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Etching Flown (in French ” They flew away ) Is an engraving of the series Whims of the Spanish painter Francisco de Goya. She carries the number 61 in the 80 engravings series. It was published in 1799.

Preparatory drawing.
Goya’s model could be the Duchess of Alba, which was his mistress.

There are various contemporary manuscripts that explain the boards of Caprichos. Whoever is in the Prado museum is considered an autograph in Goya, but seems rather to seek to conceal and find a moralizing meaning which masks the more risky meaning for the author. Two others, the one who belongs to Ayala and the one in the National Library, underline the more striking meaning of the boards [ first ] .

Manuscript of the Prado Museum:

“The group of witches which serves as a pedestal for the precious little one, instead of being necessary, is only an ornament. There are heads so full of flammable gas, that they do not need to fly a balloon or witches [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] . »

Ayala manuscript:


“The Duchess of Alba. Three bullfighters crash into vain promises [ 4 ] , [ 3 ] . »

Manuscript of the National Library:

“Three bullfighters crash in vain promises the duchess of Alba, which loses the ball by its inconstancy [ 5 ] , [ 3 ] . »

The Duchess of Alba is decked out with butterfly wings on its head, symbolizing its female lightness. This print is one of the most commented. Almost all the interpretations of CAPRICHO 61 agree to identify the female figure with the duchess, and explain the image as a bitter criticism of an abandoned lover. Several arguments support this interpretation: the resemblance of the young woman with the aristocrat, the ambiguity of the title Flown , the mention of the duchess in the handwritten comments which circulated from the publication of Caprichos .

In one of these comments we read: “” Three bullfighters crapped in vain promises the duchess of Alba “” , referring to the protection that the lady granted to experienced bullfighters of the time.

As often in the titles of other whims, the Latin term ” flown “Has several senses: in addition to its literal translation -” flew ” – there is another meaning referring to the loss of something. Losing affection was the meaning of the words of a former lover in the comedy of Agustín de Salazar, Thetis and Peleo (1681):

“What about your finished passion?” And of your love? Flown . »

Goya and the Duchess of Alba [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The hypothesis of a romantic relationship between the duchess of Alba and Goya must be considered with great circumspection. [Ref. necessary] The resemblance of the lines is only apparent and is absent in the preparatory drawing. The allusions to the duchess in the handwritten comments must be treated with caution because these texts are after engraving; They were written after the publication of Whims by foreign people in Goya.

In 1980, Antonio Larreta won the Planeta Prize for his novel Flew , based on the life of Goya and whose title is taken from the name of this print.

Bigas Luna makes it a cinematographic adaptation of the same name [ 6 ] (Spain, 1999) [ 7 ] .

The print measures 214 × 149 mm On a sheet of paper of 306 × 201 mm .

Goya used etching, aquatint and dry tip.

The preparatory drawing is for blood. In the lower left corner, in the pencil: “56”. The preparatory drawing measures 197 × 143 mm .

  1. The skirt, on. Cit. , p. 54 .
  2. The group of witches that serves as a Peana to the petimetra, more than need, is ornament. There are heads so full of flammable gas, that they do not need to fly or balloon, or witches . »
  3. A B and C The skirt, on. Cit. , p. 225 .
  4. The Duchess of Alba. Three bullfighters lift it from helmets. »
  5. Three bullfighters lift the Duchess of Alba from helmets, which finally loses the key due to its veleity. »
  6. Film sheet Flew » , on IMDb (consulted the ) .
  7. (is) Fiche d’Angelo Larreta » , on Epdlp.com (consulted the ) .

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • (is) Joseph Camon Aznar , Francisco de Goya , t. III, Saragosse, boxes of zaragoza, Aragon and Rioja. Camon Aznar Institute, , 371 p. (ISBN  978-84-500-516-5 ) .
  • (is) Juan Parrondo reel , Goya Whims. Drawings and etchings , Madrid, Hispanic Central. R.A.De Arts of San Fernando. National Calling, (ISBN  84-604-9323-7 ) , «Francisco de Goya. Whims ” .
  • (is) Rafael Casariego , Francisco de Goya, the whims , Madrid, art and bibliophilia editions, (ISBN  84-86630-11-8 ) .
  • (is) Cabinet of Calcography Studies. , Clemente Inside , Javier Blas , Jose Manuel Matilla , José Luís Villar et elvira Villena , Goya Whims. Drawings and etchings , Central Hispanic. R.A.De Arts of San Fernando. National Calling, (ISBN  84-604-9323-7 ) , “Drawings and prints” .
  • (is) Edith Skirt , TRANSUNDO DE GOYA , Madrid, Editorial Alliance, , 238 p. (ISBN  84-206-7032-4 ) .
  • Pierre Gassier Et Juliet Wilson , Life and work of Francisco Goya , Friborg, book office, .
  • (is) F.J. Sánchez Catón , Goya the whims , Barcelone, Amatller Institute of Hispanic Art, .

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