Voronej educational university – Wikipedia


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L’ Voronej educational university is one of the oldest higher education establishments in Russia. It was founded in 1931 on the basis of the educational faculty of the University of Voronej. In 2001 the university celebrates its 70 It is anniversary.

Voronej educational university

The University Library

Unit 7 Faculties University: natural and geographic sciences; foreign languages; of history; pedagogy and psychology; of music; Russian and literature; mathematics and physics; physical culture; She also has a preparation section for foreigners. The university has chairs where several doctors in science work.

The rector and two vice-rectors direct the work at the educational university of Voronej. At the end of 5 years, students support their diploma work and they are taking state exams. Many of them are studying by correspondence.


The university has 4 buildings, a library and a museum. Students have at their disposal homes, a polyclinic and a medical rescue post, a canteen, sports halls, as well as a summer sanitation camp which is 30 km from Voronej.

Long-term contracts on cooperation are concluded with higher schools in the United States and France. It participates in international scientific research programs. It has permanent exchanges in the scientific and educational field with the universities of other countries. The university has more than 20 years of experience in training foreign specialists. Since 1975, a thousand of students from over 30 countries in the world have passed their training lessons [Ref. necessary] . Many foreign students are studying at this university [How much ?] .

To enter the university you have to take state exams. The training of the diploma specialist (5 years) is carried out in the following specialties: biology, geography, public utility and tourism work, foreign languages ​​(English, German, French), history, IT, mathematics, music, physics, physical culture , chemistry, ecology of among others.
Students do their educational internship in Voronej schools.

The faculty of preparation prepares to enter all humanitarian specialties, natural and accurate sciences, and engineering. A 10 -month course allows foreigners to learn Russian, improve and deepen the knowledge of the main disciplines of the chosen specialty.

From the first year we teach special materials. In the university there are athletes who participated in the Olympic Games. We organize dancing evenings, concerts and competitions of amateur artists.

The pedagogue profession is one of the oldest and most difficult. Through his knowledge, his moral convictions, his conception of life, the professor shapes the spiritual world of adults. The modern teacher is a person who seeks above all to guide, to guide, to encourage, to stimulate, to discover the interests of the students. The teacher is the main figure of any education system whatever it is. The teacher must have his heart to his job, he must have his material thoroughly and know how to make students assimilate his knowledge. He must provoke in students the desire to learn. The teacher must carefully monitor and control their work. The courses must be clear and well structured. The professor must be fair and impartial; But at the same time it must be indulgent and encourage the least efforts of each student to provoke the students’ desire to learn. So we ask the teacher to be an effective pedagogue.
