Wikipedia: Bibliography/History of the Alps – Wikipedia


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Any new research starts from a first reconnaissance of the existing, largely represented by the studies already carried out and collected in monographs, collectible volumes, articles on periodicals or essays within the miscellaneous and catalogs of exhibitions.

The bibliography on the history of the Alps therefore wants to collect a series of titles to build a useful bibliographic base for those who want to inform about a certain topic. The bibliography must therefore be organized mainly for themes and subjects.

  • Dive you., Curuso C. (A Cura is), Elite culture and popular culture over the Alpine between five and seventeenth century , Caruso, Basel-Boston-Berlin, Birkauser Verlag, 1995, ISBN 3-7643-5258-2
  • Bätzing, Werner. The Alps: a unique region in the center of Europe , Italian edition by Fabrizio Bartaletti. Turin: Bollati Boringhieri, 2005 ISBN 88-339-1574-3
  • Bergier, Jean François. Alps crossed in the Alps lived: for an international and interdisciplinary cooperation project in the history of the Alps . IN FULERES / Stories’ Sarai Lell Alpi / Tale Depen the Alps », 1 (1996). [first] [ interrupted connection ]
  • Bergier, Jean François. Territory, economy and society in the history of the Alps . In Bergier, Jean François. For a history of the Alps, Middle Ages and modern times , Ashgate: Aldershot, 1997, pp. 1–72.
  • Bonoldi, Andrea. Leonardi, Andrea (edited by), Recovery and Development in the European Periphery (1945-1960) , Bologna, Berlin: Il Mulino, Duncker & Humblot, 2009, p. 129-161. – (Contributi /posts; 22). -ISBN 978-88-15-13540-7
  • Bonoldi, Andrea. Leonardi, Andrea (edited by), The economic rebirth of Europe. The Marshall Plan and its reflections on the Alpine area , Milan: FrancoAngeli, 2006, 243 p. – (Territory Geusteria; 616/6). -ISBN 978-88-464-7603-6
  • Bonoldi, Andrea. Leonardi, Andrea (edited by), Energy and development in the Alpine area: XIX-XX centuries , Milan: Franco Angeli, 2004, p. 217-240 -(Territory Geusteria; 3). -ISBN 88-464-5642-4.
  • Cotrao (Western Alps Work Community), Man and Alps . Greenoble Glenat, 1992 ISBN 2-7234-1590-2
  • Dumont, Gérard François – Zurfluh, Anselm (Popular of), The Alpine Arc: history and geopolitical of a European space . Paris, Economic, 1998 ISBN 2-7178-3552-0
  • Grange, Daniel J. (dir.). Alpine space and modernity: assessments and perspectives at the turn of the century . Grenoble Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 2002 ISBN 2-7061-0951-3
  • History of the Alps. New perspectives . Basel 1979 (special issue of the Swiss history review ).
  • The invention of tradition in the Alpine arc. Territorial and cultural identities , Proceedings of the Conference Territorial Identity and Political Culture in the early Modern Age, Italian-Germanic Institute, Trento 10-12 April, Bologna, Il Mulino 1998.
  • Jalla, Daniele (edited by), Gli uomini e alpi / men and Alps , Turin, Piedmont Region 1991, pp. 179–206. ISBN 88-7678-071-8
  • Leonardi, Andrea. Strong and weak areas in the development of the Alpine mountains . Proceedings of the conference local identities and interdependencies between strong and weak areas in economic development and in the socio-cultural transformations of the Alpine area between 18. and 20. Century. Trento: University of Studies, 2001 ISBN 88-8443-007-0
  • Lazzarini, Antonio and Amantia, Agostino, The “mountain” question in Veneto and Friuli between the eight and twentieth centuries. Perceptions, analysis, interventions , Belluno historical institute of resistance and contemporary age, Belluno, 2005.
  • Mathieu, Jon. “The perception of the Alps: problems of historical periodization.” Memory and research. Contemporary history magazine 19 (2005): 13-29.
  • Mathieu, Jon. “Mountain history: the Alps and the Andes in a long -term perspective.” Colombian Yearbook of Social History and Culture 32 (2005): 277-292.
  • Matms, Markus (EIFT.). Mountain economies and companies . Basel: 1986 ( Trips , fasc. 5/&).
  • Merzario, Raul. The narrow country: marriage strategies in the diocese of Como, 16-18 centuries . Turin Einaudi, 1981
  • Merzario, Raul. Anastasia, or the malice of men: social relationships and birth control in a Ticinese village, 1650-1750 . Rome-Bari, Laterza, 1992. ISBN 88-420-4053-3
  • Merzario, Raul. Adamocracy: families of emigrants in an alpine region, Italian Switzerland, 18. Century . Bologna, Il Mulino, 2000 ISBN 88-15-07756-1
  • Mocarelli, Luca. “A budget. Lower high-terre lands: a story of disparity? “. in History of the Alps , 17th, 16ths (2012), PP. 245-249.
  • Known, Sergio (edited by). The Aosta Valley and Europe , Florence, Olschki, 2008.
  • Shepherd, Alessandro. “Speaking of the origins of the Alpine Museums”, Ticinese historical archive , 141 (2007), pp. 133–141.
  • Score P., Gubert R., Balboni, E. (edited by), Autonomy and local administration in the Alpine area , Milan, Jaca Book 1988
  • Viazzo, Pier Paolo: Alpine community. Environment, population, social structure in the Alps from the 16th century to today . Carocci, Rome, 2. ed. 2001. ISBN 88-430-2023-4.
  • Veyret, Paul., & Veyret, Germaine. In the heart of Europe: the Alps . Paris: Flammarion, 1967.
  • Veyret, Paul. Alps . Paris: PUF, 1972.
  • Woolf, Stuart J. and Amantia A. (edited by). Regional identities in the Alps , Belluno: Cierre 1999, pp. 49–69.

Regional studies [ Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Bergier, Jean François. Geneva and the European Renaissance economy . Paris: S.E.V.P.E.N., 1963
  • Bonolddi, Andrea. Cau, M., The Trentino territory in European history IV. The contemporary age , FBK Press, 2011, 263 p. – ISBN 978-88-905389-4-0
  • Bonoldi, Andrea. Denzel, Markus (edited by), Bozen in the Messet network (17th-19th centuries) / Bolzano Nel Sistema Fieristico Europeo (Secc. XVII-XIX) , Bolzano Athesia, 2007, 235 p. – ISBN 978-88-8266-443-5
  • Bonoldi, Andrea. “A Farewell to Marginality. Development Paths in the Italian Alpine Provinces since World War II.” in A. Bonoldi, A. Leonardi (a cura di), Recovery and Development in the European Periphery (1945-1960) , Bologna, Berlin: Il Mulino, Duncker & Humblot, 2009, p. 129-161. – (Contributi /posts; 22). -ISBN 978-88-15-13540-7
  • Bonoldi, Andrea. “Energy, industry and national politics: the economy of South Tyrol between the two wars” in A. Bonoldi, H. Obermair (edited by), Tra Roma E Bolzano: Nazione E Provincia Nel Ventennio Fascista = between Rome and Bozen: State and Province in Italian fascism , Bolzano: Città di Bolzano, 2006, p. 43-55. -ISBN 88-901870-9-3
  • Bonoldi, Andrea. “The economic recovery in the Alpine area after the Second World War: some comparisons” in The dilemma of integration. The inclusion of the Italian economy in the western system (1945-1957) , edited by A. Cova, Milan: Franco Angeli, 2008, p. 46-68 -(History of society, economy and institutions; 24). -ISBN 978-88-464-9031-5
  • Bonoldi, Andrea. “Via Nazionale and the reconstruction: aspects of the economy and Italian economic policy of the second post -war period in the documents of the historic archive of the Bank of Italy” in M. Cau (edited by), De Gasperi and Adenauer: the challenge of reconstruction (1945-1951) , Bologna: Il Mulino, 2011, p. 173-195. -ISBN 978-88-15-14688-5
  • Ceshes, Raffaele. (the care of), History of Canton Ticino , full. 2, 2, The nineteenth century It is The twentieth century , Bellinzona 1998 ISBN 88-7713-278-7
  • Devos, Roger. Savoyard life and popular traditions , Lyon 1991.
  • Fornasin, Alessio. Street vendors, craftsmen and merchants. Emigration from Carnia in the modern age , Verona: Closing, 1998 ISBN 88-8314-003-6
  • Leonardi, Andrea. “The economic dynamics of an alpine valley over the past two centuries” in H. Obermair, S. Rissse, C. Romeo (edited by), Regional Zivilgesellschaft in Bewegung. Citizens first of all , Vienna – Bozen: Folio Verlag, 2012, p. 237-271. ISBN 978-3-85256-618-4
  • Leonardi, Andrea. “” Great deflation “and mass exodus from the Habsburg monarchy. The Tyrolean case” in Acts of the Occeretana Academy of the Agiati. Class of human sciences, letters and limbs v. 260 Ser.viii, Vol. X, n. fasc.II (2011), p. 39-64.
  • Leonardi, Andrea. “Chamber of Commerce of Trento: 160 years of history. The chamber body in the process of development of the Trentino economy” in Trentino economy , v. Lviv – n. 2/3, (2011), p. 52-65.
  • Leonardi, Andrea. “The economic physiognomy of Valsugana during the 19th century” in The historical routes of Valsugana , Castel Ivano: Castel Ivano Incontri, 2003, p. 538-566.
  • Leonardi, Andrea. “Economic policy and slow modernization in the Austrian Alpenländer in the 19th century” in F. Piola Caselli (edited by), Alpine regions and economic development: dualisms and integration processes (Secc. XVIII-XX), Milan: Franco Angeli, 2003 , p. 281-317. -ISBN 88-464-4350-0
  • Lombardi, G. (the care of), Participation and autonomy in the territoriality of the western Alpine area , Milan Angeli 1988, pp. 61–75.
  • Lorenzetti, Luigi. Peripheral destinies. Modernization, resources and markets in Ticino, Valtellina and Vallese, 1850-1930. , Udine 2010, 261 pp.
  • Mathieu, Jon. The third dimension. A comparative history of the mountains in modern times. Basel 2011 (2nd edition 2012).
  • Mathieu, Jon. An agricultural history of the inner Alps. Graubünden, Ticino, Valais 1500–1800 . Zurich: Chronos 1992, 367 pages (additional edition 1992).
  • Mathieu, Jon. Farmers and bears. A story of the lower engrable from 1650 to 1800. Chur: Octopus 1987, 358 pages (2nd edition 1987, 3rd edition 1994).
  • Marelli, Luca. (the care of) Between identity and integration. Lombardy in the Alpine Macroregione of European economic development (XVII-XX centuries) , Milan, FrancoAngeli, 2002. ISBN 88-464-3627-X
  • Pellegrini, Marco. Materials for a climate history in the Lombard Alps during the last five centuries . In “Ticinese historical archive”, 55-56 (1973), pp. 136–278.
  • Viallet, Hélène. The mountain pastures and the life of a mountain community: Beaufort from the Middle Ages in the 18th century . Memoirs and documents published by the Saléesian Academy, t. 96, 1993.

History of Trentino, South Tyrol and Tyrol [ Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Leonardi, Andrea, “from the domain of the primary to the affirmation of the tertiary sector”, in The Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol region in the twentieth century , 2. Economy. The trajectories of development , edited by Andrea Leonardi, Trento: Trentino Historical Museum Foundation, 2009, p. 7-52. – (Grenzen/borders; 4/2). -ISBN 978-88-7197-121-6
  • Leonardi, Andrea (edited by), The Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol region in the twentieth century , 2. Economy. The trajectories of development , Trento: Trentino Historical Museum Foundation, 2009, p. 7-52. – (Grenzen/borders; 4/2). -ISBN 978-88-7197-121-6
  • Bonoldi, Andrea. “Between delay and development: aspects of the economy of Trentino Alto Adige in the second post -war period”, in The economic rebirth of Europe. The Marshall Plan and the Alpine Area , edited by A. Bonoldi, A. Leonardi, Milan: Franco Angeli, 2006, p. 195-220 – (Territory Geusteria; 616/6). -ISBN 978-88-464-7603-6.
  • Leonardi, Andrea. “The economic structure of the Trentino-Tirolese area at the sunset of the Ancien Régime”, in M. Bellabarba, E. Forster, H. Heiss, A. Leonardi, B. Mazohl (edited by), Elites in Tyrol between Ancien Régime and Vormärz. Le élites in Tirolo Tra Antico Regime E Vormärz , Innsbruck, Vienna, Bozen: Studienverlag, 2010, p. 201-220. – (Publications of the South Tyrolean State Archives; 31). -ISBN 978-3-7065-4989-9.
  • Leonardi, Andrea. “The Borsician Krach of 1873 and its reflections on the economy of Italian Tyrol”, in Thirty thousand ‘Tyroleans’ in Brazil , edited by R.M. Grosselli, Trento: Trentino-Alto Adige /Südtirol, 2005, p. 59-95
  • Leonardi, Andrea. Pombeni, p. (the care of), History of Trentino , We, The contemporary age . The twentieth century , Bologna: Il Mulino, 2005, 878 p. – (History of Trentino; VI). -ISBN 88-15-10905-6
  • Leonardi, Andrea. Garbari, M. (edited by), “History of Trentino. The contemporary age: 1803-1918”, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2003, 999 p. – (History of Trentino; V). -ISBN 88-15-09578-0
  • Leonardi, Andrea. “From the primacy of agriculture to that of the tertiary sector. The Trentino economy from the 1950s to the eighties”, in Trentino art of the 1900s. 1950 – 1975 , edited by M. Scudiero, Trento: Autonomous Province of Trento. Council, 2001, p. 26-32
  • Leonardi, Andrea. The economy of an alpine region. The economic transformations of the last two centuries in the Trentino-Tirolese area , Trento: Auto, 1996, 381 p.
  • Leonardi, Andrea. “The Valle di Fassa between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: economic situation and aspects of social life”, in Ladin world v. 8, n. 1-2 (1984), p. 11-45.

History of the Aosta Valley [ Modifica Wikitesto ]

Strong stretch of the Consular Way of the Gallie to Donnas
  • ( FR ) Augusta Vittoria Cerutti, The country of the Deire and its people Musumeci editor, Aosta
  • ( FR ) Bernard fetus, The Val d’Aosta. Tradition and renewal Musumeci editor, Aosta (1976)
  • ( FR ) Lin Colliard, Valdôtaine culture over the centuries ed. Itla, aosta
  • ( IT ) Aimé-Pierre frutaz, Sources for the history of the Aosta Valley Ed. History and literature of literature, romana (1966). Réédition en 1997
  • ( FR ) Father Joseph-Marie Henry, Popular religious and civil history of the Aosta Valley . Marguerettaz Imprimerie, Aosta (1929) Reissue in 1967.
  • ( FR ) Jean-Martin-Félix Orsières, History of the Pays d’Aosta: followed by the topography of this country and a notice on the ancient monuments it contains Posted by D. Lyboz, (1839).
  • ( IT ) ELIO RICARAND, History of the Aosta Contemporary Valley (1919-1945) , Aosta pens (2000)
  • ( FR ) Alessandro Celi, Biography of a region. The Aosta Valley , Le Château Éditions, Aosta, 2004.
  • ( FR ) Jean-Baptiste de Tillier History of the Aosta Valley (Unpublished manuscript of the year 1742). Sylvain Lucat. Louis Mensio printer-editor, Aosta, 1887.
  • ( FR ) Jean-Claude Mochet, Historical and diagram profile of the very ancient city of Aouste , Aosta (regional historical archives), 1968.
  • Cuaz, Marco. “The Aosta Valley between five and eighteenth centuries in the historiography of the last twenty years”, in Subalpine bibliographic historic bulletin , 1978, pp. 629–641.
  • Cuaz, Marco. The Aosta Valley and its history , Aosta: Rai, 1991.
  • Cuaz, Marco. “The Aosta Valley between Savoy States and Kingdom of Italy (1935-1914)”, in The Aosta Valley , edited by Stuart J. Woolf, Turin: Einaudi 1995, pp. 265–362.
  • Cuaz, Marco. At the roots of an identity. Valley history studies , Aosta: Le Château, 1996.
  • André Zanotto, History of the Aosta Valley , Quarus: Musume, 2000. ISBN 88-7032-470-2
  • Aliprandi, Laura. & Aliprandi, Giorgio, The great Alps in the cartography, 1482-1885 , vol. 1: History of Alpine cartography , Ivrea: Priuli & Verlucca, 2005 ISBN 88-8068-278-4
  • Aliprandi, Laura. & Aliprandi, Giorgio. Alpine cartography in Tommaso Borgonio’s work: the Royal Madama Charter of 1680 and his re -edition of 1772 , Estr. From: “Imago et Mensura Mundi”, Acts of the 9th International Congress of Cartography History, edited by Carla Clivio Marzoli, with the collaboration of Giacomo Corna Pellegrini and Gaetano Ferro, A. 1985, Volume 1,1985, pp. 135–146.
  • Barcells, peaks. Cultural parallels between the Aosta Valley and the Vallere in prehistory. Aosta: [S.N.], 1956.
  • BROC, NO. Mountains in the century of light: perception and representation . PARIS EDITIONS YOU CAN CTHS, 1991 ISBN 2-7355-028-7
  • Cuaz, Marco. “Representations of the Aosta Valley at the Torinese Corte (1560-1860)”, in The Valley of Aosta in the scene. Mapping and art of Gotto , Milan 24 Ore Culture 2011, pp. 15–23.

Frontiere alpine [ Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Bagnato, Andrea, Ferrari, Marco and Pasqual, Elisa. A Moving Border: Alpine Cartographies of Climate Change . New York: Columbia Books on Architecture and the City, 2019. ISBN 978-1-941332-45-0.
  • Bergier, Jean François. The Alps, separation and union of Europe . In The San Gottardo and Europe: Genesis of a Alpine railway, 1882-1982 . Bellinzona A. Salvioni, 1983.
  • Cerutti, Augusta Vittoria. Cartography and borders of the Western Alps: from the 2. century to 20. century . Exhibition presented to the public on the occasion of the international conference L’Effé border in the Alps, St. Vincent, 24-25-26 October 1988, Aosta: Musumeci 1988.
  • Comols, Vera – Very, Françoise & Bascoli, vimma – The Alps: History and prospects of a border territory . Torino: Celid, 1997 ISBN 88-7661-274-2
  • Cuaz, Marco. “The Aosta Valley: a border identity between Italy, Europe and ethnonationalisms”, in Other Italie. National identities and regions with special statutes , the cure of Gascare Nevola, Rome Carocci 2003, PP. 1-18.
  • Guichonnet, Paul. & Raffestin, Claude. Border geography . Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1974.
  • Kezich, Giovanni and Viazzo, Pier Paolo. “The hiding boundary” revised. Ecology, Economia, Eatnicism Awnish Hinduk alpino , San Michele Alla Adige: 1993.
  • Laurenti, Martino. “Confine lands. Perosa between French domination and Sabauda in the first half of the seventeenth century “. Subalpine historical-bibliographic bulletin , Civ City (2006), pp. 271-340.
  • Laurenti, Martino. “Political borders and religious borders in the western Alps (16th and 17th centuries).” Dans O. Jané Checa, Q. Solé (at Care Di), Observe the borders, see the world , Barcelona, ​​Editorial Affairs, 2011, p. 177-194.
  • Mathieu, J. “Alps, ecology, ethnicity: some observations of a historian.” In: “The hiding boundary” revised. Ecology, Economia, Eatnicism Awnish Hinduk alpino , edited by Giovanni Kezich, Pier Paolo Viazzo, 69–73. San Michele Alla Adige: 1993.
  • Palluel-Guillard, André & Sorrel, Christian. Frontieres, contacts, Exchanges: Melanges offered to André Palluel-Guillard . Chambery: Savoise Societe of History and Archeology, 2002
  • Shepherd, Alessandro. “Warriors of the faith in the Alps. Border missions (XVI-XVIII centuries)”, in For Adriano Prosperi. The faith of Italians , edited by G. Dall’Olio, A. Malena, P. Scaramella, 2011, pp. 347–356.
  • Raffestin, Claude. & Guichonnet, Paul. Hussy, Jocelyne. Frontieres and Societes: the Franco-Genevois case . Lausanne: editions of the age of man, 1975.
  • Romano, R. The Canton Ticino: the difficult position of a land poised between integration and isolation (1798–1914) . I am In: marelli (the care of), Between identity and integration. Lombardy in the Alpine Macroregione of European economic development (XVII-XX centuries) , Milan, FrancoAngeli, 2002, pp. 220–221. ISBN 88-464-3627-X
  • Baratier, Edouard. Provencale demography from 13. to 16. Central: with comparison figures for the 18th century . Paris: SEVPEN, 1961.
  • BODO, Marianchiola. & Viazzazzo, Pier Paolo. Notes of Historical Demography from Aosta Valley: the Lys valley between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries , in The Aosta Valley and Europe , edited by Sergio Noto, Florence, Olschki, 2008, pp. 333–385.
  • Braun, Rudolf. ‘Proto-industrialization and Demographic Changes in the Canton of Zurich’, in Charles Tilly, ed., Historical Studies of Changing Fertility (Princeton, 1978), pp. 289-334.
  • Dubuis, Pierre. Demography and settlement in the diocese of Zion in the Middle Ages . In History of the Alps. New perspectives (1979), pp. 144-158.
  • Dubuis, Pierre. Alpine demography at the low Middle Ages: problems of sources and methods. The example of the parish of ruts . “Annales Valaisannes” (1984), pp. 87–108.
  • Dubuis, Pierre. The lively, the dead and the short time: Valais families 1400-1550 . Lausanne University, 1995 ISBN 2-940110-06-9
  • Dubuis, Pierre. The game of life and death: the population of Valais 14.-16. s. . Lausanne University of Lausanne, 1994 ISBN 2-940110-03-4
  • Dubuis, Pierre. An alpine economy at the end of the Middle Ages: Orsieres, Entremont and neighboring regions . Sion Vallesia, 1990, Voll. 2, SPEC. Vol I.
  • Fornasin, Alessio. Zannini, Andrea. Men and Community of the Mountains: Paradigms and specificity of the population of the mountain space (16th centuries. . Udine Forum, 2002. ISBN 88-8420-069-5
  • Fornasin, Alessio. “Determinants of territorial exogamy in Friuli (north-east Italy) in the second half of the nineteenth century”, Journal of Biosocial Science , 43 (2011) 4, pp. 453–467.
  • Fornasin, Alessio. “The population of hilly fiefdoms in the modern age. First research guidelines ”, in Fief and community. Friuli hilly from the medieval age to the Napoleonic age , standing for L. Cargnelutti, Udine, FORM, 2011, pp. 117-129.
  • Gazzi, Daniele and Zannini, Andrea. Peasants, emigrants, “colos”. Between the Venetian Prealps and Southern Brazil: History and Demography, 1780-1910 , Edizioni Fondazione Benetton Studies Research / Canova, Treviso, 2003, 2 Tomi.
  • Zurfluh, Anselm: An Alpine population in the Confederation: Uri in the 17th-18th-centuries , Paris: Economic, 1988.
  • Lorenzetti, Luigi. Child and youth mortality and seasonal phenomena in Ticino at the beginning of the nineteenth century , in Cards that live. Studies in honor of Don Giuseppe Gallizia ,, I swear the. 2033–22
  • Lorenzetti, Luigi. “Demographic behaviors in Ticino 1850-1910. Models and problems. ” Ticinese historical archive 116 (1994): 191-214.
  • Lorenzetti, Luigi. “Seasonal rhythms in the Italian Alps and the French Jura, 18th-19th century.” In: Permanences and changes in Alpine companies. State of inventory and research prospects , Sous la dir. de G. Boëtsch, W. Devriendt, A. Piguel, Aix-en-Provence, 2003, p. 113-125.
  • Lorenzetti, Luigi. “Transition of mortality and demographic regulation: the Swiss Alps from 1880 to 1910.” In: Population and history 2 (2002): 17-35.
  • Lorenzetti, Luigi. MEFFRE, Véronique. “The health transition in the Swiss Alps: demographic aspects of delay (1880-1920).” In: History des Apes – Storia Delleb Alpi – Stories the Alps , 10 (2005), p. 233-250.
  • Lorenzetti, Luigi. “Modernization and demographic changes in the Alpine world, 1870-1930.”, In: Clio’s satchel , 8 (2008), p. 35-42.
  • Lorenzini, Claudio. “For a history of the population of the Pyvings of Aenemonzo and Socchieve between six and nineteenth centuries. First notes ”, in Notebooks of the Association of Carnia Friends of Museums and Art , 12-13 (2007-2008), pp. 63-87.
  • Sabean David Warren, Tescher Simon, Mathieu Jon. Kinship in Europe. Approaches to Long-Term Development (1300-1900) . New York-oxford, berghahn books, 2007, 336 pp. ISBN 1-84545-288-7 ISBN 978-1-84545-288-9 Hardback
  • Viazzo, Pier Paolo. The problem of demographic balance in the mountains. Born born, wedding and emigration in the alpine area between the mid -18th and the end of the nineteenth century . In: Smell 7/8 (1988), pp. 88–97.
  • Viazzo, Pier Paolo. Infant mortality alpine models , in Annals of historical demography , 1994, pp. 97-117.
  • Viazzo, Pier Paolo. The demographic evolution of the Italian Alps in the modern age: general trends and local variations , in soul rates. On the population history of the Alpine countries (“Publications of the Research Institute on the History of the Alpine Room”, Volume 7), Ed. P. Ladner E G. Imboden, Brig, Rotten-Verlag, 2003, pp. 1-27.
  • Viazzo, Pier Paolo. Review of a critical case: the regulatory role of wedding in the Alpine region , in Population and history , 6 (2), 2005, pp. 13-31.
  • Viazzo, Pier Paolo. The Walser communities of Monte Rosa between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: Demography, Economy and Migration , in From mountain to mountain. Mobility and internal migrations in the Italian Alps (XVII-XIX centuries) , edited by P.P. Viazzo and R. Cerri, Alagna & Magenta, Edizioni Zeisciu Centro Studi, 2009, pp. 65-83.

History of the family [ Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Deouet B., Lorenzetti L., Mathieu J (Ed). Trips , 29 (2010). Family practices and mountain societies (XVI-XX century).
  • Gazzi, D. and Zannini, Andrea. “Baltic income and social integration of the complaints in a mountain community (19th century).” In “Benedict who takes you, cursed who sends you.” Childhood abandoned in the Triveneto (XV-XIX centuries) , edited by Casimira Grandi, 84-100. Treviso: Edizioni Fondazione Benetton Studi Research/Canova, 1997.
  • Lorenzetti, Luigi. Merzario Raul. The fire on. Alpine families and migrations in Italy of modern age , Rome, Donzelli Editore, 2005. XII, 194 p. (coll. Essays. History and social sciences).
  • Lorenzetti, Luigi. “Patent behaviors, family strategies and social reproduction in the Ticino area (XVIII-XIX Secc.).” Society and history 92 (2001): 257-279.
  • Lorenzetti, luigi. “Cycle de vie and margé immobilier. The Exemment of Bellinzone Region (Tessino) a Xixe siècle. In: Migration, family life cycle & labor market , A Cura di D. Barjot E O. Faron: 373-392. Paris: Book of the Annals of Historical Demography, 2002.
  • Lorenzetti, Luigi. “The resistance of customs: the” Ticinese “family between laws and subsequent practices.” In: Historical Bulletin of Italian Switzerland 105 (2002): 189-209.
  • Lorenzetti, Luigi. “From systems to practices. Family, family relationships and domestic organization in the Italian Alps (16th-19th centuries). ” Trips , 29 (2010): 151-172. ( Family practices and mountain societies (XVI-XX century). Under the dir. de B. Derouet, L. Lorenzetti and J. Mathieu).
  • Lorenzetti, Luigi. “Market control, families and entrepreneurial forms between the Southalpine merchant elites from the end of the sixteenth century to the eighteenth century.” in: The economic role of the family. Secc. XIII-XVIII , Acts of the forty week of studies, 6-10 April 2008, edited by S. Cavaciocchi, Florence 2009, p. 517-526.
  • Matthieu, Jon. “From Ecotypes to Sociotypes. Peasant Household and State-Building in the Alps, Sixteenth-Nineteenth Centuries.” The History of the Family. An International Quarterly 5 (2000): 55-74.

Alpine migrations [ Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Tuesday, Dionigi, “The Alpine emigrant: for a less static approach to space mobility”, in: Daniele Jalla (edited by). Gli uomini e alpi / men and Alps , Turin 1991, pp. 179-206.
  • Aime, Marco. Allovio, Stefano & Viazzo, Pier Paolo. The two slopes of the mountain. Forms and changes in mobility in Roaschia (Gesso Valley) , History of the Alps , 6, 2001, pp. 181-194.
  • Binasco, Matteo. Migrations in the Mediterranean world during the modern age. The Italian historiographic case-studio . in Rhymes. Journal of the Institute of History of Mediterranean Europe , n. 6, June 2011, ISSN 2035-794x, pp. 45-113 Online [2] [ interrupted connection ] .
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  • Leonardi, Andrea. “The South Tyrolean industry of beer between 19th and 20th centuries in the context of Italian production” in Agrifood industries in Italy and Spain during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries , Cure Di A. Di Vittorio, C. Barciela Lopez, Alicante: Universidad de Alicante, 2003, p. 25-50.
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  • Leonardi, Andrea. “The Alpine Arc and the Industrial Revolution” in The Alpine Arc. History and geopolitical of a European space , On the RoC ‘by G. Dumont, A. Zurfhich, Paris, Zürich: Economic, Theres, 1998, P. 62-78. – isbn 2-7178-3552-0
  • Leonardi, Andrea. “The industrial district in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: an uncertain identity” in The streets of European industrialization. Systems compared , edited by G. Fontana, Bologna: Il Mulino, 1997, p. 571-596. -ISBN 88-15-05724-2
  • Bonoldi, Andrea. “Organizations and tourism development: the Tyrolean experience (1870-1914)”, in Tourism and development in the Alpine region / Turismo e Sviluppo in Area Alpina , A Cura di Andrea Leonardi e Hans Heiss, Innsbruck-Wien-Bozen-München, Studienverlag, 2003, p. 385-411. -ISBN 3-7065-1833-3
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  • Leonardi, Andrea. “Entrepreneurial mobility in the development of the Austrian Kurorte in the nineteenth century” in Journal of tourism history , v. Vol. 2, n. n.2 (2010), p. 99-116.
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  • Leonardi, Andrea. “The transformations of the model of tourism development between Belle époque and economic miracle: the case of Trentino”, in Tourism and cities between the 18th and twentieth centuries. Italy and Spain compared , edited by P. Battilani, D. Stragio, Milan: Franco Angeli, 2007, p. 187-210.
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  • Leonardi, Andrea. “The culture of hospitality in the southern Alps: 19th-20th century” in Human regions company , A Cura di H. Alexander, E. Dietrich-Daum, W. Meixner, Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press, 2006, p. 125-140. -ISBN 3-902571-00-4
  • Leonardi, Andrea. “The resumption of the tourist offer after the second post-war period: alpine tourism towards a new take-off”, in The economic rebirth of Europe. The Marshall Plan and its reflections on the Alpine area , edited by A. Bonoldi, A. Leonardi, Milan: Franco Angeli, 2006, p. 161-194.
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  • Leonardi, Andrea. “Introduzione = introduction” in Tourism and development in the Alpine region 18-20. Century = Turismo e Sviluppo in Area Alpina. Secoli XVIII – XX , A Cura di A. Leonardi e H. Heiss, Innsbruck [etc.]: Student publisher, 2003, p. 9-21. – (Tourism & Museum; 1). -ISBN 3-7065-1833-3
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  • Leonardi, Andrea. “Tourism and economic modernization in the Austrian Alpine Area: analysis of some qualitative and quantitative indicators”, in Tourism and development in the Alpine region 18-20. Century = Turismo e Sviluppo in Area Alpina: Secoli XVIII – XX , A Cura di A. Leonardi, H. Heiss, Innsbruck: Studienverlag, 2003, p. 227-280. – (Tourism & Museum; 1). -ISBN 3-7065-1833-3-
  • Leonardi, Andrea. “The economic importance of Kurorte in the development of Austrian tourism”, in The place of care in the sunset of the Habsburg monarchy , edited by P. Prodi and A. Wandruszka, Bologna: Il Mulino, 1996, p. 173-218. -ISBN 88-15-05536-3
  • Cafaro, Pietro. Bonoldi, Andrea. “The computer accommodation of the historical archive of the Cassa di Risparmio di Trento and Rovereto” in The documentation for the study of savings coffers , edited by Andrea Leonardi, Rovereto: Academy Roveretana degli Agiati, 1997, p. 69-87 -(Memories).
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  • Leonardi, Andrea. Lorandini, Cinzia. A bank for regional development. Half a century of activity of the mediocredit Trentino-Alto Adige , Rome; Bari: Laterza, 2012, 528 p. – (History of banks in Italy). -ISBN 978-88-420-9920-8
  • Leonardi, Andrea. “The alternate fortunes of credit intermediaries” in The Trentino-Alto Adige / Südtirol region in the twentieth century , 2. Economy. The trajectories of development , edited by A. Leonardi, Trento: Trentino Historical Museum Foundation, 2009, p. 245-260. – (Grenzen/borders; 4/2). -ISBN 978-88-7197-121-6
  • Leonardi, Andrea. “Balance sheet instabilities in the credit institutions of the ‘new provinces’ after the First World War” in Alpine world: local identities and forms of integration in economic development: XVIII-XX centuries , edited by P. Cafaro and G. Scaramellini, Milan: Franco Angeli, 2003, p. 161-178. – (Territory Geusteria; 616/1)
  • Leonardi, Andrea. “From charity to solidarity mutualism: the cooperative experience of F. W. Raiffeisen and his first reflections in Italy” in Poverty and institutional innovations in Italy. From the Middle Ages to today edited by V. Zamagni, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2000, p. 551-583. -ISBN 88-15-07669-7
  • Leonardi, Andrea. Savings and credit in a border region , Rome; Bari: Laterza, 2000, 661 p. – (History of banks in Italy). -ISBN 88-420-6275-8
  • Leonardi, Andrea. “The characteristics underlying the birth of the Cassa di Risparmio in a border region: the Cassa di Risparmio di Trento and Rovereto”, in The documentation for the study of savings coffers , edited by A. Leonardi, Rovereto (TN): Roveretana Academia degli Agiati, 1997, p. 145-162.
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  • Lorandini, Cinzia. “The Salvadori archive: a source for the history of the economy and the Trentino company”, in Trentini studies. History , v. 92, n. 1 (2013), p. 249-260.
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  • Leonardi, Andrea. “Introduction: the Viennese archives between Mitteleuropa and Mediterranean area. Die Wiener Archive Zwischen Mitteleuropa und Mittelmeraum”, in Annals of the Italian-German Historical Institute in Trento v. 2006, n. 32 (2007), p. 441-448.
