Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? – Wikipedia


Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? is a French television game of British origin broadcast on TF1 since the and presented by Jean-Pierre Foucault from 2000 to 2016. Then, after a last program Le , it is replaced by Camille Combal from the .

It is based on multiple choice questionnaires (MCQ) of general culture.

The original game Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Created by David Briggs is published by 2waytraffic, Dutch production company belonging to Sony Pictures Television. Other countries, such as India, also broadcast television game (crorepati (in) ). In 2009, it is the most popular television game in the world in terms of audience and it was broadcast in more than one hundred and twenty countries [ first ] .

In December 2010, TF1 announced the current formula in its daily version. The bad audiences of the last session in , certainly due to the change of game schedule, are the cause [ 2 ] . Only the prime-time version with personalities was maintained between 2010 and 2016, the daily version having stopped. A final issue is broadcast on .

In , Jean-Pierre Foucault announces that he stops the presentation of the game and passes the relay to Camille Combal for a return to the antenna on TF1 in . Jean-Pierre Foucault then presents a final issue with the new guest host during a special program before “Passage of power” [ 3 ] .

In [ 4 ] , TF1 announces the return of the daily version. The first shoots are planned for , for diffusion from the [ 4 ] , at 6:15 p.m., just before the new soap opera Tomorrow belongs to us . The first season with Camille Combal at the presentation was broadcast from Monday to Friday, from the At . The , the host announces on his Twitter account that the program will be renewed with the recording of new premiums and then daily programs later in the year [ 5 ] .

For the first time and in an exceptional setting due to the confinement caused by the COVVI-19 health crisis in 2020, TF1 decided to produce the program at the host’s home during the first weeks, then on set, with celebrities responding from home. Indeed, Camille Combal poses questions in video conference from home (then on set after confinement) and his candidate answers him from home (after confinement, he also receives candidates on the set). This is the first time that the game does not take place on the mythical set and it is maintained even in time of health crisis thanks to new technologies. The program was broadcast daily from Monday to Friday to Friday at 19 h 5 between the and the .

The goal of the game is to answer a series of 15 questions (12 questions between April 2009 and January 2016) of general culture to try to win the maximum gain, set since September 2001 to 1,000,000 € € (except exceptionally from April to June 2020 where the maximum gain is lowered to 300,000 € € On the occasion of the confined version of the show). The biggest possible gain was 3,000,000 F in July 2000, then 4,000,000 F of To .

Table of Contents

Selection mode for anonymous candidates [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Selection between 2000 and 2010 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

There are several steps to go to participate in the game:

  1. The candidate must register by SMS or by phone, or play on the TF1 website (Only certain periods make it possible to qualify for the program; the rest of the time, the game on the web has a lot of 1,500 € € ) . He thus gives his phone number and chooses the film date in which he wishes to participate.
  2. First selection: Two people are selected by drawing among the game winners on the TF1 website. They will automatically participate in the shooting of the program the day chosen. 100 candidates Registered by SMS or by phone are drawn by a bailiff for each shoot. These are called by production to the number they gave during registration.
  3. Second selection, only for SMS or telephone registered: the same question is asked 100 which have approximately 20 seconds To respond to it with a number like “How fast does our galaxy run on itself?” “Or” according to The Parisian of , how many French households are equipped with TNT? ». The eight people closest to the correct answer are selected. If several people have given the eighth nearest answer, then these will be recalled and a new question will be asked to decide between them.
  4. The ten selected are invited to go to Paris the day before the day of filming. They receive a flat -rate compensation of 152.50 € € [ Ref. desired] For their travel expenses and those of their guide. They are welcomed in a hotel reserved by production. Dinner, at night, breakfast and lunch are paid by production, and this also for the guide.
  5. Third selection: on the set, to select the candidates who will actually participate in the game (at the center), an event is to answer a question of speed, in general to classify in a certain order of the terms, according to their ages, their areas, their alphabetical order, etc. The fastest then wins the right to play with the host. If two candidates, or more, give the right classification in the same period of time (to the nearest hundredth) a second question of speed will be asked alone. Of At , the candidate no longer needed to answer a question of speed to be selected [Ref. necessary] .

Selection from 2019 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]


In 2019, the selection mode changes. Applicants must register on the TF1 website and record a video in which they arise. The production then then contacted the candidates selected to participate in the program. The novelty compared to daily programs from 2000 to 2010 is that candidates can present themselves or in pairs with a loved one (family member or friend), while previously, they could only participate solo. As in 2010, candidates no longer need to answer a question of speed to participate in the game at the center of the set.

The questions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The game takes place around a series of questions (some of which have been illustrated since the ) whose associated gains increase to each level, to reach 1,000,000 € € At the end of the course. The host poses, for each level of the pyramid, a question and offers four possible answers. The difficulty of the questions increases with the proposed sum. Once the question has been asked, the player has the choice to give up or not the game without answering and leaving with the earnings from the previous level. Once his response has been announced and validated (“It’s my last word” once the first level has been crossed), the player goes up to the higher level of the pyramid of gains if his answer is good. If the candidate answers a question for a question, he leaves the game with the amount of the last landing reached. If the candidate does not answer a question without having reached the first level, he leaves empty -handed.

Note that in this case, the animator asks the question “Is that your last word?” – which is exceptional before the first level – in order to be sure of the candidate’s intention to give this answer. The only candidate to have validated his response left empty -handed.

The throbbing music, light games and the fact that the presenter asks the player each time to confirm his answer by “It’s my last word” can create a certain tension. Despite everything, there is no time limit (except for the joker “call to a friend”) and the atmosphere is sometimes quite relaxed, especially when the players are personalities who play for an association, and in particular Since the resumption of the game by Camille Combal.

Gains [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Pyramide des gains [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The pyramid has two levels which correspond respectively to the fifth and the tenth levels (in the second and seventh level between the and the , the pyramid then comprising twelve levels) and which, whatever the result of the following questions, ensure a level of gain to the candidates. An error subsequently only brings back to the previous level (instead of losing everything).

The first pyramid of fifteen levels in francs was used for broadcasts broadcast from At . A slight modification has been made from the : the gains of the two highest levels have increased by a third, passing respectively from 1,500,000 F at 2,000,000 F and 3,000,000 F at 4,000,000 F .

Since the , on the occasion of the transition to the Euro, a new pyramid of winnings appears. The maximum gain is now one million euros; The other fourteen gains correspond to an approximate conversion of the amounts at the equivalent levels in francs. Until , the conversion of gains into francs was displayed during the program for candidates and viewers.


The , the gains pyramid evolves: it only has twelve levels instead of the fifteen originally planned. This evolution, which had already taken place in the original British version Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? From 2007 to 2014, aimed to make the program more dynamic. The gains pyramid with twelve questions is similar to the previous one by removing the three lowest amounts. The two levels always correspond to the same amounts as before.

When the show returns in 2019, the pyramid of gains again includes fifteen levels, as at the origin of the game, and there again in a similar way to the original British game, which has returned to the system with fifteen questions since 2018. The gains of the three highest levels (150,000 € € , 300 000 € € and 1,000,000 € € For the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth levels) are preserved, while the other twelve, 200 € € at 100,000 € € , are reduced: the first questions to twelfth are now worth 100 respectively € € at 72,000 € € . For the confined version of At , gains from the eighth question are still temporarily reduced. For the first time, the maximum gain is lowered to 300,000 € € . The earnings from the first to the seventh question do not change.

Gain financing [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The sums won are in fact a redistribution of several different sources of income. In France, the financing of candidates’ gains comes, among other things, from:

  • The money collected by the overwhelmed calls necessary for registration (0.56 € € the call) ;
  • sending SMS (0.50 € € By SMS to which the price of SMS is added), the SMS making it possible to answer the question asked during advertising (1,500 € € are at stake on each program);
  • advertising, whose prices are generally high, because the program meets a very strong audience (note the audience record of summer 2007 with on average 6 millions viewers per evening for 40% market share);
  • the partners ;
  • Derivative products (video games, internet games or timepieces and board games).

The Jokers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The player has four jokers (three of the At A you At ) that he can use at any time. It is also possible to use several jokers for the same question, and in any order; The use of one or more jokers does not prevent the candidate from giving up answering a question. Each joker can only be used once.

  • The 50/50 : The computer eliminates two bad answers out of the four, previously chosen by the questions of questions. Its vocation is to facilitate the choice, but can very well delete two responses that the candidate had already dismissed and leave the two other plausible proposals equally, which contributes to raising the tension.
  • The call to a friend (member of the family or friend): The candidate asks the question and offers the answers to one of his “friends”, in a maximum time of 30 seconds. He is effective when the candidate has in his list of friends a person specializing in the question for whom he asks the Joker. Indeed, the player chooses the person he wishes to call, among his list with a maximum of 3 people. If the friend is unreachable, the Joker is still counted as used. Note that this joker can be considered a gift: it is enough for the candidate to have previously concerted with an accomplice so that the latter remains near a phone and a computer with an internet connection on the day of the recording of the show. Thirty seconds represent a long time sufficient to find the answer to a multiple choice question on the web. If certain versions of the game such as the Australian, American or British version have decided to remedy this by removing this Joker or by modifying its methods of use (in particular by the presence of a member of production in the friend called) , the French version has made no particular provision; Internet research is therefore not prohibited by the regulations.
  • Public opinion ( temporarily withdrawn from At , then the ) : Public members are called upon to vote, using a remote control, for the answer that seems correct to them. The members of the public are not forced to vote, allowing those who ignore the answer not to put the candidate on a bad track. Moreover, the host asks spectators to vote only if they are sure and some of having the answer. The results are then represented in the form of percentages by letter. It is generally this joker that determines the right answer with the most certainty, but it happened on rare occasions that the public is wrong. In the confined formula of the show, this joker is replaced by Home call .
  • Le switch (of At ): Available after the candidate crossed the first is bearing, it allows it to abandon the current question, and to move on to another of the same value. This joker appears from the , then is deleted when setting up the pyramid with twelve questions [ 6 ] .
  • The host of the host (since ): The candidate asks the animator to help him answer the question, without time limit. The host then begins his intervention with the sentence “here is what I think”, confirming the use of the Joker, and concludes it with “this is my last word”, allowing the candidate to make a decision. Since the animator does not have the answers on his screen, the answer he gives can possibly be incorrect; He may also indicate that he hesitates between several proposals or decide, in case of uncertainty, not to give any answer so as not to send the candidate on a false track. The appearance of this Joker is due to the arrival of Camille Combal to the presentation of the game.
  • Home call (of At Then the ), during the confined version): this joker works exactly like the appeal to a friend , with the difference that instead of an knowledge of the candidate’s choice, it is an anonymous person who previously registered who is selected at random and called to try to help the candidate to answer the question [ 7 ] .

Note : the jkers appeal to a friend , l’ public opinion , the animator feeling and the call at home give an indication concerning the possible correct answer, but the candidate is in no way obliged to follow the latter; He can offer another answer than that suggested by the Joker or decide not to answer the question and leave with the sum he has just won.

Daily broadcasts with Jean-Pierre Foucault [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Daily broadcasts with Camille Combal [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The music [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The music commonly associated with the franchise was composed by Keith and Matthew Stracchan, father and son. She dramatizes the atmosphere and brings tension there, and unlike old games, the music of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire was created to be played during almost all of the show. The credits take its inspiration from Mars , one of the movements of Planets de Gustav Holst [ ten ] ; each musical theme used for questions (of the 6 It is to the ten It is question, then 11 It is to the 14 It is Question) Increases a half-tone between each question, in order to increase tension as candidates progress in the pyramid of gains.

In 2010, the credits were remixed and new music music (composed by Ramon Covalo, used in the original British version between 2007 and 2014) replaced those broadcast until then. [Ref. necessary]

In all the history of the French version of the game, only three candidates won the maximum sum:

  • The , Frédéric Grégoire [ 11 ] won 4 million francs from the time (just over 600,000 € € current);
  • The 2000, Louis [ twelfth ] won 4 millions francs;
  • Marie Friedel, on the other hand, obtains the 1 million d’E euros [ 13 ] . It was the record for the biggest gain acquired by a candidate alone in a television game for 17 years in France until September 25, 2021, the day when Bruno Hourcade, a candidate of the game The 12 noon shots , reached more than a million euros in accumulated gains [ 14 ] .

Several special programs, where anonymous candidates played, have been broadcast in prime time ( Special couples , Special stepmother and son-in-law , Special twins , Special graduates And Special new bride and groom, new PACS ) between the and the .

Of the prime times where celebrities play teams of two to defend a non -profit association have also been broadcast between the and the and since the .

Note that only the prime-time version with personalities was maintained between 2010 and 2016, the daily version having stopped for lack of audiences [ 15 ] .

The , a special program entitled The prohibited program » was broadcast in the second half of the evening. It was entirely devoted to the Charles Ingram affair, candidate of the British version of the game who had pocketed 1 million sterling books by cheating with the help of two accomplices present in the public and on the set [ 16 ] . It was the only time when Jean-Pierre Foucault presented the program without the presence of the public [Ref. necessary] .

The , TF1 offers a special anniversary number for 15 years old of the show. There are TF1 TV game hosts accompanied by their greatest winners (notably Laurence Boccolini for Money Drop it Jean-luc richman pour The 12 noon shots , accompanied respectively by Dominique and Xavier, big winners of these games), as well as Christophe Beaugrand and Olivier Minne, as respective animators of Qi: France is taking the test and of Joker , accompanied by winners of these programs, Mathieu and Tristan. We also find Jean-Pierre Foucault playing as a candidate alongside Jafaar, candidate who won 150,000 € € in . Laurence Boccolini exceptionally presents the game during the passage of Jean-Pierre Foucault as a candidate [ 17 ] .

The , TF1 offers a special yellow pieces number with Bernadette Chirac as guest.

The , for the return of the game after three years of absence, Jean-Pierre Foucault presents Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? For the last time and welcomes five celebrities duos playing for associations, as in previous premiums. At the end of the show, he receives Camille Combal as a candidate (with Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine), who then became a host of the game ; Jean-Pierre Foucault participating in this program as a candidate (alongside Kev Adams).

The , following the fire of Notre-Dame de Paris, TF1 announces that the Research Section series is replaced by a special of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? devoted to Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral and whose gains will be completely donated to the Heritage Foundation [ 18 ] . There are three pairs of presenters (Anne-Claire Coudray and Harry Roselmack, Laurence Boccolini and Arthur, Alessandra Sublet and Grégoire Margotton) and a dance duo with the stars (Fauve Hautot and Chris Marques).

The return of the daily version the brought new features: on the one hand, anonymous candidates can now participate as a duo, and on the other hand, celebrities can play for associations, which was until then the case in the first part programs evening.

Legend of colors used Right answer Poor response validated by the candidate Poor response having collected the most votes during the public opinion
  • In , a controversy was born around a question asked in Frédéric (the first multi-millionaire winner), the previous. She concerns a character in comics The Adventures of Tintin For a question at 1 million francs.
In Tintin, who comes to treat Captain Haddock?
A: Doctor Plotule B: Doctor Omoplate
C: Doctor Meniscus D: Doctor Tympan

The candidate asked as a joker Public vote of which 73% of the voters answered Doctor Plutule, while 1% replied “Doctor Omoplate” , 11% and 15% have chosen respectively “Doctor Meniscus” And “Doctor tympanum” . The controversy around a possible factor in the program comes from the fact that this character appears a tiny number of times in the albums and that it is unlikely that so great proportion of people can know him [ 19 ] . In addition, in Tintin’s albums, Doctor Kingy who is mentioned is not the same as the one who comes to treat Captain Haddock.

  • The , Louis is the second candidate to win 4 million francs.

The question that was worth 4,000,000 F was :

  • The , for the first time [Ref. necessary] , the public unanimously gave the same answer on a question for which he had been consulted [ 20 ] . The question that was worth 3000 € € was :
What is the title of the cartoon of Disney studios, released in 2004?
A: Eagles brother B: Bears’ brother
C: Reindeer brother D: Swan brother

The same situation has happened again With the following question, which was worth 12,000 € € :

  • The , a candidate in France left the show without having reached the first level. He had dropped on the fifth question at 1,500 € € on the nickname that was attributed to Charlemagne:

He replied that it was the emperor at the “Three -day beard” While it was the emperor at the “Flower beard” . It was the only time in the French version of the game where a candidate who played on the central chair left empty [ 21 ] .

  • The , a candidate replied that the sun revolved around the earth [ 22 ] , [ 23 ] . The question, which was worth 3,000 € € , was :

After hesitation, he uses the public vote, but he claims 56% that it is the sun that revolves around the earth. Only 42% say it is the moon, which was the right answer, and 2% say that it is Mars. The candidate finally validated the majority given by the public and left with 1,500 € € .

  • The , a candidate returned following an error during her first visit the . The question that was worth 6000 € € was :

The candidate had answered “A drink” While the expected answer was “A food” . After the broadcast of the show, the editors found that some beverages are considered food, the answer “A drink” is therefore considered exact. This candidate therefore returned and the answer was accepted, so she continued the pyramid of gains starting from 6,000 € € . Then she left with 12,000 € € [ 21 ] .

  • The , for the first time in the French version of the show, two candidates came to an equalness during the question of speed. A new question of speed was therefore asked only to these two candidates to decide between them (the gap between the two candidates was finally 0.01 seconds to the second question). This situation has repeatedly happened in .
  • The , a candidate answered a question of speed in just 2.25 seconds.
  • The , a candidate playing for 48,000 € € had to answer the following question:
The candidate won by responding “Laye Fatte” , which was the expected answer of the editors of the question. But, in reality, the question contained a formulation error: La Fayette is not the only one of the four characters not to have been guillotined during the French Revolution. Indeed, Mirabeau died following an illness , in Paris [ 21 ] .
  • The , during a question at 100,000 € € was :

Only four public people voted when the Joker Public vote was used by a candidate. But no one out of the four gave the right answer and three of them voted for the answer D, an answer that the candidate later validated. The correct answer being the answer A, the candidate fell to 48,000 € € .

  • Lambert Wilson and Nolwenn Leroy are the candidates who lost the most money on the show. Indeed, they had 150,000 € € and played for 300,000 € € . The question was:

Their friend, called thanks to the Joker Appeal to a friend , was sure of his answer ( ” The Reunion Island ” ) but it was unfortunately the bad (the right one being “The island of Malta” ). Falling back to 48,000 € € , they lost the sum of 102,000 € € .

In Europe, during the reign of Louis XV, how did we call the court of the King of France?
A: The scented courtyard B: The Gourmet Court
C: The learned courtyard D: The colored courtyard

Having a doubt, they ask the Joker Public vote . After the vote, the results are revealed and surprised: the four responses are displayed at 0%. A few moments later, Jean-Pierre Foucault will announce that this is a computer problem and that the vote will be relaunched. The second time, the results are displayed properly, and the public votes mainly for response C, 67%. After a few minutes of reflection, the duo finally validates the answer A, which was the right answer, and continue their ascent in the pyramid of gains.

Who wants to win millions at home? [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

During the containment period of At , TF1 offers celebrities every night to win as much money as possible. A kitty therefore increases each evening and is intended for foundations or hospitals in particular.

Week 1 (Monday see you on Friday ) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

From this first re Week, the candidates play for the Hospitals of Paris-Hôpitaux de France, Foundation created to finance the equipment for nursing staff, men and women on the front line against COVVI-19.

Prize pool at the end of first re Week for the Hospitals of Paris-Hôpitaux de France Foundation: 80 000 € €

Week 2 (Monday see you on Friday ) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Prize pool at the end of 2 It is Week for the Hospitals of Paris-Hôpitaux de France Foundation: 80,000 € € + 59 000 € € = 139 000 € €

Celebrities were therefore able to harvest the sum of 139 000 € € for the Hospitals of Paris-Hôpitaux de France Foundation during these first two weeks of Who wants to win millions at home? .

Week 3 (Monday see you on Friday ) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

During this 3 It is Confined week of play, candidates play for the foundation for medical research, foundation intended to find a vaccine against coronavirus.

The total prize pool won by these five celebrities for the foundation for medical research amounts to 62 000 € € (Applicants of the last week also playing for the Foundation for Medical Research, this sum is temporary).

From Friday , Camille Combal finds the set of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? , but without public, and by receiving mainly the guests by interposed screen. They will now play for the Women’s Foundation.

Prize pool at the end of 3 It is Week for the Women’s Foundation: 30 000 € €

Week 4 (Monday see you on Friday ) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Prize pool at the end of 4 It is Week for the Women’s Foundation: 30,000 € € + 58 000 € € = 88 000 € €

Week 5 (Monday see you on Friday ) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Kitten for the Women’s Foundation: 88,000 € € + 98 000 € € = 186 000 € €

The thirteen celebrities who played for the Foundation of Women therefore reported a total of 186 000 € € For this one during the two weeks of play.

Since Friday and until Friday , the candidates play for the restaurants of the heart.

Prize pool at the end of 5 It is Week for Restos du Coeur: 18 000 € €

Week 6 (Monday see you on Friday ) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Prize pool at the end of 6 It is Week for Restos du Coeur: 18,000 € € + 59 000 € € = 77 000 € €

Week 7 (Monday see you on Friday ) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Prize pool at the end of 7 It is Week for Restos du Coeur: 77,000 € € + 69 000 € € = 146 000 € € (This is a provisional kitty because Samy Gharbi and Alexandre Brasseur – last candidates of the session – have played for the restaurants of the heart)

Week 8 (Monday see you on Friday ) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

During this 8 It is and last week of Who wants to win millions at home? , candidates replay for the foundation for medical research, as during the 3 It is week.

Prize pool at the end of 8 It is Week for the Foundation for Medical Research: 62,000 € € (obtained during the 3 It is week) + 80,000 € € = 142 000 € €

Finally, celebrities won the sum of 142 000 € € For the Foundation for Medical Research.

Friday , the last duo plays again for the restaurants of the heart.

Prize pool at the end of 8 It is Week for Restos du Coeur: 142,000 € € (obtained during 6 It is And 7 It is weeks) + 18,000 € € = 160 000 € €

Finally, the celebrities who were able to play for the restaurants of the heart made them win the sum of 160 000 € € .

On the entire emission session Who wants to win millions at home? , the candidates will have won in total the sum of 627 000 € € , all associations combined.

Note that Saturday , TF1 broadcast the program as a bonus with candidates who were not broadcast during this Coronavirus version. The guests of this bonus were Gérard Jugnot, Guy Lecluyse, Samuel Le Bihan, Julie de Bona, Patrick Sébastien and Mathieu Madénian. The jokers remained the same.

Type Dispute day and schedule Average audience References
Number of viewers PDM
Game show SATURDAY (20 h 50-23 h 10) 4 200 000 25.8% [ 25 ]
SATURDAY (20 h 50-23 h 10) 4 746 000 27% [ 26 ]
SATURDAY (20 h 50-23 h 20) 5 500 000 26.1% [ 27 ]
Friday (20 h 50-23 h 15) 4 778 000 23.6% [ 28 ]
SATURDAY (20 h 55-23 h 20) 4 300 000 23.6% [ 29 ]
Friday (20 h 50-23 h 5) 5 009 000 22.3% [ 30 ]
SATURDAY (20 h 50-22 h 20) 3 900 000 22.4% [ thirty first ]
Friday (21 h-23 h 20) 4 771 000 23.2% [ 32 ]
Friday (21 h-23 h 30) 5 306 000 23% [ 33 ]
SATURDAY (21 h-23 h 40) 3 800 000 22.8%
SATURDAY (21 h-23 h 40) 3 935 000 22.1% [ 34 ]
Friday (21 h-23 h 35) 3 890 000 17.6% [ 35 ]
SATURDAY (21 h-23 h 35) 5 174 000 28.8% [ 36 ]
SATURDAY (21 h-23 h 35) 4 793 000 23.3% [ 37 ]
THURSDAY (21 h-23 h 30) 2 971 000 13.8% [ 38 ]
Friday (21 h 05-22 h 50) 3 070 000 19.4% [ 39 ]
Friday (22 h 50-1 h 40) 1 740 000 27.2%
SATURDAY (21 h 05-22 h 55) 2 005 000 12.2% [ 40 ]
Mean 4 471 000 23.1%
Monday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 2 067 000 16.2% [ 41 ]
Tuesday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 1 705 000 14.8% [ 42 ]
Wednesday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 1 840 000 15.9% [ 43 ]
THURSDAY (18 h 15-19 h 20) 1 940 000 16.7% [ 44 ]
Friday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 1 850 000 15.1% [ 45 ]
Mean 1 880 400 15.7%
Monday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 1 880 000 14.5% [ forty six ]
Tuesday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 15.5% [ 47 ]
Wednesday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 1 890 000 16.2% [ 48 ]
THURSDAY (18 h 15-19 h 20) 1 990 000 16.6% [ 49 ]
Friday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 1 960 000 16.9% [ 50 ]
Mean 1 920 000 15.9%
Monday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 2 220 000 16.2% [ 51 ]
Tuesday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 2 050 000 16% [ 52 ]
Wednesday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 2 030 000 16.9% [ 53 ]
THURSDAY (18 h 15-19 h 20) 1 720 000 14.3% [ 54 ]
Friday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 1 800 000 17% [ 55 ]
Mean 1 964 000 16.1%
Monday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 1 970 000 16.2% [ 56 ]
Tuesday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 2 130 000 16.9% [ 57 ]
Wednesday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 2 090 000 15.9% [ 58 ]
THURSDAY (18 h 15-19 h 20) 1 770 000 14.9% [ 59 ]
Friday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 2 050 000 15.8% [ 60 ]
Mean 2 002 000 15.9%
Monday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 2 550 000 16.9% [ sixty one ]
Tuesday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 2 060 000 15.5% [ 62 ]
Wednesday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 2 220 000 17% [ 63 ]
THURSDAY (18 h 15-19 h 20) 1 860 000 15.5% [ sixty four ]
Friday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 2 000 000 18% [ 65 ]
Mean 2 138 000 16.6%
Monday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 1 730 000 15.2% [ 66 ]
Tuesday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 1 800 000 16.1% [ sixty seven ]
Wednesday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 2 010 000 16.6% [ 68 ]
THURSDAY (18 h 15-19 h 20) 2 070 000 17.3% [ 69 ]
Friday (18 h 15-19 h 20) 1 640 000 15.2% [ 70 ]
Mean 1 850 000 16.1%

Legend :

  • Highest audience figures
  • Lower audience figures

Viewers (in thousands) :

Legend : Season 18

PDM (in %) :

Legend : Season 18

Viewers (in thousands) :

Legend : Daily

PDM (in %) :

Legend : Daily

Who wants to win millions at home? [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • To compensate for the absence of the soap opera Tomorrow belongs to us (Due to the Pandemic of Covid-19) and following the successive failures of Seven to eight: the daily A you Big blooper at home , TF1 made the decision to program a confined version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? , presented by Camille Combal from her home between the and the then on the set of the program from the [ 71 ] . The candidates play in turn for the benefit of the Hospitals of Paris-Hôpitaux de France, the Foundation for Medical Research, the Foundation of Women and Restos du Coeur. If there is a personality, the screen is positioned vertically, if there are two personalities, the screen is positioned horizontally.
  • The program is in competition with All in the kitchen , presented by Cyril Lignac on M6, of 18 h 45 To 19 h 45 .
    • Despite the beginnings when the show fails to exceed All in the kitchen , Who wants to win millions at home? is essential by signing best audiences than its competitor since the .
  • This version was broadcast from At , Tomorrow belongs to us Being back in the time box the following Monday.
Type Personality Dispute day and schedule Average audience Ranking Ref.
Number of viewers PDM
Game show Jarry Monday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 230 000 10.5% 4 It is [ 72 ]
Jean-Pierre Foucault Tuesday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 260 000 11% [ seventy three ]
Jean-Pierre Foucault Franck Dubosc Wednesday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 170 000 11.1% [ 74 ]
Franck Dubosc And Abittan THURSDAY (19 h-19 h 45) 2 140 000 11.5% 3 It is [ 75 ]
And Abittan Michèle Berren & Charlotte Gaccio Friday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 130 000 11.2% 4 It is [ 76 ]
Mean 2 186 000 11.06% [ 77 ] !
Élie Semoun Alessandra Sublet Monday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 310 000 11.1% [ 78 ]
Alessandra Sublet A professional adams Tuesday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 970 000 13.6% 2 It is [ 79 ]
A professional adams Marianne James Wednesday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 450 000 11.5% 4 It is [ 80 ]
Marianne James Denis Brogniart THURSDAY (19 h-19 h 45) 2 330 000 10.8% [ 81 ]
Denis Brogniart Jonathan Cohen Friday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 630 000 12.6% [ 82 ]
Mean 2 538 000 11.92%

[ 83 ] !

Michaël one Monday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 350 000 twelfth % [ 84 ]
Thierry Lhermitte Mimie Mathy Tuesday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 260 000 11.3% [ 85 ]
Mimie Mathy Frame Wednesday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 270 000 12.3% [ eighty six ]
Valérie Lemercier THURSDAY (19 h-19 h 45) 2 500 000 13.4% 3 It is [ eighty seven ]
Bruno Solo Friday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 510 000 13.9% [ 88 ]
Mean 2 378 000 12.58% 4 It is
Bruno Solo Muriel Robin Monday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 220 000 11.4% 3 It is [ 89 ]
Iris Mittenaere and her companion Diego El Glaoui Tuesday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 420 000 12.6% [ 90 ]
Vincent Welene Wednesday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 540 000 12.7% [ 91 ]
Tomer Sisley and his wife Sandra de Matteis Claudia Watch THURSDAY (19 h-19 h 45) 2 310 000 11.9% [ 92 ]
Claudia Watch Valérie Damidot Friday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 290 000 13% [ 93 ]
Mean 2 356 000 12.32%

[ ninety four ] !

Jean-Pierre Pernaut and his wife Nathalie Marquay Monday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 100 000 11.9% [ 95 ]
Jean-Pierre Pernaut and his wife Nathalie Marquay François-Xavier Demaison Tuesday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 260 000 13.2% [ 96 ]
Chris Marques Wednesday (19 h-19 h 45) 1 900 000 11.9% [ 97 ]
Laurent Baffie THURSDAY (19 h-19 h 45) 1 890 000 12.5% [ 98 ]
Inès reg Friday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 060 000 12.6% [ 99 ]
Mean 2 042 000 12.42%

[ 100 ] !

Inès reg Arnaud Ducret Monday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 310 000 13.5% [ 101 ]
Arnaud Ducret Éric Antoine Tuesday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 200 000 13.4% [ 102 ]
Éric Antoine Guillaume de Tonquédec Wednesday (19 h-19 h 45) 1 940 000 11.9% [ 103 ]
Patrick Bruel Ramzy Bedia THURSDAY (19 h-19 h 45) 2 200 000 13.2% [ 104 ]
Ramzy Bedia Laurent Ruquier Friday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 100 000 14% [ 105 ]
Mean 2 150 000 13.2%
Laurent Ruquier Chantal Ladesou Monday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 080 000 12.6% [ 106 ]
Cyril Féraud Tuesday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 060 000 13% [ 107 ]
Michèle Laroque Wednesday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 280 000 13.1% [ 108 ]
Michèle Laroque Issa doubia THURSDAY (19 h-19 h 45) 2 310 000 12.9% [ 109 ]
Issa doubia Pierre Palmade Friday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 240 000 13.5% [ 110 ]
Mean 2 194 000 13.02%
Laury Thilleman & Juan Blackboard Anne Roumanoff Monday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 490 000 13.8% [ 111 ]
Anne Roumanoff Christophe Beaugrand Tuesday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 210 000 12.6% [ 112 ]
Christophe Beaugrand Gérard Darmon Wednesday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 410 000 13.2% [ 113 ]
Michel Boujenah THURSDAY (19 h-19 h 45) 2 340 000 13% [ 114 ]
Samy Gharbi & Alexandre Brasseur Friday (19 h-19 h 45) 2 550 000 15% 2 It is [ 115 ]
Mean 2 400 000 13.52% 3 It is

Legend :

  • Highest weekly audience figures
  • Lower weekly audience figures
  • Best audience score of the show

Viewers (in thousands) :

Legend : Daily

Viewers (in thousands) 2 :

Legend : Daily

PDM (in %) :

Legend : Daily

PDM (in%) 2 :

Legend : Daily

  • In the movie Shed (2005), the show appears for a few seconds when Boudu watched television. The question relates to King Nabuchodonosor and the city of Babylon.
  • In the movie My best friend From Patrice Leconte (2006), a long scene shows Jean-Pierre Foucault receiving in his program a brilliant candidate (Dany Boon) who manages to pocket the million thanks to the help of a “friend” (Daniel Auteuil). For scriptwriting ease, the film features a live program (the friend called is watching the program live during the call). It is actually recorded.
  • In 2009, the show was staged by the Citroën brand as part of a television advertising. The questions relate to the price of one of the cars or to the special offers offered.
  • There is a video game from the show that exists in three versions on Game Boy Advance, two versions on Dreamcast, three versions on Psone, a version on PlayStation 2, a version on PlayStation 3, three versions on PC, two versions on Wii And finally two versions on Nintendo DS (which have exactly the same content as the Wii versions). In some versions, some old questions of the show are taken up. There are also several versions for mobile phone.
  • Six board games have also been created, including one working with an interactive DVD. (Junior, classic version, second edition, family, family second edition, and interactive multiplayer version).
  • Four interactive DVDs have also seen the day. The first and second edition are classic, the third edition also contains illustrated questions as well as the possibility of choosing between adult or junior issues. The fourth edition adds the possibility of choosing between three themes: general culture, entertainment or sport.
  • Since 2010, a board game Who wants to earn millions – family is published by Dujardin and TF1 Games.
  • A new board game was released in 2019 and is published by Dujardin.
  • The video game made a comeback on Nintendo Switch Ps4 Xbox One and PC the And it is developed by Appeal Studios then Balio Studio, Palm Beach Studios and edited by Microids.
  • La Française des Jeux released on November 2, 2020 the ticket derived from the program which takes up the principle, it costs 5 € and we can win as in the game up to 1,000,000 € € .
  • This program was the subject of a parody in one of the sketches of humorist Laurent Gerra, parody entitled Who wants to pass for an idiot?
  • This program was also parodied by humorists Gad Elmaleh and Olivier Baroux in their sketch Who wants to earn masses of money ? [ 116 ] .
  • The host Cauet also produced three parodies of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire .
  • Another sketch of the same name takes as subject Who Wants to Be a Millionaire : the candidate takes 3 jokers , and he wins 0 € € .
  • During his “pajama evening”, Vincent Dedienne offers a sketch of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? With Julie Gayet and Jean-Pierre Foucault (as a presenter). Both are fighting for the association “poor who die too”. During the first question concerning the number of inhabitants in France, they use the call to a friend by calling André Dussollier, but they deviate from the initial question and the latter does not give them the answer. The duo then answers the question but is wrong and leaves with 0 € € [ 117 ] .
  • The news Guignols made a parody of the show where Sylvestre (archetype of the American general) answers the question “to whom the oil of the Iraqis” in a muscular way to Jean-Pierre Foucault
  • The streamer Hugodélire launches on the webtv Lestream in Who wants to gain bitcoin with Jean-Pierre Fougo with the streamers Present on the webtv. A second episode At home Following the Pandemic of COVID-19 is broadcast in .
  1. (in) Top 10 List of the Worlds Most Popular TV Gameshows 2009 » , on International-Television.org ,
  2. Julien Lalande, Audiences: the World Cup Boste Nagui, “who wants to win” at the lowest » , on Puremedia , (consulted the )
  3. “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ?” : Jean-Pierre Foucault passes the relay to Camille Combal », LCI , ( read online , consulted the )
  4. a et b “” Who wants to win millions? “Will make a daily return on TF1” »
  5. Je Mérôme is “Do not worry”: Camille Combal denies leaving “who wants to win millions?” » , on LCI , (consulted the )
  6. On the front page » , on TF1 and you (consulted the ) .
  7. QVGDM – Casting: Become the celebrity joker thanks to “the home call” – who wants to win millions at home? | TF1 » , on MyTF1 (consulted the )
  8. Jean-Marc Morandini, TF1 will broadcast a “confine” version of his game “that wants to win millions on Monday at 7:00 pm?” Presented by Camille Combal with stars at home » , on JeanMMorandini.com (consulted the )
  9. Benjamin Meffre, “Who wants to win millions at home?” : Camille Combal to the rescue of TF1 Access Tomorrow » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  10. Ref. necessary
  11. “I bought a house” , The Parisian , April 4, 2009.
  12. A second winner at four million! , The Parisian , 5 November 2000.
  13. Boishue stone, ” Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ?” or tele-tirelire » , on Le Figaro , (consulted the )
  14. Benjamin Jeôme, “Twelve noon” on TF1: Bruno Hourcade, the man who was worth a million » , on The Parisian , (consulted the )
  15. Who wants to gain millions holds leadership with ELA » , on Toutelatele.com , (consulted the )
  16. The couple who wanted to win millions without getting tired » , on The Parisian , (consulted the )
  17. mediazap.tv »
  18. A “who wants to win millions” special Notre-Dame this Thursday evening » , on The HuffPost , (consulted the )
  19. Suspicion on the show “Who wants to win millions” » , on Letelegramme.fr , The telegram , .
  20. GF – Archives TV, Who wants to gain millions – 08/26/2004 – Marie (million in the million) » , on Youtube.com , (consulted the )
  21. A B and C Damien Mercereau and Emilie Geffray, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? : 10 things to know about the TF1 game » , on tvmag.lefigaro.fr , (consulted the )
  22. Canal Memo , Who Wants to Be a Millionaire » , (consulted the )
  23. Richard Taillet, This is my last word: the sun » , on scilogs.fr , (consulted the )
  24. Emilie FLORES , Nathalie Marquay and Jean-Pierre PERNAUT break the record for who wants to win millions at home! » , on www.programme-tv.net , (consulted the )
  25. Prisma Average , Audiences: who wants to win millions far ahead of Fort Boyard – here » , on Voici.fr ,
  26. TV audiences: who wants to earn millions at the head » , on Premiere.fr ,
  27. Audiences: “Who wants to win …” in mind » , on ozap.com
  28. Audiences: TF1 Leader, “bones” down, Canal+ and W9 in shape, France 2 weak » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  29. August 28, 2011 to 10 h 30 , TV audiences: “Who wants to win millions” in good shape » , on leparisien.fr ,
  30. QVGDM: 5 million French people and 193,500 euros for Sidaction » , on Toutelatele ,
  31. First place for who wants to earn millions? – Audiences – TV 2 weeks » , on www.programme.tv/news ,
  32. Marine Glinel , France audiences of May 23, 2014: who wants to earn millions at the head » , on Brain Damaged ,
  33. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? (TF1): What are won by personalities last night? » , on www.programme-television.org ,
  34. Audiences: rugby is ahead Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? , small launch for A big dream Sur gold » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  35. Audiences : Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? petit leader, Do not forget the lyrics in shape, Elementary traced back » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  36. Audiences: Cardboard for the return of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? , France 2 beaten by M6 » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  37. Audiences: France 3 and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? In the shoulder-to-comet, Destination Eurovision upstart » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  38. Audiences: Cardboard for Bodin’s on M6, disappointment for Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? , Harry Potter million » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  39. Who wants to earn millions: what audience for Camille Combal’s return to TF1? » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  40. Prime TV audiences (Saturday August 1, 2020): Magellan Commissioner in the lead ahead of Fort Boyard, Brice 3 drowned by competition » , on Toutelatele , (consulted the )
  41. Audiences : Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? sign a good daily return to TF1 » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  42. Audiences : Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? sharply drop on TF1 » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  43. Who wants to earn millions: Camille Combal up audience on TF1 » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  44. Audiences: record for The Health Magazine on France 5, Slam Under the million on France 3 » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  45. Audiences: what assessment for Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? After a week of daily broadcasting? » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  46. Who wants to earn millions (audiences): Camille Combal at the lowest » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  47. Who wants to earn millions (audiences): Camille Combal breathes and keeps Nagui » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  48. Who wants to earn millions (audiences): Camille Combal acclaimed on TF1 » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  49. Who wants to earn millions (audience): Camille Combal continues her ascent and borders on the 2 million viewers » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  50. Who wants to gain millions: Camille Combal energizes the audience of TF1 » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  51. Audiences: Historical record for Faustine Bollaert, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? at the highest » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  52. Who wants to earn millions (audiences): Camille Combal punishes Nagui and don’t forget the lyrics » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  53. Who wants to gain millions (audiences): Camille Combal offers a record with Amir and Chantal Ladesou » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  54. Who wants to gain millions: Camille Combal in sharp decline, Nagui stronger with Roland-Garros? » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  55. Audience that wants to earn millions? The daily newspaper Friday May 31, 2019 » , on nouveautes-tet.com (consulted the )
  56. Who wants to earn millions: Camille Combal seduces women, TF1 up audience » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  57. Who wants to earn millions: Camille Combal continues her ascent, Roland-Garros hook TF1 » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  58. Who wants to earn millions: Camille Combal Declining audience, don’t forget the words in resistance » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  59. Who wants to gain millions: Camille Combal relapse in audience, Nagui in pain » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  60. Who wants to gain millions: Camille Combal is back in audience and TF1 deprogram which wants to win millions on Monday, June 24, 2019 » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  61. Audiences: record for Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? With Camille Combal on TF1, Riverdale Very low on TFX » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  62. Who wants to earn millions: Camille Combal decreasing the Nagui audience reduces the gap » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  63. Who wants to gain millions: Camille Combal rebels, TF1 triumphs in audience » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  64. Who wants to gain millions: Nagui competes with Camille Combal down audience » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  65. Audience that wants to earn millions? The daily newspaper Friday June 14, 2019 » , on https://twitter.com/tf1pro/status/11398150862463057922 (consulted the )
  66. Who wants to earn millions: Camille Combal regresses audience on TF1 » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  67. Who wants to earn millions: Camille Combal gained power before leaving the antenna » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  68. Who wants to gain millions: Camille Combal ensures the audience of TF1 with Roselyne Bachelot and Marc Levy » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  69. Who wants to earn millions: Camille Combal stopped in full audience success » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  70. Who wants to earn millions: what audience for Camille Combal’s last on TF1? » , on Toutelatele (consulted the )
  71. “Who wants to win millions at home?” : Camille Combal to the rescue of TF1 Access Tomorrow » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  72. Benjamin Meffre, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Difficult start for “Who wants to win millions?”, Historical record for “C to you” » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  73. Benjamin Meffre, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui leader even in redri, Camille Combal progresses, Cyril Lignac always on top » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  74. Benjamin Meffre, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui leader in rebroadcast, “on 19/20” in good shape, “who wants to win millions …?”? steady » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  75. Benjamin Meffre, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui Solid leader in rebroadcast in front of Carole Gaessler, Cyril Hanouna at the bottom » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  76. Florian Guadalupe, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui largely in the lead, record for Cyril Lignac, Camille Combal at the lowest » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  77. Joshua daguenet, Who wants to earn millions (TV audiences): a return to halftone for Camille Combal on TF1 » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  78. Benjamin Meffre, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui still net leader in rediff, a new record for Lignac, Combal at the highest » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  79. Benjamin Meffre, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: The “19/20” leader, Nagui weighed down by his lead-in, M6 at the highest since 2012, Record for Combal » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  80. Benjamin Meffre, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui becomes the leader again, Combal down, Lignac always at the top » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  81. Kevin Boucher, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: The “19/20 National” of France 3 Leader, “Tonight at Baba – first repart “at the bottom » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  82. Christophe Gazzano, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: “19/20” leader, Cyril Lignac and Camille Combal In shape » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  83. Joshua daguenet, Do not forget the lyrics / who wants to gain millions: Kévin falls in audience, Camille Combal tries the rise » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  84. Christophe Gazzano, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: “19/20” still leader, new record for Cyril Lignac, “C à vous” in good shape » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  85. Kevin Boucher, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: “Don’t forget the lyrics” go back to mind, “Tonight at Baba – Darka” at the lowest » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  86. Christophe Gazzano, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui Leader, Camille Combale up, blow of soft for “C to you” and “Tonight at Baba” » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  87. Christophe Gazzano, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: “19/20” leader, “who wants to win millions?” More followed than “all in the kitchen” » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  88. Kevin Boucher, Access audiences Access 7 p.m.: The “19/20” of France 3 in mind, record for “Who wants to win millions?” » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  89. Christophe Gazzano, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui and “C à vous” at the top, Camille Combal in front of Cyril Lignac, correct start for “c only kif” » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  90. Benjamin Meffre, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui Leader, Barthès increasing, Lemoine and Hanouna down » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  91. Christophe Gazzano, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui leader up, Camille Combal in front of Cyril Lignac, “C to you” powerful » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  92. Christophe Gazzano, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui Leader, “C to you” powerful, “who wants to win millions?” falling » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  93. Florian Guadalupe, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui leader in front of France 3, Common stronger than Lignac » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  94. Benoit Mandin, Do not forget the lyrics: the Maestro Maureen supplants Kévin, Nagui taunts TF1 and M6 » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  95. Christophe Gazzano, ACCESS 8 p.m. Audiences: Nagui Leader, good launch for Take it or leave it on C8 » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  96. Christophe Gazzano, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui a stable leader, “Who wants to win millions?” in good shape, “c that kif” at the lowest » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  97. Access audiences at 7 p.m.: “Don’t forget the words” Large leader, “C to you” above its average » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  98. Christophe Gazzano, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui leader in decrease, “Who wants to earn millions?” and “c that kif” at the lowest » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  99. Access audiences at 7 p.m.: “Do not forget the words” Large leader, Cyril Lignac powerful on targets » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  100. Benoit Mandin, Do not forget the lyrics: the maestro maureen brakes Camille Combal, Cyril Lignac turns red » , on Toutelatele.com (consulted the )
  101. Christophe Gazzano, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui Comfortable Leader, “Who wants to win millions?” and “c to you” in good shape » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  102. Christophe Gazzano, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui Leader down, Cyril Lignac Low, “C que kif darka” at the lowest » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  103. Christophe Gazzano, Access audiences at 7 pm: “Do not forget the words” Leader up, Camille Combal weak on TF1 » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  104. Christophe Gazzano, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui still leader, “c only kif” in good shape, “c to you” down » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  105. Christophe Gazzano, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: “Don’t forget the words” Stable leader, record for Camille Combal, Cyril Lignac at the lowest » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  106. Christophe Gazzano, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: The “national national” stronger than Nagui, Cyril Lignac slightly decrease » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  107. Christophe Gazzano, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui Good leader, Cyril Lignac at the lowest, “C to you” in good shape » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  108. Christophe Gazzano, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui leader ahead of Carole Gaessler, Cyril Lignac and Cyril Hanouna up » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  109. Christophe Gazzano, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: “Do not forget the words” Leader upwards, “C to you” and “all in the kitchen” progress » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  110. Kevin Boucher, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: “Do not forget the words” Leader, Camille Combale up, “C to you” in good shape » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  111. Florian Guadalupe, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui good leader, record for “c that kif”, “daily” (p1) in shape » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  112. Florian Guadalupe, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui Leader, Camille Combal down, “C to you” and “Daily” (P1) in good shape » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  113. Benjamin Meffre, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui Leader, Combal, Lignac, Lemoine and Hanouna up » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  114. Benjamin Meffre, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui Leader, “C to you” stable, “daily” in the million » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  115. Florian Guadalupe, Access audiences at 7 p.m.: Nagui still in the lead, record for Camille Combal, Cyril Lignac Stable for his last » , on ozap.com (consulted the )
  116. Gad Elmaleh – Who wants to make mass in mass on YouTube
  117. Vincent Dedienne plays “who wants to win millions” with Julie Gayet » , on MyTF1 (consulted the )

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