provence), surgeon doctor, who became baron of Castellet, lord of Vitrolles and Montjustin, he was adviser and secretary of King Louis XV, he is the ‘Inventor of the famous purgative powder of Ailhaud, and his son, Jean-Gaspard d’Ailhaud (died in 1800), author of a series of 7 books defending the work of his father. Another family member, Joseph d’Ailhaud de Brisis, a doctor born in Vitrolles-en-Luberon, was justice of the peace in Nyons, where he died.

Movie theater [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

1959: Wolves in the sheepfold In the Health Colleger Avierrs and Franve, Françoise Dollar [ seventy three ] .

1990: The glory of my father And the castle of my mother of Yves Robert with Nathalie Roussel, Philippe Caubère, Didier Pain, Thérèse Liotard, Victorien Delamare, Pierre Maguelon, Jean Carmet, Jean Rochefort, Georges Wilson, Patrick Préjean, * Paul Crauchet, Jean-Pierre Darras. Also shot in Grambois.

Heraldry [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Blason de Sault

Weapons can be palated as follows:

Azure with a golden lion against a silver rock in dexter [ 74 ] .

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. The official name in the official geographic code is “Vitrolles-en-Luberon”, [ read online ] , which is in accordance with the reindeer published in the Olympic Game of August 10, 1996, p. 12183 , [ read online ] , but he made a typographic fault because of the Luberon.
  2. Legal municipal population in force at 1 is January 2023, vintage 2020, defined within the territorial limits in force at 1 is January 2022, Statistical reference date: 1 is January 2020.
  3. The employment concentration indicator is equal to the number of jobs in the area for 100 active ingredients residing in the area, depending on the definition of INSEE
  4. and Label Pays d’Aigues wine Concerns the following municipalities in the department of Vaucluse: Ansouis, Apt, Auribeau, La Bastide-des-Jourdan, La Bastidonne, Les Beaumettes, Beaumont-de-Pétuis, Bonnieux, Buoux, Cabrières-d’Aigues, Cabrières-d’Avignon , CADENET, Caseneuve, Castellet, Cavaillon, Cheval-Blanc, Cucuron, Gargas, Gignac, Gordes, Goult, Grambois, L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, Joucas, Lacoste, Lagarde-d’Apt, Lagnenes, Lauris, Lioux , Lourmarin, Maubec, Ménerbes, Mérindol, Mirabeau, La Motte-d’Aigues, Walls, Oppède, Pertuis, Peypin-d’Aigues, Puget, Puyvert, Robion, Roussillon, Rustrel, Saignon, Saint-Martin-de-Castillon, Saint-Martin-de-la-Brasque, Saint-Pantaléon, Saint-Saturnin-d’Apt, Sannes, Saumane, Sivergues, Les Taillades, La Tour-d’Aigues, Vaugines, Vieu, Villars, Villelaure, Vitrolles-en- Luberon.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Decree 96,706 of , official newspaper , number 0186,
  2. Distance between Vitrolles-en-Lubéron and the largest French cities » , Town hall directory
  3. Transvaucluse time sheet line 17.2 » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?)
  4. Jacques Buisson-Catiln , The Luberon of Origins: Notice 4 of Vauclusian archeology , Avignon, A. Barthélemy, , p. 9
  5. Nearest weather station: Pertuis » , Msn weather
  6. Natural disaster recognition decrees » , on The site of the Directorate General for Risk Prevention / Ministry of Sustainable Development in partnership with Network Idéal, Sciences Borders Production and the French Institute of Major Education Training Trainers. ,
  7. Vitrolles-en-Lubéron » , Luberon Park
  8. Vitrolles-en-Luberon key figures » , INSEE,
  9. Categories and types of housing in mainland France » , INSEE,
  10. Main residences according to the status of occupation in mainland France » , INSEE,
  11. Decree No. 96-706 of August 7, 1996 changing the name of municipalities » , on
  12. Changes of names of communes of Vaucluse » , on
  13. In Vitrola, 1193.
  14. Mariacristina Varano, Religious space and political space in Provencal country in the Middle Ages (ninth centuries). The example of Forcalquier and his region , thesis sustained at the University of Aix-Marseille I, 2011, p. 486.
  15. Pins and sewing needles once had a significant monetary value, due to the difficulty of making them by hand
  16. 2008 cantonal results: canton of Pertuis » , Interior Ministry
  17. 2008 cantonal results: canton of Pertuis, commune of Vitrolles-en-Lubéron » , Interior Ministry
  18. 2007 legislative elections: 2nd district of Vaucluse » , Ministry of the Interior
  19. 2007 legislative elections: Pertuis – 2nd district of Vaucluse » , Ministry of the Interior
  20. 2007 presidential election: whole France » , Ministry of the Interior
  21. 2007 presidential election: Pertuis » , Ministry of the Interior
  22. May 29, 2005 ballot, results of all France » , Ministry of the Interior
  23. Scrutin du 29 May 2005 » , Ministry of the Interior
  24. Potting on June 13, 2004 » , Ministry of the Interior
  25. June 7, 2009 » , Ministry of the Interior
  26. June 7, 2009 election in the Southeast » , Ministry of the Interior
  27. Element of September 20, 1992 » , Ministry of the Interior
  28. Element of September 20, 1992 » , Ministry of the Interior
  29. number of members of the municipal council of municipalities » , Legifrance
  30. 2008 municipal elections results in Vitrolles-en-Lubéron » , on LINTERNAUTE.COM
  31. a et b From the villages of Cassini to today’s municipalities On the site of the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences.
  32. Vaucluse court jurisdictions » , Ministry of Justice and Freedoms
  33. History of Sivom » , Sivom Durance-Luberon
  34. Water and sanitation price within SIVOM » , Sivom Durance-Luberon
  35. Local taxes in Vitrolles-en-Lubéron » ,
  36. Law n ° 2009-1673 of December 30, 2009 finance for 2010 (Legifrance)
  37. The organization of the census , on
  38. Departmental censuses calendar , on
  39. INSEE – Legal populations of the town for years 2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 , two thousand and thirteen , 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018 , 2019 And 2020 .
  40. Primary public education in Vaucluse
  41. Vaucluse school card
  42. Val de Durance high school site » , Aix-Marseille academic,
  43. Alexandre Dumas high school site » , Aix-Marseille academic,
  44. Alphonse Benoit high school site » , Aix-Marseille academic,
  45. a et b Results of the population census – 2007 – Employment – Active population » , on INSEE website
  46. Population census results – 2007 forms and conditions of employment » , on INSEE website
  47. See Massif du Luberon
  48. List of AOC and IGP appellations in Vitrolles-en-Lubéron » , on It has
  49. Pertuisian products recognized AOC, IGP » , It has
  50. White Aigues sheet » , Contains,
  51. Aigues Rosé sheet » , Contains,
  52. White Aigues sheet » , Contains,
  53. Pertuis winegrowers producing VAUCLUSE VDP » , Vaucluse Country Wine Union
  54. White Vaucluse IGP sheet » , Contains,
  55. Rosé Vaucluse IGP sheet » , Contains,
  56. Red Vaucluse IGP sheet » , Contains,
  57. White Mediterranean IGP sheet » , Contains,
  58. Rosé Mediterranean IGP sheet » , Contains,
  59. Red Mediterranean IGP sheet » , Contains,
  60. a et b Decree of March 14, 2007 relating to olive oil from Provence AOC » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?)
  61. Olive varieties
  62. Request for registering a protected geographical indication concerning the Coteaux du Ventoux cherry » , Ministry of Economy, Finance and Employment,
  63. Official Sisteron Lamb website » , on
  64. Sisteron lamb homologation of January 3, 2005 » , on
  65. IGP Label Red Lamb of Sisteron » , Contains,
  66. Dictionary of Provence on. Cit. , p. 751.
  67. Légifrance site relating to the publication at the Olympic Game of the decree of July 30, 2009
  68. Beekeepers in Provence
  69. The transhumance of Provencal hives
  70. The composition can be found at the bottom of the page of a Extract from the works of Frédéric le Grand, doc en .pdf
  71. General inventory, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region
  72. a et b Vitrolles-en-Lubéron page
  73. Cinéluberon Apt
  74. Armorial of the municipalities of Vaucluse

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Jules Courtet, Geographic, geological, historical, archaeological and biographical dictionary of the municipalities of the department of Vaucluse , Avignon, eldest seguin, , 400 p. ( read online )
  • Louis Gap, Residential act of the land of Vitrolles-lès-Luberon of , Memoirs of the Vaucluse Academy, T. XII, 1893 [ read online ] .
  • Robert Bailly, Dictionary of the communes of Vaucluse , Ed. A. Barthélemy, Avignon, 1986.

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