Vollons — Wikipedia


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In the world of series Babylon 5 , THE Vorlons are a non -humanoid extraterrestrial people, among the most mysterious of the characters in this fiction [ first ] .

Appearance [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Vorlons are a very advanced non -humanoid species which has left its physical shape to exist only in the form of pure energy. The lower species consider them as divine creatures. When the ambassador Vorlon Kosh leaves his combination to save the life of Captain Sheridan, the ambassadors assisting the scene each see something different: the Drazis the goddess Droshalla, the Minbaris the goddess Valéia, the Narns the religious figure of G ‘ Lan, humans an angel and the Centauris … Nothing [ 2 ] .

Mental characteristics [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Vorlons telepathic capabilities allow them to present themselves to each intelligent species in a form that suits it [ 2 ] .

Their language uses a polyphonic mixture of sounds. Their communication with other species is done by means of electronic translators [ 2 ] .


Social organization [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

We do not know much about the planet and the empire of vorlons, except that they are governed by a government [ 2 ] .

Fleet and armament [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Vorlons have mother vessels, cruisers, hunters and transport vessels. They also have a destructive vessel capable of exploding a planet the size of the earth. The mother vessels are organic and aware while having a crew. Their armament consists of a beam which is generated by four arms. The same weapon is found in hunters and carriers. The latter are mainly used for the trips of ambassadors [ 3 ] .

Relations with other species [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Costumes of the ambassadors of the series, at the center that of Kosh.

During the millions of years of their spatial existence, the Vorlons have developed large multiplanetary companies through the Galaxy. Being in the first species to reach space, the vorlons coexist peacefully with the other species and form alliances with their neighbors.

When most of the raw species decide to go to new horizons and leave the galaxy, the vorlons accompany them but leave behind some stations and their old inhabited mother planet. Those of them who have remained on the spot decide to help younger species to develop and contact them in order to influence them according to their perceptions of evolution. The Vorons then constitute in these peoples social structures based on order. They define their hierarchical model by a simple question: “Who are you?” », Which allows primitives to explore self -discovery in a hierarchical society where the personal title is part of an organized set.

Vorons against shadows [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Another non -humanoid species, just as old as vorlons, shadows, has a diametrically opposite perception. For her, the evolution of primitive species is more effectively through war and conflicts. The shadows arouse violent battles between two belligerents. The winner eliminates the weakest. They too define their chaotic model by a simple question: “What do you want?” ». The Vorlon Empire ignores shadows, enforcing order on the countless worlds on which it has influence. A mutual respect pact having established between the two ancient species, the conflict between the two perceptions is rather through their protégés.

Vorlons ambassadors [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

While the series Babylon 5 commence [ 4 ] , an ambassador of the Vorlon Empire, Kosh, is dispatched to the station to participate in the alliance of non -aligned worlds [ 5 ] .

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • David Bassom, The A-Z of Babylon 5 , Dell Publishing, 1997, 309 p.
