Wolf’s heart-Wikipedia


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Wolf’s heart is the 6 It is Episode of season 4 of the television series Buffy against vampires .

While Spike observes Buffy, he is captured by men in paramilitary clothes. While the full moon is approaching, Oz begins to feel a strong attraction towards Veruca, which he meets more and more frequently, to the great concern of Willow. At night, Oz manages to escape from his cage and hunts Professor Walsh before crossing the path of another wolf and fighting with him. In the morning, Oz wakes up alongside Veruca and both are covered with scratches. Oz locks Veruca with him the following night so that they cannot hurt anyone. When Willow comes to release him in the morning, she found them both and, upset, understands that they made love.

The third full moon evening, while Willow is preparing a spell to take revenge, Veruca will find it with the intention of killing it. Oz intervenes in time to save Willow. Oz and Veruca are fighting in their wolf forms and Oz ends up killing Veruca. While he turns against Willow, Buffy, who was delayed by a brief fight with men in paramilitary clothes, arrives and puts him sleeping with a tranquilizing rifle. The next day, Oz announced to Willow his intention to leave Sunnydale and not to come back until he has found how to master his werewolf nature.

Originally, Joss Whedon had planned that the love triangle constituted by Oz, Willow and Veruca would interact for a large part of season 4 but the decision taken by Seth Green to leave the series to devote himself to the cinema forced him to Review your plans and put an end to the romantic relationship between Willow and Oz on the occasion of this episode [ first ] . Marti Noxon, the scriptwriter of the episode, explains that she would also have liked to realize it because she was particularly invested in her writing because of the themes he tackles [ 2 ] .

External references [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The original title of the episode ( Wild at Heart ) is the same as that of a 1990 film by David Lynch, whose title in French is Sailor and Lula .


This is the last episode in which Oz appears as a regular character. The character made at the end of the season two appearances as a guest in the episodes A full moon love And Nightmare But he leaves the credits of the series after this episode.

Noel Murray, from The A.V. Club site, believes that the episode “Suffers from having been conditioned by external problems” (the announcement of the departure of Seth Green of the series) and does not find Paige Moss convincing in his role but nevertheless recognizes that he was “Moved by the theme of the episode: the idea that sexual desire is difficult to control, both in ourselves and in the hearts of the people we love” [ 3 ] . The editors of the BBC salute the interpretation of Seth Green and especially of Alyson Hannigan and appreciated that this “Complex moral dilemma” be treated in a balanced way [ 4 ] . Mikelangelo Marinaro, du Site Critically Touched , gives him the note of A-, considering that the episode is a success given the circumstances and that it is a “Moving hike that explores and develops the nature of Oz werewolf” , which is offered a departure not perfect but sufficiently up [ 5 ] .

For Marti Noxon, screenwriter of the episode, he deals with the repressed that, which, when expressed, takes monstrous forms. The werewolf is here the metaphor of this creature which is lurking at the bottom of each human being. Veruca gives in to this aspect of its nature and only obeys its desires when Oz represents the civilized man who keeps this under control [ 6 ] .

Actors and actresses credited in the credits [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Actors and actresses credited at the start of the episode [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. (in) Laura Miller, Interview de Joss Whedon» , on salon.com (consulted the )
  2. (in) Marti Noxon Online Chat » , on BBC (consulted the )
  3. (in) Noel Murray, Wild at Heart» , on A.V. Club (consulted the )
  4. (in) Wild at Heart– Review » , on BBC (consulted the )
  5. (in) Mikelangelo Marinaro, Wild at Heart» , on CriticalTouched.com (consulted the )
  6. Integral of season 4, disc 6, documentary throughout the season
