West Highland white terrier — Wikipedia


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West Highland white terrier

Un West Highland white terrier
Un West Highland white terrier
Region of origin
Region Drapeau de l'ÉcosseScotland
Size Approximately 25 to 40cm
Weight 5 to 8 kg
Hair Double, 5 cm hard cover hair, soft and thick sub-point
Robe Only white
Head Strong, powerful muzzle and slightly shorter than the skull
Eyes Well removed, medium, dark
Ears Small, straight, carried firmly and slightly sharp, in the shape of a V
Queue 12.5 to 15 cm long, right, carried proudly
Character Lively, very affectionate, rustic, independent, playful and player
FCI nomenclature

The West Highland White terrier , more commonly called Westie , is a breed of dogs of Scottish origin known for his personality.
This dog is independent as a cat.

The westie is the most recent Scotland burrow, although dogs of the same type have been listed from the XVII It is century under the name of white doggies . His two ancestors are, in a safe way, the Cairn Terrier, and more hypothetically the Maltese Bichon, survivor of the sinking of the Invincible Armada at XVI It is century on the island of Skye.

It is a dramatic story that was at the origin of the creation of the westie. One day at XIX It is century, in Argyll, Colonel Malcolm of Pollalloch went hunting with his cairns and by accident killed his best red dog which he had confused with a fox. Very affected by this drama, he decided, as of this day, to raise only white cairns so that no confusion happens again. With a patient selection work on his fawn cairns, he obtained very clear sandy dogs, which were the first Westies. The color was not perfected until later.


The Westie was officially recognized in 1906 by the English Kennel Club. With the recognition of Cairn Terrier, in 1912, the two races, which were only two varieties at the time, could cross. These crosses were prohibited [By who ?] In 1924 and the Westie, which was only a “white cairn”, acquired its own characteristics to orient itself towards A model [What ?] More sophisticated, while the cairn remained in the type of origin.

Now with more than 2,500 annual births The Westie is the most popular Scotland burrow in France, notably thanks to the pubs of the Caesar Pâté brand, whose westie is mascot.

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This breed belongs to the family of burrows. The westie has not denied its hunter origins, hence its curiosity. Pority hunter, he is a great sportsman, ideal companion of the jogger. It adapts as much in house as in apartment. Large outings in nature, or sports such as agility, do it the greatest good.

At home it is a very affectionate, player and very cunning dog. He needs a lot of company. He is very close to his master. It is not at all a guard dog but he still wants to do his job by barking when a foreign noise occurs. He is fundamentally sociable and friendly towards all humans, including unknown. It can be very calm when its master asks it and being very active. He is very cuddly and likes children, he is always ready to walk and play.

Westie can surprise as to its ease of quickly understanding orders.

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It is advisable to epilate the westie but the grooming professionals each have a different opinion. Reception is painless because it consists in removing the dead hairs. It is recommended for competition dogs. Westie cannot be mowed. The mowing would give a soft and difficult to untangle but with daily brushing, the detangling is easier and also allows you to remove dead hairs.

On a daily basis: disentangle the hair well under the belly, on the back, on the legs and between the back legs. in the opposite sense of growth. Do not wash it too often (it all depends on its activity), and use an adequate shampoo to your westie. To keep it white, you can make it a kind of dry shampoo with calcium carbonate: sprinkle, make it penetrate and brush the hair or use talc (which will preserve it from skin infections).

Like all burrows, the westie is fundamentally robust and very resistant to diseases. He can live up to 16 or 17 years. It is not uncommon for the westie to experience dermatological problems, including seborrhea, or fatty hair, frequent spent 7 years and which requires the monthly use of a chlorhexidine shampoo.

Pulmonary fibrosis is widespread in the westie.

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