Vogue Radio — Wikipedia


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Vog radio is a local associative radio station (category A) emitting from Marennes Hiers-Brouage (Charente-Maritime) and radiating on a large part of the Arvert peninsula, the wild coast and the beauty coast. It is defined as a general radio radio with the target of 20-59 year olds, and is in synergy with Hélène FM, a historic radio station of the Pays d’Aunis, based in Surgères (south of La Rochelle).


It has a single frequency, 103.1 MHz , which allows him to cover in the first place the large western suburbs of Royan, and more specifically the urban agglomeration of La Tremblade (that is to say the municipalities of La Tremblade, Ronce-les-Bains, Arvert, Steles and Chaillevette), the city of Marennes, but also the south of the island of Oléron. His program grid includes a lot of information and chronicles centered on daily life in this part of the department. It emits from the Chaillevette water tower, with an apparent power radiated from 100 IN [ first ] .

The station is a member of the regional federation of non-commercial associative radios of Charentes-Poitou, a structure bringing together 19 radio stations in the Poitou-Charentes region [ 2 ] .

Vogue Radio was created in 2008 on the initiative of Christophe and Sébastien Coriton, two thirty -something people passionate about radio wishing to provide the Arvert peninsula with a specific station combining information and entertainment. Worn by the Vogue association, based in Arvert, Vogue Radio first issues only six months a year, during the tourist “high season”. Its transmitter is then installed at the top of the Coubre lighthouse, bordering on the municipalities of La Tremblade and Mathes [ 3 ] . The station is authorized to issue the CSA all year round by the decision n ° 2009-676 of the , modified by decision n ° 2010-485 of [ first ] . Its transmitter was then moved to the Chaillevette water tower and its premises located in Arvert, one of the municipalities of the Agglomeration of La Tremblade. In the month of , the head office is moved to Marennes. The installation of a WiFi relay therefore makes it possible to better cover the Marennes peninsula as well as the south of the island of Oléron.

Wanting to turn to the coast of the south of Charente-Maritime, in the heart of a pool of nearly 50,000 potential listeners-corresponding to the population of the agglomerations of Royan, La Tremblade and Marennes, “the seaside resort” (slogan that ‘She gave herself) offers a grid of music -oriented programs (from the 1980s to the present day), but also on the news of the Royan country associated with thematic chronicles: Météo, Météo Marine (at destination of holidaymakers that surfers of the wild coast), information linked to the trades of the sea, to the oyster basin of Marennes-Oléron, to tourism and everything that affects, directly or indirectly, to the news in the region [ 2 ] .

September 5 Vogue Radio became Vog Radio.

Its daily programming is structured around three large blocks:

  • Vogue morning (Monday to Saturday from 7 a.m. to 9 am): time slot where national, local and regional information, weather, tides, horoscope and “tubes” alternate.
  • Vogue Midi (Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon)
  • Vogue evening (Monday to Saturday from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.): thematic information and chronicles.

Official site
