Wife of the President of the Italian Republic – Wikipedia


Companion of the President of the Italian Republic

Guide to the President of the Italian Republic
(it) Consort of the president of the
Italian republic
Image illustrative de l’article Épouse du président de la République italienne
Laura Mattarella
(as the daughter of the President of the Republic)

( 8 years and 3 months )

First holder Ida Einaudi
Official residence Palais du Quirinal (Rome)

L’ Guide to the President of the Italian Republic ( Consort of the President of the Italian Republic ) is a woman considered to be the “first lady” of Italy given the family or social bond which unites her to the Italian head of state.

Without political or constitutional prerogative, it can support the President of the Republic for official demonstrations and therefore has a protocol role in the country as abroad. It is also considered to be the hostess of the Palais du Quirinal, where she can reside.

The role of presidential companion is not necessarily attributed to the wife of the Head of State: indeed, if the latter had to be single or widower, a woman around her can be entrusted with the charge of accompanying him in the framework of its activities. From , Laura Mattarella therefore fulfills a duty of representation with her father, whose wife died in .

Enrico de Nicola, first chief of the republican state, was not married when he took office. We had to wait for the nomination of the former governor of the Bank of Italy, Luigi Einaudi, in 1948, to see the presence of a woman alongside the head of state, in the person of the Countess Ida Pellegrini, then nicknamed ” Ida woman »; The Einaudi couple was, moreover, the first presidential couple who lived at the Palais du Quirinal, the former residence of the Kings of Italy.

President Giovanni Gronchi was married to a twenty-five-year-old woman his youngest, Carla Bissatini; The latter, unlike the wife of the former president Einaudi, fully assumed his role as an official companion, regularly appearing alongside her husband, during official dinners and state visits.

During the short stay, from 1962 to 1964, from President Antonio Segni to Quirinal, the role of the head of state’s wife was more protocol, Laura Segni appeared only on the occasion of certain circumstances.


With the election of Giuseppe Saragat to the Presidency of the Republic, in 1964, it was a widower who took his marks to the Quirinal: indeed, his wife, Giuseppina died in 1962, consequently, it was the daughter of the president, Ernestina , which officially played the role of companion of the head of state during official ceremonies or presidential trips, although the latter preferred the shadow, as the wife of his father’s predecessor.

Giovanni Leone’s wife, Vittoria Micchitto, seemed to take advantage of the boom in televisions and the photographic press to assume her role as First Lady.

In 1978, Carla Voltolina Pertini, an old resistance fighter, seemed to want to flee her Status The wife of the President of the Republic, this one generally avoiding appearing regularly, contenting herself with fading behind the popularity of her husband, President Sandro Pertini. The presidential couple had also kept the use of their personal home, located against the Trevi fountain in Rome, without living in the presidential residence of the Quirinal.

The wife of Francesco CosSiga, Giuseppa, never appeared alongside her husband and refused to come to the Palais du Quirinal. Anyway, the couple had been living separated for several years. The divorce of the CosSiga spouses will also be pronounced in 1998, six years after the end of his seven -year term.

Like his distant predecessor Saragat, it was a widower who was elected president of the Republic, in 1992, in the person of Oscar Luigi Scalfaro; He lived, in fact, alone in the company of his daughter, Marianna, who, as a result, was as an official companion of the Head of State and lived in his company, in the presidential apartments of the Quirinal.

In 1999, Franca Pilla Ciampi intended to participate in the public debate, especially when she denounced the “stupid television programs” which reflected a bad model for youth.

In 2006, following the election of her husband, Giorgio Napolitano, at the Presidency of the Republic, Clio Maria Bittoni, former lawyer by profession, played the role of hostess of the Quirinal without seeking the notoriety that could have french ciampi . It should be noted that she is also the wife of the first re -elected president of Italian republican history, in the person of President Napolitano.

Since And the resignation of Giorgio Napolitano, this situation is vacant: the new President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, being a widower since 2012, is a single man who lives in the Quirinal, which had not happened since Oscar Luigi Scalfaro . It is her daughter, Laura, who occasionally accompanies the head of state when necessary.

  1. Giuseppe Saragat Fut Piazza Pontippina, South Engrisani, décédée in 1962, Deux Ans Avant Son électione a quirinal.
  2. The Overwarm Avpousers in Marina Nizitari (Arena, 1924 – Novara, 1944), Décedée LE , after giving birth to their only daughter, Marianna.
  3. Marisa Chiazzese, The Cleway Dengine Mattarella, Espiro Mattarella Creel and Moodarella, Eslédedée, Eth:
