World Heritage List in Japan – Wikipedia


Site Prefecture Type Date Surface (ha) Lien Notes Contact details Illus. Kofun set of Mozu-Furuichi: funeral mounds of former Japan Osaka Cultural
(iii), (Iv) 2019 166.66 1593 45 sites 34 ° 33 ′ 44 ″ North, 135 ° 36 ′ 34 ″ is Mozu Kofun Group Osaka prefecture Wikivoyage banner.jpg Tomioka silk spinning and associated sites Gunma Cultural
(iV), (iv) 2014 7.2 1449 36 ° 15 ′ 18 ″ North, 138 ° 53 ′ 17 ″ is 富岡製糸場・繰糸場.jpg Fujisan, sacred place and source of artistic inspiration Préfectures de Shizuoka et yamanashi Cultural, (3) (6) two thousand and thirteen 20 638 1418 35 ° 21 ′ 39 ″ North, 138 ° 43 ′ 39 ″ is Lake Motosu04.jpg Himeji-Jo Hy-go Cultural, (i), (iv) 1993 107 661 34 ° 49 ′ 59 ″ North, 134 ° 42 ′ 00 ″ is Château de Himeji01.jpg Hiraizumi – Temples, gardens and archaeological sites representing the pure Buddhist earth Iwate Cultural, (ii), (Vi) 2011 176 1277 Chūson-ji, mōtsū-ji, kanjizaiōin, muryōkōin, kinkeizan 39 ° 00 ′ 04 ″ North, 141 ° 06 ′ 29 ″ is Mōtsū-ji.JPG Sacred island of orangeoshima and associated sites of the Munakata region Fouoka Cultural
(II), (III) 2017 98.93 1535 8 SITES: Okinoshima • koyajima • mikadobashira • tenguiwa • tenguiwa • Okitsu-mail yohaisho • nakatsu-maila • hetsu-mail • groupe de tumuli de SHIMB aru-nuyama 34 ° 14 ′ 38 ″ North, 130 ° 06 ′ 22 ″ is Munakata taisya honden.JPG The architectural work of Le Corbusier, an exceptional contribution to the modern movement Tokyo Cultural
(ii) (vi) 2016 98,4838 1321 Transfrontal site with Germany, Argentina, Belgium, France, India and Switzerland
1 site in Japan : National Museum of Western Art. 35 ° 42 ′ 56 ″ North, 139 ° 46 ′ 33 ″ is National museum of western art05s3200.jpg Mémorial de la paix d’Hiroshima (Dôme de Genbaku) Hiroshima Cultural, (we) 1996 0.4 775 34 ° 22 ′ 59 ″ North, 132 ° 27 ′ 00 ″ is HiroshimaGembakuDome6747.jpg Mine d’Argent de Iwami Ginzan et Son PaySage Culturel Shimane Cultural, (2) (3) (5) 2007 529 1246 Yunotsu, Iwami Ginzan Kaidō yunotsu-Okidomaridō, Site de Daikansho, Okidomari, Ginzan Sakunouchi, Site de Yataki-jō, ōmori Ginzan E, Iwami Ginzan Kaidō Tomogauradō, Site de Yahazu-Jō, Site de Iwami-jō, résideNce kumagaika, rakan-ji gohyakurakan, tomogaura 35 ° 06 ′ 47 ″ North, 132 ° 26 ′ 06 ″ is 180504 Omori of Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine Oda Shimane pref Japan01bs4.jpg Buddhist monuments in the Horyu-ji region Nara Cultural, (i), (ii), (iv), (vi) 1993 15 660 Hōryū-ji, hokki-ji 34 ° 37 ′ 01 ″ North, 135 ° 43 ′ 59 ″ is Horyu-ji11s3200.jpg Historical monuments of the former Kyoto (cities of Kyoto, Uji and Otsu) Kyoto, shiga Cultural, (iV), (iv) 1994 1 056 688 Kamigamo jinja, kamo-jinja, tō-ji, kiyomizu-dera, daigo-ji, ninna-ji, ninna-dō -inja, ujigami-jinja, kōzan-ji, saihō-ji, Tenryū-ji. , KINKAKU-JI , Ginkaku-ji, ryōan-ji, niShi-hongan-ji, nijō-jō 34 ° 58 ′ 52 ″ North, 135 ° 46 ′ 08 ″ is Kiyomizu.jpg Historical monuments of the old Nara Nara Cultural, (II), (III), (Iv), (Vi) 1998 617 870 Tōdai-ji, kōfuku-ji, kasuga-taisha, gangō-ji, yakushi-ji, tōshdai-ji, palais heijō, kasuga-taisha 34 ° 40 ′ 34 ″ North, 135 ° 50 ′ 20 ″ is Kofukuji0411.jpg SANCTUAIRE SHINTO D’TSUKUSHIMA Hiroshima Cultural, (i), (ii), (iv), (vi) 1996 431 776 34 ° 17 ′ 38 ″ North, 132 ° 19 ′ 30 ″ is Itsukushima torii distance.jpg Nikko TOCHIGI Cultural, (i), (iv), (we) 1999 51 913 Futarasan-Jija, Rinnō-wake, nikkō tōshō tōsh- gū 36 ° 44 ′ 53 ″ North, 139 ° 36 ′ 40 ″ is Taiyuin nitenmon gate.jpg Hidden Christian sites of the Nagasaki region Nagasaki Cultural, (iii) 2018 5 566.55 1495 12 sites : vestiges of the castle of Hara, village of Kasuga and Mont Yasumandake, island of Nakaenoshima, village of Sakitsu in Amakusa, village of Shitsu in Sotome, Village Ono in Sotome, villages on the island of Kuroshima, remains of the island of the island de Nozaki, villages on the island of Kashiragashima, villages on the island of Hisaka, Egami village on the island of Naru, cathedral of ōura 32 ° 44 ′ 42 ″ North, 129 ° 52 ′ 26 ″ is Kuroshima church.jpg Sites of the Meiji Industrial Revolution in Japan: steel industry, shipbuilding and coal extraction Cultural, (iV), (iv) 2015 307 1484 23 sites : 34 ° 25 ′ 50 ″ North, 131 ° 24 ′ 44 ″ is Battle-Ship Island Nagasaki Japan.jpg Gusuku sites and associated property of the Kingdom of Ryukyu Okinawa Cultural, (ii), (III), (vi) 2000 55 972 Tamaudun, Sonohyan-Utaki Ishimon, Château de Nakijin, Château de Zakimi, Château de Katsuren, Château de Katsuren, Château de Katsuren, Château de Katsuren, Château de Nakagusuku, Château de Katsuren, Shiri, Shikina-en, Seifa-Utaki 26 ° 12 ′ 32 ″ North, 127 ° 40 ′ 59 ″ is Naha Shuri Castle16s5s3200.jpg Jomon prehistoric sites in northern Japan (in) Akita, Aomori, Hokkaidō, iwate Cultural
(3) (5) 2021 141.9 1632 Includes 17 archaeological sites: Odai Yamamoto site, Kakinoshima site (in) , Site de Kitakogane, Site de Tagoyano (in) , Kamegaoka funeral site (in) , Site de Futatsumori (in) , Site of Maruyama, Site d’nfune (in) , Site de Goshono (in) , IRIE site, Takasago funeral site, Komakino stones circles (in) , ISEDOTAI stone circles (in) , Pierres D’Oyu Cercles, Funéraires de Kiusu, Pierres de Pierres D’Osori Katsuyama (in) , Site de Korekawa (in) 41 ° 03 ′ 56 ″ North, 140 ° 33 ′ 07.98 ″ is Oyu-kanjyouretuseki.JPG Sacred sites and pilgrimage paths in the KII mountains Wakayama, nara, mie Cultural, (II), (III), (Iv), (Vi) 2004 495 1142 Seiganto-ji, kumano hayatama-taisha, kongōbu-ji, niukanshōfu-jinja, kumano hong-taisha, niutsuhime-jinja, mont yoshino, kōyasan, kōyasan Chōishi- Michi, jison-in, yoshino mikumari-jinja, Kinbu jinja, Kinpusen-ji, yoshimizu-jinja, kumano nachi-taisha, cascade de nachi, for primaire de nashi, Fudarakusan-ji, kumano kodō. 33 ° 50 ′ 13 ″ North, 135 ° 46 ′ 34 ″ is Kongobuji Koyasan07n3200.jpg Villages Historique de Shirakawa-Go et gokayama GIFU, toyama Cultural, (IV), (V) 1995 68 734 Shirakawa, gokayama 36 ° 24 ′ 00 ″ North, 136 ° 52 ′ 59 ″ is Ogi Shirakawa-gō, Gifu, Japan.jpg Amami-oshima island, Tokunoshima Island, northern part of the island of Okinawa and IRIOMOTE Island Kagoshima, okinawa Natural
(x) 2021 42 698 1574 28 ° 16 ′ 45 ″ North, 129 ° 22 ′ 42 ″ is Mt.Komidake.jpg Î Les d’Ogasawara Tokyo Natural, (ix) 2011 7 939 1362 Îlle chi, île haha, uh, ji, it-jima 27 ° 43 ′ 05 ″ North, 142 ° 06 ′ 00 ″ is Minamijima, Ogasawara, Tokyo.jpg Shirakami-SANCHI Aomori, akita Natural, (ix) 1993 16 971 663 Fagus Cornata forest, mountains 40 ° 28 ′ North, 140 ° 08 ′ is Sirakami santi.JPG Shiretoko Hokkaidō Natural, (ix), (x) 2005 71 100 1193 Peninsula and Marine Zone 43 ° 56 ′ 56 ″ North, 144 ° 57 ′ 58 ″ is 140829 Ichiko of Shiretoko Goko Lakes Hokkaido Japan01s5.jpg Yakushima Kagoshima Natural, (vii), (ix) 1993 10 747 662 Ancient hot temperate forest 30 ° 19 ′ 59 ″ North, 130 ° 31 ′ 59 ″ is Shiratani Unsui Gorge 17.jpg