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Portrait of Galileo Galilei At Justus Sistermans (National Maritime Museum in Greenwich)

This item presents a partial Bibliography on Galileo Galilei , divided by categories and in chronological order.

Bibliographic repertoires [ Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Alaric Carli and Antonio Favaro, Bibliography Galileiane Dal 1586 of 1895 , Rome-Florence, tip. De Fratelli Bencini, 1896.
  • Antonio Favaro, Scritture Galileian apocrypha , in Bibliography bulletin and history of mathematical sciences , April-May-June 1917, pp. 35-43.
  • Giuseppe Boffito, Galileian Bibliography 1896-1940 , Rome, IPzs-Libreria of the State, 1943.
  • Angiolo I procured, New Galilean bibliographic research , Bologna, Nicola Zanichelli Editore, 1950.
  • Elio Gentili, Galileian bibliography between the two centenarians (1942-1964), archiepiscopal seminary , Venegono Inferiore (VA), Edizioni La School Cattolica, 1966.
  • Ernan mcmullin, Galileo, Man of Science , New York, Basic Books, Inc, 1967.
    • Ernan mcmullin, Galileian Bibliography 1940-1964 Pp. 1-69.
    • Ernan mcmullin, Addenda to the Carli-Favaro (1564-1895) and Boffito (1896-1940) Galilean bibliographies Pp. 70-09.
  • Giovanni Montanari, Galilean cards of the Gherardi Fund of the Trisi Library of Lugo , vol. 35, Bologna, Romagnoli Studies, 1984.
  • Maurizio Torrini, The Library of Galilei and the Galileians , in Intersections , vol. 3, Bologna, December 2001, pp. 545-558.
  • Galileian International Bibliography . are . It collects the reports of the previous bibliographies by integrating them with the data of the following years up to the current bibliography.
  • Galileo Library . are . It includes the works that belonged to the private library of Galileo as reconstructed by A. Favaro.

On life, the environment, the context [ Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Vincenzo Viviani, “hysterical story of Galileo’s life” (1654), in: Galileo Galilei’s works , National edition, vol. 19, pp. 597-630.
  • “Life written by Niccolò Gherardini” (c. 1654), in: Galileo Galilei’s works , National edition, vol. 19, pp. 633-646.
  • Antonio Favaro, Galileo Galilei and the Padua studio , 2 vols., Florence, successors Le Monnier, 1883 (work reprinted by Editrice Antenore, Padua, 1966).
  • Alfredo Agostini Venerosi della Seta, On the house where Galileo Galilei was born: two unpublished documents , Pisa, tip. Cav. F. Mariotti, 1893.
  • Antonio Banfi, Life of Galileo Galilei , Milan, “La Cultura” editions, 1930 (new edition published by Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore, Milan, 1962).
  • Antonio Aliotta, Clelio Carbonara, Galilei , Milan, Bocca Editori brothers, 1949.
  • Pio Paschini, Life and works by Galileo Galilei , 2 vols., Vatican city, Herder publishing house, 1965.
  • Arthur Koestler, Sonnambuli. History of the conceptions of the universe , Milan, Editrice Jaca Book, 1982 (2nd ed., 1991).
  • William F. Edwards, “Paduan Aristotelianism and the Origin of Modern Theories of Method”, in: Luigi Olivieri (a cura di), Veneto Aristotelianism and modern science , 2 vols., Padua, Antenore Edizioni, 1983, vol. 1, pp. 206-220.
  • Ugo Baldini, Galileo Galilei , in Biographical Dictionary of Italians , Rome, Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia. URL consulted on July 3, 2019 .
  • Enrico Bellone, Galileo – The life and works of a restless mind , Rome, Edizioni Le Scienze, 1998.
  • James Reston, Galileo , Casale Monferrato (AL), Edizioni Piemme, 2001.
  • Michele Camerota, Galileo Galilei and scientific culture in the age of the Counter -Reformation , Rome, Salerno Editrice, 2004.
  • Ippolito Nievo, Youth dramas. Emanuele and the last years of Galileo Galilei , edited by Maurizio Bertolotti, Venice, Marsilio Editori, 2006.
  • Sandro Spreafico (edited by), Science, Consciousness and History in the ‘Galilei case’ , Milan, FrancoAngeli, 2003.
  • Paolo Scandaletti, Private Galileo , Udine, Gaspari Editore, 2009.
  • Andrea Battistini, Galileo , Bologna, Il Mulino publishing company, 2011.
  • John Lewis Heilbron, Galileo. Scientist and humanist , edited by Stefano Gattei, Turin, Giulio Einaudi Editore, 2013.
  • Alessandro of Angels The best eighteen years of my life (Galileo in Padua) , Rome, Castelvecchi, 2021, ISBN 978-8832903461.
  • Bertolt Brecht, Life of Galileo , edited by Giuseppina Oneto; Translation by Emilio Castellani. Turin, Einaudi, 2014 (German text in front).

On youth writings and intellectual training [ Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Anneliese Maier, The forerunners Galileis in the 14th century , Rome, Editions of History and Literature, 1949.
  • EUGENIO GARIN, Galileo thinker and the culture of his time , Florence, publications of the University of Florence, 1960.
  • Augusto Guzzo, Bruno, Kepler and Galileo , Studies and research of the history of philosophy, N. 38, Turin, editions of “Philosophy”, 1960.
  • Neal Ward Gilbert, “Galileo and the School of Padua”, in Journal of the History of Philosophy , Vol. 1, year 1963, pp. 223-231.
  • Rodolfo Mondolfo, “Galileo’s thought and his relations with antiquity and Renaissance”, in: R. Mondolfo, Figures and ideas of Renaissance philosophy , Florence, La Nuova Italia, 1963.
  • Gustavo Barbensi, Scientific thought in Tuscany. Historical design from the origins to 1859 , Florence, Leo S. Olschki, 1969. ISBN 9788822214713
  • Raymond Fredette, “Galileo’s Movement older” in Physis , Vol. 14, year 1972, pp. 321-348.
  • Mariaura Soppelsa, Genesis of the Galileian method and sunset of Aristotelianism in the school of Padua , Padua, Antenore Editore, 1974.
  • Alistir cameron crumbie, “The source of Galileo’s Early Philoshy”, in: Francesco Luisa Nighemini Bona Boya Phia di), Reason, Experiment, and Mysticism in the Scientific Revolution , Cambridge (UK), Science History Publications, Ltd., 1975, pp. 157-176.
  • Stillman Drake, “The Evolution of De motu (Galileo Gleanings XXIV)”, in Isis , Vol. 67, fasc. 2, year 1976, pp. 239-250.
  • William Augustine Wallace, Galileo’s Early Notebooks: The Physical Questions , Notre Dame (IN), Notre Dame University Press, 1977.
  • Gabriele Baroncini, “The dispute on Galilean Platonism”, in Philosophy magazine , Vol. X, year 1978, pp. 99-118.
  • Luigi Antonio Olivieri, “Galileo Galilei and the Aristotelian tradition”, in Checks Vol. 7, 1978, pp. 147-166.
  • Stillman Drake, Galileo at Work. His Scientific Biography , Chicago (IL), The University of Chicago Press, Inc., 1978 (trad. it.: Galileo. A scientific biography , Bologna, Il Mulino publishing company, 1998).
  • William Augustine Wallace, Prelude to Galileo. Essays on Medieval and Sixteenth-Century Sources of Galileo’s Thought , Dordrecht (NL), D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1981.
  • William F. Edwards, “Paduan Aristotelianism and the Origin of Modern Theories of Method”, in: Luigi Olivieri (a cura di), Veneto Aristotelianism and modern science , 2 vols., Padua, Antenore Edizioni, 1983, vol. 1, pp. 206-220.
  • William A. Wallace, Galileo and his sources. The Heritage of the Collegio Romano in Galileo’s Science , Princeton (NJ), Princeton University Press, 1984.
  • Stillman Drake, “Galileo’s pre-Paduan writings: Years, sources, motivations”, in Studies in History and Philosophy of Science , Vol. 17, year 1986, pp. 429-448.
  • William A. Wallace, “Reinterpreting Galileo on the Basis of His Latin Manuscripts”, in: William Augustine Wallace (Ed.), Reinterpreting Galileo , Washington (D.C.), Catholic University of America Press, 1986, pp. 1-28.
  • Enrico Berti, “The Aristotelian theory of demonstration in the” tractatio “of the same name by Galilei”, in: M. Ciliberto and C. Vasoli (edited by), Philosophy and culture: for Eugenio Garin , Rome: Editori Riuniti, 1991, pp. 327–350.
  • William A. Wallace, Galileo, the Jesuits, and the Medieval Aristotle , London (UK), various Publishing, 1991.
  • Michele Camerota, Galileo Galilei’s writings of Motu antiquirara: the MS Gal. 71, a historical-critical analysis , Cagliari, Cuec Editori, 1992.
  • William A. Wallace. Galileo’s Logical Tratises. A Translation, with Notes and Commentary of His Appropriated Latin Questions on Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics , Dordrecht (NL), D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1992.
  • William A. Wallace, Galileo’s Logic of Discovery and Proof. The Background, Content, and Use of His Appropriated Treatises on Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics , Dordrecht (NL), D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1992.
  • William A. Wallace, “Dialectics, Experiments, and Mathematics in Galileo”, in: Peter Machamer, Marcello Pera, Aristides Baltas (Eds.), Scientific Controversies: Philosophical and Historical Perspectives , New York, Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 100-124.
  • Michele Camerota, Mario Helbing, “Galileo and Pisan Aristotelianism: Galileo’s” Movement older “and the questions about the motion of the Pisan Professors” in Early Science and Medicine, Vol. 5, fasc. 4, year 2000, pp. 319-365.
  • Andrea Battistini, Galileo and the Jesuits: literary myths and rhetoric of science , Milan, Life and Thought, 2000.
  • Jean Dietz Moss, William A. Wallace, Rhetoric and Dialectic in the Time of Galileo , Washington (D.C.), The Catholic University of America Press, 2003.
  • Corrado Dollo, Galileo Galilei and the culture of tradition , edited by Giuseppe Bentivegna, Santo Burgio, Giancarlo Magnano San Lio, Soveria Mannelli (CZ), Rubbettino Editore, 2003.
  • William A. Wallace, Soleto Domingo and Early Galileo. Essays on Intelticulal History , London, Variourum Publishing, 2004.
  • Luigi Guerrini, Galileo and the Aristotelians. Story of a dispute , Rome, Carocci Editore, 2010.
  • Luigi Guerrini, Unfaithful science. The young Galileo and Aristotelianism , Rome, Vecchiarelli Editore, 2011.
  • Mario De Caro, “Galileo and physical-mathematical Platonism”, in: Riccardo Chiaradonna (edited by), Ιl Platonism and the sciences , Rome, Carocci Editore, 2012, pp. 123-142.
  • Ennio de Bellis, “La Prima Riflessione metodologica di Galileo Galilei: La ‘the question and is to comeback,” “in Neo-sculatory philosophy magazine , Vol. 2, year 2016, pp. 465-490.
  • Ennio De Bellis, “The discussion of the Aristotelian theory of the ‘demonstrotio’ in the ms. Gal. 27 by Galileo Galilei”, in Neo-sculatory philosophy magazine , Vol. 3, year 2017, pp. 725-736.

Regarding the two processes [ Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Antonio Favaro, Galileo and the Inquisition. Documents of the Galilean trial , Firenze, G. Barbèra, 1907.
  • Ferdinando Flora, “The Galileo trial”, as an appendix to the reprint of: Vincenzo Viviani, Galileo’s life , Milan, Rizzoli Editore, 1954 (see also the Works by Galileo Galilei , in the edition curated by Ferdinando Flora for the series of “Classici Ricciardi”, Milan-Napoli, Riccardo Ricciardi Editore, 1953-55, reprinted by the Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia, Rome, 2004).
  • Giorgio De Santillana, Trial in Galilei , Milan, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1960 (trad. It. Of The crime of Galileo , Chicago (IL), The University of Chicago Press, Inc., 1955).
  • Mario Viganò, “the failure to dialogue between Galileo and the theologians”, in Catholic civilization , Vol. 120, year 1969, pp. 255-56.
  • Mario Viganò, “trial in Galileo? Tools for an evaluation of science and contemporary technique”, in Catholic civilization , Vol. 127, year 1976, pp. 348-357.
  • Tullio holds up, Chronicles of the Universe. Modern physics and cosmology , Turin, Editore Boringhieri, 1981, pp. 147-149.
  • Enrico Berti, “Philosophical implications of Galilei’s condemnation”, in Journal of Metaphysics Vol. 5, 1983, pp. 239-261.
  • Mario D’Addio, “Considerations on the processes in Galileo”, in Church history magazine in Italy Vol. 8, in 1983, pp. 1-52; Vol. 9, 1984, pp. 47-114.
  • Vincenzo Cappelletti, “trial in Galilei”, in The Veltro , Vol. 27, fasc. 5-6, year 1983, pp. 633-638.
  • Pietro Redondi, Galileo heretic , Turin, Giulio Einaudi Editore, 1983 (reprinted by publishers Laterza, Bari, 2009).
  • Mario Viganò, “The documents of the Galilei trial”, in Catholic civilization Vol. 4, 1984, pp. 357-365.
  • Sergio Pagano, The documents of the Galileo Galilei process , Vatican City, Vatican Archive, 1984.
  • Walter Brandmüller, Egon Johannes Greipl (a cura di), Copernico, Galilei and the Church. End of the dispute (1820). The acts of the Holy Office , Florence, Leo S. Olschki publishing house, 1992. ISBN 978882223976
  • Walter Brandmüller, Galilei and the Church, or the right to err , Vatican City, Vatican Publishing Library, 1992.
  • Paolo Simoncelli, History of a censorship. “Vita di Galileo” and Vatican Council II , Milan, FrancoAngeli, 1992.
  • Giovanni Santiello (Popular of), Galileo and the Paduan culture. Study conference promoted by the Patavina Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts in the context of the Galilean celebrations of the University of Padua , Padua, 13-15 February 1992, Padua, Cedam, 1992.
  • Annibale Fantoli, Galileo: for Copernicanism and for the Church , Vatican city, Vatican publishing bookcase, 1993 (second revised edition, 1997; third edition, 2010).
  • Veneto Institute of Sciences, Letters and Arts (edited by), Galileo Galilei and Venetian culture. Proceedings of the study conference promoted in the context of the Galilean celebrations organized by the University of Padua (1592-1992) , Venice, 18-20 June 1992, Venice, Veneto Institute of Sciences, Letters and Arts, 1995.
  • Massimo Bucciantini, Against Galileo. At the origins of the “affair” , Florence, Leo S. Olschki publishing house, 1995. ISBN 9788822243287
  • Annibale Fantoli, The Galileo case , Milan, Rizzoli, 2003.
  • Sergio Pagano, The documents of the Galileo Galilei trial (1611-1741) , new increased edition, magazine and annotated, Vatican City, Vatican Archive, 2009.
  • Annibale Fantoli, Galileo and the Church: a controversy still open , Rome, Carocci Editore, 2010.
  • Vittorio Frajese, “About False. Returning to the trial in Galileo”, in Dimensions and problems of historical research , Vol. 1, year 2010, pp. 123-148.
  • Giovanni Maria Cerceris, Copernicus, the fate of the De Revoluionibus after the condemnation of the church and the role of Galileo . are . URL consulted on August 12, 2014 .

Monographs, miscellaneous, chapters and articles on thought [ Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Vito Fazio AllMayer, Galileo Galilei , Florence, Remo Sandron publishing house, 1912 (reprinted by G.C. Sansoni, Florence, 1975).
  • Umberto Forti, Historical introduction to reading the dialogue on the highest systems of Galileo Galilei , Bologna, Nicola Zanichelli Editore, 1931.
  • Gino Loria, Galileo Galilei , Milan, Ulrico Hoepli Editore, 1938 (reprinted by Cisalpino Goliardica, Milan, 1977).
  • Francesco Severi, “Galileo and the experimental method”, in Science and Technique [Publication of the Italian Society for the progress of Sciences (Sips), Rome], vol. 3, fasc. 9-10, year 1939, pp. 597-614.
  • Giovanni Polvani, “Galileo and the experimental method”, in Critical newspaper of Italian philosophy , Vol. 10, year 1942, pp. 265-279.
  • Agostino Gemelli (edited by), In the third centenary of Galileo Galilei’s death , Milan, Publications of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Serie V: Historical Sciences, N. 20, Life and Thought, 1942-43.
  • Sofia Vanni Rovighi, Galileo , Brescia, editor la school, 1943.
  • Antonio Banfi, Galileo Galilei , Milan, Ambrosiana publishing house, 1949 (reprinted by Il Saggiatore, Milan, 1961).
  • Ludovico Geymonat, Galileo Galilei , Turin, Giulio Einaudi Editore, 1957 (3rd ed., 1981).
  • Stillman Drake, Discoveries and Opinions of Galileo. Including The Starry Messenger (1610), Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina (1615), and Excerpts from Letters on Sunspots (1613), The Assayer (1623) , New York (NY), Anchor Books (Doubleday & Co.), 1957.
  • Ginestra Amaldi, Galileo Galilei , Turin, Eri -i editions, 1964.
  • Beniamino Segre, “Life and personality of Galileo Galilei”, in Archimedes, vol. VI, year 1964, pp. 298-311.
  • Eugenio Garin, Paolo Rossi Monti, Bruno/Galilei , “Giano” collection-The double pockets, Rome-Milan, CEI-Mompagnia International Editions, 1966.
  • Alexandre Koyré, Galilean studies , Paris, Editions Hermann, 1966 (trad. It.: Galileian studies , Turin, Giulio Einaudi Editore, 1976).
  • Paolo Rossi Monti (edited by), Galileo Galilei’s thought: an anthology from the writings , Turin, Loescher Editore, 1968 (with subsequent editions).
  • Alberto Pasquinelli, Galilean readings , Bologna, Il Mulino publishing company, 1968.
  • Maurice Clavelin, Galileo’s natural philosophy , Paris, Éditions Albin Michel, 1968 (second edition with a new preface, 1996).
  • Robert Lenable, “The origins of modern scientific thought”, in: Maurice Daumas (edited by), History of science, from origins to our days , 2 vols., With preface by Paolo Casini, Rome-Bari, Editori Laterza, 1969, vol. 1, pp. 291-409.
  • Evandro Agazzi, Themes and problems of philosophy of physics , Milan, C. Manfredi Editore, 1969.
  • Laura Fermi, Gilberto Bernardini, What Galileo really said , Rome, Ubaldini Editore, 1969.
  • Giuseppe Ottone, “Galilean postilia and considerations”, in Age (Life and thought), vol. 46, fasc. 3-4, year 1972, pp. 313-324.
  • Alberto Asor Rosa, Galilei and the new science , Rome-Bari, G. Laterza & Figli, 1974.
  • Winifred Lovell Wisan, “Galileo’s Scientific Method. A Re-examination”, in: Robert E. Butts, Joseph C. Pitt. (Eds.), New Perspectives on Galileo , Dordrecht (NL), D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1975, pp. 1-57.
  • Ernst Mach, Mechanics in its historical-critical development , Turin, publisher Boringhieri, 1977.
  • Paolo Galluzzi, Moment. Galileian studies , Florence, Leo S. Olschki publishing house, 1979.
  • Enrico Bellone, Galileo’s dream. Objects and images of reason , Bologna, Il Mulino publishing company, 1980.
  • Maurice A. Finocchiaro, Galileo and the Art of Reasoning.Rhetorical Foundations of Logic and Scientific Method , Dordrecht (NL), D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1980.
  • Alistair Cameron Crombie, From S. Agostino to Galileo. History of science from the 5th to the 17th century , Milan, Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore, 1982.
  • Annelies Machie, Steven D. SaGGENT, On the Threshold of Exact Science. Selected Writings of Anneliese Maier on Late Medieval Natural Philosophy , Philadelphia (PA), The University of Pennsylvania Press, 1982.
  • Adriano Carugo, Alistair C. Crombie, “The Jesuits and Galileo’s Ideas of Science and of Nature”, in Annals of the Institute and Museum of History of Science of Florence , Vol. 8, year 1983, pp. 3-68.
  • Emilio Segrè, Characters and discoveries in classic physics , Library of the East, Milan, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1983.
  • Paul Poupard (the care of), Galileo Galilei: 350 years of history (1633-1983). Studies and research , Rome, Edizioni Piemme, 1984.
  • Winifred Lovell Wisan, “Galileo and the Process of Scientific Creation”, in Isis , Vol. 75, year 1984, pp. 269-286.
  • Ludovico Geymonat, Features of philosophy of science , Library of the East, Milan, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1985.
  • Francesco barone, Philosophical images of science , Rome-Bari, G. Laterza & Figli, 1985.
  • Ernst Cassirer, “The Idea and the Problem of Truth in Galileo”, in Man and World , Vol. 18, year 1985, pp. 353-372.
  • Enrico Bellone, Chaos and harmony. History of modern and contemporary physics , Turin, Utet Libreria, 1990. ISBN 8877500611
  • Morris Kline, History of mathematical thought , 2 vols., Italian edition by Alberto Conte, Turin, Giulio Einaudi Editore, 1991, vol. I.
  • Stillman Drake, Galileo Galilei, pioneer of science. Galileo’s modern physics , Padua, Franco Mugio Editore, 1992 (2nd ed., 2009).
  • Enrico Bellone, Paolo Budinich, Umberto Curi, Galileo Galilei: process of prejudice , Trieste, Editorial Scienza, 1992.
  • Fabio Minazzi, Galileo “Surveyor philosopher”, Milan, Rusconi, 1994.
  • Massimilla Baldo Ceolin, Paolo Bozzi (edited by), Galileo and experimental science , Padua, Publications of the University of Padua, 1995.
  • Peter Machammer (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Galileo , Cambridge (UK), Cambridge University Press, 1998. ISBN 9781139000598
  • José Montesinos and Carlos Solís Santos (coord.), Large field to philosophize , collect the contents presented to Eurosymposium Galileo 2001 , Cruz de Tenerife, Spain, 2001 (PP. 938). ISBN 84-607-3613-x
  • Maurice Clavelin, Galileo Copernianician , Paris, Éditions Albin Michel, 2004.
  • Mario Quaranta (edited by), Lessons on Galileo: the science and fate of the West. Writings by Ludovico Geymonat , Manduria (TA), Barbieri Editore, 2004.
  • Mario Gliozzi, History of physics , edited by Alessandra and Ferdinando Gliozzi, Turin, Bollati Boringhieri Editore, 2005.
  • Enrico Giannetto, Essays of stories of scientific thought , Bergamo, Bergamo University Press/Edizioni Sestante, 2005. ISBN 9788887445701
  • Maurice A. Finocchiaro, Retrying Galileo, 1633–1992 , Berkeley (CA), The University of California Press, 2005.
  • Enrico Bellone, Galileo, Kepler and the birth of the scientific method , Rome, Espresso editorial group, 2012.
  • Alessandro of Angels Galileo Galilei’s speeches and mathematical demonstrations for the modern reader , Turin, Code, 2021, ISBN 978-8875789305. ( IN ) Alessandro of Angels Galileo Galilei’s Two New Sciences for Modern Readers , Heidelberg, Springer Nature, 2021, ISBN 978-3030719524. With preface by Ugo Amaldi and Telmo Pievani.
  • John Lewis Heilbron, Galileo , edited by Stefano Gattei, Turin, Einaudi, 2013, ISBN 9788806210977.
  • Michele Camerota (edited by), Galileo Galilei. Anthology of texts , Rome, Carocci Editore, 2017, ISBN 9788843085675.
  • Luciano Canova, Galileo Reloaded. The scientific method in the era of post-truth , Milan, Egea Edizioni (Bocconi University), 2018, ISBN 9788823836341.

On special issues and other related topics [ Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Nuncio vaccalluzzo, Galileo, writer and poet , Catania, tip. N. Giannotta, 1896.
  • Isidoro del Lungo, Antonio Favaro, Galileo Galilei’s prose , Florence, G.C. Sansoni, 1911.
  • Nunzio Vaccalluzzo, Enrico Boggio Lera, Galileo Galilei, life and works for the critically arranged essays of his letters and scientific works , Milan, Vallardi, 1912.
  • Giovanni Gentile, Galileo Galilei. Fragments and letters , Livorno, R. Giusti Editore, 1917.
  • Antonio Favaro, Galileo Galilei and Sister Maria Celeste , Florence, Giunti-Barbèra, 1935.
  • Mario Gliozzi, Galileo Galilei. Anthology of major works , Naples, L. Loffredo Editore, 1938.
  • Rita Brunetti, Attilio Palatini, Luigi Gabba, Mariano Maresca, Luigi Fasso (edited by), In the III centenary from the death of Galileo Galilei , Bologna/Pavia, Publications of the R. University of Pavia, Editrice Composatori, 1942.
  • Vasco Ronchi, Galileo’s telescope and seventeenth -century science , Turin, Paolo Boringhieri Editore, 1959 (2nd ed., 1964).
  • Ferdinando Flora, Maria Luisa Altieri Biagi, Bruno Basile (edited by), Galileo and scientists of the seventeenth century , 2 vols., Milan-Napoli, Riccardo Ricciardi Editore, 1954 (I), 1980 (II) (the volume reprinted by the Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia, Rome, 2004).
  • Giovanni Ponte, “Galilean Postille to Orlando Furioso”, in Review of culture and school life , Vol. X, fasc. 7-8, July-August 1956, and fasc. 9, September 1956.
  • Umberto Forti, Wonderful mechanics: from Galileo’s pendulum to orbital spaceship , Turin, six, 1961.
  • Guido Morpurgo-Tagliabue, Galileo’s processes and epistemology , Milan, Community editions, 1963.
  • Maria Luisa Altieri Biagi, Galileo and technical-scientific terminology , Florence, Leo S. Olschki Editore, 1965.
  • Aa.VV., Galileo Galilei. Celebrations of the IV centenary of the birth , National Accademia dei Lincei, Rome, G. Bardi Edizioni, 1965 (reprint, 2017).
  • Paolo Rossi Monti, Aspects of the scientific revolution , Naples, A. Morano, 1971.
  • Paolo Rossi Monti, The scientific revolution: from Copernico to Newton , Turin, Loescher, 1973.
  • Stillman Drake, “Galileo’s Discovery of the Law of Free Fall”, in Scientific American , Vol. 228, fasc. 5, year 1973, pp. 84–92.
  • Alfred Rupert Hall, Da Galileo a Newton , Milan, G. Feltrinelli Editore, 1973.
  • Tibor Wlassics, Galileo Literary critic , Ravenna, Angelo Longo Editore, 1974.
  • Mario Gabriele Giordano, “Galileo writer”, in Reasons for the defense of culture , Vol. 12, year 1975, pp. 637–651, reprinted in: Mario Gabriele Giordano, The fantastic and the real. Pages of literary criticism from Dante to the twentieth century , Naples, Italian scientific editions, 1997, pp. 83–102.
  • Maria Antonietta Bondanese, “Galilei in Husserl’s work, Banfi, del Volpe”, in Critical newspaper of Italian philosophy , Vol. 55, year 1976, pp. 416-455.
  • Nicholas Jardine, “Galileo’s road to truth and the demonstrative regress”, in Studies in History and Philosophy of Science , Vol. 7, year 1976, pp. 277-318.
  • Enrico Bellone, The laws of Hume Movement to Laplace , Turin, Loescher Editore, 1979.
  • Paolo Galluzzi (edited by), Celestial news and crisis of knowledge. Proceedings of the International Conference of Galileian Studies, Florence, March 1983 , Florence, publications of the Institute and Museum of History of Science, 1984.
  • Umberto Barcaro, Carlo Maccagni, Physics in Pisa 1202-1938. A Survey , Translation by C.V. Pennison, Pisa, Ets Editrice, 1987 (Reptamo, 2007).
  • Paolo Rossi Monti, The science and philosophy of modern: aspects of the scientific revolution , Turin, Bollati Boringhieri Editore, 1989.
  • Enrico Bellone, Chaos and harmony. History of modern and contemporary physics , Turin, Utet Libreria, 1990. ISBN 8877500611 (with subsequent editions).
  • Paolo Casini, Valerio Verra, Sandro Petruccioli (edited by), Galilean lessons , 4 vols., Rome, Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia, 1991-94.
  • Lloyd Motz, Jefferson H. Weaver, The history of physics , Italian edition by Giorgio Dragoni, Bologna, Cappelli Editore, 1991.
  • Leonida Rinino, Galilean gleanings , Padova, CLEUP, 1995.
  • Paolo Rossi Monti, The birth of modern science in Europe , Rome-Bari, Editori Laterza, 1997.
  • Fausto Calderazzo, Lorenzo Calabi (edited by), Galilean lessons. 400 years after Galileo: the topicality of the basic sciences in Pisa , Pisa, Franco Pacini Editore, 2000.
  • Chrysa Damianaki, Galileo and the figurative arts , Rome, Vecchiarelli Editore, 2000. ISBN 88-8247-047-4
  • Giancarlo Nonnoi, Galileian essays: atoms, images and ideology , Cagliari, Am & D Edizioni, 2000. ISBN 88-86799-48-9.
  • Enrico Bellone, The new star. The evolution and the Galilei case , Turin, Giulio Einaudi Editore, 2003. ISBN 8806164694
  • Marco Piccolino, Zufolo and the cicada. Galilean digressions between science and its history , Turin, Bollati Boringhieri Editore, 2005.
  • Enrico Bellone, Science denied. The Italian case , Turin, Code Edizioni, 2005. ISBN 8875780234.
  • Andrea Albini, Horoscopes and telescope. Galileo, astrologers and new science , Roma, avverbi, 2008. ISBN
  • Renzo Baldini, Galileo’s astrology , Florence, Pagnini, 2009. ISBN 9788882513306
  • Enrico Bellone, Galilei and the abyss. A story , Turin, Code Edizioni, 2009. ISBN 9788875781347
  • Massimo Bucciantini, Michele Camerota, Franco Giudice (edited by), The Galileo case: a historical, philosophical, theological rereading , Florence, Leo S. Olschki Editore, 2011.
  • Veronica Ricotta, Claudia Tarallo (edited by), Galilean perspectives: updates and developments of studies on Galileo , Pisa, Franco Pacini Editore, 2015.
  • Antonino La Russa, Galilean studies and research , Verona, Quiedit editions, 2015.
  • Institute and Museum of History of Science of Florence, Galilei’s compass ( PDF ), are .

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