Wolframalpha — Wikipedia


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Wolfram|Alpha (also written WolframAlpha When Wolfram and Alpha are in two distinct colors) is a natural language calculation tool developed by the international company Wolfram Research. It is an internet service that directly answers the entry of factual questions in English by calculating the answer from a database, instead of providing a list of documents or web pages that can contain the answer. Its launch was announced in by the British physicist and mathematician Stephen Wolfram and he was launched the at 3 a.m.


Wolfram | Alpha contains about 10 billion information, more than 50,000 types of algorithms and models, and linguistic capacities for more than 1,000 areas [ 3 ] .

Users enter a question or a request for calculation. The service calculates the corresponding responses and visualizations from a knowledge base.

Thanks to the use of the Mathematica tool, Wolfram | Alpha is able to answer mathematical questions. The answer is generally presented in a formable form by a human being.

  • Example : lim(x→0) x/sin x​ provides the expected answer, 1, as well as a way of obtaining it using the hospital rule.

Wolfram | Alpha is also able to answer factual questions asked in natural English, such as Where was Ségolène Royal born? » (“Where was Ségolène Royal born?”), Or more complex questions such as How old was Nicolas Sarkozy in 1981? » (“How old was Nicolas Sarkozy in 1981?”). Wolfram | Alpha displays his interpretation of the question seized (” Input interpretation ) Using standardized sentences, for example “Ségolène Royal | Place of Birth “or” age | of Nicolas Sarkozy (Politician) | in 1981 ”. (The answer concerning Ségolène Royal includes a variety of contextual information on Dakar in Senegal, its geographic location, as well as links to the biography of Ségolène Royal on Wikipedia.)

Wolfram | Alpha can also calculate data by overlapping several sources:

  • Example : ” What is the fifty-second smallest country by GDP per capita? “(” What is the fifty-second smallest country according to GDP per capita? “) Provides as a result in Djibouti, $1814 per year per person (“DJibuti, 1 814 $ per year per person ”).

The data was gradually collected and standardized by the Wolfram | Alpha team. In 2009, the database covered hundreds of areas, such as the weather data present and passed [ 4 ] .

Wolfram | Alpha Analysis of data from a wide variety of disciplines, including mathematics, statistics, data analysis, physics, chemistry, material science, engineering, astronomy, life and earth sciences (geology), new technologies, Dates and hours, places and geography, socioeconomic data, meteorology, health and medicine, food and nutrition, linguistics, culture, media, personalities, history, education, various organizations, games and sports, music, colors, etc.

Wolfram Alpha is used to improve the results of Bing and DuckduckGo search engines. It is also used by Siri and Iris.

The , Wolfram Alpha Pro has come out, and offers several other options.

In 2013, this service was used in a particular way, to allow Internet users to calculate the date of their death [ 5 ] .

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